IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-10-24

LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:24
jelkner!add How do we get ready for customers?11:24
LittleWebsterSuccess: "How do we get ready for customers?" has been added to the agenda.11:24
jelkner!add Sign up for our SJC Get Together site.11:26
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Sign up for our SJC Get Together site." has been added to the agenda.11:26
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:26
LittleWebsterHow do we get ready for customers? (added by jelkner)11:26
LittleWebsterSign up for our SJC Get Together site. (added by jelkner)11:26
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:02
LittleWebsterHow do we get ready for customers? (added by jelkner)13:02
LittleWebsterSign up for our SJC Get Together site. (added by jelkner)13:02
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:56
LittleWebsterHow do we get ready for customers? (added by jelkner)13:56
LittleWebsterSign up for our SJC Get Together site. (added by jelkner)13:56
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jelkner!add VASEN events in Fredericksburg and NOVA and urgent need to update SECOSOL website14:35
LittleWebsterSuccess: "VASEN events in Fredericksburg and NOVA and urgent need to update SECOSOL website" has been added to the agenda.14:35
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:35
LittleWebsterHow do we get ready for customers? (added by jelkner)14:35
LittleWebsterSign up for our SJC Get Together site. (added by jelkner)14:35
LittleWebsterVASEN events in Fredericksburg and NOVA and urgent need to update SECOSOL website (added by jelkner)14:35
*** jelkner has quit (None)14:35
jelknerHello anthony_p!20:18
anthony_phey jeff20:20
anthony_pi've been working on the decidim, trying to figure out what's wrong20:20
anthony_pnot sure why it's not working, since i did a restoration from old backups from a week ago and 2 weeks ago, with no change20:20
anthony_poh, it actually is working, just have some personal caching issues with opera20:24
anthony_pso it should be up and running now20:24
jelknerdid you see my email this morning?20:25
anthony_pyeah, i'm running into that issue now that i cleared the cache in opera20:25
jelkneri can't access it at school because we have an expired ssl certificate20:25
anthony_pi'll run the script for the certs20:27
anthony_pdid someone do something on the 22nd?20:27
jelknerwe should automate that20:27
anthony_pit shouldn't have been expired, i created them in june20:28
klariosI accessed but not the 22nd, a while ago20:29
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:29
LittleWebsterHow do we get ready for customers? (added by jelkner)20:29
LittleWebsterSign up for our SJC Get Together site. (added by jelkner)20:29
LittleWebsterVASEN events in Fredericksburg and NOVA and urgent need to update SECOSOL website (added by jelkner)20:29
klariosit just gives me a privacy error when trying to access the site now20:30
klariosanthony_p: 20:30
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!20:30
anthony_pyep, i'm fixing it at the moment20:31
anthony_pbeen working on it for a couple hours to try and pinpoint the issue20:31
jelknerklarios, do you have any word from james?20:31
jelknerlet's start the meeting20:31
Johan_Fanthony_p, I belive I created a participitory process for NOVA VASEN but I don't think that should have done anything20:31
jelknerfixing things should happen after that20:31
klariosanthony_p: got it, I dont think I saw any irregularities when I was as well, but it could be another issue20:32
jelknerklarios, anthony_p let's meet please20:32
jelknerat 5 pm folks can start working on stuff again20:32
klariosjelkner: no, I did not get a message back from him 20:32
jelknerthis 30 minutes should be about making decisions20:33
jelknerso Ved, this is crucial20:33
jelknersince you said he texted you today20:33
anthony_pi tried contacting james over zulip as well, didn't get a response back from him20:34
jelknerwe won't be "ready" for real jobs like you say your parents have20:34
jelkneruntil we can work more professionally20:34
jelknerthat means communicating effectively and responding in a timely manor to needs20:34
jelknerthis is my biggest concern now20:35
VedJames usually never does this so im sure he has a good reason20:35
jelknersince unlike in previous reboots, our weakness is now inverted20:35
jelknerwe have the business team together like never before20:35
jelknerVed and now Devesh are doing a bang up job20:35
jelknerbut we don't have the dev team together20:35
jelknerand *that* (the dev team) is our product!20:36
jelknerso we've got to address that before we can move forward20:36
jelkneri've been calling anthony_p about this on a regular basis20:36
jelknerwe need to know who our dev team consists of20:36
jelknerand what their skills (strenghts and weaknesses) are20:37
