IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-10-28

dcammueGood morning svaye 11:51
svayeGood morning dcammue 11:51
dcammuehow are you11:52
svayeI am good11:52
svayeJeff is gonna be online by 12 right11:52
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jelknerGood morning!13:33
JulianMoGood Morning13:33
jelknerJulianMo, do you know when Kei will arrive?13:33
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:33
jelknershould i call her?13:33
JulianMo!add Summaries13:33
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Summaries" has been added to the agenda.13:33
JulianMoShe said she cannot join today13:33
jelknerso you are chair?13:34
JulianMoShe is at the hospital with her uncle13:34
jelknergot you13:34
jelknerso you will chair, JulianMo?13:34
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JulianMo!add Secosol Category13:34
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Secosol Category" has been added to the agenda.13:34
JulianMo!add AHS13:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "AHS" has been added to the agenda.13:35
JulianMoSure I could chair13:36
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jelknerGreat, JulianMo! Should be one of the two of you each week.13:37
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jelknerfkoikoi_, is scooper around?13:39
jelknerscooper, ledmer, how are things coming with setting up the RCCS server?13:39
scooperGood morning ledmer13:39
jelkneri talked with mattva01 after the meeting thursday13:40
jelknerhe fixed dns13:40
scooperledmer told me he and mat g was working on it13:40
jelknerso next step is getting django deployed13:40
jelknerledmer, what help do you need with that?13:40
scooperafter that he will show me or teach me how to solve issue like that next time13:41
scooperAfter for the project 13:41
scooperledmer and myself had split the work13:41
jelknerbut scooper, you should "ride shotgun" as we say, while they do this13:41
jelknerso that you learn from watching13:42
jelknermy experience is that is the best way13:42
jelknerthey will do it13:42
scooperI was online but either you nor mat g response to me this gone thursday13:42
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scooperonly leder did13:42
jelkneri can't scooper 13:42
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jelkneri deal with writing checks and paying bills13:43
scooperI know13:43
jelknerso ledmer will be your point of contact for this13:43
jelkneron thursdays i focus on the business side of things, scooper.13:44
scooperbut the meeting was all about me meeting mat g to show me and ledmer how to solve this kind of issue13:44
scoopergot you13:44
jelkneri understand13:44
jelknermy job was to get mattva01 there13:44
jelkneri did that13:44
scooperI m hoping to learn from ledmer today13:44
jelknerledmer, are you here?13:44
scooperAnd I was also present online that day, which happens to be thursday13:45
scooperOk since ledmer is my partner and we are working on this project together I will learn from him how to solve this kind of problem13:47
scooperledmer are you listening???13:47
scooperLuis are you still there???13:48
jelknerscooper, i think he stepped away13:48
jelkneri bet he'll be back at the start of the meeting13:48
jelknerscooper, are you connected with him by Signal or Telegram?13:48
jelknermight be a good idea to do that13:48
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:48
scooperWhatapp only13:49
jelknerthat works13:49
jelknerjust not for me ;-)13:49
jelknerit's evil, but it works ;-)13:49
scooperI understand but whatapp is mostly use by many forks in liberia13:50
jelkneryes, scooper, i know13:50
jelkneri'm hoping to do my small part to change that13:50
jelknersince if Liberia ever wants to become powerful13:50
scooperAny nevertheless I will ask him if we can connect on Signal or Telegram too13:50
jelknerit can't do it by letting Facebook control you13:51
scooperHello Luis13:52
ledmerI can do it13:52
ledmeri was just having problems finding the terminal and login13:52
scooperWhat you promise to show me thursday???13:52
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jelknerledmer, scooper, can you stay a few minutes after the meeting so we can talk about this?13:58
scoopersure Jeff13:59
LittleWebsterAntonioAbela : scooper : fkoikoi_ : jelkner : ledmer14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterSummaries (added by JulianMo)14:00
LittleWebsterSecosol Category (added by JulianMo)14:00
LittleWebsterAHS (added by JulianMo)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
JulianOk so lets start14:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:01
LittleWebsterSummaries (added by JulianMo)14:01
LittleWebsterSecosol Category (added by JulianMo)14:01
LittleWebsterAHS (added by JulianMo)14:01
JulianOk so programmers, I need you to send me summaries of what you have done this week for your respective projetcs14:02
jamesoconnrCould I send that to you in a email?14:02
jamesoconnrAlright I'll send that over later today14:02
JulianCan you confirm that you will send me your progress report for the week14:03
scooperJulian can you share your email14:03
scooperit will ok I it through email14:04
AntonioAbelaI worked with AHS to make updates to the site. The site is live but we are waiting for certain holds on their current domain before we can fully transfer to bluehost from squarespace.14:04
JulianOk sounds good14:04
JulianWe will be doing this every week from now on14:04
JulianSo that customers know what they are paying for14:05
jamesoconnrSounds Good14:05
JulianOk lets continue on14:05
JulianSo Ved was asking for a new category on business tracker for SECOSOL, @Jeff would I be able to do that or do I need to ask Adrian14:06
Julian@jelkner sorry14:06
jelknerJulian, ask Adrian14:07
JulianOk sounds good14:08
jelknerI haven't touched Business Tracker for over a year14:08
jelknera year and a half14:08
