IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-06-06

*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:18
*** kryvnus has quit (None)21:38
*** klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:43
*** aphillips has left #novawebdev (None)21:44
zOnnyHello World21:47
jelknerHello zOnny!21:47
ledmerHi nice to meet you! 21:48
klariosHello! nice to meet you21:48
zOnnyHi NovaWebDev team21:48
jelknerso klarios and ledmer, please tell our friend what you need.21:49
klariosWe were wondering if you had acccess to the mail server info for Mexico Solidarity project21:49
klariosit seems their server is down and they need to add members to their email lists too21:50
klariosI didnt see the info on our vault so I was wondering if you had it21:50
zOnny@klarios their server isn't down21:52
zOnnyI don't personally have access to their server21:53
ledmerDo you know who has it?21:53
zOnnyI do have a document that brings access to the web admin panel21:54
zOnnyI did share the document with Louis few days ago21:55
ledmerCould you send that to us?21:55
ledmerThey also want to add new members21:56
zOnnycan you share your gmail account  21:58
zOnnyadding users is straightforward22:00
ledmeri sent the wrong mail srry 22:00
ledmerjust realized 22:01
ledmerok thx 22:02
zOnnyPlease make use of the credentials wisely22:02
ledmerok dw!22:03
klariosThank you for your help22:03
*** klarios has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:04
zOnnyAlright, I'm assuming that's all you need?22:05
zOnnyIf you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to my email edzon.quinteros@gmail.com22:09
zOnnynice to meet y'all22:11
zOnnyACTION signs off22:12
*** zOnny has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:13
*** alphillips has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:20
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)22:28
*** jelkner has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)22:34

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