IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-08-29

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mulbah07Good morning ledmer_10:46
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jelknerhello anthony_p!20:29
jelknerlong time20:29
jelknergreat to see you!20:29
jelknerwrong anthony_p LO20:29
jelknerthis is Tony20:29
anthony_pthis is tony20:29
klariosgood afternoon all20:29
jelkneri was thinking it was the VT anthony20:30
anthony_phey kei20:30
klarioshi anthony how are you20:30
anthony_pdefinitely not VT, never been there20:30
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anthony_pdoing okay20:30
jelknerok, apologies for the confusion20:31
jelkneri'm old, my mind is going, and it's a confusing environment here20:31
jelknersince i have 6 other people20:31
jelknerasking me questions20:31
jelkneri just told them i'm in a meeting20:31
jelknerlet's dive in20:32
anthony_psounds good20:32
jelknerklarios, i want to ask you if we can switch you to anthony_p as the signer on the bank account20:32
jelknerwith you in blacksburg, it is too difficult to get together at the credit union when we need to do business20:33
jelknertony has a car, and will now be here much more often than you are20:33
klariosthe center considered us for their local credit union, they said that the stipends were funded by the local credit union20:33
klariosI was hoping to open an account here20:33
jelknerwe can have two accounts20:34
jelkneryou saw my email, yes?20:34
klariosyes I think that would be convinient for us too20:34
klarioswithdraws and all20:34
jelknerin a sense, we will be running two businesses under one umbrella20:34
jelknerfinancially i mean20:35
jelkneri plan to fund the SJC work20:35
jelknerwhich is Jetro Web and Decidim20:35
klariosyes financially, we will strive to work together despite the distance 20:35
jelknerthe finances for that can be at ACFCU20:35
jelknerof course20:35
jelknerwe will give Ved a nightmare if he can't do our taxes20:35
jelknerso he needs access to both accounts20:35
jelknerwe can add him as a signer on both accounts when he turns 1820:36
klariosyes, we have a recruit member that is in the finance sector, he is also well versed in taxes and can help us20:36
jelknerso let's take this one step at a time20:36
jelknerfirst step20:36
jelknerhow can we get you up to arlington to make the change there?20:36
klariosto sign me off?20:37
jelknerwill you be coming here for other reasons at any time?20:37
jelknerto switch anthony_p for you20:37
jelknerat ACFCU20:37
klariosI will be going up in september for the conference, we can try on the way back from the conference20:37
jelknerthat may not work20:38
klarioswhich is sept 1620:38
anthony_pif not, if we can pick a day on a tuesday or wednesday or friday I can just drive down and pick people up20:38
jelknerwhat day is that20:38
jelknerwait anthony_p 20:38
jelkneranother question20:38
jelknerjohanna is here now20:38
jelknerbut she is meeting with a potential capstone student20:38
anthony_pas long as i can be back in owings mills by 5:30 on the 16th, I can do that day20:39
jelknerbefore we decide that20:40
jelknernow that we are looking at only 4 people20:40
jelknerdo you want to use your car, and charge SECOSOL for miles, or do you want to rent a car?20:41
klarioswe would be back from chicago before that20:41
jelknerlet's talk about that 1st20:41
jelknerand begin to work out the plan20:41
jelknerwe should use this meeting to plan chicago20:41
jelknersince we have all the relevant people here accept Lorena20:41
jelknerwhat do you think anthony_p?20:42
anthony_pI wouldn't want to use my car for a long trip like that before I get new tires20:42
jelknergot you20:42
anthony_pthey're in the red right now20:42
jelknerso rent a car20:42
jelknernext question, anthony_p, where do you want to pick up the car?20:42
anthony_pthat would probably be best20:42
jelknerdo you want to pick it up at your place, and drive down to pick up the other three folks?20:43
jelknerklarios will need to get up to dc from blacksburg20:43
