IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2025-01-23

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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:57
jelkner!add IRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops?14:57
LittleWebsterSuccess: "IRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops?" has been added to the agenda.14:57
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:57
LittleWebsterIRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops? (added by jelkner)14:57
jelkner!add Brief announcement: Ved and Jeff are writing a business book14:59
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Brief announcement: Ved and Jeff are writing a business book" has been added to the agenda.14:59
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:59
LittleWebsterIRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops? (added by jelkner)14:59
LittleWebsterBrief announcement: Ved and Jeff are writing a business book (added by jelkner)14:59
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jelkneranthony_p, so good to virtually see you!20:01
klariosHello all!20:02
jelknerhello klarios!20:02
jelknergreat to see you20:02
jelknerthursday's rock20:02
klariosgreat to see you as well20:02
klariosAgreed. I saw the book youre publishing. itll be great help20:02
jelknerlet's see how that goes20:03
jelknerbut doing the project that way will definitely help us focus20:03
klariosI think its a great place to start, I will be tined with it20:03
jelknerbasically i'm going to ask ved to teach me bookkeeping20:03
klarioshey anthony_p  how are you?20:03
jelknerand i'll write what i learn20:03
klariosgreat jelkner especially if we use all open source material20:04
jelknerof course you know i will klarios 20:04
jelkneractually, i have a dream that 5 years from now we can incorporate the bookkeeping we learn into business tracker20:04
klariosin fact that is something i want to bring up at our meeting at 4:30. A software suggestion that could help us all20:04
jelkneronce our django skills reach that point20:05
anthony_phey @jelkner20:05
anthony_phey klarios20:05
klarios+1 i agree, business tracker would be able to compete if we had book keeping20:05
anthony_pi'm doing okay20:05
klarioshey johan_f ! 20:05
johan_fhello klarios20:05
jelknerjohan_f, marin and blu are here20:05
johan_fhello anthony_p20:06
anthony_phey johan_f20:06
klariosgreat! say hi for them for me jelkner 20:06
anthony_pschool is starting back up for me next week20:06
klariosto them*20:06
klariosthis is my 3rd day of school. I am making sure to keep thursdays as free as ever20:07
klariosanthony_p: do you know what your schedule looks like?20:07
klariosfor me its MWF busy until noon and thursday and saturdays are free mostly20:08
anthony_pyeah, busy mondays, two classes on wednesday, and an 11AM class on tuesday and thursday20:09
klariosalright since its time to start we can do some updates and agenda Items we have for decidim20:09
anthony_pplus the internship class that doesn't have regular class time20:09
klariossounds good, I have other club activities but they dont interfere with NOVA web time/work20:10
anthony_pi was able to get the test decidim server back up, but not by fixing the error, i had to reinstall from scratch20:10
klarioswhen you reinstalled did the gem dependencies issues still exist?20:11
anthony_pmade a backup of the server after the reinstall so that it can just be rebuilt from backup20:11
jelkneranthony_p, are you thinking of coming down next thursday?20:11
jelknerthat's the day elenor and nairuti will be attending20:12
anthony_pit'll be my first week of classes so I'd rather see how it plays out first before doing any trips down to arlington20:12
jelknersounds good20:12
johan_fits good that it is back up20:12
jelknerno need, but i know you like to participate in those planning discussions20:12
jelknerso i wanted to mention it20:12
klariosgot it. that's good any changes that happen and it can just be rebuilt20:12
anthony_pthere was a different dependency issue with the gems that was a recent thing for doing a fresh install20:12
anthony_pit was related to a change made in a gem that decidim relied on20:13
anthony_pi did older versions of the gems for decidim and that gem in particular in order to get it running20:14
klariosi see. then does the accountability module work let you choose projects after reinstalling?20:14
johan_fDo you remember what version of decidim the test server is running?20:15
anthony_pi need to check back in on that dependent gem to see if it was fixed and if we can upgrade to the latest version20:15
klariosgot it. if it persists I guess there has to be a way to report it to them20:16
anthony_pso, decidim is on 0.28.4, ruby is on 3.1.1, and the gem in question is concurrent-ruby which has to be 1.3.4 instead of 1.3.520:16
