IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-12-02

*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:33
mulbahHello shmohamud13:37
mulbahHow are you and everything doing13:37
shmohamudHello Mulbah13:38
shmohamudI'm doing well, thanks for asking. How are you?13:38
mulbahI'm good13:38
mulbahlong time13:39
shmohamudYes sir, too long if you ask me :)13:39
shmohamudHello fkoikoi13:41
fkoikoiHi shmohamud 13:41
fkoikoihow are you?13:41
shmohamudDoing well, how are you?13:42
fkoikoiI'm good as well13:42
fkoikoilong time oo13:42
shmohamudYes, too long! Are you studying for the PCEP?13:43
fkoikoiyes 13:44
fkoikoiand will need your help too13:44
shmohamudOk, I'm here as a resource. I can always make time for you, just let me know when works for you.13:45
shmohamudDo you have any quick questions now?13:45
janetHi everyone13:45
mulbahhello janet13:46
shmohamudHi Janet13:46
mulbahplease join #jetrowebdev13:46
fkoikoiso what time will you be available?13:46
shmohamudWeekdays at 8:30PM Monrovia time13:47
fkoikoiAlright 13:47
shmohamudI've seen scooper a few times already13:48
shmohamudMulbah how do I join jetrowebdev?13:50
mulbahgo to server up13:51
mulbahand click join a channel13:51
shmohamudis there a PW?13:52
mulbahand put "#jetrowebdev"13:52
shmohamudI don't think that worked. "Cannot send to channel" error13:53
mulbahdid you go to server 13:56
mulbahand click join channel13:56
shmohamudI clicked "Add Channel"13:56
mulbahno you will see join channel13:57
dcammueGood morning and Good day to you all13:57
mulbahup where you have "HexChat, View, Server, Settings, Window, Help"13:58
mulbahGood afternoon dcammue13:59
shmohamudI'm not using HexChat, I'm using LimeChat13:59
mulbahoh okay13:59
LittleWebstermulbah : dcammue : fkoikoi : jelkner : tboimah : janet : shmohamud14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterDiscussion on Jeff Meeting with the Supe (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterThings that are needed to be done while looking forward to the building of the school (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterPlans for earning certifications before May 1st (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
mulbahClick add channel14:00
mulbahand then put jetrowebdev when you see #, if there is no # but #jetrowebdev14:00
mulbahput not but14:01
shmohamudok we'll figure it out later. Meeting started.14:01
jelknershmohamud, you can type "/j #jetrowebdev"14:03
mulbahThe meeting is not heal on this channel 14:03
shmohamudGot it14:03
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jelknershmohamud, NOVA Web is making great progress14:32
jelknerthat's why i asked you to stay14:32
shmohamudthat's really good to hear. Looking forward to meeting14:32
jelknerso that you can get a feel for what they can do by watching14:33
jelknerwe can talk about that next Saturday14:33
shmohamudsounds good14:33
jelknerbtw, shmohamud their biggest success so far was last week14:33
jelknershe called us thursday morning and said "i need the website up *today*!"14:34
jelknerand they delivered14:34
shmohamudlooks great, awesome! Who did the development work for it?14:35
jelknerJames O'Connor14:35
jelknerdid most of the Django work14:36
jelknerbut they worked as a team14:36
shmohamudcool I don't think I've met James yet14:36
jelknerJulian and Kei coordinated communication14:36
jelknerthey are the business managers14:36
jelknerI believe Luis helped with Spanish translation14:37
shmohamudSounds like a solid team effort14:37
jelknerit really was14:38
shmohamudThat's how it should be for every project, like a well-oiled machine we should produce websites.14:38
jelknerit was a joy to watch14:38
shmohamudDefinitely a big success. The question from my perspective is how to get *new* clients. I have an idea.14:38
jelknerlet's talk next Saturday14:39
shmohamudsounds good14:39
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:52
Jmolina!add Request for NOVA Web Tutor14:53
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Request for NOVA Web Tutor" has been added to the agenda.14:53
jelknerJmolina, let me tell you now what that's about14:53
Jmolina!add NOVA Web Website Updates14:54
LittleWebsterSuccess: "NOVA Web Website Updates" has been added to the agenda.14:54
jelknerMelida from Academic Academy came to me with a Latina mom calling her to find a tutor for her NVCC son who is taking ITE 140 (the spreadsheet) class14:54
Jmolina!add New IRC Channel14:54
LittleWebsterSuccess: "New IRC Channel" has been added to the agenda.14:54
jelkneri told her perhaps NOVA Web could find someone to do that for $20 per hour14:55
jelknerso that is the item14:55
jelknershe is expecting a call from one of us today14:55
Jmolina!add !Cooking Stove Project14:55
