IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-11-21

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mulbahHi how you doing09:11
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:21
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code1 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code2 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code3 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code4 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code5 (added by mulbah)13:21
jelkner!remove Testing code513:21
LittleWebsterError: "Testing code5" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!13:21
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:21
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code1 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code2 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code3 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code4 (added by mulbah)13:21
LittleWebsterTesting code5 (added by mulbah)13:21
jelkner!remove Testing code513:22
LittleWebsterError: "Testing code5" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!13:22
jelkner!remove Testing code413:22
LittleWebsterError: "Testing code4" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!13:22
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:40
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)13:40
LittleWebsterTesting code1 (added by mulbah)13:40
LittleWebsterTesting code2 (added by mulbah)13:40
LittleWebsterTesting code3 (added by mulbah)13:40
LittleWebsterTesting code4 (added by mulbah)13:40
LittleWebsterTesting code5 (added by mulbah)13:40
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:56
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)13:56
jelkner!add Move NOVA Web email to May First?13:58
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Move NOVA Web email to May First?" has been added to the agenda.13:58
jelkner!add Try OpenProject for project management?13:58
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Try OpenProject for project management?" has been added to the agenda.13:58
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:58
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)13:58
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)13:58
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)13:58
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Johan_F! agenda20:21
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:21
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)20:21
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)20:21
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)20:21
Johan_F!remove Possible CPA Co-op contract?20:21
LittleWebsterError: "Possible CPA Co-op contract?" is not on the agenda or was added by someone else!20:21
*** Johan_F has quit (None)20:21
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:21
LittleWebsterPossible CPA Co-op contract? (added by johan_f)20:21
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)20:21
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)20:21
johan_f!remove Possible CPA Co-op contract?20:21
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Possible CPA Co-op contract?" has been removed from the agenda.20:21
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:24
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)20:24
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)20:24
*** johan_f has quit (None)20:24
johan_f!add Test Decidim Server20:26
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Test Decidim Server" has been added to the agenda.20:26
ledmerIm still on the bus Mulbah20:32
ledmeron the way home20:32
ledmerso following up my previous email20:32
ledmerjeff now wants to add another feature 20:33
mulbahSo I should wait for you20:33
ledmerno its fine 20:33
mulbahwhich feature20:33
ledmerim Jeff now wants us to also add a way to delete any agenda items only if you are an server operator20:34
mulbahso what about the creator 20:35
ledmerwe keep that the same20:35
ledmerso yeah it would be creator and server operator20:36
ledmerMulbah we have a meeting a little later in novaweb20:36
ledmerI feel like if we make a couple of changes to what you already have 20:36
ledmerwe might be able to deploy it before the meeting20:36
mulbahshould 20:37
mulbahI'm free now I can do some updating on the code 20:37
mulbahand make that work in a couples of mins 20:38
mulbahbut the way the bot working is on track of how Jeff want it to be20:39
ledmer_im back20:39
ledmer_so 20:39
mulbahoh you quit I was sending you messages20:39
ledmer_dont worry20:40
ledmer_i checked the logs20:40
ledmer_so you got the general idea of what Jeff wanted20:40
ledmer_I think im going to tune it a little20:40
ledmer_and then we deploy it20:40
ledmer_how does that sound?20:41
mulbahbut I don't have the full idea of how jeff want the bot to work 20:41
ledmer_right 20:42
ledmer_im looking 20:42
ledmer_to resend you that email20:42
mulbahbut how you see the first progress yea20:42
mulbahor you can Just explain how it will work in detail them I can do the changes 20:44
ledmer_the progress you made is good20:45
ledmer_I just want to change it a little20:45
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ledmer_and remove 20:45
ledmer_some stuff 20:45
ledmer_that jeff requested to be removed20:45
ledmer_I already sent you the email20:45
ledmer_check it out20:45
mulbahI read it 20:48
mulbahsplitting the settime command to settingtime and updatingtime20:49
mulbahwill be okay?20:50
ledmer_sure 20:51
ledmer_let's try to not push content at the same time20:51
ledmer_I will tell you when im done20:51
