IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-11-18

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:46
LittleWebsterMonthly report (added by fkoikoi)13:46
LittleWebsterError: Cannot remove an empty item from the agenda!13:46
fkoikoi!remove Monthly report13:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Monthly report" has been removed from the agenda.13:47
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:47
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:57
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:57
LittleWebsterDiscuss why the following certificates much be accomplish (PCEP, CIW and Linux+) (added by scooper)13:57
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:58
LittleWebsterDiscuss why the following certificates much be accomplish (PCEP, CIW and Linux+) (added by scooper)13:58
LittleWebsterFinancial Report for November (added by scooper)13:58
LittleWebsterjelkner : svaye : fkoikoi14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss why the following certificates much be accomplish (PCEP, CIW and Linux+) (added by scooper)14:00
LittleWebsterFinancial Report for November (added by scooper)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
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klariosGood morning jeff 14:33
klarios!add introductions to charles | Testimonial updates 14:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "introductions to charles | Testimonial updates" has been added to the agenda.14:35
klarios!add introductions to Claudia Jones dev representative Natalia to our developing team- Julian 14:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "introductions to Claudia Jones dev representative Natalia to our developing team- Julian" has been added to the agenda.14:36
klarios!add Deploying changes to Mexico Solidarity project 14:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Deploying changes to Mexico Solidarity project" has been added to the agenda.14:38
AntonioAbelaGood morning everybody!14:38
klariosgood morning Antonio!14:38
jmolinaGood Morning 14:38
klariosNice to have you here14:38
klarios!add Creating a donate button for Claudia Jones school (ASAP) 14:39
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Creating a donate button for Claudia Jones school (ASAP)" has been added to the agenda.14:39
klariosHey jmolina is there anything else you want to add14:40
klariosperhaps regarding Ms. Guzman 14:40
jmolinaLet me see14:40
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:40
LittleWebsterintroductions to charles | Testimonial updates (added by klarios)14:40
LittleWebsterintroductions to Claudia Jones dev representative Natalia to our developing team- Julian (added by klarios)14:40
LittleWebsterDeploying changes to Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios)14:40
LittleWebsterCreating a donate button for Claudia Jones school (ASAP) (added by klarios)14:40
jmolina!add Deploying of Elizabeth Guzman14:41
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Deploying of Elizabeth Guzman" has been added to the agenda.14:41
klariosjames has admin to her linode right?14:41
klarioswhat is the next step?14:41
klariosdepolying the site?14:41
jmolinaHe still needs a couple things from her14:41
jmolinaSo not yet14:41
klariosgot it14:41
klariosso the developing aspect is covered by james 14:42
klariosas of now14:42
jmolina!add SECOSOL Updates14:42
LittleWebsterSuccess: "SECOSOL Updates" has been added to the agenda.14:42
*** AntonioAbela has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:42
klariosalright looks good14:42
jelknerAntonioAbela, great to see you here.14:45
jelknerWill you be in town over your Winter break?14:45
jelknerWhen is that?14:45
AntonioAbelaI will come back the 12th or 13th14:45
AntonioAbelaof December14:45
jelknerCan you come to our meeting on 12/14?14:46
jelknerAdrian will be there then too14:46
jelknerthat would be an ideal time for a NOVA Web planning meeting14:46
AntonioAbelaI should be able to14:46
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jelknerklarios, jmolina, we are at the stage where we can definitely use a get together to stock of where we are14:47
klarios!add Adding projects to the gitlab14:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Adding projects to the gitlab" has been added to the agenda.14:47
jelknerand look forward toward May 1st14:47
jelknercan you please confirm with everyone14:47
jelknerthat 12/14 5 to 7 pm14:48
jelkneris our meeting time?14:48
AntonioAbelaShould work for me14:48
jelknerklarios, jmolina?14:48
klariosit will be great seeing most of us there again. 14:48
klariosYes I will be there as well14:48
