IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2024-12-12

*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)00:20
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*** Gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)19:50
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove20:39
tboimahGood dad jelkner 20:40
LittleWebsterError: Cannot add an empty item to the agenda!20:41
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!20:42
Ved!add whats going on with frazier20:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "whats going on with frazier" has been added to the agenda.20:44
Ved!add cpa overview20:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "cpa overview" has been added to the agenda.20:44
Ved!add miami cleaning co-op ---- Ved20:45
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.20:45
Ved!add miami cleaning co-op Ved20:45
LittleWebsterSuccess: "miami cleaning co-op Ved" has been added to the agenda.20:45
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:46
LittleWebsterwhats going on with frazier (added by Ved)20:46
LittleWebstercpa overview (added by Ved)20:46
LittleWebstermiami cleaning co-op Ved (added by Ved)20:46
Ved!add secosol website update needed by sunday20:46
LittleWebsterSuccess: "secosol website update needed by sunday" has been added to the agenda.20:46
jelkner!add DNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan20:48
LittleWebsterSuccess: "DNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan" has been added to the agenda.20:48
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:48
LittleWebsterwhats going on with frazier (added by Ved)20:48
LittleWebstercpa overview (added by Ved)20:48
LittleWebstermiami cleaning co-op Ved (added by Ved)20:48
LittleWebstersecosol website update needed by sunday (added by Ved)20:48
LittleWebsterDNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan (added by jelkner)20:48
jelknertboimah: how are you?20:49
jelknerdo you have a minute?20:49
tboimahAwersome! and you?20:49
tboimahof course20:50
jelkneri won't be able to meet saturday20:50
jelknerso i am hoping to get an update now on were jetro is regarding the office20:50
jelknercorrect me if i'm wrong, but we need to wait for the business registration before jetro can sign a lease?20:51
jelknerGabriel sent me a video of the place20:51
jelknerit's big enough, but needs some cleaning up and setting up20:51
tboimahthe business registration will be done before MR Zawolo come20:52
tboimahto Liberia20:52
jelkneryes, i knew what you meant ;-)20:52
jelknerok, i'll talk to him early next week20:52
tboimahI already done setting up Sjc DNS and Email by tomorrow Nextcloud well be done.20:53
jelknertboimah: we want to do the following as soon as we can:20:53
tboimahI don't know if you have time so we can try it20:53
jelkneryes, that's what thursdays are for20:54
jelknerfirst step would be for you to set up a jetroweb email address for yourself20:54
jelknerand to send me an email20:55
jelknerthen i can reply back20:55
jelknerif it works, you're in business!20:55
tboimahlet us finish with sjc i will do that20:55
tboimahnow i want you type to the url20:55
tboimahit will direct you mayfirst email page20:56
jelkneryes, it did20:56
jelknernow the problem is my credentials20:56
tboimahput you username and password That you have mayfirst20:57
jelknerwhich username and password?20:57
tboimahyou will be able to login20:57
jelknerthis is where things get a bit confusing for me20:57
jelkneri have my own personal account20:57
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jelknerand login and password for that20:57
jelkneri also have jelknersecosol20:57
tboimahthe username you created for you presonal mayfirst account20:58
tboimahjust give a min20:58
tboimahYour username is  jelknersjc20:58
jelknerdon't type the password here20:59
jelknerhow do i find it?21:00
tboimahOkay i will send privately21:00
jelknersend me an email21:00
jelkneri'll change it after i log in21:00
tboimahcheck your private inbox21:02
tboimahand comfirm it please21:03
tboimahWhen you login you will see a text email from shubbardsjc send by me21:04
tboimahjelkner, are you here?21:04
