IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-11-11

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freena!add Monday report13:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Monday report" has been added to the agenda.13:37
freena!add update from each group13:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "update from each group" has been added to the agenda.13:37
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:38
LittleWebsterMonday report (added by freena)13:38
LittleWebsterupdate from each group (added by freena)13:38
LittleWebsterjelkner : ledmer : svaye : mulbah14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterMonday report (added by freena)14:00
LittleWebsterupdate from each group (added by freena)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:31
klariosHey julian14:31
klariosHow are you?14:31
jelknerHappy birthday klarios!14:31
klariosThank you jeff14:31
klariosvery exciting time today2=!14:31
jelknerklarios, Jmolina, something is wrong with LittleWebster 14:31
JmolinaGood Morning Everyone14:31
JmolinaThat is not ideal14:31
jelknerthe agenda for Jetro web printed here14:32
jelkneri asked ledmer to remind me to talk to tmickelson about it14:32
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:32
klariosits giving a warning 14:32
klarioswhat is the issue with the agenda?14:33
klarios!add Linode walkthrough with Ms. Guzman.14:33
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Linode walkthrough with Ms. Guzman." has been added to the agenda.14:33
jelkneri don't know, klarios 14:33
klariosit works 14:33
jelknergreat, add them now14:33
klariosgot it14:33
klarios!add Report day for MSP | LELO contact information 14:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Report day for MSP | LELO contact information" has been added to the agenda.14:35
klarios!add reach out to Mr. Charles about a testimony14:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "reach out to Mr. Charles about a testimony" has been added to the agenda.14:35
*** ledmer has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:35
klarios!add updates on Mayfirst server hosting 14:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "updates on Mayfirst server hosting" has been added to the agenda.14:36
jelknerit's Charles, or Mr. McCullough, klarios, but not Mr. Charles!14:37
klariosI forgot14:37
Jmolina!add Updates to Elizabeth Guzman Content14:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates to Elizabeth Guzman Content" has been added to the agenda.14:38
klarioshmm I will call him Mr. McCullough14:38
jelknerand i'll call him Charles ;-)14:38
klariosbusiness tracker was fixed so there are no issues with that anymore 14:38
klariosOk I'm gonna go reach out to the developers for the meeting 14:39
klariosbefore that14:40
klariosjelkner: Were you able to get in contact with meizhu14:40
jelkneryes, klarios 14:40
jelkneri am talking with her about setting up a meeting with LILO with she and i for thanksgiving break14:40
klariosWould you like me to contact her again? 14:40
jelknerno need14:40
klariosGot it14:40
jelkneri've got that14:40
jelknerso klarios, put me down as the person responsible for following up with Meihzu and LILO14:41
jelkneri'll report back to you after thanksgiving break14:42
klariosGot it, if you'd like to pitch it to vrishin and me it would be great, vrishin is more knwoledgeable at Open collective , but it would be great to introduce LILO to us as well. 14:42
klariosI am doing my research on it as well14:42
jelknerdefinitely, klarios 14:42
jelknermy task will be to have the first conversation with them14:43
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klariosGreat! 14:43
jelknerand find out if they are interested in working with us on the Open Collective setup14:43
jelknerif they are, i'll turn it over to you14:43
klariosSounds great, we will do our best to persuade, it is in everyone's best benefit14:44
klariosone last thing jeff. Were you able to reach out to the rep from Alliance housing solutions, I know you mentioned him. What was their name again?14:45
jelknerCharles McCullough14:45
klariosThe business rep14:45
jelkneri don't know anyone but Charles14:46
klariosyou said you would send an email introducing someone to me14:46
jelknerAntonio would14:46
jelknerah, klarios, that was Claudia Jones school14:46
klariosgot it 14:46
jelknerand i did send that email thursday14:46
klariosWhat was their name?14:46
jelknerlook in the email14:47
klariosI am reading it. 14:52
klariosLooks great, I will reach out to them.14:55
klariosJmolina: this is the EMAIL of the developer that would like access to the gitlab, Is it possible you can reach out and give her that?14:56
klariosas soon as she's in we can introduce her to james14:56
JmolinaLets add that to the Agenda14:56
klarios!add Claudia Jones school Financial information 14:56
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Claudia Jones school Financial information" has been added to the agenda.14:56
klariosalright we are almost going to start 14:57