mulbahso what are you doing and what I'm doing 20:53
mulbahlike which part you are working on and what I should work on 20:53
mulbahso the same thing should be on the settingtime and updatingtime command20:58
ledmeri mean20:59
ledmerthat is not the issue exactly 20:59
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mulbahI'm asking if the channel opperator and creator should be the one to update time21:00
ledmerok yes 21:00
ledmerwe don't need to work on those immediately21:01
ledmeras I intend to put the bot live before the meeting 21:01
mulbahit will not take long time 21:01
mulbahit's just small changes 21:02
ledmer20 min?21:02
jelknerNow we're talking!21:17
jelknerA test bot21:17
jelknerThat's how it should be done.21:17
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:18
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)21:18
WebsterssNo meeting time is set.21:18
WebsterssWarning: There are no items on the agenda!21:18
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)21:18
LittleWebsterTest Decidim Server (added by johan_f)21:18
ledmeryeah, Jeff do you now know of any chanels that we could use to test21:19
ledmerthe bot 21:19
ledmerwithout having our tests in our records?21:19
jelknerright, you can't test it in the same channel21:19
ledmeryeah 21:19
jelknerso, here's what you need to do:21:19
jelkner1. read oftc's policy on registering channels21:19
ledmerWould it be fine if we use accict channel ??21:20
ledmerno one uses that one21:20
jelkneris there an accict channel?21:20
jelkneri mean is it registered?21:20
ledmeryeah toby joined me in 21:20
jelknerif so, you got it!21:20
jelknerdo the invesitgation21:20
jelkneri don't even remember when we registered that21:20
jelknerand who21:20
jelknerso you need to figure out who controls it21:21
ledmerprobably a while ago21:21
jelknerand get that control transferred to you21:21
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:22
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)21:22
WebsterssNo meeting time is set.21:22
WebsterssWarning: There are no items on the agenda!21:22
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)21:22
LittleWebsterTest Decidim Server (added by johan_f)21:22
ledmerhey jeff 21:27
ledmercan you kick out people21:27
jelknerledmer, 21:29
jelkneri'm channel op21:29
ledmerthe bot Websterss 21:29
anthony_pim in now, not sure why it wasn't letting me21:30
johan_fhello everyone21:30
*** Websterss has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:30
jelknerit's gone21:30
jelknerlet's roll!21:31
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:31
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)21:31
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)21:31
LittleWebsterTest Decidim Server (added by johan_f)21:31
jelknerok, the question is, should we move our mail hosting to May First?21:32
jelknerany opposed?21:33
anthony_pare there any arguments against it being a good idea?21:33
jelknerthe only one i can think of is less control21:33
jelknersince we don't run the system21:33
jelknerbut we are members, and May First is very competent21:33
anthony_pyeah, sounds like a good move to me21:34
jelknerso it seems better to me that we not try to run infrastructure alone that we can rely on the tech coop we are a member of already does this21:34
jelknerso we just need to plan it so that it goes smoothly21:34
jelknerand we don't loose mail in the process21:35
jelkneranthony_p, when can we schedule a work day to plan for this?21:35
johan_fsounds great21:35
jelknerwe need to get you, ledmer, and some of the jetro folks together21:35
jelknerso we are all on the same page21:35
jelknerplan our work before we work our plan21:36
jelknerlet's use email to talk about that?21:36
ledmerWell Jeff do you have any idea how we could start21:36
ledmersure 21:36
jelknerledmer, that is why i want jetro to go first21:36
ledmerbut we should set who is doing what here I think21:36
jelknerthey can set up email for the first time21:36
anthony_pyeah, let's schedule a meeting with this as the primary focus21:36
jelknerso they don't have the cost of migration21:37
jelknersecosol already hosts there21:37
jelknerand we need some help21:37
jelknerwe can hire nova web to help with that21:37
jelknerwe still have artifacts from our name change we want to clean out21:37
jelkneralso, we can set up sjc email too21:37
jelknerso you get plenty of practice with the system21:38
jelknerbefore we take on migration21:38
anthony_pwe should identify any email addresses that we have that we don't need to worry about previous emails, like any that send out automated or automatic emails as part of processes like the decidim sign up and password reset email account21:38
jelknerlet's do this like a good business21:38
jelknerved, devesh we should draw up budgets21:38
jelknerand get nova web folks to take on these separate email tasks21:39
jelknerand then bill for delivering!21:39
MarinI think there are also a lot of people that currently have emails on the mail server that dont use/ need them anymore21:39
anthony_pthose can be the initial ones we use for figuring out/testing the process because they don't receive emails so we won't lose anything by moving them first21:39
jelknerYes, Marin 21:39
jelknerwe won't move those21:39
Marinsounds good!21:40
jelknerok, we agreed to pursue this21:40
jelknerwe'll work out the details later21:40
jelknernext items, which is related21:40
vedOkay devesh and I will take care of the business side of handling this mail server job21:40
jelkneranthony_p, you have long been requesting a better project management process21:40
jelknerwe definitely need to better track what we are doing21:41