jmolinaI will be there14:49
jelknerbut can you coordinate that meeting?14:49
jelkneri was counting on you to be there ;-)14:49
jmolinaIs that a thursday?14:49
jelknerthat's why i picked it14:49
jelkneror should i say, Adrian picked it14:50
klarioswe have a lot of projects planned that will be on going until that date, we will make sure a lot of things get resolved14:50
klariosespecially our main issue of donation pages and the migration of old versions of libreorganize14:51
klariosfrom MSP 14:51
klariosnow that Adrian will be there we can get advice from him directly. 14:51
jelknerklarios, we need to get SECOSOL deployed on May First14:51
jelknerthat is so crucial14:51
jelknersince we can use that to test the workflow14:51
jelknerand the tech stack14:52
jelknerif it works14:52
jelknerwe can talk about migrating MSP there14:52
jelknerso please see if you can get that working14:52
jelknersince SECOSOL doesn't currently have a website14:52
klariosjmolina: Last time I checked SECOSOL was missing information to continue their website right?14:52
jelknerit is the easiest one14:52
jelknerwe won't get a mad customer saying "where's my website!?"14:53
jelkneryou can put it up even if it isn't ready14:53
jelknerand we can iterate on it until it is14:53
klariosAs of now we are missing essential parts of information to put on the website, but if SECOSOL is up to having an incomplete website deployed for testing we can try that out immediately. 14:54
jelknerlet's do that14:54
jelknerput it up ASAP14:54
jelknerincomplete or not14:54
jelknerwe won't announce it14:55
jelknerbut we can test it ourselves14:55
klariosAlright, we will add that to our to-do list14:55
jelknerklarios, jmolina it would be helpful if you had contact with someone at May First14:55
jelknertmickelson was doing that14:56
jelknerbut you are the ones who really need to establish those relationships14:56
jelknerwe will want them to know what we are trying to do14:56
jelknerso we can reach out for guidance and support from them when we need it14:56
klariosYes, do you know where to start? 14:57
jelknerLet me ask tmickelson on Monday14:57
jelknerand then I'll draft a first email introducing you two14:57
klariosSounds good. Thank you jeff14:57
klariosIs there anything we want to add before we start?14:58
jmolinaI think it is good14:59
klariosAlright 15:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:00
LittleWebsterintroductions to charles | Testimonial updates (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterintroductions to Claudia Jones dev representative Natalia to our developing team- Julian (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterDeploying changes to Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterCreating a donate button for Claudia Jones school (ASAP) (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterDeploying of Elizabeth Guzman (added by jmolina)15:00
LittleWebsterSECOSOL Updates (added by jmolina)15:00
LittleWebsterAdding projects to the gitlab (added by klarios)15:00
klariosAlright so the first thing in our list is the introductions, starting with Charles from AHS. 15:00
klariosAntonioAbela: 15:00
klariosHello james 15:01
jmolinaHello James15:01
AntonioAbelaYes Ill get that information to you today as well as sending the introduction email to Charles15:01
AntonioAbelaI also need to follow up on the last bill15:01
klariosI checked with jeff, he has not recieved anything yet15:01
klarioswe could bring that up if you'd like15:01
AntonioAbelaI could ask him about it in the introduction email or just send another one15:02
klariosI think the bill was set for sometime late october, but they are always delayed in paying the bill 15:02
jelknernothing yet15:02
klariosWe can ask him separately just because introductions are introductions and business can come later15:03
klariosis that alright with you?15:03
AntonioAbelaWorks for me15:03
klariosWe can send the invoice through E-mail as well. 15:04
klariosAlso do you have any updates on the work leading up to the testimonials?15:04
AntonioAbelaYou mean the list of accomplishments? Or generally hwo the project is going?15:05
klariosThe list I mentioned to you when I first introduced the idea15:05
AntonioAbelaYeah I can get that to you today15:05
AntonioAbelaI have some time to meet with luke so we can make a comprehensive list15:05
klariosSounds great, Thank you Antonio, We will be on the lookout for the bill, but one last thing I want to mention is the rate that we are charging costumers15:06
klarioswe changed the rate to 20/Hr and I noticed that the last invoice was at a 15/hr rate15:06