jelknerjohanna and i were thinking20:43
jelknerit's a long drive already20:43
jelknerwe need to pick one meeting point in the dc area20:43
klariosI can take a bus20:44
jelknerand the three people riding with you will all arrive there20:44
klariosits only $45 jelkner 20:44
jelknerso you have a single pick up spot20:44
anthony_pso, i would need to have it somewhere that I can park long term20:44
jelknernot if you pick up your rental at your place20:44
jelknerthat's what i'm saying20:44
jelkneryou leave your car at home20:44
jelknerbald tires and all ;-)20:44
anthony_pso either near me so i can get dropped off by my partner, or near someone's place where I can park for the weekend20:45
jelknerand pick up the rental car there20:45
klariosthere is a bus that goes from blacksburg to fallschurch 20:45
klariosso I will be alright going20:45
jelknerthere are enterprise rental places all over20:45
jelkneri can pick you up in falls church20:45
anthony_pprobably just near owings mills, MD then, and i'll drive it down to DC20:45
klariosjelkner: alright20:45
jelknerwait,  i have the calendar up20:45
jelknerwhen do you leave for chicago?20:46
klarioswe leave on thursday I think20:46
klariosI have to confirm 20:46
jelknerwe need to know, klarios 20:46
jelknerthe hour is late20:46
anthony_pthursday is the first day of the conference, is there anything that anyone needs to attend on thursday?20:47
klariosyes I will call johanna to get her specific time20:47
klariosanthony_p: the most important date is the friday meeting20:47
jelknerhold on20:47
jelknerjohanna will join us here at 5 pm20:47
jelknerlet me ask another question while we wait20:48
jelkneri read klarios email20:48
anthony_pso, it's a 12+ hour drive with bathroom, gas and food stops20:48
jelkneranthony_p, let's wait for johanna20:48
jelknershe already got you a place to stay20:48
jelknerso we need to know which days she has that for20:49
jelknerwhile we wait, and while i have klarios and vhazari 20:49
jelkneri want to ask about the other anthony20:49
jelknerklarios's email seemed to imply that he still has interest in working with our coop20:49
jelkneri'm feeling that we need to tighten up things20:50
jelknerit is way too loosy goosy20:50
jelkneri'm fine with the VT team doing it's own thing20:50
jelknerbut everyone who considers themselves to be part of this effort should show here to our weekly meetings20:51
klarios+1 20:51
jelknerso that everyone else can interact with them20:51
jelknerthere we go20:51
klarioshey james 20:51
jelknerhello jamesoconnr!20:51
jelknerhow are things20:51
jamesoconnrThings are busy but good20:51
anthony_phey james20:52
jamesoconnrWhats the current topic of discussion20:52
jelknertwo things20:52
jelkner1. weekly meetings20:52
jelknerand the need to communicate to everyone in the coop that they need to attend them to be part of the effort20:53
jelkner2. chicago20:53
jelknerwe won't be able to keep this first meeting to 1/2 hour20:53
jelknerbut i hope in future weeks we can20:53
jamesoconnrWhat about chicago?20:54
jelknerthat's why we need these meetings!20:54
klarioswere figuring it out20:54
jelkneranthony_p, klarios, johanna are heading to chicago20:54
jelknerfor the USFWC annual meeting20:55
jelknerin fact, we have to vote for the board20:55
jelknerso we need to talk about that too20:55
jelknerbut we have until october 720:55
jelknerso we can put that off for a bit20:55
jelknerjamesoconnr did you see klarios's email and my reply?20:56
jamesoconnrI have not20:56
jelknerplease read that when you can20:56
jelknerjamesoconnr, you should figure out where you want to fit in with our plans20:56
jelknerwe have 3 projects, since klarios and vhazari are talking about an effort they are making at VT20:57
jelknerklarios, you didn't answer my question about anthony20:57
jelknerthe VT anthony20:57
jelkneris he working with you?20:57
jelkneror is that just an idea you have?20:57
klariosI am reaching to him this weekend20:58
klarioshe is a bit busy right now20:58
jelknerso he has been busy for a year20:58
