IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2024-01-13

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LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...14:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
svayeGood morning jelkner 14:02
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jelknerJulianM, good morning!14:35
jelknerCan i get an item on the agenda for today?14:35
JulianMGood Morning Jelkner14:35
jelknerGood morning JulianM 14:36
JulianM!add Business Tracker Hours14:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Business Tracker Hours" has been added to the agenda.14:37
jelkner!add Report from DNOVA Council meeting (5 min)14:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Report from DNOVA Council meeting (5 min)" has been added to the agenda.14:38
klarioshey julian 14:38
JulianM!add NOVA Web Dev Website14:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "NOVA Web Dev Website" has been added to the agenda.14:38
klarioshey jelkner 14:38
klariosgood morning14:38
jelknerGood morning klarios14:38
jelknerI am super excited!14:38
jelknerThe meeting yesterday was amazing14:38
klariosWhich meeting if you dont mind me asking?14:39
jelkneri don't mind at all14:40
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:40
LittleWebsterBusiness Tracker Hours (added by JulianM)14:40
LittleWebsterReport from DNOVA Council meeting (5 min) (added by jelkner)14:40
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Dev Website (added by JulianM)14:40
klariosi seee14:40
jelknerI have been invited to be on the DNOVA Council as a representative of NOVA Web Development14:41
klariosyes, i remember that14:41
jelknerwell, that was the meeting Johanna and I attended yesterday14:41
jelknerwe both left very energized14:41
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jelknerklarios, you are considering NVCC and then GMU for your studies, yes?14:42
klariosgeorge mason is a great place for community activities14:42
klariosI considered it since the advance program is very conviniet14:42
jelknerwell, if this all works out, you will have developed close relationships with people there before you arrive14:43
klariostheir articulation agreements also offer cyber-comp-sci which would be a total match for me14:43
klariosthat would be amazing14:43
jelknersince GMU is the hub of the DNOVA Council14:43
jelkneri stated as clearly and loudly as i could that what NOVA Web needs to remain viable is paid doing social justice computing14:44
jelknerthere was a clear understanding of that from the folks who invited us to be on the council14:44
klariosim glad you were understood14:45
jelknerand i left with at least a tacit understanding that they want to work with us to help make that happen14:45
jelknerklarios, we have an exciting Summer ahead of us14:45
jelknerwe have a lot of work to do14:46
klariosYeah I agree14:46
jelknerdoing the kinds of self-study and discussions that i believe you will be excited about14:46
jelkneri can remove that item from the agenda14:46
jelknersince that's all i had to say about it14:47
klariosI am looking forward to leading us there14:47
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:47
LittleWebsterBusiness Tracker Hours (added by JulianM)14:47
LittleWebsterReport from DNOVA Council meeting (5 min) (added by jelkner)14:47
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Dev Website (added by JulianM)14:47
klariosalright thank you for letting me know about this jeff.14:47
jelkner!remove Report from DNOVA Council meeting (5 min)14:47
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Report from DNOVA Council meeting (5 min)" has been removed from the agenda.14:47
klarios!add Bank memos for ved14:48
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Bank memos for ved" has been added to the agenda.14:48
klarios!add bi-weekly report | James O'Connor14:49
LittleWebsterSuccess: "bi-weekly report | James O'Connor" has been added to the agenda.14:49
klarios!add MSP version meeting14:49
LittleWebsterSuccess: "MSP version meeting" has been added to the agenda.14:49
klarioshey JulianM, the business tracker hours is about developers logging their hours right?14:50
klariosinteresting 14:51
klarios!add updates on MD Latino Caucus14:52
LittleWebsterSuccess: "updates on MD Latino Caucus" has been added to the agenda.14:52
klariosgood morning ledmer 14:53
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klariosgood morning james14:56
jamesoconnrI’m gonna be afk until the meeting starts14:57
klariossure, you've got a little less than 3 mins14:57
klarioswe have an extensive agenda today but we will manage14:58
klariosAlso before we start JulianM, you mentioned parker was taking care of the NWD website right14:59
klariosdo you know if he has a nwd zulip or email and such 14:59
JulianMHe does15:00
klariosgreat, do you know if he would be attending the meeting?15:00
JulianMHe will not be,  his email is parker.borek15:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:01
LittleWebsterBusiness Tracker Hours (added by JulianM)15:01
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Dev Website (added by JulianM)15:01
LittleWebsterBank memos for ved (added by klarios)15:01
LittleWebsterbi-weekly report | James O'Connor (added by klarios)15:01
LittleWebsterMSP version meeting (added by klarios)15:01
LittleWebsterupdates on MD Latino Caucus (added by klarios)15:01
klariosno worries, we can contact him after the meeting15:01
klariosalright good mornign everyone, thank you for coming 15:01
klariosto get started the first item on the agenda is the business tracker hours 15:02
klariosto everyone who is doing any kind of work for NWD it is important to track hours15:02
klarioswether you have agreed to be paid or not15:02
klariosand for any project we are working on 15:02
jamesoconnrOk, can you add a project for dr thomas15:03
JulianMI did15:03
klariosare there any other things any of you are working on that do not have projects in Business tracker?15:04
jamesoconnri don’t think so15:04
klariosGot it, if there are, even if they are miscellaneous we've got to account for it. 15:05
klariosgreat we can move on to the next item 15:05
klariosand that is the NWD website 15:06
JulianMParker Sent out a couple emails asking for information15:06
JulianMHe will use those to update the Website15:06
klariosWe recieved an email by admin to provide the information for the bios. It is best we send that as soon as possible since its a very easy task15:06
