IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2025-01-09

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klarioshello all21:29
klarioshappy new years!21:29
jelknerHappy New Year!21:30
deveshhappy new year!21:30
bluhappy new year!21:30
ledmer_Happy new year21:31
anthony_phappy new year21:31
VedHappy new year21:32
klariosseems like we dont have an agenda but i know theres a couple of items we got to get working on21:32
anthony_pthe labor new year stuff? what is going on with that?21:33
klarios1. the IRC bot. jelkner is in a meeting so im not sure how much progress there is but we want to get it working and bill him. Plus we dont want to have any pending invoices as well21:33
jelknerhi klarios, i left that meeting so i wouldn't miss this one.21:34
ledmer_Im the main responsible for that21:34
klariosjelkner: got it21:34
jelkneronce a month i'll have to miss this, but not our first one of 2025 ;-)21:34
klariosthis is the event. its a labor spring kind of convention 21:35
jelkneranthony_p, it's an idea naruiti pitched to us21:35
jelknerwe'll be meeting here on 1/30 to talk about it21:35
jelknerno need to talk about it until then21:35
klariosWe should definitely take part of it21:35
jelknerit's being run out of Georgetown University, so Ved might be interested in that ;-)21:36
klariosledmer_: what is the progress on the bot? is it ready to be tested or used?21:37
VedHaha sure21:37
VedI'd be interested21:37
ledmer_its ready for deployment I just had a setback while trying to deploy it on this channel21:37
klarioswe can host our own event or collab with DNOVA it could be pretty beneficial21:38
klariosledmer_: got it. is there a separate testing channel you could try deploying to?21:39
ledmer_the bot is deployed on accict under a different name 21:40
ledmer_the issue with deploying it in this channel 21:40
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ledmer_is related to the logs21:40
klariosahh i see. what do you think you'd have to do to deploy it? 21:41
ledmer_just backups the logs somewhere safe21:42
jelknerThe logs are what this is all about!21:43
ledmer_and then try making the "new bot" log 21:43
jelkneranthony_p, maybe you could help with this?21:43
klariosokay got it. if we can download it we can put the logs in nextcloud21:43
jelknerour young devs need to learn how to build, test, and deploy software21:43
jelknerwithout breaking things21:44
jelknerwe can't do business otherwise21:44
jelknerso, one thought21:44
jelknercreate an sjcompute channel, and use that to test your bot21:44
jelkneronce you feel confident it works, we can try it on #jetrowebdev21:44
anthony_psure, i'll get familiar21:45
jelknerwhile we use #novawebdev for business21:45
jelknerthen we can switch to #jetrowebdev for business21:45
jelknerwhile you deploy and test on #novawebdev21:45
jelkneryou need to develop a deployment plabn21:45
klariosif its running and logging in accict then we dont need another channel? ledmer_ 21:45
jelknerand then implement it21:45
anthony_pledmer_ contact me and let me know what tools you're using for dev on the bot?21:45
ledmer_we could use accict for testing since its already running 21:46
ledmer_we dont need to create another channel but we could21:46
ledmer_Got you anthony_p I will write you email about it 21:47
klariosalright then we should have you and tony meet to talk about it 21:47
klariosNext bigger Item on the list would be the management, operation, leadership, and coordination of the decidim project. Now I understand that jeff has had the reins of the project and he can continue to give feedback, but I think we need to formulate our team and our responsabilities and understand our steps21:49
klariosNow I know johan_f , anthony_p , and I are part of the project but we havent really had communication on it21:49
klariosi propose we meet weekly21:49
anthony_psounds good21:50
johan_fI can definitely do that21:50
klarioseither thourh BBB or IRC to talk about how we can use it more, what we can do fix its current issues, and how we can market it21:50
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anthony_pi'm starting up school in a few weeks, my schedule has open fridays21:50
klariosnow I know we are all students so we have to account for a time that works for all of us21:50
klariosMy schedule is open on thursdays21:51
klariosim taking 17 credits this semester but its my guaranteed day off21:51
klariosalong with saturday 21:51
johan_fboth thursday and friday work for me21:51
jelknerthursdays are our workday21:52
jelknerkeep it simple21:52
klariosgot it. I personally prefer we do big blue button (web cam) but we can do anything that works with you guys21:52
jelknerwe are here already21:52
klariosjelkner: true, I still think we need our own designated time to brainstorm, put ideas together, and build a team21:52
jelkner3 pm thursdays?21:53
klariosI can do 3 PM21:53
johan_fI can do it then21:53
anthony_pthursdays i have a class that ends at 1215, it can take me 2 or more hours to get down there depending on traffic and accidents because of 29521:53
anthony_pso i may be able to make it, but i could run late on bad traffic days21:54
klariosmakes sense anthony_p what time do you ussually get home and get situatuated21:54
anthony_pi was thinking about the days i drive down to arlington21:54
jelknerwe are talking remote21:54
anthony_pon days i'm remote, 3 isn't a problem21:54
jelknerklarios will be in Blacksburg21:54
klariosyes, remote21:55
anthony_psure, but on weeks that I drive down i may be on the road at 3 on my way there21:55
klariosyeah that makes sense21:55
anthony_pso, just keep that in mind21:55
anthony_pshould be fine most of the time though21:56
klariosif thats the case, me and johan_f and I can give you notes on the meeting and maybe tasks we have to complete21:56
klariosusing decidim of course21:56
jelknerok, last item21:56
jelknerwe need to migrate our email21:56
jelknertake down the server21:57
jelknerand also take down all the other servers that we are paying $157 a month for21:57
jelknerlet's talk more next week about that21:57
jelkneri'll ask mattva01 for advice tonight21:57
jelknerACTION done21:57
anthony_psounds good to me21:57
anthony_pcutting the expense would be good for us21:57
Vedill work with devesh to take down the servers we arent using21:58
ledmer_good meeting guys!21:59
jelkneryes indeed21:59
jelknersee y'all next week21:59
klariosThank you all for meeting. Happy new years21:59
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johan_fgoodbye everyone21:59
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anthony_pgoodbye, thanks for the meeting21:59
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