*** Ved has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:05
tboimahyour email Address is jeff.elkner@sjcompute.org21:06
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:07
LittleWebsterwhats going on with frazier (added by Ved)21:07
LittleWebstercpa overview (added by Ved)21:07
LittleWebstermiami cleaning co-op Ved (added by Ved)21:07
LittleWebstersecosol website update needed by sunday (added by Ved)21:07
LittleWebsterDNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan (added by jelkner)21:07
johan_f!add Test Server & Decidim Awesome21:07
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Test Server & Decidim Awesome" has been added to the agenda.21:07
tboimahso now if you login i want you send a message to Mr. Zawolo here is his email address: isaac.zawolo@sjcompute.org21:07
*** johan_f has quit (None)21:07
tboimahI will be the one responding for him since i did not send has username, password and emailaddress to him yet21:08
tboimahjelkner, are you still here?21:09
tboimahIs there any problem?21:09
tboimahACTION waiting for jelkner respond21:10
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:10
jelknerACTION is helping a student21:15
jelknertboimah: i'll be there as soon as i can21:16
jelknertboimah: i don't see an email yet21:17
tboimahwas you able to login?21:17
jelkneri don't have a password21:17
tboimahI send it you privately21:18
tboimahplease chech your private please21:18
tboimahor do you want me to email it?21:20
jelkneri got it21:20
tboimahyou quit first, please read the log please21:20
jelknerhold on21:21
jelkneri'm in tboimah21:22
jelkneri don't use roundcube for my mail21:23
jelkneri use the desktop client, evolution21:23
tboimahperfect! read the irc log you will see what i want you to do please21:23
jelkneri'll configure it to check this mail21:23
jelknertboimah: i can send an email to him from one of my other email addresses21:25
tboimahNo! I want us to test21:25
jelknerif you say so ;-)21:26
tboimahthe mayfirst emailaddress please21:26
jelkneryes, but i have a bunch!21:26 is may first21:26 is may first21:26
tboimahthis one is for sjc purpose mailto:jeff.elkner@sjcompute.org21:28
jelknerwait, when i try to compose from roundcube21:28
jelknerit lists my email as jelknersjc@mail.mayfirst.org21:28
jelknerthat's not right21:28
tboimahjust let that be i have fix that21:28
jelknertboimah: let me login and change my password21:29
tboimahwhat i want you to do is to use to send an email to isaac.zawolo@sjcompute.org21:29
jelknertboimah: we need to meet now21:30
jelknerto be continued21:30
johan_fHello everyone21:30
tboimahhello johan_f and anthony_p 21:31
tboimahlol, amesoconnr21:31
anthony_phello all21:31
tboimah* jamesoconnr 21:31
jelknerklarios: can we talk after the meeting?21:32
klarioshello jelkner Yes21:33
*** klarios has quit (None)21:33
VedLet's get started everywhere21:34
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:34
LittleWebsterwhats going on with frazier (added by Ved)21:34
LittleWebstercpa overview (added by Ved)21:34
LittleWebstermiami cleaning co-op Ved (added by Ved)21:34
LittleWebstersecosol website update needed by sunday (added by Ved)21:34
LittleWebsterDNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan (added by jelkner)21:34
LittleWebsterTest Server & Decidim Awesome (added by johan_f)21:34
VedThis is our agenda21:34
jamesoconnrWhats up with frazier?21:34
VedJames you don't know anything about frazier right21:34
VedWe're getting billed for her linode21:35
jamesoconnrNo i thought she was paying for the domain21:35
jamesoconnrand her linode21:35
VedNo I got an email the other day saying we are21:35
jamesoconnrI did not deploy that though, Luis did21:35
jamesoconnrso maybe we do21:36
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:36
jamesoconnrhave you spoken to him about it21:36
VedHmm I just checked my email and the last email I got from her in may was her saying the cost is too high21:36
VedDid we work with her after may?21:37
jamesoconnrno we just did that site21:37
johan_fhello ledmer21:37
VedAlright luis you take a look and get back to me later today21:38
VedOn to the next thing on our agenda21:38
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:39
LittleWebsterwhats going on with frazier (added by Ved)21:39
LittleWebstercpa overview (added by Ved)21:39
