IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2024-09-03

*** mulbah07 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:27
mulbah07Good morning Mr. Cole13:27
mulbah07I hope you are doing good13:28
ubuntouristI stepped away after I started Hexchat. 13:29
ubuntouristI  recently got the newest COVID vaccine. A bit tired but otherwise good. How are you?13:31
mulbahI was not feeling well these few day but I'm trying now13:31
ubuntouristI hope you feel better soon. Last week we went a bit long. Let's try to keep today a bit shorter.13:32
ubuntouristAnything new and interesting to report? 13:33
ubuntouristACTION eagerly awaits...13:34
ubuntouristACTION continues to wait...13:37
mulbahI was going over Searching and analying text in linux13:38
mulbahIn linux Searching and analyzing text in can be done using a variety of powerful command-line tools.13:39
mulbahSuch as grep, awk, sed cut, sort, uniq, wc, and find13:40
ubuntouristWe talked about several of these. Very useful. I think the most useful things to learn, in order: 13:41
mulbahwe can demonstrate these command using the terminal13:41
ubuntourist1. keyboard skills and shortcuts.13:41
ubuntourist2. a good editor -- and as many of its commands as possible. (I like emacs, Jeff likes vim, and there are others)13:42
ubuntourist3. ls, find and man -- for finding filees and information13:43
ubuntourist4. All o those tools: grep, awk, sed...13:43
ubuntouristIf you took good notes, we worked with grep, cut, wc, ls, cat, tac, rev, and maybe a few more.13:44
mulbahwe work with them13:44
ubuntouristAll of those -- keyboard shortcuts, editors, annd the search and analyze tools will be your best friends as a sys admin.13:46
ubuntouristBefore we start up your tmate, I wanted to show you the difference between my display and yours.13:48
ubuntouristI want to try an experiment: open two terminal windows (and try not to resize them after you pick a size you like.13:49
ubuntouristI would recommend staying with 80-characters by 20 to 24 lines.)13:50
ubuntouristIn one terminal start tmate. In the other terminal, join the tmate that I start. I think we will both be able to see each other's computer at the same time.13:51
ubuntouristto join mine:13:52
ubuntouristssh GFmesP9p925LLbXMG5pFjR6yL@nyc1.tmate.io13:52
mulbahssh Sfphvch5Wzyuy6FaG3fJAU52G@lon1.tmate.io13:52
ubuntouristNetwork dying?14:02
ubuntouristNetwork dying?14:03
mulbah07yeah the problem is from the GSM company we get here in liberia14:03
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:03
mulbah07I have enough data 14:04
mulbah07It has set let continue 14:04
mulbah07sorry for that just now14:05
ubuntourist"Q" when you are ready, in both terminnals14:10
ubuntourist(lower case "q" but I donn't think it matters.)14:10
mulbah07The difference Is down14:10
mulbah07the sentence are not the same14:11
ubuntouristWell, one thing is we are using different distros which means different versions of some applications.14:12
ubuntouristSo, slightly different documentation. But I was focusing on the color at the bottom. Same text. Different displaying.14:13
ubuntouristYours showed up as italics in my window. Mine showed up as reverse colors: black text on a white background.14:14
mulbah07I just take a good look at it14:15
ubuntouristTo me, that suggests either a different environment variable, or a different terminal setting.14:16
ubuntouristSo, switching back to analyse...14:17
tboimahGood day ubuntourist and mulbah07 14:20
mulbah07Good day tboimah14:21
ubuntouristHi tboimah 14:23
ubuntouristmulbah07, stumped again. 14:24
tboimahI am Good long time ubuntourist 14:24
ubuntouristI cannot determine the difference. One more attempt.14:24
ubuntouristtboimah, yeah.14:25
tboimahI Hope you are Good14:25
tboimahAnyway I will have to leave you for mulbah07 now I will be following.14:26
ubuntouristtboimah, yeah all good.14:26
ubuntouristmulbah07, I'm going to give up on that and go back to showing the color differences w/ most.14:27
ubuntouristmulbah07, We're going to reset the pager back to most and look at the "man grep" again.14:28
ubuntouristI'm trying to analyze why mine looks better.14:29
ubuntouristnotice there are two files in the "most" pacakge that end in "rc".14:32
ubuntouristlesskeys.rc and mostrc14:32
ubuntourist"rc" files are similar to "ini" or "conf" files. They set default configurations for applications.14:33
ubuntouristSo, we will look at those to see what differences exist between yours and mine.14:34
ubuntouristSo. The color settings were the same... 14:37
ubuntouristMaybe I have customized mine. Those were the defaults (and in the documentation directory. So really just examples.)14:38
ubuntouristWow. I'm sumped. Yours is actually newer than mine14:41
ubuntouristI thought maybe I was using a custom "most" but my modifications were not about color.14:44
ubuntouristTime to give up. Go ahead and show off.14:44
mulbah07Mr. code I'm working on some bash script14:45
mulbah07I will like for you to take a look at14:45
mulbah07Mr. Cole you still there14:47
ubuntouristmulbah07, Yes. show me.14:48
ubuntouristOK.... So, you built up some functions. Cool.14:50
mulbah07it show information about the system14:51
mulbah07I have two more function I'm working on14:51
ubuntouristLast week we talked about using ~/.local/bin/14:52
ubuntouristPutting it in /usr/local/bin/ will make the sysinfo script availabe to all users. And maybe that is your intent.14:54
ubuntouristBut sometimes you only want the tool for yourself. Or, if you a user who is not a sys admin, you cannot use sudo. So, for those14:55
ubuntouristsituations, ~/.local/bin/ would be the choice.14:55
mulbah07if you still have time I can show you the other two script14:56
ubuntourist(I am the only person who uses my laptop. So, for me, it does ot matter which of those choices I decide on. I usually use ~/.local/bin/)14:57
ubuntouristmulbah07, go ahead and show your others. Then we quit for today.14:57
mulbah07I'm still working on it put I just want show you it14:58
tboimahACTION signing off15:02
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:02
ubuntouristFirst the source location, then the destination15:06
ubuntouristtab completion15:06
ubuntouristLook at the error message first!15:07
mulbah07I'm still working on it 15:11
ubuntouristAh. OK. 15:11
mulbah07I havn't complete it yet15:11
mulbah07I will work on it and send it to you as a mail15:11
mulbah07My computer will soon go off15:12
ubuntouristThen DEFINITELY DON'T use /usr/local/bin or run as root! Not until you're SURE it works.15:12
ubuntouristI should run too. Bye!15:13
*** ubuntourist has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:15
*** mulbah07 has quit (Read error: No route to host)15:17
*** mulbah07 has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)23:17

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