klariosare you upgrading on the test decidim?20:17
anthony_pthey are aware of the issue because it's impacted many ruby projects20:17
anthony_pit's not a decidim specific issue20:17
klariosyeah makes sense20:17
johan_fwhen I try to ssh into the test server it states there is a host key verification error20:18
anthony_pah, yeah, so we need to put an ssh key in there for you20:19
anthony_pi switched it up to use ssh rather than password for the decidim account20:19
johan_fwill you send it using bitlocker?20:19
klariosalso the password in bitwarden is the one on the bottom/ description20:19
anthony_pso, if you generate your own ssh key and send me the public key, i can put it in for you and you can use your private key to log in20:20
anthony_pif you need help walking through that we can do so after dealing with other agenda items and after the meeting20:20
klariosI have access as well so I can help as well20:20
klariosalright so next thing I wanted to bring up was accepting a member from the Jetro web team to come to these meetings and formulate plans to use decidim along with us20:21
klariosjelkner: I know you mentioned this to them, any idea on who could join us?20:21
klarioshe might not be online lol 20:23
jelknerklarios, sorry20:23
jelkneri got distracted20:23
klariosthat alright no worries20:23
jelknerwith people in the room20:23
jelknersuper klarios 20:23
jelkneri'm on that20:24
jelkneryou see all the emails i send20:24
jelknerthis is a process20:24
jelknerThomas asked me for "3 or 4 tasks"20:24
jelkneri sent him 420:24
jelkneras user stories20:24
jelknerthe 4th one was Decidim20:24
jelknersince that is the most challenging in terms of what they need to learn20:25
jelkneri'm thinking Thomas or Freena (or better, both) should do it20:25
klariosI want the process to be equal for everyone involved. I cant feel well going into decidim knowing that someone who should be getting the knowledge isnt20:25
jelknerespecially since Thomas has a lot of skills20:25
jelknerthe could learn from anthony_p within a year how to help him manage Decidim on the server20:26
jelknerwe practice transparency klarios 20:26
jelknerso everything is open to all20:26
jelknerbut what we are weak on now is accoutability20:26
klariosI agree, but I also want to give them the chance to ask questions and rely on us as well20:27
jelknerand for that we need to struggle to get our members to:20:27
jelkner1. explicitly take on responsibility20:27
jelkner2. be accountable to all of us to deliver (and communicate effectively when problems arise)20:27
jelkneruntil we learn to do taht20:27
jelknerwe won't be ready to be a business20:28
jelknerin the service industry (which we are in) especially20:28
klarios+1 we can teach each other accountability and responsibility. We really just need him to show up20:28
jelknerok,let's do it comrade!20:28
jelkneri'm with you20:29
klariosthank you. The sooner he is here, the faster we can all learn20:29
klarioscan we expect him next week?20:29
jelkneri don't know20:29
jelkneryou see the emails and irc chats20:29
jelkneri meet with jetro often20:29
jelknerand email them more often20:30
jelknerwe are moving forward20:30
jelknerbut we have a long way to go20:30
jelkneri thought thomas said he would be here today now20:30
klariosits also important to not overextend him or you or us20:30
jelknerbut then i asked for the 7 am meeting20:30
jelkneri agree klarios 20:30
jelknerthat's the biggest danger20:30
jelknerif only one person is doing most of the work20:31
jelknerthey can't sustain it20:31
jelknerand it is not good for any of us20:31
klariosthey should have a rotation system then20:31
klarios1 week thomas, 1 week freena20:31
jelknerlong story short on this klarios 20:31
jelkneri am working with isaac zawolo to help jetro get an office20:32
jelknerwhen they have that20:32
jelknerit will be much easier for them to be reliable20:32
jelknersince some of them will live at the office20:32
jelknerand the infrastructure (generator, wifi router) will be located there20:32
jelknerwe can then expect them to be here20:33
jelknerevery week20:33
klariostrue. a lot of it is out of our control for now, but when it is in control we want at least 1 member of jetro to come to our meetings20:33
jelknerthat will be a demand SJC will make for continued support20:33
jelknersince without it, we won't reach our goal20:33
anthony_pthe lack of a permanent office and regular in person work likely contributes a lot to our accountability issues as well20:33
jelkneri'll refer them to the log of this conversation and reinforce what you just said20:34
klariosanthony_p: true, its hard for people to commit and be accountable through a screen20:34
anthony_pi feel like we could benefit from an always open voice chat channel of some sort to hang out in20:35
anthony_psorry, that's off topic20:35
klariosthats why I believe the "user stories" can be great for accountability 20:35