jelkneronly then can we make sure we get jobs that match our ability to deliver20:37
jelknerACTION done20:37
ledmerYou are right20:37
klarios+1 I agree20:38
jelkneranthony_p, thoughts?20:38
jelknerwhat can those of us not on the dev team do to help?20:38
anthony_psounds about right, so initially i'm seeing the dev team as myself, Luis, Johan20:38
jelknerlet's not burden Johan_F with that20:39
jelknerhe is specializing on Decidim20:39
jelkneri don't want to speak for him20:39
anthony_pi'm looking at it from the point of view of who is a developer for the coop, not what projects they're working20:40
klariosThere are many opportunities we have avaliable to us, as a college student in a stem school I know there is countless of peers who are talented and would love the opportunity to work but I am not sure we are in the stage where we can have stable work20:40
jelknerklarios, this is something you, anthony_p, and i have to discuss very seriously20:41
klariosThere are work fairs that I can attend to as  NOVA web representative but we dont have business cards and we lack the reputation of "lockheed martin" and other competitors20:41
anthony_pso, who do we have that has recently worked on any of our active projects/customers20:41
ledmerand James20:42
klarios+1 I agree20:42
jelknerwe need to find a few good "pros" who are interested in being part of a worker cooperative centered on "social justice computing"20:42
anthony_pand what projects have they done dev work on?20:42
jelknerWe can find all the VT interns we need20:42
jelknerbut we can't build our business around them20:42
klarios+1 I agree, we need to find devs who are actually committed to social justice computing20:43
jelknerso it would be one thing if you find someone who, like our comrade anthony_p, comes to us with that in mind20:43
ledmerGuzman's website, art, other projects similar to guzman20:43
jelknerbut we need to find a core team soon20:44
ledmerare the projects we worked on20:44
klarioswith that being said I think we need to voice the incentives to becoming a dev with Nova web development more20:44
jelknersince we can't sell what we don't have20:44
anthony_pwe need to define the incentives before we can voice them and recruit20:44
jelknerklarios, let me push back a bit again20:44
jelknerwe have a business plan and a project that we are having trouble with now20:45
jelknerthe Decidim hosting20:45
jelknerlet's focus on that first20:45
jelknerso we can be concrete20:45
anthony_pon the business plan front, i was in contact with Taji Amani from BRED today and had a very informative meeting20:46
jelknerSJC is committed to spending $20K on that project20:46
jelknerso there is a budget20:46
jelknerand there is a need20:46
jelknercan NOVA Web deliver it?20:46
jelknerthat's what i need to know20:46
jelknerall the business team will find themselves in the same predicament i am in if we can't20:47
jelknersince we'll have clients come to us20:47
jelknerand we'll start something we can't deliver20:47
jelknerand they we be really mad, and we will be really unhappy20:47
jelknerwe dont' want that20:47
klariosNova web has been able to scratch the sruface of decidim with the progress we have dine up unitl now20:47
jelknerklarios, the server isn't working now20:48
anthony_pafter the meeting it will be working20:48
jelknerklarios, are you familiar with the term "continuity of service"?20:48
klariosjelkner: yeah I am aware of the issue, it is an opportunity to have the issue and figure out an answer to it20:48
klariosbut we need to be more effective in the future, anthony_p  cannot do it alone20:48
jelknerthat is my point20:49
jelknercontinuity of service is an objective measure20:49
jelknerthe percentage of time that a service is available20:49
anthony_pcontinuity of service on our decidim for nova is something that is intentionally and expected to be unreliable20:50
jelkner requires a *very* reliable uptime20:50
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jelknerstarting at 6 pm21:11
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jelkneri will be uploading their flier21:13
anthony_pgreat, thanks Jeff!21:13
jelknerand writing more in the Process21:13
jelknerso i will be documenting all that in our Decidim21:13
klariosjelkner: were dilcia and lesly doing something for oct 31?21:13
klariosthey mentioned that21:13
jelknerklarios, no, nov 121:13
klariosoooh got it21:14
klariosalso Im going back to NOVA for the thanksgiving break, since its break for all of us maybe we can meet21:14
klariosI will be there for a week21:14
klarioswe can arrange with decidim 21:15
klariosI have to go now, thank you for meeting! have a good day21:16
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anthony_pthanks for the good meeting21:16
Johan_Fsee you later everyone21:16
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jelkneranthony_p, i'll call you over the weekend21:19
jelknerACTION signs off21:20
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