IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-11-25

LittleWebsterjelkner : scooper14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...14:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 481 seconds)14:22
jelkner!add Ask tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster14:27
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Ask tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster" has been added to the agenda.14:27
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:27
LittleWebsterAsk tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster (added by jelkner)14:27
jelknerI'm here, dcammue 14:35
dcammuedo you have something for me?14:36
jelknerwhat do you mean? i already asked for a specific favor14:36
jelknerwork with tboimah and mulbah to use the communication tech kevin worked out with them14:37
dcammueThe three media folders?14:37
dcammueoh okay14:37
jelkneroh, yes, did you show svaye how to move the media?14:37
dcammuewe did14:38
jelknerwhich directory is it in?14:38
jelkneri'm in /home/dcammue ?14:38
dcammue I did not upload mind yet14:39
jelkneri don't see it there14:39
jelknerbut i see it now in svaye's home directory14:39
dcammuebecause I was missing the auto14:39
jelkneri'll take a look at it14:40
dcammueshe has it for now14:40
jelknerthat's fine14:40
jelkneronce i put it in the repo14:40
jelknerwe will all have it14:40
jelknergit pull14:40
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:41
jelkneri just added one, jmolina 14:42
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:42
jelknervery strange14:42
jmolinaThat is weird 14:42
jelknerjmolina, LittleWebster fired at 9 am14:42
jelknerinstead of 10 am14:42
jelkneri added one item:14:42
jelkner!add Ask tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster14:42
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Ask tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster" has been added to the agenda.14:42
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:43
LittleWebsterAsk tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster (added by jelkner)14:43
jelknerit was there14:43
jmolina!add Elizabeth Guzman Deployment14:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Elizabeth Guzman Deployment" has been added to the agenda.14:43
jmolina!SECOSOL Progress14:43
jmolina!add SECOSOL Progress14:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "SECOSOL Progress" has been added to the agenda.14:43
jmolina!add Cooking Stove Project14:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Cooking Stove Project" has been added to the agenda.14:44
jmolina!add Progress Reports14:45
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Progress Reports" has been added to the agenda.14:45
jmolina!add Instructions for Linode Creation14:46
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Instructions for Linode Creation" has been added to the agenda.14:46
jmolina!add Form for Contact Info14:51
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Form for Contact Info" has been added to the agenda.14:51
dcammueACTION sing off14:52
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:52
jelknerGood morning AntonioAbela, great to see you!14:54
AntonioAbelaGood morning!14:54
jelknerAntonioAbela, before the meeting starts, how are things going with AFH?14:59
jelknernever mind14:59
jelknermeeting is about to start14:59
jmolinaGood Morning Everyone! Hope y'all had a good week.15:00
jelknergood morning jmolina 15:00
AntonioAbelaGood Morning15:00
jamesoconnrGood Morning15:00
*** jamesoconnr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:01
LittleWebsterAsk tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster (added by jelkner)15:01
LittleWebsterElizabeth Guzman Deployment (added by jmolina)15:01
LittleWebsterSECOSOL Progress (added by jmolina)15:01
LittleWebsterCooking Stove Project (added by jmolina)15:01
LittleWebsterProgress Reports (added by jmolina)15:01
LittleWebsterInstructions for Linode Creation (added by jmolina)15:01
LittleWebsterForm for Contact Info (added by jmolina)15:01
jmolinaOk so lets get started15:01
jelkneri have the first item15:01
jelkneri'll make it quick15:01
jelknerour bot isn't set to the correct time15:01
jelknertmickelson is handling that15:01
jelknerbut we want a back person more closely associated with NOVA Web15:02
jelknerso we should work on that15:02
jelknerACTION done15:02
jmolinaOk so continuing on15:02
jmolinaElizabeth Guzman Deployment15:02
jmolinaHow is that going15:03
jamesoconnrWe still need the issues but otherwise it's ready. I will likely need some help deploying15:03
jelknerjamesoconnr, reach out to abucholz15:04
jmolinaI was about to say15:04
jmolinaYou are in contact with him right?15:04
jamesoconnrYes, will do15:04
jelknerand we can ask mattva01 on thurday too, but again, abuchholz is part of nova web15:04
jelknerso reach out to him first15:04
jamesoconnrGot it15:04
jmolinajamesoconnr How is it going with SECOSOL?15:05
