IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-09-05

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jelknerHi Johan!20:15
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jelknerHi Tony!20:22
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jelknerhi anthony_p 20:25
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jelkneri want to introduce you to the new nova web interns for this year20:25
jelknerbut before i do20:25
jelknerdid you see the email saying that registration for the membership meeting is now open?20:26
jelkneranthony_p, are you here?20:27
anthony_pIm here20:27
anthony_pI didn't see that email, I'll have to check later20:28
jelknerok, it seems it only openned today20:29
jelkneri'll check with johanna when she gets here20:29
jelknerso, anthony_p, please permit me to introduce you to Johan_F 20:29
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jelkneranthony_p, i'm trying to picture you situation20:31
jelkneryou keep dropping20:31
jelknerare you at the field on your phone?20:31
anthony_pI'm on the school Wi-Fi and it keeps dropping me20:32
jelknerjohanna will be here shortly20:32
jelkneri have a few things on the agenda20:32
jelkner1. Chicago planning20:32
jelkner2. Decidim planning20:32
jelkner3. introductions of new people20:33
anthony_pGood to meet you Johan_F. I heard you're jumping into decidim20:33
Johan_FNice to meet you as well20:33
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jelkneranthony_p, can you help Johan_F get an account with admin rights on the Decidim server?20:36
jelknerhello klarios 20:36
jelknerlet's talk about chicago20:36
anthony_pI will do so as soon as I get home, I'm on my phone right now20:37
jelknergot you20:37
jelkneri'm going to send an email intro to the two of you20:37
jelknerklarios, when do you arrive here next week?20:37
jelknerklarios_, when do you arrive next week?20:38
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klarios_hello jelkner I should be arriving the 11th 20:39
klarios_in the morning20:39
jelknerwhere do you arrive?20:39
jelknermy last class ends at 1 pm20:39
klarios_I will send the address. It is in falls church20:39
jelknercan you make your way to ACFCU?20:40
jelkneryou and i should meet there20:40
klarios_on the 11th?20:40
jelknerlet's do it then20:40
jelknersince you are arriving in the morning20:40
jelknerwe can walk back to my place from there20:40
klarios_I would have to check the buses and see if they take me to acfcu20:41
jelknerif they take you to Falls Church20:41
jelknerwe are running short of time20:41
klarios_the bus from blacksburg drops me off at falls church 20:41
klarios_West Falls Church Metro Kiss and Ride lot, bay B, across from 7040 Haycock Dr20:42
klarios_here is the address20:42
klarios_its a metro station 20:43
klarios_I can go to acfcu by taking the 7520:44
jelknerif you get to Falls Church by 1120:45
jelkneryou and i can meet at ACFCU by 2 pm20:45
klarios_although I do have a concern. The bus tickets from here to arlignton are $40 each, would NWD cover the costs or should I?20:45
jelkneri can reimburse you20:45
jelknerbut you need to cover it first20:45
jelknersince i don't know how to get the funds to you20:45
klarios_I have direct deposit from ACFCU, but I can cover them first20:46
Johanna_Hi everybody20:47
jelknerdo that20:47
klarios_hi johanna!20:47
anthony_pHi johanna20:48
Johanna_Kei and anthony just want to follow up on the car rental20:49
Johanna_is that all set?20:49
anthony_pYes, i have the reservation and will pick it up the evening before20:50
klarios_yes I believe the car rental was handled last week if I am not wrong20:50
Johanna_so what's the final total?20:50
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anthony_p336.95, had to look it up20:52
Johanna_so lets say $85 per person rounded up20:54
Johanna_I have never done a long road trip like this. but how could we estimate the cost of gas?20:57
klarios_we can take the MPG of the car and do the calculation with the miles x the cost of gas20:58
klarios_if you want I can do that20:58
klarios_I only need to know the year and make of the car20:58
klarios_anthony_p: 20:58
klarios_do they give you those details?20:58
anthony_pIts easier to calculate the cost of gas after the fact. I can total what I spend on gas and split it after, because I may have to refill when I return the car 20:59
klarios_we can do that as well, It shouldn't be a very high/unexpected cost20:59
jelknerklarios_, make sure your phone is on when you arrive here20:59
jelkneri'll be at ACFCU at 2 pm20:59
jelknerif i don't see you there when i arrive21:00
jelkneri'll call you21:00
klarios_alright, I will be there as well 21:00
klarios_sounds good jelkner 21:00
