IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-12-09

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LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterRequest for NOVA Web Tutor (added by Jmolina)14:00
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Website Updates (added by Jmolina)14:00
LittleWebsterNew IRC Channel (added by Jmolina)14:00
LittleWebster!Cooking Stove Project (added by Jmolina)14:00
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor (added by Jmolina)14:00
LittleWebsterNova web Tutor (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebstercharle's introductory message (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterLinode/Server terminations (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebstermeeting with Maddie (added by klarios)14:00
LittleWebsterupdates from each group (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterDiscussion on svaye and dcammue joining the python group (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterfinalizing the mailing process (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterAOB (added by fkoikoi)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
klariosHey Luis!14:11
klariosGood morning14:11
ledmerHi! kei14:12
ledmerhow are you doing?14:13
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klariosI am doing better 14:18
klariosIm gonna call in Adrian to see if we can get something started14:19
klarioswill you be here until our meeting starts?14:19
klariosledmer: 14:22
klarios!add Figuring out the development for Maryland Latino Caucus14:27
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Figuring out the development for Maryland Latino Caucus" has been added to the agenda.14:27
klarios!add meeting with Mexico Solidarity project, updates and billing. 14:28
LittleWebsterSuccess: "meeting with Mexico Solidarity project, updates and billing." has been added to the agenda.14:28
klarios!add Updates on Claudia Jones school | Timelime for button14:29
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Updates on Claudia Jones school | Timelime for button" has been added to the agenda.14:29
ledmeryes i will be here14:30
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klarios!add Georgetown Professor's Podcast14:34
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Georgetown Professor's Podcast" has been added to the agenda.14:34
klariosHey AntonioAbela!14:48
klariosHey cbahrambegi!14:48
klarios!add AHS Transfer14:49
LittleWebsterSuccess: "AHS Transfer" has been added to the agenda.14:49
klariosThank you for coming, we will start soon14:49
klarios!add Testimonial | Writing14:50
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Testimonial | Writing" has been added to the agenda.14:50
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klariosAlright guys, thank you for coming. Sorry you didnt' hear from me this week, I was pretty sick. 15:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:00
LittleWebsterGeorgetown Professor's Podcast (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterAHS Transfer (added by klarios)15:00
LittleWebsterTestimonial | Writing (added by klarios)15:00
klariosTHis is the agenda for today15:00
klariosweird 15:00
klariosfor some reason it didnt print fully 15:00
klariosIts alright the first thing was figuring out the development of Maryland Latino Caucus15:01
klariosledmer: 15:01
klariosWere you able to talk to adrian about this one?15:01
klariosHe will be joining us this thursday so we can talk to him about that as well. 15:02
ledmerWell James helped me to find the repo15:02
ledmerso its okay15:02
klariosThere's many things that need to be done before we start doing any development on the site15:02
klariosgot you, that's good for now but we do need to figure out how to move the site to the current version of Libre organize15:03
ledmerare we really moving the site15:03
ledmeri think it will be easier just do a new one 15:03
klariosI think we have to 15:03
klariosWe could just do a new one and copy paste everything15:04
ledmersince they also wanted a new design15:04
klariosIf you're up to that of course15:04
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ledmerthat should be easy15:04
klariosYeah I agree with you, there aren't many libre organize functions that they would need 15:04
klarioswhat are thinking for the design?15:05
ledmerim taking this page as an inspiration15:05
klariosNice it looks great!15:06
ledmerobviously it will not be the same thing 15:06
ledmerbut it will look alike15:06
klariosIm sure they would like it as well, like you said in the meeting their webpage will have lots of content15:06
ledmeryeah the old page the y have seems empty 15:07
ledmerand the little info they have is pilled up in plain text15:07
klariosgot you15:07
klariosso will you put the theme together and show it to them? how long would that take?15:08
klariosjust for the design/theme15:08
ledmerI told them two weeks15:08
ledmeri will primarily focus on the front page15:08
ledmerto give the best design i can15:09
klariosgood, we can check in every week about this then. It sounds like a plan.15:09
ledmerso they can talk about the payment with their organization 15:09
klariosWHen you start working on it, can you log the hours15:09
ledmerIm doing it!15:09
klariosthank you 15:10
klariosthey had their concerns about invoicing15:10
klariosI want to set it straight with them. Thank you Luis15:10
klariosalright moving on to the second Item. 15:11
klariosits the mexico solidarity project. cbahrambegi  they want to meet sometime this week. 15:11
klariosIs there are a particular day you are most avaliable?15:11
klarioscbahrambegi: 15:11
klariosThey said they can do monday and wednesday, but I am not sure about your avaliability15:12
klarioscbahrambegi: Both days work for me as well15:13
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klarios_Sorry I got disconnected15:14
klarios_cbahrambegi: Are you seeing the messages?15:14
cbahrambegiYes for some reason i was disconnected15:14
