IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-11-04

fkoikoi!add Updates from each group12:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates from each group" has been added to the agenda.12:38
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:39
LittleWebsterUpdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)12:39
fkoikoi!add Planning of our second project (training of Students) 12:42
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Planning of our second project (training of Students)" has been added to the agenda.12:42
fkoikoi!add AOB12:42
LittleWebsterSuccess: "AOB" has been added to the agenda.12:42
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:45
jelknerGood morning Freena12:47
dcammueGood morning jelkner 12:47
jelknerLet's chat on the other channel12:47
jelknershmohamud, we are in the accict channel13:00
jelknerjust type /j #accict13:00
jelkneror maybe /join #accict ?13:00
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klarios_!add Linode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site. 13:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Linode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site." has been added to the agenda.13:43
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klarios_!add Change Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly. 13:50
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Change Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly." has been added to the agenda.13:50
klarios_!add clauda jones updates account information13:50
LittleWebsterSuccess: "clauda jones updates account information" has been added to the agenda.13:50
klarios_!add Encouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP13:51
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Encouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP" has been added to the agenda.13:51
klarios_!add developers assigned time to add hours into business tracker13:52
LittleWebsterSuccess: "developers assigned time to add hours into business tracker" has been added to the agenda.13:52
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klarios_!updates to Secosol13:55
klarios_!add updates to secosol13:56
LittleWebsterSuccess: "updates to secosol" has been added to the agenda.13:56
klarios_hey julian 13:56
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:56
LittleWebsterLinode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site. (added by klarios_)13:56
LittleWebsterChange Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly. (added by klarios_)13:56
LittleWebsterclauda jones updates account information (added by klarios_)13:56
LittleWebsterEncouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP (added by klarios_)13:56
LittleWebsterdevelopers assigned time to add hours into business tracker (added by klarios_)13:56
LittleWebsterupdates to secosol (added by klarios_)13:56
klarios_this is the agenda, anything else you want to add13:56
JulianMoNo looks good to me13:56
klarios_got it, were gonna start in  a little. 13:57
klarios_do you know if james will be able to make it?13:58
klarios_JulianMo: 13:58
JulianMoJames will not be able to make it13:58
JulianMoBut he will be sending us a progress report13:58
klarios_on what projects?13:58
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klarios_do you know if he has sent reports to Secosol?13:59
LittleWebstermulbah : shmohamud : fkoikoi : dcammue : JulianMolina : svaye : klarios_ : jelkner : ledmer : JulianMo : scooper114:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterLinode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site. (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterChange Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly. (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterclauda jones updates account information (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterEncouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterdevelopers assigned time to add hours into business tracker (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterupdates to secosol (added by klarios_)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
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klarios_good morning everyone14:00
JulianMolinaI will call him after the meeting 14:00
ledmerGood morning!14:00
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klarios_good morning luis14:00
jelknergood morning madam chair!14:00
JulianMolinaGood Morning Luis14:00
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klarios_Alright so the first item in our agenda is figuring out the linode pathway for Ms. Guzman14:01
klarios_is it important for her to have a server to upload all the development14:01
klarios_I know julian introduced the topic to her, we need to get her familiarized with the idea14:02
klarios_it was a brief introduction, but she has yet not provided an answer. 14:02
jelknerklarios_, i don't know if it makes sense for you to call the company to talk with them about this situation14:03
