IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-12-05

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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!18:09
jelkner!add Using our May First infrastructure18:10
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Using our May First infrastructure" has been added to the agenda.18:10
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:18:10
LittleWebsterUsing our May First infrastructure (added by jelkner)18:10
jelknerWow, ledmer, how are you?18:26
jelknerWe've been concerned about you, my friend.18:27
jelknerYou went MIA on us.18:27
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jelknerOops, I got disconnected.18:30
jelknerSo, ledmer, if you replied, I missed it.18:31
jelknerThough I could check the log.18:31
jelknerHow are you?18:31
jelknerWhere are you?18:31
ledmerat home right now 18:31
jelknerI've been worried about you, my friend.18:31
jelknerYou've been MIA.18:31
jelknerAre you coming today?18:31
ledmeryes 18:32
jelknerYou said you're home.18:32
jelknerCan I give you a call?18:32
ledmerMy phone is not working 18:32
jelknerWhat's the issue?18:32
ledmerFeeling sick18:32
jelknerYou're brother was out today too.18:32
ledmerI think the change of climate hit me rough  18:33
jelknerIs he ok?18:33
jelknergot you18:33
jelknerare you feeling well enough to come in?18:33
ledmeryeah he is fine he may be a little sick too I dont know 18:33
jelkneryes, i found it strange that the two Luis Garces brothers know so little about how they are doing.18:34
ledmerI don't think I'll die hahaha18:34
jelknerOuch, I certainly hope not!18:34
jelknerWhat the problem with your phone>18:34
ledmerIt may be just the screen 18:35
ledmerits hard to know 18:35
jelkneri have a nice phone i can give you18:35
ledmerit just doesn't turn on18:35
jelknerit is not being used18:35
ledmeroh thanks18:36
jelkneri can drop it off on Saturday morning18:36
jelknerit's a OnePlus 818:36
ledmerIt might be even better18:37
ledmerthat the one i had18:37
jelknerit's a nice phone18:37
jelkneri got it to try to install /e/OS on it18:37
jelknerbut i couldn't get it to work18:37
jelknerso i got myself a OnePlus 7T for that18:38
jelknerand it works18:38
jelknerso the OnePlus 8 is looking for a home ;-)18:38
ledmerI really appreciate it 18:38
jelknerglad to be of service18:38
jelknerwhat time will you get here today?18:39
jelkneri have a May First meeting at 4 pm18:39
jelknerso i'm hoping to talk to folks before then18:39
ledmerusual time 18:39
ledmerbut I could get earlier if needed18:39
jelknerearlier would *definitely* be better18:39
jelknerVed said he would try to get here between 3:30 and 4 pm.18:40
jelknerHe's been trying to reach you.18:40
jelknerI have another email to send before we meet today18:40
jelknerso let me get to that18:41
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:18:41
LittleWebsterUsing our May First infrastructure (added by jelkner)18:41
jelknerit is about the agenda item18:41
ledmerwhat about it18:41
jelknerdarn, i wish we could talk instead of type18:42
jelknerhold on...18:42
jelknercan you join me there?18:45
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:19:58
LittleWebsterUsing our May First infrastructure (added by jelkner)19:58
scooperGood afternoon jelkner and ledmer 20:00
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scooperHello Tanka20:06
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jelknerscooper: hello!20:18
scooperGood afternoon jelkner 20:20
jelknerGood afternoon20:21
jelknerglad you're here scooper20:21
jelknerthat will help20:21
jelknerledmer is here20:21
jelknerand Tanaka will be right back20:21
jelknerhe logged on at 3 and didn't see anyone20:22
jelkneri just called him20:22
TanakaI am now back20:22
jelknerhere he is20:22
scooperyou said 8:00 my time20:22
scooperwelcome Tanaka 20:22
ledmerHi !20:22
jelknerit is 8:20 pm your time now, right scooper?20:22
jelkner5 hours ahead of us20:23
scooperit 8:23pm in liberia20:23
jelkneryes, that's what i meant20:23