jelknerlet's please try to be concrete about what we've got20:58
jelknerif he was busy for a year, and he's busy now20:58
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klariosWe will meet this weekend and determine then 20:59
jelknerok, so plan be is you and vhazari 20:59
vhazariyeah we will discuss this weekend21:00
jelknerjamesoconnr, ved did a great job creating the proposal for next systems21:00
jelkneri will be meeting with ben manski tomorrow morning21:00
jelknerfor my part, i'm putting "all my eggs" in that basket21:00
jamesoconnrthats good, its a very intersting project21:00
jelknerin saying they were not ready to hire nova web to build their website21:01
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jelknerhe committed to helping connect us with other projects21:01
jelkneri want to talk with him more about that tomorrow21:01
jelkneri'm going to have a specific ask21:01
Vedgreat idea, we were planning on sending an email but you meeting with him will be a lot better21:02
jelknerwe need his help in working with us to learn to use decidim for proposals and decision making21:02
jelknerso we need to deliver21:02
jelknerthis is our chance to show our capacity21:02
jelknerwe need to handle this as professionally as we can21:03
jelknerwe need to plan, implement, test, and deliver21:03
jelknerok, i'll take the lead on that21:04
jelknerand email everyone who wants to be directly involved21:05
jelknerso i need to know who that is21:05
jamesoconnrId like to be involved21:05
Vedi think myself, luis, james, and vrishin21:05
jelknerjamesoconnr, my big ask for you is to check your email regularly21:05
jamesoconnralright, will do21:06
jelknerif you're in touch with Ved that works too21:06
klariosin the decidim side, I am in charge of involving the jetro websters with the processes21:06
jelknersince i see him in class21:06
jelknerand can get regular updates that way21:06
jelknerbut anthony_p needs to be updated as well21:06
Vedjames is in touch with me often21:06
Vedso that should be fine21:06
jelknerso email is crucial21:06
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jelknergreat Johanna_ is here21:07
anthony_phey johanna21:07
klarioshey Johanna_ !21:07
Johanna_Hi everyone21:08
jelknerlet's talk chicago21:08
jelknerJohanna_, which nights do you have the place?21:08
Johanna_About Chicago, I have booked and confirmed our airbnb in Oak Park 21:09
jelknerwhich nights?21:10
anthony_pand what time is check in/when do we want to arrive?21:11
Johanna_its a neighborhood very close to where the conference is meeting at the Teachers unions Center. About 13 minutes away from the main location. It's booked from Septemebr 1201521:11
Johanna_Sept. 12-1521:11
klariosdo you know the check in time?21:12
jelkner4 pm21:12
Johanna_check in is 13 21:12
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klariosok 3pm?21:13
Johanna_thats the earliest we can check in 21:13
anthony_pso we would have to head out around 3AM to arrive around 3PM or after21:13
klariosthe drive is 11 hours?21:13
anthony_pso I'll probably have to pick the rental up the night before21:14
klariosI will be at fairfax the day before as well21:14
Johanna_yes you would have to pick up the rental by 6pm21:14
anthony_p11 hours and 22 minutes is the shortest calculation21:14
jelknerklarios, if you need a place to stay21:14
anthony_pand that doesn't include gas, bathroom and food stops21:14
Johanna_yes from Arlington its about 10 hrs21:14
jelkneryou can stay with roxana and me21:14
Johanna_so jeff said we can get the rental from where Anthony resides21:15
anthony_pso, lets decide on an address and time to meet to load up the vehicle21:15
klariosjelkner: thank you21:15
klarioswe can meet at jeffs place21:15
Johanna_so its easier for him21:15
Johanna_and then we need to find a central place to meet Athony21:16
klarioswould it be convinient to meet a jeff's place for you Johanna_ ?21:16
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anthony_pi'll just drive down to jeff's, i'll get his address21:17