Jmolina!add Introduction of natalyarbuchwald to James14:58
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Introduction of natalyarbuchwald to James" has been added to the agenda.14:58
klarios!add create spreadsheet of eveeryone's contact info14:58
LittleWebsterSuccess: "create spreadsheet of eveeryone's contact info" has been added to the agenda.14:58
klarioslong agenda 14:58
klarioswe've got to be quick 14:58
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klariosIf there is anything you need help on while chairing just @ m15:00
JmolinaSo lets get started y'all15:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:00
LittleWebsterLinode walkthrough with Ms. Guzman. (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterReport day for MSP | LELO contact information (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterreach out to Mr. Charles about a testimony (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterupdates on Mayfirst server hosting (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterUpdates to Elizabeth Guzman Content (added by Jmolina)15:00
LittleWebsterClaudia Jones school Financial information (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterIntroduction of natalyarbuchwald to James (added by Jmolina)15:00
LittleWebstercreate spreadsheet of eveeryone's contact info (added by klarios)15:00
JmolinaOk so I don't think James is here yet but klarios how is it going wtih Linode?15:00
Jmolinaspeak of the devil15:01
JmolinaHas she responded yet?15:01
JmolinaHas she made an account?15:02
klariosI talked to her on thursday night and she was setting up her account as we were speaking 15:02
klarioswe only need to set up the nanode15:02
JmolinaOk do you know how to set it up?15:03
klariosshe understands the concept and it is a matter of adding her payment information 15:03
klariosI tried doing the nanode on my side, it was pretty simplistic, I can show her how to do it as well15:03
JmolinaOk sounds good to me once she gts that in we will need to have a meeting where she shares her screen or her account info15:03
klariosmost importantly give her step by step instructions15:04
klariosI will reach her again on monday15:04
JmolinaOk sounds good15:04
klariossince its her avaliable day15:04
JmolinaOk continuing on Report Day for MSP15:04
klarioscbahrambegi: 15:05
klarioshe sent me a report today 15:05
klariosand I will email it to them today as well 15:05
JmolinaOk so Cyrus is in charge of them?15:05
klariosyes, he is taking care of the development side. 15:05
JmolinaOk nice15:05
klarioscbahrambegi: one question, were you able to log your hours in to business tracker15:06
cbahrambegiI'm pretty sure I did15:06
cbahrambegiIf not I will double check now15:06
klariosI haven't seen any changes since the last time15:06
jamesoconnrSpeaking of business tracker there is no project for SECOSOL15:06
klariosThere should be one15:07
jelknerit may need to be renamed?15:07
jelknerfrom NOVALACIRO15:07
jamesoconnrthere is one for novalaciro so yeah15:07
jelknerrenaming is an endless headach15:07
klariosThere is a partner though 15:07
jelknerbut SECOSOL is the name we want15:07
jelknerask abucholz how best to rename in the system15:08
klariosYes the account of SECOSOL is there15:08
klarioswith the contact info of Novalaciro15:08
klariosI have just added a project15:08
jamesoconnrOk, good15:09
klariosgot it, on the second note, the progress report is done which is great. regarding updating you vhazari and cbahrambegi on LELO15:10
JmolinaOk ok15:10
Jmolinasounds great15:10
klariosJeff contacted Meizhu and they will get in contact with lelo 15:10
JmolinaOk so now we have Reaching out to Charles about his testimony15:10
klariosif they approve interest in using open collective we will facilitate that 15:11
klariosI talked to antonio on thursday15:11
JmolinaWhat did he say?15:11
klariosWe agreed that we should approach it as it follows: Antonio Will make a list of the challenges and best qualities he was able to provide the website. second: we will mention his efforts and the quality of work her provided to Charles 15:12
klariosCharles will give feedback and we will include both Antonio's skills and charle's feedback in the testimony15:13
klariosin order to showcase that quality of work was provided and delivered15:13
JmolinaOh ok, I will got into contact with him too it would be nice to get updates from Antonio as well15:14
jelknerklarios, it is very important to understand also what we were *not* able to provide.15:14
klariosone outlook I would like to provide for our first Costumer review is that we update our website15:14
klariosfor so I invited antonio to showcase his challenges 15:14
jelknerCharles expressed satisfaction with our work, but told me they needed to reach out to an "experienced pro" to fix some things.15:15
jelknerwe need to be aware of that.15:15
klariosto show that we are students that are inspired to learn from challenges15:15
klariosit also aligns with who we are, we are students and we will get better from these costumer experiences.15:16