jelknerTanaka, please permit me the pleasure of introducing you to Luis Garces20:24
jelkneraka ledmer20:24
ledmerNice to meet you Tanaka20:24
jelknerscooper, Spencer Cooper, you have already met20:24
TanakaNice to meet you Luis20:25
jelknerscooper: i sent and email to ledmer, Tanaka, and mulbah giving them the task of learning to use the May First infrastructure20:25
jelknerscooper: we need to get mulbah set up soon20:25
TanakaFor today 's session , are we starting to plan how we will do the task Jefff assigned ?20:25
jelknerso that he can fully participate20:25
ledmerbasically yeah20:26
jelknerTanaka: you and ledmer can do that now20:26
jelknerat 4:30 pm a group of us will take over the channel for our weekly meeting20:26
jelknerso you have an hour and 5 minutes to work before then20:26
jelkneri'll get out of your way20:26
scooperjelkner, 20:27
scooperis there any thing here for scooper to do??20:27
jelknernot sure you and i are needed here now scooper20:27
jelkneryou saw my email this morning, yes20:27
scooperlot of mail came can you give me a hint of the mail you talking about20:28
jelkneri created a git repo20:28
jelknerfor the two tasks you have20:28
jelknerwe will want to use decidim for that eventually20:28
TanakaLuis, I was looking  at the task , do you have any approach on in mind of how we can get started ?20:29
jelknerbut for now, since you know markdown20:29
jelkneri thought a git repo would do the trick20:29
ledmerfollow this link 20:29
jelknerscooper: those are your main tasks20:29
TanakaAlright I am on it20:29
jelknerget the business registered20:30
jelknerand get the office setup20:30
jelknerso that Mulbah can sleep there! ;-)20:30
ledmerget in with the credentials jeff gave us20:30
jelknerwe need him available20:30
jelknerputting in a full week of work20:30
jelknerthe rest of the team too20:30
jelknerthat means everyone except Thomas and Gabriel20:31
ledmerthe first step is trying to create an account for us so we don't have to rely on using that account20:31
jelknerwho have to focus on their study for most of their time20:31
Tanaka I am in20:31
jelknerscooper: can you please help with that?20:31
jelkneryou and Freena are the ones to move the project forward20:31
scooperthe business team20:32
scooperhas been task to get the business register20:32
jelknerthat is Daniel and Shallon, right?20:32
scooperI done want to over shadow them20:32
scooperlet them go ahead. I will only supervisor when the need arise20:33
scooperNo Daniel and Freena20:33
jelknerGot you20:33
scooperAre the two team member that are working o it20:33
jelkneri am expecting a report on what *each* memnber is doing20:33
Tanaka@louis somehow the credentials are not working on my end20:34
jelknerstipends only will be provided to active participants in the process20:34
jelknerno work, no pay, right scooper?20:34
scooperthat was the deal20:34
jelknerok my friend20:34
jelkneri think we are done here20:34
ledmerit may be due to me being logged in20:34
scooperdid you see the lease agreement??20:35
ledmer@Tanaka what error does it show20:35
jelkneri'm not going to even look at it, scooper20:35
scooperlastly did you ask Mr. Zawolo about his intake on this20:35
jelknerthat will be Mr. Zawolo's thing20:35
jelkneri've got too many other things that are my responsibilitiy20:35
Tanaka@Luis incorrect user name or password.20:35
scooperHe instructed me to do so and share with everyone20:35
jelknerthat's fine20:36
jelknerand the right thing to do20:36
jelkneryou did it20:36
jelknerso your job is done20:36
ledmerare you using sjcompute20:36
ledmerto login?20:36
jelknerok, scooper, i need to get to work on other things20:36
jelknerlet's talk later20:37
scoopershould I await around20:37
jelknerno need20:37
scooperstill the other come or I can leave now20:37
Tanaka@ Luis yes20:37
Tanakalet  me give it another try20:37
scooper*till 20:37
jelknerbut you could call mulbah and see if you can get him herw20:37
scooperOk let me place a call20:38
scooperACTION calling mulbah20:38