LittleWebstermiami cleaning co-op Ved (added by Ved)21:39
LittleWebstersecosol website update needed by sunday (added by Ved)21:39
LittleWebsterDNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan (added by jelkner)21:39
LittleWebsterTest Server & Decidim Awesome (added by johan_f)21:39
VedNext thing to talk about it is CPA21:39
jelknerjamesoconnr: so glad you're here for this!21:39
jelknercpa could be the gig that sets nova web on its way21:40
jamesoconnrWhat about it21:40
VedJames and I had a meeting with them last tuesday. It wen't pretty well and in the end they said they would contact us in january and that we should send a reference of ar traffic21:40
jelkneri wasn't able to attend the meeting yesterday21:40
Vedjamesoconnr just going over it21:40
jelknerso jamesoconnr, who is your main contact at ar traffic?21:41
jelkneri didn't know until ved told me yesterday that you had done billable work for them21:41
jelkneri am thrilled to hear that121:41
jamesoconnrIra or Nick21:41
jelknernick is away21:41
jelknercan you reach out to ira about the refrence please?21:42
jamesoconnrYeah sure21:42
jelkneri have a phone conversation scheduled with alex tomorrow21:42
jelkneri'll update you all over the weekend how that goes21:43
VedSounds great21:43
jelknerACTION done21:43
VedNext thing on our agenda is the miami cleaning co-op21:43
jamesoconnrdid you respond to the email we talked about yesterday21:44
Vedjust an update: they recently sent us an email about technical questions which I will go over further with luis today and asked to send them a formal quote21:44
Vednot yet21:44
Vedthey are also asking for us to show them the website of the cleaning coop we did for mmalo21:45
Vedcurrently luis is working on revamping the website before we send it over21:45
Vedor I guess not THE website but a cleaning co-op website21:46
jamesoconnrsounds good21:46
VedLuis anything to add21:46
ledmernot really 21:47
Vedokay onto the next item21:47
Vedwe need to discuss the secosol website that jeff needs upodated before the event on sunday21:47
Vedwho is taking charge of that? luis?21:48
jelknerledmer: do you have that with blu_?21:48
jelknergreat, that's all that needs to be said on that then, let's do it21:48
jelknerACTION doen21:48
jelknerACTION done21:48
Vedokay onto the next item21:49
VedDNOVA Council meeting tomorrow and Decidim plan (added by jelkner)21:49
jelknerok, at 10 am tomorrow i will be reporting to the dnova cauncil on decidim status21:50
jelkneri plan to say:21:50
jelkner1. we have used it to help plan the vasen dinner21:50
jelkner2. naurity from the council participated21:50
jelkner(she will be there and i will thank her!)21:51
jelkner3. nova web has a goal of end of january to be using it to plan our ongoing projects21:51
jelkneri'd like feedback from anthony_p and johan_f on that last item21:52
jelkneris that ok to say?21:52
anthony_ptheir own instance that we're hosting is still untouched21:52
anthony_pyes, that's okay21:52
johan_fi'd say its also okay21:52
jelkneranthony_p: i'll ask them about their own instance21:52
jelknerwe are already learning a lot of lessons21:52
anthony_pI think that we are starting to use it more, but we still need more engagement and use from across NOVA21:53
jelkneranthony_p: shout out to you for setting up the dev server21:53
jelknerjohan_f has been sharing with me his gem hell21:53
anthony_pI put my notes from the meeting with PATIO in there, but i think that it would behoove us to put notes and updates from all meetings in there so that everyone can remain up to date on things21:53
jelknerthat's good news, actually, and to be expected21:54
klarios+1 yes I am writing notes from these meetings into decidim right now21:54
jelknerso we need to figure out how to use it to engage all nova web members in our shared work21:54
anthony_pYeah, i've got to go through and see what broke in the latest gem install21:54
jelknerperfect klarios21:54
jelknerthat's what we need to do21:54
jelknerok, i think that's all i need for tomorrow21:54
anthony_pi was able to figure out the last one, but honestly, getting the experience fixing it when it breaks helps me understand the system a little better too21:54
jelknerthanks everyone21:55