jelknernot at all anthony_p 20:35
klariosonce our module in decidim works we need to enforce that20:36
jelknerthe only push back i'll give is the voice part20:36
jelknerlow tech is best methinks20:36
jelknerbecause it is always on20:36
jelknerit's a social engineering question more then a technical one20:36
jelknerwe can always spin up a jitsi meet when you want to talk or look at someone20:36
klariosi think its great for the folks in liberia since other techs arent reliable. It can be great for us, that's why I always suggest BBB20:37
klariosir jitsy20:37
jelknerklarios, it is not great for us because?20:37
jelknerremember, we are required to maintain meeting minutes20:37
jelknerdo we?20:37
jelknerno, except *yes*20:38
jelknerbecause we auto log everything here20:38
klariosvoice chat, jitsy, bbb would be great for us IRC is also great but takes away the people aspect20:38
klariosbut yes logging everything is also super important20:38
klarioswe can record our meetings in jitsy and BBB20:38
anthony_pso, yes and no on the voice thing20:38
anthony_pi'm more suggesting that because it can potentially foster a stronger sense of connection and communication, but i'm not suggesting it should be used for official business or meetings20:39
jelknerthen by all means anthony_p 20:39
klariosI say we stick to IRC if a member of Jetro is fully committed to stay here, in order to maintain transparency. we will record meetings, do notes, and post them on decidim20:39
jelkneri would love to here that y'all were meeting on jitsi regularly!20:40
jelkner+1 klarios 20:40
anthony_pthink of the suggestion as more of a way to emulate communications in an office setting, you can chat and talk with folks in the office, keep up and share expertise that isn't necessarily about running the business but about personal growth and stuff like that20:40
jelknertotally anthony_p 20:41
klariosyeah totally agree anthony_p 20:41
klarioswe can just simulate for now though 20:41
jelkneri just think that video chat fails to reproduce that20:41
jelknerit's like the "hallway track" at a conference20:41
klariosjelkner: +120:41
anthony_pi agree that video chat does fail to reproduce that20:41
jelknerso much happens spontenously20:41
klariosit both succeeds and fails lol20:41
anthony_pthat's why i suggested an open audio channel of some sort, video is far more distracting20:41
jelkneryou over hear someone saying something as you walk by20:41
jelknerand you stop and say hi20:42
jelkneri found what you said really interesting20:42
jelkneri'm becoming more and more of a Luddite ;-)20:42
jelkneri think we need to meet people in the real world20:43
anthony_pi do to, but we have geographic separation20:43
jelkneryes, so we need to make do20:43
jelkneri agree20:43
jelknerbtw, check out this if you have time:20:43
anthony_pmy thoughts are more along the lines of experiences with gaming and social things, where there's just an audio chat room you can drop in and keep up with folks while doing the thing the channel is related to20:44
jelkneri deeply feel the three principles of unity for NOVA Web20:44
anthony_pbut not neccessary to be in20:44
klarioslike discord basically anthony_p 20:44
jelknerand my favorite is "We want to help build the world we want to live in"20:44
anthony_psomething like discord20:44
anthony_pbut preferable if we could just find a dedicated audio thing20:44
jelkner+1 anthony_p 20:45
jelknermumble or something20:45
jelknerit's so hard20:45
anthony_pyeah, it just makes it easier to keep in touch and hold each other accountable20:45
jelknerthe only people with the resources to make that stuff work effectively are the billionaire tech oligarchs20:45
klariosalso good for establishing connections. People will be excited to come to work20:45
anthony_pcommunication while working an issue becomes faster if everyone working it can just drop into a voice channel20:45
jelknerand the distopian nightmare they are creating along with it make me want nothing to do with it20:46
klariosalright we can try to look into it anthony_p if you have any suggestions thatd be great20:46
jelknerperhaps what we meed are local communities we intentionally build20:46
jelknerone in Arlington, one in Blacksburg, one in Baltimore20:47
jelknerthat meet here for business, and do periodic "gatherings" to meet up in person20:47
klariositd be amazing if others from anywhere could join as well20:47
anthony_pi'm seeing a small open source project called Voice Chat Room based on WebRTC20:47
anthony_pand socket.io20:48
klariosill be right back20:48
anthony_pi do get where you're coming from with wanting to avoid some of these tech trends being used by the industry, but a voice chat room that is independently controlled by us based on open source software is just another small tool that could help facilitate communication within NOVA and potentially Jetro too20:50