AntonioAbelaI dont really feel comfortable changing the rate because we agreed on 15/hr when we started the project with Charles15:07
jelkneri agree with AntonioAbela 15:07
jelknerklarios, here's an accounting challenge for you15:07
jelkneri'll cover the $5 per hour for your time15:08
jelknerso you need to bill me for that15:08
jelknerwe need to leave this process with a happy customer15:08
jelknerAntonioAbela, i want to know what Charles had to hire an outside pro to do15:08
klariosGot it, thank you for letting me know jeff. Thank you AntonioAbela, I also agree that once we set an hourly rate, its not great to change it 15:08
jelkneri bet they paid a lot for that15:08
jelknerafter we make the final delivery15:09
jelknerklarios, you should meet with charles15:09
jelknerlet him know our business is growing15:09
jelknerand we are now in a position to handle things on our own15:09
jelknerwe could have reached out the coop community15:09
jelknerso that they didn't need to15:09
jelknerbut we lacked the experience15:10
klariosYes. I will be introduced soon and we can have more collaboration to talk to him about that. 15:10
jelknerand AntonioAbela and Luke where left to handle all this on their own15:10
klariosits our goal to be reliable too15:10
jelknernow we have a business team15:10
jelknerthat will be able to step in when that happens again15:10
jelknerbut then you need up our rates15:11
klariosYes, I will take care of that15:11
jelknerACTION done15:11
klariosmoving on15:11
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:11
LittleWebsterintroductions to charles | Testimonial updates (added by klarios)15:11
LittleWebsterintroductions to Claudia Jones dev representative Natalia to our developing team- Julian (added by klarios)15:11
LittleWebsterDeploying changes to Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios)15:11
LittleWebsterCreating a donate button for Claudia Jones school (ASAP) (added by klarios)15:11
LittleWebsterDeploying of Elizabeth Guzman (added by jmolina)15:11
LittleWebsterSECOSOL Updates (added by jmolina)15:11
LittleWebsterAdding projects to the gitlab (added by klarios)15:11
klariosIntroductions to Natalia CJS jmolina 15:11
jmolinaOk so I added her to the Giitlab15:11
jelknerYou mean Natalya15:12
jelknerNatalia is our graphics designer in El Salvador15:12
klarioswould it be possible to introduce her to the developing team in an email, like jeff said we can extend our team and it would be great help to have her15:12
klariosNatalya yes15:12
klariosjmolina: Do you think you could get that started, I dont think CJS needs that much developing work other than their donation page15:13
jmolinaI will get that started15:15
klariosNext Item on our list is deploying changes to MSP, I talked to Cyrus about this, introduced that MSP will eventually be hosted in mayfirst15:15
klariosbut first we have to test that with secosol 15:15
klariosabuchholz: Hey adrian, Here is where you come in. Cyrus was also wondering what he could do since MSP is in an older version of Libre organize15:16
klariosas well as maryland latino caucus15:16
abuchholzWell its complicated 15:17
abuchholzThe new version of LO has a different DB scheme so transferring content is tricky15:17
jelknerso we need a plan15:17
abuchholzHowever, I'm not sure how much content each one of them has so if it's not a lot it might be easier15:17
jelknersince we are going to need to do it15:17
abuchholzAlso if they have custom apps those are going to need to be updated15:17
abuchholzThe themes shouldn't have too many issues and might require some small updates it'15:18
abuchholzs mainly the database content15:18
klariosI see, so what would our plan be if we wanted to start migrating?15:19
abuchholzSo looking at MSP they appear to have a custom app called bulletins, that's going to need to be updated to the new version15:19
abuchholzI think that's all though15:19
jelknerand AEA will want bulletins15:19
jelknerso we will get other uses from that15:19
abuchholzand then as for the DB content, the easiest but most time consuming way is manually copying and pasting stuff over15:19
abuchholzWell, time-consuming is relative the other ways also take a lot more time15:20
klariosyes, we will need to implement bulletins to AEA as well. 15:20
abuchholzMaryland Latino Caucus should be way way easier15:21
klariosGot it, so the bulletins would be an issue. I will let him know and tell him to communicate with you if he needs any help. 15:21
abuchholzseems like they don't have much content and doesn't appear they have any custom apps15:21
klariosYes, It would be nice to have an updated version as they might also want to do bulletins 15:21
klariosThank you for your help abuchholz 15:22