Johanna_yes, i can get to Jeff's easily21:17
jelkner5041 7th Road South, Arlington VA21:17
anthony_pMaybe meet there between 3:30 and 4:00 AM?21:17
klariosok we will meet there. 21:17
Johanna_I will let Lorena know21:17
klariosshould we decide for a van still?21:17
Johanna_Its probably going to be suv21:18
anthony_pwhat is the address of our place in chicago?21:18
Johanna_ 1901 W Carroll Ave, Chicago, IL 6061221:18
klarios11 hours and 5 mins without interruptions21:19
anthony_pwith those addresses, it's estimating between 10.5 and 13.5 hours21:19
Johanna_235 Oak Park Avenue is the address to the Airbnb21:19
klariosnorth or south ave?21:20
Johanna_And Anthony, you are in Baltimore>21:20
anthony_pso if we leave at 4:00 AM we can expect to get there around 5:30 PM on the longer estimate21:20
Johanna_235 South Oak Park Avenue 21:21
anthony_pi'm in owings mills, just northeast of baltimore21:21
anthony_ppicking up the vehicle near me the night before would be ideal, i can get a ride from my partner and just leave my vehicle parked at home21:21
klarioswe must choose the ride now, ealier is cheaper as well21:22
klariosor at least a week before21:22
klariosare we still proposing a van?21:23
anthony_ppick whatever is best for you all, i don't have a cdl currently but I have experience driving rigs down to motorcycles, whatever we get i'll be comfortable driving21:23
jelkneranthony_p, you just need a comfortable sedan21:24
anthony_pminivan, suv, passenger van, full size sedan or whatever21:24
jelknerit's only 4 people21:24
jelknerminivan is overkill21:24
jelknerand since i'm paying ;-)21:24
jelkneri don't want to waste resources21:24
klariosI agree, a sedan or a suv can work great21:24
jelknersedan for 421:24
jelkneris fine21:24
jelknerand much cheaper21:24
jelkneranthony_p, we need to figure out how to pay21:25
jelknerdo you want to reserve it yourself and get reimbursed?21:25
anthony_pshould be able to reserve it online, i can use my credit card and get reimbursed21:25
Johanna_Its only 4 of us going now21:26
Johanna_I will look into what is most affordable 21:26
Johanna_but a SUV or van would be ideal bc of luggage21:27
anthony_pso, we're checking out and returning on the 15th? probably arriving at home that evening or early morning 16th?21:27
Johanna_I would prefer to leave earliest possible on Sunday bcI don't want to ask off of my day job on Monday21:28
anthony_pso leave as early as possible on the 15th21:28
Johanna_the last day of the conference is on Saturday21:28
anthony_pand get back in the afternoon evening of 15th21:29
klariosthat would work great for me as well21:29
Johanna_yes but thinking about returning the car. we should reserve the car from Sept. 11-1721:29
Johanna_September 11-1621:30
anthony_pprobably 11-16, i might be able to return it the evening of the 15th, but if traffic slows us down, probably not until the 16th21:31
klariosits best the 16th you have to also account for rest and all21:31
Johanna_Anthony, would you like to do the reservation for the car rental online?21:31
Johanna_I dont mind doing it and that was what I was planning21:31
anthony_pi can do it, it would be easier for pick up and drop off if it's in my name on my card21:32
Johanna_Okay thank you21:32
Johanna_I was thinking of doing the rental through Enterprise21:32
anthony_pi'm looking at them now21:33
anthony_pit looks like a midsize suv is a bit less expensive than a full size sedan21:33
Johanna_Just pick whats most affordable and available. Could you send us the reciept. so we can split the cost 21:34
anthony_pi'm seeing 336.95 for a nissan rogue, which should be okay for 4 people21:35
klarios84 per person, does that include the insurance?21:36
Johanna_Also I have the price for what the cost of the airbnb is as well. 21:36
anthony_plet me check my insurance to see if it covers rental vehicles21:37
klariosif not we might have to pay for it21:37
klariosor entreprise will make you buy it21:37
Johanna_Also does Enterprise charge per day or mileage?21:39