LittleWebsterSuccess: "!Cooking Stove Project" has been added to the agenda.14:55
JmolinaOh ok14:55
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Jmolina!Georgetown Professor14:57
Jmolina!add Georgetown Professor14:57
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Georgetown Professor" has been added to the agenda.14:57
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:57
LittleWebsterRequest for NOVA Web Tutor (added by Jmolina)14:57
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Website Updates (added by Jmolina)14:57
LittleWebsterNew IRC Channel (added by Jmolina)14:57
LittleWebster!Cooking Stove Project (added by Jmolina)14:57
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor (added by Jmolina)14:57
klarios!add Nova web Tutor14:58
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Nova web Tutor" has been added to the agenda.14:58
klarios!add charle's introductory message14:59
LittleWebsterSuccess: "charle's introductory message" has been added to the agenda.14:59
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:59
LittleWebsterRequest for NOVA Web Tutor (added by Jmolina)14:59
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Website Updates (added by Jmolina)14:59
LittleWebsterNew IRC Channel (added by Jmolina)14:59
LittleWebster!Cooking Stove Project (added by Jmolina)14:59
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor (added by Jmolina)14:59
LittleWebsterNova web Tutor (added by klarios)14:59
LittleWebstercharle's introductory message (added by klarios)14:59
klarios!add Linode/Server terminations15:00
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Linode/Server terminations" has been added to the agenda.15:00
klariosHelllo guys good morning15:00
jelknerGood morning15:00
JmolinaGood Morning 15:00
klariossorry for the lateness, I was doing stuff for family 15:00
shmohamudGood morning15:01
klariosAlright so as you mentioned Jeff we added the NOVA we tutor, what are your plans regarding that?15:01
jelknerdo you want to do it?15:01
jelkneri mean take on the business?15:02
jelknerit's not part of NOVA Web's regular offering15:02
jelknerbut it's a paying gig15:02
jelknerrelated to what we do15:02
jelknerACTION done15:02
JmolinaHonestly we have two people that know ITE 14015:02
JmolinaEdward could probably do that15:03
klarioswe are not so far from doing it as well15:03
jelknerJmolina, can you call the customer today?15:03
jelkneri can text you her number15:03
JmolinaOk but shouldn't we talk to Edward first?15:03
jelkneri told her we would call today15:04
jelknerso if you can reach him, great15:04
jelknerbut you two are the business managers15:04
jelkneryou need to get used to moving quick when these things come up15:04
JmolinaI mean sure I will call her today theb15:04
jelkneryou don't have to sign a contract, just call her15:05
jelknerACTION done15:05
klarios!add meeting with Maddie 15:05
LittleWebsterSuccess: "meeting with Maddie" has been added to the agenda.15:05
klariosJmolina: You've got this? 15:05
JmolinaYou mean Melida15:06
klariosAlright, we can move on to the next item on the list.15:07
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:07
LittleWebsterRequest for NOVA Web Tutor (added by Jmolina)15:07
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Website Updates (added by Jmolina)15:07
LittleWebsterNew IRC Channel (added by Jmolina)15:07
LittleWebster!Cooking Stove Project (added by Jmolina)15:07
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor (added by Jmolina)15:07
LittleWebsterNova web Tutor (added by klarios)15:07
LittleWebstercharle's introductory message (added by klarios)15:07
LittleWebsterLinode/Server terminations (added by klarios)15:07
LittleWebstermeeting with Maddie (added by klarios)15:07
JmolinaOk for the second item15:07
klariosIrc website updates Jmolina  15:07
klariosI know we were working on this last time, who is taking on this project?15:07
JmolinaI don't have much to say besides we need to update the theme, I have been messaging with Adrian and with the help of Luis and James we can get that done15:07
JmolinaLuis will be leading it primarily 15:08
klariosGot you, do you think it would be time consuming?15:08
klariosthat's good since we are expecting Luis to take on a big project soon15:09
klariosAlso do you know if he will be able to make it? I messaged him but have gotten no response15:09
klariosJmolina: 15:09
JmolinaHe will be able to15:09
klariosGot you15:10
klariosdo you know if the website is inthe current version of libre organize15:10
klariosor an older one?15:10
JmolinaYes it is but it is not in boxes or files15:11
klariosits in the current one?15:11
klariosok, we can add them on to our boxes and files while we work on it15:11
klarioswith the help of Adrian 15:11