jelkneri signed us up for a trial account with OpenProject21:41
jelknerdo we want to subscribe for this and try to use it?21:41
vedwhat is that21:41
ledmerIt's an opensource tool for project management21:42
anthony_pi think we should definitely give it a go, see if we can't get some of the stuff we're working on going a bit smoother and making projects more accessible for people to assist with21:42
vedhow much is it21:42
jelkneri would have to pay for a subscription21:42
jelknernot much if we get the small tier21:42
jelknerbut it means only 5 accounts21:42
jelkneri kind of like that restriction21:42
jelknersince we need to get better organized21:43
ledmerour team is not that big anyways 21:43
ved5 accounts for $435 a year is quite a bit21:43
vedare you sure its necessary21:43
anthony_pit's also possible to install it and manage it personally as well21:43
jelkneryes, anthony_p 21:43
anthony_pthe subscriptions are for them to host it i believe21:43
jelknerbut we are then faced with the same problem21:44
anthony_pbut we should certainly do the trial first21:44
jelknerwe are having enough trouble with decidim21:44
jelknernow we are going to take on managing something new?21:44
vedtheres also a free community version on openproject. Is that of any use?21:44
jelknerlet's jump ahead and come back to this21:45
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:45
LittleWebsterMove NOVA Web email to May First? (added by jelkner)21:45
LittleWebsterTry OpenProject for project management? (added by jelkner)21:45
LittleWebsterTest Decidim Server (added by johan_f)21:45
jelknerDo we have a Test Decidim server yet?21:45
anthony_pit's in the process21:45
jelknerjohan_f has been taking initiative, but he's blocking on this now21:46
johan_faround what period do you think it will be up anthony_p?21:46
anthony_pi have cloned ours and need to set up the address in our dns21:46
jelknerso we definitely don't want to take on more tasks until we can handle what we've got21:46
ledmerI say we should try it out21:46
johan_fthats good to hear anthony_p21:46
ledmergoing back on the open project thing, and then see if its going to be convenient to pay or not21:47
jelknerledmer, we either pay or we don't do it21:48
anthony_phow long is the trial period?21:48
anthony_por does the trial just have limited features?21:48
jelkneri will oppose taking on any more infrastructure21:48
johan_fi think the trial just ended21:48
jelknerit's free sottware21:48
jelknerone more week for the trial21:48
jelknerwho would be the 5 project managers?21:49
jelknerthat's the question21:49
jelknerour problem is organization and capacity21:49
jelknerwe need to focus on that21:49
jelknerwe need to:21:49
jelkner1. start projects21:49
jelkner2. assign responsible people to do them21:49
jelkner3. do them!!!!21:50
jelkner4. bill for the completed work21:50
jelknerand track all this21:50
ledmeranthony_p please correct me but these tools aren't supposed to be used by the whole team21:51
jelknerproject managers need them21:51
anthony_pwell, we need someone from the business side of things to create projects/tasks I think, but also SMEs21:51
ledmerright but I thought that not only them had access to them21:51
jelknerledmer, the problem is that ideally, in a horizontal cooperative, *everyone* should learn to manage projects21:51
jelknerbut in reality21:51
jelknerwe need to start out with some folks learning to do it before others21:51
anthony_pproject management is definitely a whole team process21:52
jelknerso that's why i'm asking21:52
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jelknerwho will the project manager be?21:52
jelknerwe get 521:52
jelknerdevesh, i nominate you21:52
jelknerand me21:52
anthony_pI feel like it's a role that I am probably more familiar with than most, since I've actually done project and team management in the past, but there's lots of dust and rust to shake off21:53
jelknersince as the business manager next year21:53
jelknerit will be crucial that you start to get a view of how to move projects from customer initiation to completion21:53
jelknerdevesh, are you in?21:53
jelkneranthony_p, you too then21:53
jelknerthat's three of us21:54
ledmeri should probabbly learn it too21:55
jelknerthat's 421:55
deveshyes, I'd be willing to go through with that21:55
jelknerok that's enough21:55
jelknerwe can leave one spot open21:55
jelknerklarios should be here too21:55
jelknerbut she's not here21:56
jelkneri'll call her21:56
jelknerthat's good21:56
ledmerI think it's fine if we leave that spot open 21:56
jelknerwe got through all three agenda items21:56
jelkneranything else before we close the meeting?21:56
anthony_pokay, i have to clear some issues up from the cloning process, but the test decidim should be working by the end of the night21:56
ledmerwe could even make "shared account" for anybody else that wants to use it21:57
jelknergreat anthony_p 21:57
jelknerplease let johan_F know as soon as it is21:57
jelknermulbahkolleh_, get some sleep21:57
anthony_pwill do, is there a way you prefer to be notified johan_F?21:57
johan_Fcan you send a email?21:58
anthony_pi will do so21:58
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:58
johan_FI'll make sure to have tested some of the plug ins by next meeting then21:58
jelknerif we are finished...21:59
jelknergreat meeting!21:59
ledmerI think we are21:59
jelknerACTION signs off21:59
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mulbahlet finish the project ledmer22:03
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*** Marin has quit (Quit: Page closed)23:02
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