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jelknersince it is something we need to learn how to make smooth14:03
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jelknerklarios_, i can call her if you need me to14:03
klarios_That would be nice, its better to tackle this early. 14:03
klarios_we can explain how it works and how we will manage it14:04
JulianMolinaShe will probably respond on monday14:04
JulianMolinaThats what she usually does14:04
jelknershe didn't answer, so i'll send her a text14:05
jelknerjust asking if she needs my help14:05
klarios_JulianMolina: Got it, so since she is mostly available that day we can work around it. 14:05
jelknerotherwise, we'll let her respond as JulianMolina suggested she will14:05
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klarios_I know time constraints are important to this project and we have to update her about its development. Maybe for mondays we can prioritize sending her all the reports and information we need from her14:07
klarios_unless she has another day she is avaliable14:07
JulianMolinaI mean James has everything else ready14:07
JulianMolinaHe just needs a couple things from her14:08
klarios_Yeah, I think for future references 14:08
klarios_so that we can focus on other projects while waiting for the day she is avaliable14:08
JulianMolinaMaybe she isn't the best contact for this, does she have a campaign manager?14:08
jelknerklarios_, JulianMolina, Elizabeth just texted me back.14:08
jelknerShe is at an event, but will call me later today.14:08
klarios_got it. Julian would you be up to calling her today?14:09
klarios_with me14:09
JulianMolinaDepends on the time14:09
klarios_it all depends on her avaliability14:09
jelknerlet's go madam chair, tick tock...14:09
klarios_yep 14:09
JulianMolinaWell ready im busy for the rest of today14:09
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:09
LittleWebsterLinode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site. (added by klarios_)14:09
LittleWebsterChange Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly. (added by klarios_)14:09
LittleWebsterclauda jones updates account information (added by klarios_)14:09
LittleWebsterEncouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP (added by klarios_)14:09
LittleWebsterdevelopers assigned time to add hours into business tracker (added by klarios_)14:09
LittleWebsterupdates to secosol (added by klarios_)14:09
klarios_next thing on our list is to change linode billing for costumers14:10
klarios_I introduced the idea to Mexico solidarity project14:10
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jelknerklarios_, MSP is going to host on May First14:10
jelknerthat's the plan for them14:10
jelknerand for our most "politically advanced" partners14:11
klarios_will we be able to administer that?14:11
jelknerMSP will join the cooperative14:11
jelknertmickelson has been working on that14:11
klarios_that sounds good, we can bring up the idea to other projects as well14:11
jelknerMSP will be our first test case14:11
JulianMolinaMaybe we should make a little web page to illustrate exactly how to make a nanode to send to customers14:11
klarios_after our success14:11
jelknerClaudia Jones too14:11
klarios_yes claudia jones was my priority 14:11
klarios_we keep getting billed for all the server payments, we are taking a toll. 14:12
klarios_its better for partners to be able to pay for their own linode14:12
jelknerwe need to cut that out!14:12
jelkneroh, Celina Benitez too14:13
jelkneronce we figure this May First thing out14:13
jelknerI'll approach her and tell her if she wants us to continue to host her website14:13
klarios_do you know if toby has any updates on that?14:13
jelknershe needs to join May First14:13
jelknershe will, i think ;-)14:13
klarios_there are many benefits to it. 14:13
jelknerklarios_, you should coordinate that with JulianMolina 14:14
jelknerthat's how we can make this work14:14
jelknerJulianMolina sees tmickelson in Archers period every school day14:14
klarios_JulianMolina: we can add that to our agenda, updates from Toby on the mayfirst hosting 14:14
klarios_its important for us 14:14
jelknerit's all about effective communication14:14
jelknermaintain your ToDo lists14:14
klarios_since getting billed like this is an anchor to our progress14:14
jelknerplan your work, and work your plan!14:14
klarios_sounds great. Once we have a solid understanding of how it works, we can reach everyone else14:15
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:15
LittleWebsterLinode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site. (added by klarios_)14:15
LittleWebsterChange Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly. (added by klarios_)14:15
LittleWebsterclauda jones updates account information (added by klarios_)14:15
LittleWebsterEncouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP (added by klarios_)14:15