klariosalright moving on to the third Item 15:12
klariosit is the cooking stove project15:12
JmolinaSo Luis isnt here15:12
JmolinaBut I was looking at it and the homepage needs some serious work15:12
klarioscan I have the link?15:12
klariosor web address?15:13
JmolinaAlso the URL is kind of weird15:13
klariosoh 15:13
jelknerthe url is fine15:13
klariosI see, this is an issue we need to focus on immediately15:13
jelknerbut the page needs work!15:13
JmolinaThe URL needs to have the www. at the beginning to work15:13
jelknerthat's a dns record15:14
jelknerso we could fix that on thursday evening15:14
klariosI agree, it looks very simplistic and lack a lot. Jmolina Has Luis been updating you regarding the projects?15:14
JmolinaNot really15:14
klarioswe need to deliver a product if we want to charge people.15:14
jelknerJmolina, klarios you can assign me to ask him about that15:14
jelknersince i see him every other day in class15:15
jelkneri see him monday morning15:15
klariosSure you can take innitiative although we will still tell all developers about updating us on projects 15:15
klariosespecially if they feel stuck or cant get any progress done15:16
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klariosAlright we can proceed to move on,15:16
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:17
LittleWebsterRequest for NOVA Web Tutor (added by Jmolina)15:17
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Website Updates (added by Jmolina)15:17
LittleWebsterNew IRC Channel (added by Jmolina)15:17
LittleWebster!Cooking Stove Project (added by Jmolina)15:17
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor (added by Jmolina)15:17
LittleWebsterNova web Tutor (added by klarios)15:17
LittleWebstercharle's introductory message (added by klarios)15:17
LittleWebsterLinode/Server terminations (added by klarios)15:17
LittleWebstermeeting with Maddie (added by klarios)15:17
klariosthe next Item Is creating a New IRC channel15:17
jelknerthat has been done15:17
jelknerbut BigBrother needs fixing15:17
klariosgood, who took care of that?15:17
jelknerit prints the agenda in this channel15:17
JmolinaI did15:17
jelknernot in #jetrowebdev 15:18
JmolinaOh I don't have access to this one yet15:18
klariosGreat Jmolina15:18
JmolinaBut I will talk to Tobi about that15:18
klariosthat sounds like a plan. 15:19
klariosAlright moving on we got the Georgetown professor15:19
klariosI am not sure I am aware of him completely.15:19
JmolinaHe just wants a website made for a podcast15:20
klariosoooh that sounds great, and I imagine james could take care of that?15:20
JmolinaHonestly now that the Elizabeth Guzman storm has calmed down a bit James could do it15:20
klariosYeah it would be benefitial, the only thing that concerns me though is like Ms guzman's site, SECOSOL also needs a pretty urgent site, especially if we want to test is for hosting on mayfirst15:21
jelknerSECOSOL can wait15:21
JmolinaLike Jeff said SECOSOL isnt a priority 15:22
jelknersaddly the organization is moving slow15:22
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klariosgot you15:22
jelknerso we will need it, but not yet15:22
klarioswe will need to take innitiative with another organization then 15:22
JmolinaPlus James is just waiting on their content15:22
klariosIts been maybe 3 weeks?15:22
klariosyeah, jelkner do you know if we can talk to somebody in order to speed things up?15:23
jelkneryou can't klarios 15:23
klariosor at least help them 15:23
klariosgot it15:24
jelknerjust move on15:24
jelknerthey will come to you when they are ready15:24
klariosI understand, do you think we could proceed with MSP instead?15:24
klariosI will talk to them about that 15:24
klariosAlright, moving on we have charle's introductory message, Unfortunately Antonio was not able to make it since he has a short notice event from college but we have created the list15:25
jelknerklarios, Jmolina, can you stay a few minutes after you drop the bag of gravel?15:25
klarioshe Is sending the introductury email to Charles today and we will be crafting the email as of this week15:26
klariosjelkner: Ye15:26
klariosAlso jeff15:26
jelknerafter, klarios 15:26
jelkneryou only have 3 minutes115:26
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klariosANtonio had an issue transferring the site from spacehost to bluehost so charles knew someone who could take care of that15:27
klariosthat's why he needed external help15:27
jelknergot you15:27
klariosAlright next is the meeting with maddie \15:27
klariosshe has not emailed me back but I will call her to set it up15:27
klariosas email is not her main way of contact15:28
klariosnow lastly it is linode server information 15:28