jelknerand hope that you answer! ;-)21:00
klarios_no worries21:00
Johan_F anthony_p, Just so you know I sent you an email introducing myself21:00
klarios_Johanna_: I am wondering if you want to know the cost of gas before hand to add it to the over all expense?21:01
jelknerJohanna_, klarios_ did you see the email from USFWC today saying registration is open for the membership meeting?21:01
jelknerNOVA Web is a worker coops21:01
klarios_Yeah, I saw it21:01
jelknerwe get 3 votes21:01
Johanna_Kei and Anthony, yes I just wanted to have an idea of an estimate to factor in21:01
jelknerbe sure to register21:01
jelknerJohanna_, Ben Manski will be there21:01
jelknerplease introduce him to Tony and Kei21:02
jelknerthings are going great this year21:02
Johanna_But I understand what Antony is talking about and we can just save reciepts 21:02
anthony_pThe problem with estimating the gas cost is I don't know what the miles per gallon will be for our vehicle. I guess you could look up the average miles per gallon for a Nissan rogue, And the number of miles will have to go to get to Chicago and back, But it's probably going to be under. That thing21:02
klarios_Johanna_: yeah that seems the most convinient21:02
klarios_your would just have to look at the model of the vehicle 21:03
klarios_and the stimates should be online21:03
Johanna_I can help introduce Ben to Kei and Tony21:03
klarios_im asusming its a 4wd nissan rogue, what year is it?21:04
klarios_Johanna_: It would be amazing if we met him. On that note we have to plan out communication for when the conference is actually happening21:04
anthony_pIt's not necessarily going to be a Nissan rogue. The reservation is for Nissan rogue or similar. It'll be based on what they have available when I go to pick up21:05
Johanna_We will just split cost of gas afterwards21:05
klarios_also, do they provide the food? or do we have to take it ouselves?21:05
klarios_anthony_p: yeah that is true, we will do it afterwards then 21:05
klarios_I dont remember reading anything about them providing food 21:09
klarios_and I am checking back and I dont think they do 21:09
Johanna_so for the conference they are providing us lunch on Thursday friday and saturday21:09
klarios_Ah I see21:09
klarios_ok 21:09
klarios_we can figure something for the other times i guess21:10
klarios_bring our own21:10
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anthony_pWe can probably go to a grocery store there and grab stuff21:10
Johanna_but the conference begins at 12pm on thursday21:10
Johanna_I dont see a way to make it from Arlington to chicago in time to be honest21:10
anthony_pThat's what I usually do for conferences and conventions21:11
Johanna_Thursday they are having informal meet up sessions for networking21:11
klarios_yes it seems we will have to be late 21:11
Johanna_but the learning sessions are Friday21:11
klarios_that is the most important session and we will be there then 21:12
klarios_how long are the informal sessions again?21:12
klarios_I can check the calendar 21:12
Johanna_so the main plenary session is at 4:30 on thursday21:13
anthony_pI can't attend anything official on Thursday, so i can do chores then 21:14
anthony_pI only have Friday registration.21:14
Johanna_I think we can make it to that. Anthony thats understandable since youre the driver21:14
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anthony_pI'm getting called away from the meeting, i will look at the logs tonight21:15
klarios_no worries, thank you for joining21:16
Johanna_okay.  Are we leaving from Jeff's at 4 am?21:16
klarios_yeah I think that was the plan 21:16
Johanna_to chiacgo21:16
anthony_pYes, I'll be there between 3-330, closer to 33021:17
Johanna_should say leaving at 3:30 then?21:17
anthony_pWe'll have to load up, but if it doesn't take long we can leave a bit early.21:18
klarios_who was going from Mujeres? and will she be able to be tehre by 3:3021:18
anthony_pProbably before 421:18
Johanna_okay we will shoot for that21:18
Johanna_Only Lorena is going from Mujeres21:18
klarios_do you think she can be there by that time21:19
klarios_i know its really early21:19
anthony_pOkay, signing off21:19
klarios_and it might be dark21:19
klarios_for her21:19
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klarios_I also Have to log off, I will look at the logs or we can text 21:20
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Johanna_We will Let lorena fiugre that out, bc we have to leave early. but I pretty sure she will make the arrangements needed21:20
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jelknerhey vhazari 21:29
jelknerstill here21:29
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