Tanaka@ I am in 20:39
ledmerok nice20:39
ledmertry creating a user 20:39
TanakaDo I do that by adding a nwe item ?20:40
ledmerI just created mine20:41
ledmertry to see if you can do the same 20:41
Tanakait says the page isn't working20:43
jelknerledmer, Tanaka, can i suggest that you two share contact info?20:44
jelknerYou'll want to be able to reach each other20:44
jelknerboth synchronously and asynchronously20:45
Tanakadefinetly: email : phone : 765 407 184420:45
scooperjelkner, 20:45
scoopermulbah phone is office20:45
scoopermulbah phone is off20:45
jelkneralright scooper20:45
jelknerthanks for trying20:46
ledmeremail: luis.garces@novawebdevelopment.org20:46
ledmer phone:571 490 569520:46
jelkneri need to find out if he really wants to do this20:46
jelknerwe need him to show20:46
jelknerthe train is leaving the station20:46
jelknerhe needs to get on if he wants to ride!20:46
ledmerI wont be able to receive calls just now as my phone is not working but the issue should be sorted out by saturday 20:47
ledmerthanks to jelkner20:47
Tanaka@Luis that is okay20:47
scooperI just send him a text message20:48
Tanaka@ Luis I now have an account20:48
scooperjust in case his phone is not off the message will help inform him20:48
ledmeryeah I see20:48
ledmernow 20:48
jelknerTanaka, ledmer see if you can use your new account to start a video chat20:48
ledmerI found this 20:49
jelknerif you can, you will want to set up Ved to do the same20:49
jelknerso he can use it for our meeting with CPA20:49
ledmerit works20:50
ledmertry it tanaka20:50
jelkneryou're missing something, ledmer20:50
jelkneryou need a name for the meeting20:50
jelknerand then you need to log in20:50
jelknerto start it20:50
jelknerit's cool20:51
jelkneryou can make up any name you like20:51
jelknerbut only an authenticated user can start the meeting20:51
jelknerothers can join without authenticating20:52
ledmerYeah i tried both ways20:52
ledmerit works20:52
Tanaka I am lagging behind I was try to look on the naviagting document20:52
ledmerWe are basically testing whether if a user created as we did 20:54
Tanakaohh alright20:54
ledmerwas able to create/initiate a video-call 20:54
TanakaHow did you create the link for the video chat20:55
Tanakahow are you generating the meeting link20:56
ledmerif you go to this link, write a name on the prompt box and do start meeting, it will generate a video call with the link
ledmertry it out20:57
TanakaIt is now working20:58
TanakaThank you Luis20:58
ledmeryou are welcome 20:59
ledmerso going back to the page with documentation on how mayfirst works20:59
ledmerapparently users are only able to change their passwords when accessing the control panel 21:00
ledmerthat is fine for the other people we are going to add later, but we need to be able to do everything or most of what the sjcompute account can21:01
TanakaThat is true 21:02
ledmerLets read the documentation and figure out a way how to do that 21:02
TanakaAlright I am on it 21:03
Tanaka@Luis any luck 21:09
Tanakaohh I am now following21:12
Tanakawhat is the next step ?21:12
ledmerso if I followed this correctly 21:13
ledmerif you click on the name social justice computing in the corner to the left21:14
ledmerit takes you to the member panel21:14
ledmerwhich appears to be have control on what accounts are members21:14
ledmertry giving yourself member access21:15
TanakaHow do I give myself member access21:17
ledmerfollow the guide
*** Tanaka has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:19
Tanaka@Luis somehow my channel had stopped responding21:21
ledmerits fine21:21
TanakaI was saying from my end, I cannot give myself member access21:21
ledmeryou have to use sjcompute21:22
TanakaI followed the instructions from the documention you suggested21:22
TanakaOhh okay21:22
ledmersince that account has the permission21:22
Tanaka@Luis it worked21:24
TanakaThank you21:24
ledmernow we can get started on the real task21:25
ledmerIm not aware of your skill in webdevelopment21:25