jelknerACTION done21:55
Vedokay great21:55
jelkneryes anthony_p21:55
klariosalso check out the latest blog post from the tech peer network. The presentation was great! we could honestly use the tools they are21:55
jelkneri was talking to johan_f21:55
jelknerthe only reason decidim support is a real service is that it is complicated21:55
jelknerpeople will want to hire someone to help them set it up and use it21:56
jelknerthat's what we need to learn to do21:56
jelknerACTION done21:56
Vedonto the last item21:56
VedTest Server & Decidim Awesome (added by johan_f)21:56
anthony_pyes, part of the issue is that it has a great deal of developer support, but not many experts in the maintenance and usage to support organizations that aren't software development or tech focused21:56
johan_fCurrently the test server is down21:57
anthony_pyes, i have been looking into it21:57
anthony_pgot it open right now21:57
johan_fanthony_p: thank you21:57
jelknerok, you two can talk about that after meeting21:57
anthony_pwill get back to it after taking care of something for @jelkner after the meeting21:57
johan_fI've also written a blog post on what the plug in does dor those interested
jelknercan i say one more thing?21:58
anthony_p+1 great! thanks21:58
jelknerfolks, we have tboimah here from jetro web21:58
anthony_phey tboimah!21:58
jelknerhe has been working with ledmer on the irc bot21:58
tboimahHi, everyone21:58
klariosjohan_f: I saw, I will def use it especially for document and image uploads21:58
anthony_pi've seen those chats in the logs, doing good work21:59
jelknerand he has been working on learning may first infrastructure21:59
jelknertboimah gets things done21:59
jelknerlet's incorporate him more closely into our planning and work21:59
jelknerACTION done21:59
Vedokay great meeting everyone21:59
jelknerthanks ved!22:00
jelknernice work chairing22:00
jelkneryou rock!22:00
ledmerok bye!22:00
anthony_pgreat work from everyone, let's keep up momentum!22:00
deveshBye 22:00
klariosBye all!22:00
*** Ved has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:00
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jelknertboimah: i still don't know what to do22:07
jelkneri don't know how to send mail as jeff.elkner@sjcompute.org22:07
tboimahtype in the url and login22:08
tboimahthen you will be able to compose an email. because you username is associate with that email address22:09
tboimahand when you are composing the email send it to isaac.zawolo@sjcompute.org22:10
tboimahThat way i will be able to login as Isaac and reply you when it work, I will email the rest of sjc member their username, password and email address22:11
jelknertboimah: can i call you on telegram?22:11
tboimahuse that link to login22:14
tboimahor you use the link mail.sjcompute.org22:15
jelknertboimah: i just sent an email to Johanna Garay22:19
jelknerand cc'd isaac.zawolo@sjcompute.org22:19
jelknersee if you receive it22:19
tboimahI just send you a message to your email using Zawolo mayfirst email22:20
tboimahPerfect! i recived you mail22:20
tboimahthat mean is working. do you recived mail for me 22:22
tboimahI just reply to you mail for Zawolo22:22
tboimahdid you see that?22:22
tboimahcheck both your and i send email to both of them22:23
jelknerchecking  now22:24
jelknertboimah: we are making progress!22:26
jelknerbut it isn't configured correctly yet22:26
jelkneri got both emails22:26
jelknerbut the one that says "Thanks Jeff"22:26
jelknercame from izwolo@mail.mayfirst.org22:27
jelknernot from isaac.zawolo@sjcompute.org22:27
tboimahI will look it that.22:28
tboimahlol, I will look into that.22:28
*** ledmer has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:28
jelknerok, this is progress, tboimah22:30
tboimahjelkner, check your again22:30
jelknerACTION goes to check22:30
jelknernope, still coming from izawolo@mail.mayfirst.org22:31
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:31
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:50
*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:52
*** anthony_p has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:54
*** jelkner has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)23:21

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