jamesoconnrGood, I fixed the issues I was having with blog app. I'm still working on the theme and moving over old content15:06
jmolinaOk I guess while we wait for the Issues for Elizabeth Guzman it would be good to work on that15:06
jamesoconnrYeah, good idea15:07
jelknerplease remember that Elizabeth's site is *top priority*!15:07
jelknershe will need things done on time15:07
jelkneror it won't be of any use to her15:07
jelknerledmer just arrived15:08
jmolinaGood Morning Luis15:08
jelknerjamesoconnr and ledmer, it is really important at this state for you both to learn from abucholz and stefan how we deploy libreorganize on linodes15:08
jelknerplease reach out to abucholz to set up meeting times for him to guide you15:09
jamesoconnrI'll reach out after the meeting today15:09
jelknergreat, thanks!15:09
jmolinaledmer How is it going with the Stove project15:10
jelknerscooper, is here on that too15:10
scooperjust a minute let me read before responding15:11
scooperok, thing are moving perfect. my partner 15:12
scooperledmer have work tireless with novaweb sys admin team to have the project deploy15:12
jmolinaSo when do you think that will be ready?15:13
jelknerif i understand correctly, it is up now, and they are waiting for a customer meeting?15:13
scooperall we need now is to have Dr. Hubbard monitor the project before we 15:13
jmolinaoh ok15:14
jmolinaSounds Good15:14
scoopermove forward....15:14
jmolinaOk so progress reports15:15
scooperledmer is anything you want to buttress to this statement????15:15
jamesoconnrIt would be helpful if the business team could reach out when progress reports are needed15:16
jelknerjmolina, what do you mean by Progress Reports?15:16
jmolinaSo Progress Reports is where we send a little report to our clients with what we did that week for the website15:17
jelknerjmolina, have you and /or klarios met with charles from alliance for housing solutions yet?15:17
jelkneroh, nice!15:17
jelknerthat is a great practice15:17
jmolinaI can speak for me and say I have not15:17
AntonioAbelaI sent the introductory email to Charles but I have gotten no reply so I will reach out to Kei and ask him if he got it.15:17
jelknerthanks, AntonioAbela 15:17
jelknerwe want to establish that relationship, so we can keep our partnership with them moving forward15:18
AntonioAbelaI just sent a message to Kei so I'll see what he says.15:19
jmolinaSounds Good15:20
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:20
LittleWebsterAsk tmickelson to fix the clock on LittleWebster (added by jelkner)15:20
LittleWebsterElizabeth Guzman Deployment (added by jmolina)15:20
LittleWebsterSECOSOL Progress (added by jmolina)15:20
LittleWebsterCooking Stove Project (added by jmolina)15:20
LittleWebsterProgress Reports (added by jmolina)15:20
LittleWebsterInstructions for Linode Creation (added by jmolina)15:20
LittleWebsterForm for Contact Info (added by jmolina)15:20
jmolinaOk So Developers15:20
jmolinaHow do you think we can make it easiest for clients to host their own linodes15:20
jamesoconnrSome sort of easy to follow documentation that shows step by step how to set one up and one of us as admin15:21
jamesoconnrcould be a video or a document15:21
AntonioAbelaWith AEA we had someone meet with them in person to help them set it up, but I agree that having a video to show the process would be great15:21
AntonioAbelaOr we could do some sort of video call to help them15:22
jmolinaI like the documentation / video Idea15:22
jelknerit will probably end up being both in practice15:23
jelknersince having the documention / video will help us guide them in a video call15:23
jelknerso who can make that?15:23
jmolinaI can get cracking on that15:24
jmolinaOk this meeting is going a lot faster than I thought15:24
jmolinaSo our final item15:24
jmolinaI made this form for contact information15:25
jmolinaIt would be very helpful if all of you filled it out15:25
jamesoconnrAlright, ill do it now15:26
jelknerjust filled it out jamesoconnr 15:26
jelkneri mean jmolina 15:26
jamesoconnrYou may want to send that out in an email, not everyone is here15:26
jmolinaIll also do that15:26
AntonioAbelaJust submitted it15:26
jelknerjmolina, we're depending on you to drop the bag of gravel today ;-)15:27
jmolinaHow do I do that again15:27
jelknerYou just type "/me drops the bag of gravel"15:28
jelknerand the meeting is officially over15:28
jmolinaACTION drops the bag of gravel15:29
jmolinaBye yall15:29
jelknergreat job, jmolina!15:29
jelknersee you on thursday15:29
AntonioAbelaGood bye15:29
*** jamesoconnr has quit (Quit: Page closed)15:29
*** AntonioAbela has quit (Quit: Page closed)15:29
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*** vhazari has quit (Quit: Page closed)15:29
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:30
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:40
*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:40

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