ledmercould you give me a little insight21:26
TanakaI am still at beginner level, I have just started learning it recently since I sm now majoring Computer Science21:27
TanakaI am trying my best to familiarise myself with the concepts21:27
ledmeryou should be able to learn all of this pretty quickly 21:28
TanakaDefinetly I am willing to learn21:29
ledmerthat's step one 21:29
Tanakaso what is our next step 21:29
jelkneranthony_p: have you been in touch with johan_f yet?21:29
anthony_pjelkner, i haven't i've had something of a very rough week21:31
anthony_pi'm trying to find my footing again21:32
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:32
LittleWebsterUsing our May First infrastructure (added by jelkner)21:32
jelknerhi all21:32
jelknerthe meeting time has started21:32
jelknerlet's make it quick21:32
jelkneri just tried to call Kei21:32
jelknerbut she didn't pick up21:32
jelknerwe spoke this afternoon21:32
jelkneranthony_p: i guess the main update is for you21:33
jelknerTanaka is a student from Zimbabwe studying in Indiana21:33
ledmerTanaka can you see the dm i sent you ?21:33
jelknerwho would like to intern with NOVA Web21:33
anthony_pGood to meet you Tanaka21:34
jelknerhe and ledmer have already started working together21:34
anthony_pi saw that, doing good work21:34
jelknerso he did not waste a minute jumping right in!21:34
jelkneryou saw my email this morning21:34
jelknernow that NOVA Web, Jetro Web, SECOSOL, and SJC are all May First members21:34
jelknerit will really help us learn to use the infrastructure21:35
Tanaka@Luis, I havn"t received anything21:35
jelkneri just left a May First Engaggement Team meeting, btw21:35
jelknerMay First is a fantastic organization21:35
jelknerdoing really important work21:35
jelkneri'm so glad to be a part of it!21:35
jelkneranyway, is there anything else anyone has for us to discuss today?21:36
anthony_pI will attend the meeting tomorrow morning21:36
jelkneryou rock anthony_p!21:36
jelknerthank you21:36
klariosin turn I can attend the tech peer network meeting 21:36
jelkneri'll call you over the weekend to hear how it goes21:37
jelknerhi klarios21:37
klarioshello again jelkner 21:37
anthony_pgreat, sounds good21:37
jelkneranthony_p, klarios, we need to find a nice way to summarize what goes on at these meetings21:37
jelknerklarios and i were talking about that this afternoon21:37
jelkneri, natuarlly, propose we use decidim ;-)21:38
klariosI say we do a discussions on decidim21:38
anthony_pit's actually a skill, that i've let become rusty since I was in an office environment, meeting minutes and notes21:38
anthony_pand uploading the minutes to decidim would be a good place for sharing it21:38
ledmersorry to interrupt, tanaka try joining this #accict channel 21:38
jelkneranthony_p: let's think more dialectically21:38
jelknerthese are all processes21:39
jelknernot static things21:39
jelknerbut things in motion21:39
jelknerdecidim could potentially help us think and work that waty21:39
klariosI saw through the email list i havent read in a while and I am impressed with how great NWD is doing as of now. I feel more confident about refering more clients to us knowing we have a growing team, but we also need to make sure we prioritize cooperative values and democratization as much as we do business21:40
anthony_pthat's what I am saying though, the person attending a meeting needs to understand how to take effective meeting minutes and notes, then share them in a place like decidim for discussion and questions for the people that attended21:40
anthony_pbut the note taking part is a skill that needs to be developed, and i haven't had to do so for a while, so im rusty21:41
anthony_pi used to have to do so regularly and i haven't for too long21:41
jelkneri've never been good at it, anthony_p21:41
jelknerand i'm OLD21:41
anthony_pi got pretty good at it when i was in charge of a 35 person team and had to relay information from higher level meetings and answer questions from my team to be run back up the ladder for the next meeting21:42