anthony_pyeah, it looks like USAA covers rental cars21:39
anthony_pIf your USAA auto policy is based in: The United States, And you rent and operate the vehicle in: The United States, Then your rental: Is covered for the liability physical damage you have on your USAA auto policy21:40
Johanna_so looks like we are covered on that end21:40
klariosJohanna_: how much did the airbnb end up being?21:42
Johanna_The total cost is $776.6621:46
Johanna_roughly $195 per person21:47
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Johanna_this is way more affordable than the hotels21:47
klariosyeah definitely21:47
klariosthat is still a lot of money 21:48
Johanna_The airbnb was booked with SECOSOL account. 21:48
Johanna_so we would be reimbursing SECOSOL. 21:48
klariosso the overall reimbursement should be 195x2 for the air bnb + 84x2 from NOVA WEB to SECOSOL21:49
anthony_pi'm waiting to see what @jelkner says about the vehicle, since he's the one reimbursing paying for it21:49
anthony_phe might find something else he prefers21:49
klariosalright 21:49
jamesoconnrI have to go to class, goodbye!21:50
Johanna_it would be 84 x 2 to Anthony bc he is putting on his card21:50
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klariosoh yes NOVA web to Anthony21:51
Johanna_SECOSOL has agreed to cover my part. So it will be a reimbursment to anthony from them and I will talk to Lorena about this bc they agreed that their cooperative would cover her c osts21:53
klariosand lorena is in oxxon hill right?21:55
klarioswould she be able to get to jeff?21:55
jelknerklarios, don't worry21:56
jelknerlorrena will show up at my place21:56
klariosthat is good21:57
Johanna_I will let Lorena know the plan and schedule21:57
Johanna_I also want to ask, the registration for the conference is complete?21:58
anthony_pany thoughts or discoveries on the rental vehicle @jelkner?21:59
jelknerwe need to be respectful of time21:59
klariosyes they had two registrations for anthony but their reimbursed one21:59
jelkneranthony_p, you need to go, yes?21:59
anthony_pvery soon, yes21:59
klarioswe accidentally registered him twice21:59
Johanna_so you both are all set21:59
jelkneri love enterprise21:59
jelknerbut you can do what suits you21:59
klariosenterprise is good21:59
jelkneras a long time renter21:59
jelkneri can tell you they are good21:59
klariosJohanna_: yes we are22:00
anthony_pokay, i was looking at enterprise, a midsize suv, 336.95 for the duration, less expensive than the full size sedan22:00
Johanna_also anthony and Kei, you need to register for the session that are held friday. there are many options.22:00
anthony_pmy car insurance covers cars i rent, so i'll reserve that now22:00
Johanna_you can pick what is best for your cooperatives needs22:01
Johanna_I will send that information through email, bc I have to leave now. 22:01
jelknerbtw, anthony_p ben manski says he is going22:01
jelkneri'll confirm that tomorrow morning22:02
jelknerif he is, you need to hook up with him22:02
klariosJohanna_: yeah I will be signing up for the tech coops, the housing coops, and the farm coops22:02
anthony_pgreat, i'll find an opportunity to meet up with him22:02
jelknerJohanna_, knows him22:02
anthony_pgo ahead and give him my contact info22:02
anthony_pthat works too22:02
klariosI can be there to meet him as well 22:02
klariosit would be a pleasure to meet him 22:02
Johanna_sounds great.22:03
Johanna_pls email me or telegram of any new updates or issues if they arise22:04
Johanna_have good evening22:04
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klariosgood evening 22:05
klariosgreat to meet you all 22:05
anthony_pi just emailed the reservation to kei and jeff22:05
anthony_pgood night22:05
klariosthank you!22:05
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jelknerhave a great trip anthony_p 22:05
jelkneri'll call you early next week22:05
jelknervhazari, great chatting with you22:06
anthony_pthanks, talk to you next week! have a great weekend everyone!22:06
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