klariosI logged into the NWD linode and noticed a bunch of unused servers, I am going to reach out to the costumers and determine wether they want their own linode account15:29
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klariosAlright, that is all I got for today15:29
jelknertalk to abucholz about that first15:29
klariosyeah I talked to him about some 15:30
klariosthat we need and dont need15:30
klariosACTION drops the bag of gravel15:30
jelknerok, i have three proposals / concerns15:31
jelkner1. these saturday morning planning meetings are crucial15:31
jelknercan you two agree to be here 30 minutes early (9:30 am) and to bill me for the hour15:31
jelknerso i'll commit to $30 a week to get the two of you here for an hour15:32
klariosI agree15:32
jelknersince the 3 of us can use the 30 minutes before 10 to plan15:32
jelknerok, great15:32
jelknernow no. 215:32
jelknerwe need the developers here15:32
jelknernot one of them showed today15:32
jelknerthey should be here from 10 to 10:30 am15:32
Jmolinayes we do15:32
jelkneri have a proposal15:32
jelknerwe should put it before the developers themselves15:33
klarioswe need to find out a way to incentivize them to be here15:33
jelknerbut i'll argue strongly for it15:33
jelknerno one gets a pay check during a week they were not present at the saturday meeting15:33
jelknerthat means when they are waiting for a check, they at least have to show up them15:33
Jmolinaok sounds good to me15:34
klariosThat sounds like a good idea. Although my idea was harsher this could work as wekk15:34
jelknerwe should continue to focus on moral persuasion15:34
klariosI was thinking deducting an ammout for no show15:34
jelknerbut a little bit of material incentive may help us here15:34
jelknerdeducing what?15:35
klariosbut that is harsh of course15:35
klariosfrom their checks15:35
jelknerhave you been paying for the time they spend in the meeting?15:35
jelknerthen there is nothing to deduct15:35
jelknerthis is a great conversation15:35
jelknerwe are really moving along15:35
jelknerwe are now beginning to talk about idea, what is right and wrong, what we can and can not (and should) do15:36
jelknerremember, before too long15:36
jelknerwe will have a firmer governance in place15:36
jelknerthe idea of a worker coop is one worker one vote15:36
jelknerso anything you plan, we need to get approved by everyone15:36
klariosYeah I agree, especially if we are expecting more people to join us we need to stand our ground15:37
jelknerso in building a democratic organization, you need to do a lot of education15:37
jelknerwe have a smart group15:37
jelkneri think our dear friend ledmer, who just showed up15:37
jelknerwould understand why it is so important to have devs in the meetings15:37
klariosHello ledmer 15:37
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JmolinaHi Luis15:38
jelknerand we could probably have his support to get some kind of accountability built in when people don't show15:38
jelknerwe get to decide together15:38
jelknerbut we need to both motivate each other and to hold each other accountable15:38
klariosyes I agree15:39
jelknerif we do, we succeed and thrive, if not, we don't15:39
jelknerok, last of my 3 points15:39
jelknerklarios, Jmolina, my experience is that your lives will be most pleasant, and our business will be most effective15:39
jelknerwhen we understand that we server our partners / clients15:40
jelknerso, don't bother pestering them for data and trying to move then along on their websites15:40
jelknerinstead, be ready to move with all deliberate speed when they ask us15:40
jelknerwe serve them15:41
jelknernot the other way around15:41
jelknerif they aren't pestering us15:41
jelknerthey don't perceive and acute need15:41
jelknerso we have nothing to do15:41
jelknerSECOSOL is a case in point15:41
jelknerand MSP too15:41
klariosI understand15:41
jelknerSECOSOL has not been asking you for progress15:41
jelknerbut MSP has15:41
jelknerso take care of MSP15:42
jelknerACTION done15:42
jelknerklarios, you won't be here next week, right?15:43
klariosI iwll15:43
Jmolinai wont15:43
klariosJmolina: Julian wont15:43
jelknerok, klarios i'll see you thursday15:43
jelknerbut i'll be in a video forum15:43
klariosGot it, thank you for your time and advice15:43
jelkneri'm be listening to a forum on this book:
jelknerin addition to the author, chris gilbert15:45
jelknerone of the other panelists is from cooperation jackson:
jelkneri'll report back to you on it later15:46
jelknerbut i am very interested in the radical cooperative movement15:46
jelknerso i had to attend15:46
jelknerthat's all i got15:47
jelknersee you next thursday15:47
JmolinaSee you Monday Jeff15:47
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jelknerACTION signs off for the day15:47
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