jelknersince Adrian and Stefan took over the business14:08
JulianContinuing on @AntonioAbela Kea really wanted me to emphasize communication on the updates for AHS, approximately how long will we wait for the domain change14:09
jelknerAntonioAbela, I'm really interested in those updates too.14:09
jelknerI emailed and texted Charles this week, but he did not respond.14:10
AntonioAbelaCharles told me there were two holds. A 60day one and a 10 day one. I would need to check exactly when the holds were first placed on the domain but I would estimate about a month ago.14:10
AntonioAbelahe talked to squarespace support but they said they could not lift the holds.14:11
jelknerThe 20th anniversary celebration is coming up in November14:11
AntonioAbelaBut functionally the website is live at allianceforhohsingsolutions.org14:12
jelknerWhy no NOVA Web branding, AntonioAbela?14:12
jelknerShouldn't we get credit at the bottom?14:13
AntonioAbelaI honestly forgot about it and it’s something I’ll ask Charles about the next time we meet or when he responds to me last email. I don’t want to put it on before asking him about it.14:14
jelknerPlease, AntonioAbela!14:14
jelknerWe can't grow our business if we don't market ourselves14:14
jelknerJulian, what are you waiting for?14:17
JulianOk so continuing on14:17
scooperI email you already...14:17
JulianWho will be coming on Thursday and at what time14:18
jamesoconnrWell of course I'll be there from 3-714:18
JulianLedmer what time wil you be arriving14:18
ledmerthe next week?14:18
ledmeraround 4:3014:19
Julianjamesoconnr how is it going with your projects?14:19
JulianWill you have a functional homepage for Elizabeth Guzman by Thursday?14:20
jamesoconnrBoth coming along well, I am waiting on some more content for SECOSOL14:20
jamesoconnrYes, but I need some sort of donate link14:20
JulianOk could you get into contact with Vrishin about that?14:21
JulianI know he is working on other ones14:21
jamesoconnrYeah true14:22
Julianledmer could you email Ms. Guzman and give her a few updates on the project14:22
jelknerJulian, do you know how we are coming getting a linode for her?14:23
jelknerI'm waiting for a bill, but I haven't seen one yet ;-)14:24
JulianI found out how to do it, so in our meeting this week I will bring it up14:24
jelknerplease, without a place to deploy, we can't put up a site!14:24
Julianjamesoconnr are you tracking your business tracker stuff?14:24
JulianLike your hours14:24
jamesoconnrI track them on a spreadsheet but I need to add a few shifts to business tracker14:25
JulianThose are billable hours14:25
JulianI will talk to Kea about billing them and getting you paid14:25
jamesoconnrGood, i'll add them soon14:26
ledmercheck private message14:26
JulianOk that is all Kea and I had so does anyone have any questions or something they want to discuss14:26
jamesoconnrnope I don't14:27
JulianOk yall this was a very productive meeting14:28
JulianAny questions updates or anything please let me or Kea know14:29
JulianWe are here for the customers and you guys!14:29
jamesoconnrThank you Julian!14:29
JulianHave a great day!14:29
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jelknerHave a great rest of your weekend!14:29
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jelknerledmer, scooper ready?14:30
jelknerledmer, i just want to understand what you need to move forward on setting up the server14:30
jelknerso i can direct you to how to get it14:30
ledmerI already have access to the terminal14:31
jelknerthat's all you need14:31
jelknerthat's all there is14:31
ledmeri can do everything from there14:31
jelknerit's called a "shell account", ledmer 14:32
jelkneror "shell access"14:32
jelkneryes you can14:32
jelknerthat's how servers work14:32
ledmerohh okay thanks14:32
jelknerthey don't usually have GUIs14:32
jelknerGUIs are for lowly, unskilled people! ;-)14:32
jelknerreal geeks us the CLI!14:32
jelknerok, that's all i had14:33
jelkneri wanted to make sure you have shell access14:33
ledmerI tried to put a server live using Pythonanywhere website just to try14:33
jelknerso ledmer, your next task is to learn how to deploy Django on a server14:33
jelknerthat's nice14:33
ledmerand it worked just fine14:33
jelknernow you need to learn to deploy Django on a server14:34
jelknerAdrian is your man for that14:34
jelknersince he and Stefan developed a set of practices that you should learn14:34
jelknerdo things the way they do14:34
jelknerthe NOVA Web Development way ;-)14:35
jelknerso you have Adrian's contact info?14:35
jelknerWe want to be respectful of his time14:35
ledmeri talked with him14:35
ledmertrough zulip14:35
jelknerso he should teach you and James at the same time14:35
ledmerlast time14:35
jelknerplease reach out to him14:35
jelknerand James14:35
jelknersay, "We are ready to learn to deploy Libre Organzie"14:36
ledmeryes i had been asking14:36
jelkner"Can you please guide us?"14:36
ledmerjames mostly14:36
jelknerdid you get a response14:36
jelknermy only role here is to squeek14:36
jelkneri don't know if you know the saying "The squeeky wheel gets the oil."14:36
jelknerSo if things aren't moving, I know how to squeek!14:36
ledmerfirst time i hear that!14:37
jelknerI've got a lot of them, ledmer 14:37
jelkneri love corny sayings14:37
jelkneranyway, if you don't here back from Adrian in a timely way, i can call him14:37
jelkneranything else you need from me?14:38
ledmerI don't think so 14:38
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend14:38
ledmerokay you too!!14:38
jelknersee you in class on tuesday mornign14:38
scooperThanks jelkner14:38
jelknergreat scooper 14:38
jelknerACTION logs off for the day14:39
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:49
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:01
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scooperhello ledmer20:24
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