jelkneri'm not at all opposed to that anthony_p 20:51
jelknerit's just i think we have other more pressing priorities20:51
jelkneri have that nagging feeling that my life is on hold20:51
anthony_pwe do, i don't disagree, but accountability is one of them, and improved communication improves accountability20:52
jelkneruntil we can say we have a viable business20:52
jelknerso once our revenue stream becomes steady20:52
jelknerand we feel confident we'll be staying around for awhile20:52
klarios+1 anthony_p I agree, lets bring it up. I think we should start now regardess of how much money we make, we want to get people to developing good communication habits20:52
jelkneryou won't have any difficultly getting me to become interested in making our life together more fun and more personally rewarding20:53
klariosits the world we want to help build 20:54
anthony_pwe can bring it up in the meeting, and ill do legwork to find us a good open source option20:54
jelknerokie dokie klarios, but as i keep saying, if this business can't survive it's fourth reboot20:54
klariosthank you anthony_p 20:54
klariosjelkner: I think we are past the survival point right now. We know we have people who show up, we just have to make sure they keep showing up and delivering20:55
jelknerthe world i will want to live in will in a small town in Mexico20:55
jelknerklarios, this is a very important discussion20:56
jelknerwe most definitely are *not* beyond the survival point20:56
klariostrue. Well were not well off but we gotta give ourselves a bit of vredit20:56
jelknerfirst principle: We want to make a living, not a killing.20:56
anthony_pwe'd be closer to past the survival point if we can get the CPA stuff going20:56
jelknerthe 1st 1/2 of that is "we want to make a living"20:57
jelknerwe are not making a living20:57
jelknerand until we do20:57
anthony_pi think that's our nearest goal within reach and capabilities20:57
jelknerwe are not past the "survival point"20:57
jelkneryou two are students20:57
jelknerif we can't generate work and revenue, you will have to move on in your life after you graduate20:57
jelknersoon for anthony_p 20:57
jelkneri've been through this several times before klarios, you need to understand that20:58
anthony_pi'm a special case, i'm getting paid a disability retirement income20:58
anthony_pi'll survive20:58
jelknerlouie, stephan, andrian and natalia ran the coop for two years20:58
klariosyeah that's true. We need to make it work now with the team that is avaliable20:58
jelknerwhere are they now?20:58
jelkneryes, my good friend20:58
jelknerthat is a saving grace20:58
anthony_pbut the others in nova are not as fortunate as me and need to make a living when they finish school20:59
jelkneryou and i talked about how that may make the 4th reboot actually possible20:59
jelknerbut you still want generate some revenue20:59
anthony_pif nova isn't providing, they'll have to move on, you as well kei20:59
jelknerand you can't do this alone in any case20:59
jelknerexactly klarios 20:59
anthony_pand the cpa thing is a huge opportunity, and we need to clinch it20:59
anthony_pbecause it's not just revenue, it's connections21:00
jelkneri thinking about my next blog post21:00
jelknertitled: "Walking on Two Legs: A Business Plan for NOVA Web Development?"21:00
klariostrue. lets try our best all! I will too21:00
jelkneri am hoping we can have two equal parts to our business plan21:01
jelkner1. CPA (the more immediate 1/2)21:01
jelkner2. Decidim (the more profound 1/2)21:01
jelknerif we could do both those things21:02
jelknerand 1 could really put us in a place to do 221:02
jelknerwe could have a wonderful business21:02
jelknerbut we don't have 1 yet21:02
jelknerand i feel like my life is on hold until i know if we do21:02
jelknerthey said they would let us know in january21:03
jelkneri will reach out to them in the beginning of february if we don't hear from them by then21:03
klarioswe got to bug them a little. we dont have all the time in the world either21:03
klariosif its situational i understand21:04
jelknerthey have a democratic process klarios 21:04
jelknerwhich takes time21:04
jelknerso i don't plan to be a pest21:04
jelknerthey said january21:04
jelkneri'll reach out at the beginning of february21:05
anthony_pthey still have a week21:05
klariosi see alrighty21:05
jelkner+1 anthony_p 21:05
anthony_pif it's democratic, they may not even hold votes until near the end of the month after vetting and discussion21:05
klariossomething we want to get to do as well21:06
jelknerso, when can we start using our Decidim to manage tasks?21:06
jelknerthat's what i want to know21:06
jelkneri'm ready to start using it as soon as you tell me too21:06
jelkneri ask johan_f about it all the time21:07
jelkneri have plenty of tasks to enter21:07
anthony_pi'm still looking into it21:07