anthony_pit's like having a very slow and drawn out conversation21:42
anthony_pthat's what we need, is good note taking, then good discussion on the content to be taken back to the next meeting or to decide on a course of action if there isn't a next meeting21:43
jelknerwell it sounds like you can help get us there, anthony_p21:43
jelknersince you have the experience21:43
anthony_pi need to get back into practice, i've been too lax on that21:43
anthony_pi'll focus more on it21:43
jelkneranything else?21:44
anthony_pso,the agenda listed may first infrastructure21:44
anthony_pwhere are we on that?21:44
jelknerso ledmer and Tanaka are on it21:45
jelknerthey just started a few hours ago21:45
jelknerand have already made progress21:45
anthony_pcool, i thought thats what they were doing, just wanted to make sure21:45
jelknerwe should put an update on the agenda for next week21:45
jelkneri bet they will make good progress by then21:45
anthony_psounds good, i suspect they will21:46
johan_fI have a blog post on Decidim detailing my thoughts on how we can use it similarily to OpenProjectBook21:46
jelknerthanks johan_f21:46
jelkneri promise to read and respond by tomorrow21:47
johan_fOther than that if possible need some help after the meeting from anthony_p21:47
jelknercan you do that anthony_p?21:47
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jelkneranything else?21:48
jelknerif not, let's close the meeting so folks can get back to working with each other21:48
ledmerdon't worry we got it21:49
ledmerwe are working on another channel21:49
jelknerokay everyone, chat with you in a week21:49
klariosOh yes one more thing. Me and anthony said that the projects used at the peer network presentation should be business tracker and libre organize with an emphasis on future use of decidim 21:49
klariosif that is ok with everyone we can go with that. Although I still believe that we have more to show with decidim but we are just not ready to showcase it as a full functional project21:50
jelknersounds good to me21:51
jelknerbusiness tracker and libre organize are examples of our Django skills21:51
jelknerthough the devs are not with us any more21:51
klarioswe'll make sure to emphasize that21:52
klariosthank you all for meeting today!21:52
anthony_pthanks for the meeting comrades21:52
jelknerthanks everyone!21:52
jelknertalk to you all soon...21:52
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jelknerACTION signs off21:52
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johan_fanthony_p I need help with accessing the Test Decidim server21:53
johan_fI don't have access to the bitwarden and I was never able to ssh into the actual NOVA Decidim server21:54
anthony_pokay, i'll help out with that21:55
johan_fsounds great21:55
anthony_pdo you have a bitwarden account?21:57
anthony_pa personal one?21:57
johan_fI do not have one21:57
johan_fshould i create one21:57
anthony_pyou should grab one21:57
anthony_pstuff can be shared from organizations and between accounts21:57
anthony_pit's a more secure way of sharing passwords, since they don't have to be sent directly21:58
anthony_plet me know when you have one, i'm new to administration of bitwarden, but I'll figure out how to get you the information you need then explain how to get it22:00
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johan_fI created one22:01
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johan_falso the IRC and actually doesn't have a log of the link of the Test Decidim22:03
johan_f*the IRC doesn't*22:05
johan_fThanks, now I can't lose it22:06
johan_fare you going to use the send feature to send me the info?22:07
anthony_pdm on here with link, let me know if you get in22:11
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GabrielGreetings, everyone..22:35
GabrielJust seeing an email from Jeff, suggesting one of us from "jetro Web Development" to follow along with this meeting, I am sorry to be late22:37
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