jamesoconnrI will send mine over soon15:06
jelknerJulianM and klarios, the not so easy task is the information15:07
klariosThank you!15:07
jelknerParker's task is easy, yours is not15:07
jelknersince our website is our main marketing tool15:07
klarioswe must come up with something individually and as a team that shows what we do, who we are and who we stand for 15:08
jelknerand updating it provides an opportunity and motivation for beginning the conversations we need to have about who we are15:08
jelknerand how we want the world to see us15:08
jelknerACTION done15:08
klariosit'll be the thing that attracts costumers the most I would say15:08
klariosWe can brainstorm some ideas and make sure it reflects the NWD values and our skills as well15:09
klarioslets work on it this coming thursday in the beginning for the meeting?15:09
klariosis that alright with all?15:09
jamesoconnrsounds good15:09
klariosAlright moving on 15:10
klariosI dont think ved was able to make it, but to update you all. Checks are being send individually based on the project that you worked on. Instead of including all the payment in one check for all projects, we will divide it all in order to keep better track of them 15:12
klariosThis should not be a big change/inconvinience15:12
jamesoconnrThat seems like good idea15:12
ledmerthat sounds good15:12
klariosWe are trying to better keep track of finances15:12
klariosGreat, sounds good15:13
klariosalright moving on it is the bi-weekly report date for jamesoconnr 15:13
klariosI have it for Ms. Guzman;s site15:13
jamesoconnrAlright should I send it via email?15:14
JulianMSpeaking of James I emailed them about the little box you put and how we cant make the changes without the GoDaddy15:14
klariosyes. A written report via email of the changes made and follow ups15:14
klariosDo you have Ms. Guzman's email or contact info?15:15
jamesoconnrI’m not sure15:16
klariosI can give that to you15:16
JulianMShe is no longer in charge of the project15:16
JulianMShe has a project manager now15:16
klariosOh wow15:16
JulianMKenton Ngo <>15:16
jelknerThat's normal15:16
klarioswell we have to stay in contact with them 15:16
klariosI am guessing they are the point of contact from now on15:17
klariosI will add that into business tracker then15:17
klariosHello ved15:17
klarioswe just went over the point I wanted to discuss with you but to add some details. I will have the memo's and I will send you all the invoices today by zulip15:18
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klariosWould you rather have them in a excel sheet or straight from the bank @ved15:19
JulianM:jamesoconnr can you do me a favor and put your hours in after the meeting15:19
klariosVed_: 15:19
klarioshe might be disconnected. 15:20
klariosthen moving on 15:20
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:20
LittleWebsterBusiness Tracker Hours (added by JulianM)15:20
LittleWebsterNOVA Web Dev Website (added by JulianM)15:20
LittleWebsterBank memos for ved (added by klarios)15:20
LittleWebsterbi-weekly report | James O'Connor (added by klarios)15:20
LittleWebsterMSP version meeting (added by klarios)15:20
LittleWebsterupdates on MD Latino Caucus (added by klarios)15:20
klariosMSP and the version issue15:20
klarioscbahrambegi: and jamesoconnr  were you guys able to figure out what the version for MSP was?15:21
Ved_I missed that15:21
klariosnot that's alright, I can message you the details15:21
jamesoconnrklarios: I’m15:22
jamesoconnrI haven’t yet, I thought cyrus knew15:22
klarioscbahrambegi: jamesoconnr  if not we can reach adrian or louis since I think they are the last ones that worked on it15:22
cbahrambegiIf we could reach out to either Adrian or Louis that would be great15:23
klarioslet me see who last worked on it15:23
cbahrambegiSince I want to make sure we have the correct version15:23
jamesoconnrI can also just go on the server and find out15:23
klariosYes louis worked on it last15:23
klariosdo you have access to the server now?15:24
klariosjamesoconnr: 15:24
klariosif not we can still contact louis about it 15:25
klarioshe probably knows what it is15:26
klarioswe can continue that right after15:27
klariosledmer: Now miving on to the last point15:27
klariosit is MD latino caucus. I know you are currently working on it and got te design aproved which is great15:28
klariosI will be billing them soon since almost a month has passed15:28
ledmerthey asked me to add a few things15:28
klariosdo you have your hours up to date for the project?15:28
klariosgreat! I will bill once you finish the changes. How long do you think it will take?15:29
klariosledmer: 15:30
ledmerI could finish it by today15:30
ledmeralso they wanted to meet again15:30
klariosthat sounds great! let me know when you are done with all and when you log your hours and I will bill them 15:30
ledmerhave they talked about that to you?15:30
klariosI have not gotten an email from them 15:31
klariosI can arrange that with them if that's alright15:31
ledmerwrite an email to them15:31
klariosI will let you know what they say about the meeting15:31
jamesoconnrSorry all I disconnected15:31
klariosits alright, no worries. i will message you soon15:32
klariosalright thank you ledmer 15:32
jelknerit's 10:30, this meeting is running a little long15:32
jelknertime is so important15:32
jelknerpeople have things to do!15:32
klariosI think that is all we had for today15:32
ledmeri think we should15:32
ledmertell the updates15:32
ledmervia mail15:32
ledmerwe loose too much time15:33
jelknerin the long run15:33
ledmerin this updates15:33
jelknerthese meetings are for quick check-ins15:33
jelknerand making decisions15:33
klariosi think its a good way for everyone to know what everyone is doing15:33
jelknerlet's talk more later about that15:33
jelknerbut only if it is really quick15:33
jelknerhigh level and quick15:33
klariosI agree15:33
klarioswell. thank you all for coming. I will be messaging some and have a great rest of your day!15:34
jamesoconnrYou too, thanks!15:34
JulianMACTION logs off15:34
ledmerhave a good day!15:34
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klariosACTION drops the gavel15:34
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klariosyou as well15:34
jelknerklarios, can i give you a call?15:35
klariossure, give me a second15:35
klariosI am ready15:36
jelknerit doesn't work, klarios 15:37
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