anthony_pi think i'm running into versioning/compatibility issues with the recent concurrent-ruby issue21:07
anthony_plike the plugin not working the same between different versions of decidim, because the version installed is on a soon to be deprecated version of ruby21:08
anthony_pbut to upgrade to the latest version of decidim will break it because of a gem dependency21:09
anthony_pwhich is something i need to figure out how to work around or fix21:09
klariosthats tricky21:09
jelkneranthony_p, as i know you know, large, complex systems like this regularly create problems like this21:09
klariosare you doing this on the test decidim21:09
jelknerwhich is exactly why we have a business plan around it21:09
johan_fanthony_p do you know why the projects aren't appearing in the accountability module?21:09
anthony_pnot yet21:10
jelknerif NOVA Web becomes adept at this21:10
jelknerwe can offer support doing that21:10
jelkneri'm thinking this will take us at least a year of dedicated work to do21:10
jelknerand you anthony_p can't be the only one who knows how to do it21:11
jelknerif we get the cpa gig, we will start generating some revenue21:11
anthony_pi think we need to get people learning ruby21:11
anthony_pi think that would be the strongest base for dealing with decidim21:11
klariosdefinitely, I will also maybe get into recruiting here see who I come across with21:12
klariosalright Im gonna get the agenda and notes for next meeting. We took a long time here but I dont think we should have a time contraint to these meetings unless we definitely need it21:13
klariosI think 1 hour works great21:14
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jelknerbut that is a big investmetn21:16
jelknerit's on my radar21:16
jelkneragain, i won't put the time in until i feel the odds of NWD becoming an ongoing concern are higher21:16
jelknerthen i'll write a ruby book ;-)21:16
jelknerto teach myself ruby21:16
jelkneri'm commited to that21:16
jelknerwhen the time comes21:16
jelkneryou can count on it if we get there21:16
anthony_pi'm still having a time with it, since i'm trying to learn it through learning decidim21:16
anthony_pi may have to start supplementing with ruby specific training21:16
anthony_pdo some learning projects21:16
anthony_pi'm worried i may be missing some contexts that are slowing my bug fixing capabilities21:16
anthony_pwell, we should have time constraints because people may plan around the times of the meetings, and that's their personal life and time21:16
anthony_pbut i'm all for staying around and chatting about issues if i have the time and others do too21:17
anthony_pbut there should definitely be a hard cutoff for people that need to see to other concerns in their life and not made to feel like they need to stay for any reason21:17
anthony_pbut it's never bad or incorrect to ask individuals if they have the time or desire to talk after meetings as long as we respect that they can and my say no21:19
jelkneri'm with anthony_p!21:20
jelknermeetings should start on time and end on time21:20
jelknerthat is a basic show of respect21:21
jelknerso folks can plan their lives21:21
anthony_pah, we lost klarios21:25
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:28
LittleWebsterIRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops? (added by jelkner)21:28
LittleWebsterBrief announcement: Ved and Jeff are writing a business book (added by jelkner)21:28
jelknerSo good to see you jamesoconnr!21:29
anthony_phello all21:29
jelknermakes my day ;-)21:29
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:30
LittleWebsterIRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops? (added by jelkner)21:30
LittleWebsterBrief announcement: Ved and Jeff are writing a business book (added by jelkner)21:30
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:30
LittleWebsterIRC update - where are we with our ircbot and channel ops? (added by jelkner)21:30
LittleWebsterBrief announcement: Ved and Jeff are writing a business book (added by jelkner)21:30
deveshOkaye everyone let's get started.21:31
deveshLet's start with the IRC Bot. Any if on that? 21:31
jelknerthat's mind devesh 21:31
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove21:31
jelknerand ledmer is here, so that's good21:31
jelknerbut i was hoping tboimah would be here too21:32
jelknerdid you see my user stories to Thomas?21:32
jelknertwo of them involved irc21:32
jelkner1. i want the bot deployed21:32
jelkner2. i want him (tboimah) to become a channel op21:32
jelknerand to help me become a channel op on #jetrowebdev21:33
jelkneri realized we don't have anyone with those skills21:33
jelknerand we need to better understand and be able to control our key infrastructure21:33
jelknerso, unless ledmer has something to say about when this could be deployed21:33
jelkneri'm done21:33
jelknerACTION done21:34