LittleWebsterdevelopers assigned time to add hours into business tracker (added by klarios_)14:15
LittleWebsterupdates to secosol (added by klarios_)14:15
klarios_I see vrishin could not join14:15
klarios_but I wanted to bring up the account information for Open collective14:16
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klarios_jelkner: i know you mention you have communication with Mr. Charles 14:16
klarios_no 14:16
klarios_The Claudia jones rep14:17
jelknernot Claudia Jones14:17
klarios_yeah charles is AHS14:17
klarios_do you have the contact information of the reps from CLaudia jones?14:18
jelknerput that on my ToDo list14:18
jelknerwho should i send them to?14:18
jelknerklarios_, did you see my message about a 10 minutes after meeting call?14:19
klarios_Yep just responded14:19
klarios_I have Mr. Dante 14:19
klarios_but vrishin has not updated me about the email or a response14:19
klarios_we are still waiting for that on his part14:20
klarios_moving on 14:20
klarios_Like you mentioned jelkner, we will eventually have a meeting with MSP and LELO to consider Open collective14:20
klarios_I did more reserach about it14:21
klarios_Its free and would be really convenient for LELO14:21
jelknerwe definitely need to figure this out14:21
jelknersince many of our partners will need it14:21
klarios_I messaged Meizhu, but she has not given me a response yet14:21
jelknerand want us to help them get it14:21
jelkneri can call Meizhu today too14:22
klarios_I want to introduce them to the topic 14:22
klarios_and let them know of the benefits. 14:22
klarios_and If i am able to get in contact with LELO to introduce them too, it would be great14:22
klarios_like you said, many of our partners can benefit from Open collective14:22
jelkneri don't know them14:23
jelknerMeihzu does14:23
klarios_Yeah. 14:23
klarios_we can talk more about that after. 14:23
jelknerbut the person you were talking about earier is another of our important partners14:23
jelknerwho is not on your radar yet14:23
klarios_Mr. Charles?14:23
jelknerCharles McCullough14:24
jelknerThis is the site Antonio is working on14:24
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:24
LittleWebsterLinode account setup for Elizabeth Guzman's site. (added by klarios_)14:24
LittleWebsterChange Linode billing to allow costumers to pay directly. (added by klarios_)14:24
LittleWebsterclauda jones updates account information (added by klarios_)14:24
LittleWebsterEncouraging use of open collective for Claudia Jones, Lelo, and MSP (added by klarios_)14:24
LittleWebsterdevelopers assigned time to add hours into business tracker (added by klarios_)14:24
LittleWebsterupdates to secosol (added by klarios_)14:24
klarios_JulianMolina:  I would like for us to introduce ourselves to Mr. Charles, He is a great costumer and person.14:24
JulianMolinaOk sounds good14:25
jelknernot Mr. Charles14:25
jelknerjust Charles14:25
klarios_Charles 14:25
klarios_got it 14:25
jelkneror if you insist, Mr. McCullough14:25
jelknerMs. Larios ;-)14:25
klarios_Sounds good, we have his contact information, would you like to introduce us first, since he knows you well?14:25
klarios_jelkner: 14:25
jelknerbut we need to talk with Antonio14:26
jelkner4 more minutes madam chair14:26
klarios_got it 14:26
klarios_last thing on our list is my concern towards logging hours in business tracker. 14:26
klarios_I know some are better than others at doing it, but its really important14:26
jelkneri would think the motivation to get paid could help at least a bit14:27
klarios_I talked to the developers last time we met, I want them to get payed, and for that its really important to log your hours14:27
JulianMolinaLuis do you know how to track your hours?14:27
jelknerno longed hours, no pay14:27
jelknersimple as taht14:27
klarios_I was thinking we have a designated time in our meetings just for logging hours14:27
jelknerthat's a work session thing14:28
klarios_there are many mistakes that can be made if hours are not logged on the day they are worked on 14:28
jelknernot a planning meeting14:28
ledmerklarios teached me how to14:28
klarios_ledmer: do you have to log your hours?14:28
klarios_for any development work you do?14:28
klarios_or are you doing capstone?14:29
jelknerklarios_, i'll talk to you about that in my phone call14:29
klarios_ledmer: 14:29
jelknerin 2 minutes, yes?14:29
klarios_yep, we have 1 minute to spare14:29
jelknerplease drop the bag of gravel, madam chair14:30
klarios_thank you all for coming today, although we were a little short on developers, I will still reach out14:30
JulianMolinaOk then see y'all later14:30
klarios_ACTION drops the bag of gravel14:30
jelknersee ya'll next week14:30
klarios_Haha thank you all fort coming14:30
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klarios_have a good rest of your week.14:31
scooperthanks klarios14:31
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*** JulianMo has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:03
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