jelknerone more thing on that, klarios 15:16
jelknerwe know *a lot* of experienced pros in the tech co-op space15:16
jelknerthat was what i was mentioning to you on thursday15:17
klarioscooperation will be key when it is our time as well. 15:17
jelknerwhen you all are ready, i will make the introductions15:17
klariosSounds good15:17
JmolinaWe need to improve responsiveness where we can15:18
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:18
JmolinaThe language he used makes me think he is starting to become frustrated 15:18
LittleWebsterLinode walkthrough with Ms. Guzman. (added by klarios)15:18
LittleWebsterReport day for MSP | LELO contact information (added by klarios)15:18
LittleWebsterreach out to Mr. Charles about a testimony (added by klarios)15:18
LittleWebsterupdates on Mayfirst server hosting (added by klarios)15:18
LittleWebsterUpdates to Elizabeth Guzman Content (added by Jmolina)15:18
LittleWebsterClaudia Jones school Financial information (added by klarios)15:18
LittleWebsterIntroduction of natalyarbuchwald to James (added by Jmolina)15:18
LittleWebstercreate spreadsheet of eveeryone's contact info (added by klarios)15:18
JmolinaOk then updates to Mayfirst hosting15:19
jelknerwe need a ready SECOSOL website to test this with15:19
jelknerthat's what we are waiting for15:19
klariosgot it 15:19
klarioswe can move on then15:19
jamesoconnrIt's on the way!15:19
jelknergreat, jamesoconnr!15:20
klariossoon we wont have to worry about server hosting hopefully15:20
Jmolinajamesoconnr moving on have you updated the content for Elizabeth Guzman15:20
jamesoconnrNot yet, ive been working on SECOSOL15:21
jamesoconnrit should be pretty quick though15:21
JmolinaWhat about that SSL thing you were talking about?15:21
JmolinaHow is that going?15:21
jelknerjamesoconnr, keep in mind that Elizabeth Guzman's site will in general be the top priority15:21
jelknersince it will be tightly time bound15:22
jelknerwhen you are running in a election, things move *fast*15:22
jelknerand you can't be late15:22
jamesoconnrYeah I need to fix that, Adrian gave the server15:22
jelknerwhen you snooze, you loose!15:22
klariosDecember is closer than expected15:22
JmolinaTime is running out!15:23
JmolinaWe need it fully ready by the 16th!15:23
Jmolinaof December15:23
klariosSince this is a time bound website, we will have to be able to maximize our meetings15:23
jamesoconnrhow so15:24
JmolinaOk so moving on15:25
JmolinaClaudia Jones Financial Information15:25
klariosWe can communicate with SECOSOL about a break from developing their site, although it is important, Ms. Guzman's is more important. I say out of a month, you spend 3 weeks with Ms. Guzman's site and maybe 1 week with SECOSOl15:25
klariosjamesoconnr: 15:25
jamesoconnrOk, sounds good15:26
jelknera big goal for us is growing the team15:26
klariosvhazari: Like I told you in zulip, we will be communicating with claudia Jones to figure out how they want their financial to work15:26
vhazarisounds good15:26
jelknerledmer will hopefully get help from mattva01 deploying the RCCS website15:27
jelknerand then be able to take on another task15:27
klariosvhazari: we need to determine wether they need a Fiscal sponsor15:27
klariosjelkner: that would be great help15:27
klariosvhazari: I will send you his information 15:27
vhazariyes, i contacted liz merrow about that but have gotten no response yet15:27
klariosI think we will have a better chance with him 15:28
klariosJeff has introduced me already15:28
klariosand he is the business manager.15:28
jelknernick agreed to be the main point of contact15:28
JmolinaSpeaking of giving information James we will introduce ourselves in an email to natalyarbuchwald@gmail.com15:28
klariosI will send you his contact information and will be texting you about it on zulip. 15:28
JmolinaAlso we will be making a spreadsheet with all contact info15:29
klarioswe need to have everyone's phone number and email at some point15:29
jelknerplease put it in nextcloud15:29
klarioswe will set that up on thursday15:29
klariosso that jelkner also has access to it15:29
JmolinaOk sounds good15:30
klariosgreat we had a very good meeting 15:30
JmolinaGood Morning Luis!15:30
JmolinaOk that is all I have for y'all15:30
klariosalright we can officially end the meeting.15:31
jamesoconnrSee you all next week!15:31
klariosgreat! thank you all for coming15:31
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cbahrambegiThank you!15:31
ledmerok! everyone have a great day15:31
klariosThank you all for the cooperation 15:31
jelknerACTION drops the bag of gravel for klarios 15:31
vhazarithank you all!15:31
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jelknerEnjoy your B'Day klarios 15:32
jelknerdo you have 10 minutes to talk?15:32
klariosyes of course15:32
jelkneri tried calling, but you didn't pick up15:32
klariosI was goint to ask you that15:32
klariosIRC information15:36
*** klarios has left #novawebdev (None)15:36
jelknerACTION signs off til monday15:37
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