ledmerI wanna begin with the cannel op part 21:34
ledmerthat is fairly easy21:34
ledmerwe just need you the only chanel op to run a command21:34
ledmerI found about it with Mulbah 21:36
jelknerso can you update on this next week?21:36
jelknergreat, so we're done for now21:36
deveshIt sounds like we can move on to the next point on our agenda.21:36
ledmerI just have to look back on what we did21:36
deveshVed and Jeff have an annoucement to make. 21:36
jelknerok the other item from me is an announcement21:37
jelknerit's just a start21:38
jelknerbut here is the plan21:38
jelknerVed_C, jelkner and someone from Jetro web will work on an online OER Bookkeeping book21:38
jelknerwe can use that to both learn bookkeeping and share what we learn with the rest of the solidarity economy21:39
jelknerthat's all on that21:39
jelknerACTION done21:39
deveshThe next item would be choosing the chair for the next meeting. 21:39
anthony_pthat's great!21:39
deveshIs there anyone that wants to chair next meeting?21:39
klarioshey all. Sorry Im late my computer died21:40
ledmerI can do it next 21:40
deveshSounds good. 21:40
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deveshAnything else we want to touch base on this meeting? 21:40
anthony_pi plan to look at a dedicated voice channel21:41
ledmervoice channel?21:41
anthony_pi'm going to be looking at different open source voice chat options21:41
anthony_pvoic chat21:41
ledmersounds good21:42
anthony_pi want to maintain an open room that we can just drop into or hang out in for quicker/easier communication while working issues, outside of normal meetings21:42
klariosyeah, we thought of something like discord but open source21:42
ledmerdont we have bbb for that?21:43
anthony_pit wouldn't be for any official meetings or anything like that21:43
klariosledmer: BBB can be pretty unrealiable at times21:43
anthony_pthat's great for arranging video and voice chat meeting events and things like that21:43
anthony_panyone that's a gamer, i'm thinking more like a mumble server that we can just drop into to chat or take care of tasks together in21:44
anthony_psomething easy, lightweight, and quick to connect to21:44
jelknerjitsi is *very* reliable21:44
klariosI think it could be a great way to do the "user stories" approach that jeff mentioned. 21:44
jelknerand we have it through our membership in May First21:44
jelknerso we don't need to set anything up21:45
jelknerjust use it21:45
anthony_pcan you maintain a full open connection to a jitsi setup so that people can just drop in?21:45
klariosI think so21:45
jelkneryes you can21:45
jelkneras long as a member hosts it21:45
jelknerwe are all members21:45
jelknerthrough the coop21:45
ledmerI could help you guys 21:46
ledmerto set up your accounts 21:46
ledmerand teach you how to access jitsi 21:46
anthony_pif we want to go that way, i've used jitsi, i've never run or moderated a room21:46
klariosalso off topic but I wanted to introduce to you all a software brough up by the Peers at the tech network meeting. It can greatly benefit the business dept, its called odoo (its open source/free) Im testing to see if it works and how it works.       check it out when you can21:47
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jelknerklarios, we looked at odoo21:48
klariosI have jitsy access through nova web as well. I can  try to give you access21:48
jelknerwe have to be really intentional here21:48
jelknertechies love to play with tech, i get it21:48
jelknerbut we will fail21:48
jelknerunless we work smart21:48
jelknerand keep our eyes on the prize21:48
jelknerif we are going to use decidim21:48
jelknersince we want to support decidim21:49
jelknerthen we don't need anything else for now21:49
anthony_pi'll need to know where to sign up for the mayfirst stuff21:49
jelkneranthony_p, ledmer offered to help you with that21:49
klariosjelkner: I know, we cant do anything with it now but in the future it could be of use or interest21:49
jelknerplease do it off meeting21:49
deveshIs that all for now? 21:49
ledmerjust gonna share the jitsi link21:50
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deveshArlight! That sounds like that's it for this meeting. Have a great afternoon everyone!! 21:50
jelknerthank you devesh!21:50
klariosthank you devesh!21:51
jelknergreat job chairing your first meeting21:51
jelkneryou rock!21:51
johan_fhave a good afternoon everyone!21:51
ledmergreat meeting21:51
klariosyou all as well21:51
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anthony_pthanks for the great meeting!21:51
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klariosjelkner: If its ok I want to call with you soon. Maybe not today but when you are avaliable21:51
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jelknershmohamud, you'll be here soon, yes?21:54
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