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:22
LittleWebsterintroductions to charles | Testimonial updates (added by klarios)15:22
LittleWebsterintroductions to Claudia Jones dev representative Natalia to our developing team- Julian (added by klarios)15:22
LittleWebsterDeploying changes to Mexico Solidarity project (added by klarios)15:22
LittleWebsterCreating a donate button for Claudia Jones school (ASAP) (added by klarios)15:22
LittleWebsterDeploying of Elizabeth Guzman (added by jmolina)15:22
LittleWebsterSECOSOL Updates (added by jmolina)15:22
LittleWebsterAdding projects to the gitlab (added by klarios)15:22
klariosmoving on is creating the button for CJS15:22
klariosCyrus is working on that15:22
klarioshe is using the templates from Libreorganize and the sheets from open collective15:22
klarioswe will be getting updates in less than 2 weeks 15:23
klariosmoving on, it is the next step, to deploy Ms guzman's website jamesoconnr 15:23
abuchholzI'll brb15:23
klariosgot it 15:23
klariosI know you were missing some stuff from her15:24
klarioscan you update me on that15:24
klariosjamesoconnr: 15:24
jamesoconnrOk, it is about ready. I am waiting the issues, which she said I should not reuse from the old website, as well as a donate link15:24
klariosWhat does Ms. Gonzalez want to do for her donate situation?15:24
klariosDo you know if she is using a platform or website?15:25
klariosjamesoconnr: 15:25
jamesoconnrI'm not sure, she just has said she will some sort of link15:25
klarioswe need to figure it out 15:25
klariosdeveloping can be affected by this too 15:26
klariosalright last thing is secosol updates15:26
klariosjamesoconnr: DO you have the content you need from Secosol?15:26
klariosWhat are you missing? 15:26
jelknerAntonioAbela, you and your sister worked on that15:27
jelknerPlease give jamesoconnr everything you have15:27
jamesoconnrNot that I can think of right now. She's provided some, and for the rest I'm moving over content from NOVALACIRO.15:27
jelknerand let's steal whatever we can from NOVALACIRO site15:27
jelknerand put up a running site (however incomplete) on May First15:27
klariosAntonioAbela: is the SECOSOL work on gitlab?15:27
AntonioAbelaI think it is15:28
AntonioAbelalet me check15:28
jamesoconnrit is15:28
jelknerklarios, i need to meet Johanna at the bank15:28
jelknerso i need to sign off15:28
klariossee ya jeff15:28
jamesoconnrwell at least the theme idk if there is more15:28
jelkneri'll call you in a few minutes on my way15:28
klariosthere should be more15:28
jelknersee you all next Saturday15:28
jelknerACTION signs off15:28
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klariosI know sofia was working on the logoa15:28
jamesoconnrOnce I have everything transferred I'll show Johanna the site and ask what needs to change15:28
klariosand some design work for the website15:29
klariosAntonioAbela: Do you know if any of the design work sofia worked on was uploaded somewhere15:29
klariosor into a site?15:29
AntonioAbelaI dont think it was but Ill ask her15:29
AntonioAbelaI think she designed it in illustrator so there might be some issues there15:30
AntonioAbelabut she should be able to screenshot everything15:30
klariosit would be benefitial to still have those tools15:30
klariosAlright guys this is the end of the meeting15:30
klariosThank you all for coming15:31
jmolinaOk I will see y'all later15:31
jamesoconnrThank you!15:31
jmolinaGood Morning Ledmer15:31
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klariosand have a great rest of your day. If you have any questions I will stay here for a couple of minutes15:31
klariosgood morning Luis15:31
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vhazariklarios, anything new from LELO?15:32
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klariosvhazari: Jeff has a meeting with them on Tuesday, 15:32
vhazarigot it15:32
klariosWe're not sure what to expect15:32
klariosbut for CJS we are pretty much set up. 15:32
klariosvhazari: have you been logging your hours?15:33
klariosfor CJS15:33
klariosThe open collective hours15:33
klariosI know you made them an account and everyhting and you were researching for them, those are billable hours15:33
vhazariI have separately, I need to put them on business tracker15:33
klariosgot it, do you have access to business tracker15:34
vhazarii have an account15:34
klariosgreat, alright then, that was all I wanted to update you on. Thank you vhazari 15:34
klariosHave a good rest of your day.15:35
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vhazarithank you, enjoy your weekend!15:35
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