cbahrambegiI might be able to meet this week15:15
klarios_Does Monday sound good for you?15:15
cbahrambegiI can't on monday15:15
klarios_They just want to check in on the updates for the project15:15
klarios_got you 15:15
klarios_how about wednesday?15:15
cbahrambegiI think i can yes15:16
cbahrambegiSure wednesday15:16
klarios_Is there a time preference?15:16
klarios_maybe 5:00 PM15:16
klarios_is good15:16
cbahrambegiAfter 5ish?15:16
klarios_yeah we can do 6:00 PM15:16
klarios_got it great! I will set that up with them then 15:17
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klarios_Also how is it going with the Donate button for Claudia jones school?15:18
klarios_Do you need any help with it? James has some free time now15:19
klarios_cbahrambegi: 15:19
cbahrambegiIf James could do it that would be great15:19
klarios_Hey james15:19
jamesoconnrsorry i got disconnected 15:19
klarios_Its alright15:19
klarios_How would you like taking care of a donate button for Claudia Jones school?15:20
klarios_jamesoconnr: 15:20
jamesoconnrI could do it. It seems to be on an old version of libreogranize15:20
klarios_the whole site is?15:21
klarios_I didn't know that15:21
klarios_Can it still be done?15:21
jamesoconnrI believe so. Right now I could just use that version but in the future I could update it15:21
klarios_that would be of great help, I will send you the info shortly. Thank you15:22
klarios_also now that you are here, what are your plans regarding the podcast website?15:22
klarios_I know it was introduced last meeting, has the client reached out?15:22
jamesoconnrI have not heard about this from anyone but bill gormley is my neighbor 15:23
klarios_the georgetown professor?15:23
klarios_Let me ask jeff about him more, I will let you know.15:24
jamesoconnrI could work on the site, but i’m pretty busy right now15:24
klarios_does he have a needy timeline?15:24
klarios_its alright we can establish communication with him on thursday 15:25
klarios_alright i got 5 mins15:25
klarios_AntonioAbela: onto updating you about AHS. We had erroneus transfers but they are being fixed, I am hoping that you will have the amount by monday 15:26
klarios_does that sound ok with you?15:26
klarios_we have a lot of servers on our account and its hurting the financials. 15:27
klarios_but by monday you should have your share15:27
klarios_AntonioAbela: 15:27
klarios_Are you able to see the messages? Irc is weird sometimes15:28
klarios_I can send a ZULIP about it as well. 15:28
klarios_Alright then, I will send individual messages to everyone with projects and such for updates this week15:29
klarios_Thank you for meeting 15:29
klarios_Have a great rest of your day guys15:29
jamesoconnrThank you!15:29
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scooperHello ledmer...20:58
scoopercan I show you something while we await Dr Hubbard21:00
ledmerhe knows we are meeting21:01
StephenSpencer invited me to this chat to talk about Tanaka's website...21:02
scooperWelcome Dr. Hubbard21:03
scoopermy partner leder and I are here21:03
StephenThanks.  What would you like to discuss?21:03
scooperWe will show you what we have done21:03
scooperthem you can give your view on how you really want us to design the project...21:04
scooperthat is the link ledmer just pasted.......21:04
StephenOk. open the webpage...21:04
Stephenslow.  Must be frustrating to work on...21:05
StephenThis looks great21:06
ledmerWe are excited to hear that21:06
ledmerbut as you can see we still need to fill out the contents of the page21:06
scoopersure we are definitely 21:06
StephenOk.  I tried to get ahold of Tanaka, but he's not responded, but I think the next step is to have him look at it and then Email you what to do next.21:07
ledmerIt would be awesome if he can give us21:08
ledmerwhat text does he want in the page21:08
scooperok that is great...21:08
ledmeror what ideas does he have21:08
StephenYes.  How does the blog work?21:08
StephenOr how will it work....21:08
scooperThis blog. with a blog that Tanaka will publish item on21:09
scooperthem he will have area where user can response to what he publish.....21:09
StephenHow does he do that?  Through the server pages, or by logging in here?21:09
ledmerby logging in 21:10
scoopersure by loggin21:10
scooperwith a valid credentials21:10
StephenSorry, log into the server and use its tools, or by logging in at this URL and then using its tools?21:11
ledmerlog into the page21:11
scooperUSING WEB PAGE21:11
StephenOk.  Is that code you have yet to write, or does it take advantage of existing facilities?  I just want to be able to tell him how to do it?21:12
ledmerwe already have it 21:12
StephenSo he can make a test post.21:12
ledmerits just to implement to the server21:12
StephenOk.  How does he learn how to do it?21:13
ledmerits just log into the page21:13
ledmerand then he can write 21:13
StephenSo type and drag and drop photos?21:14
ledmerno but 21:14
StephenCan I get a log in to try it?21:14
ledmerthe comment section is not yet implemented into the website because its not styled yet21:15
scooperBefore our next meeting21:15
scooperyou can demonstrate that.....21:15
StephenOk, choose a style along the lines of what you have now looks fine.  Create two loggins, one for me Stephen740 and one for Tanaka2023 and Email us the passwords of your choice.  Nothing too hard and then we can try it when its ready. Is that OK?21:16
scoopersure... so when are meeting again21:17
StephenI mean don't make the passwords too complex.... xx$%il1liI@(#1101210$$$$ sort of stuff.21:18
StephenYes.  21:18
StephenWhen would you like to meet again?  Next Saturday?21:18
ledmerif that works for you then yes21:19
StephenYes.  Great.  Thanks!21:19
scooperSame time 21:19
scooperon Saturday....21:19
StephenYes. 21:19
StephenSame Bat time, Same Bat channel....21:20
StephenOk. Have a good afternoon and evening....21:20
scooperOk thanks for coming through21:21
StephenNP.  Bye...21:21
ledmerYou too!21:21
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