IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2025-01-30

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jelknerGood afternoon comrade anthony_p!20:00
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anthony_pgood afternoon @jelkner20:02
anthony_pgood afternoon klarios20:03
klarioshi all, sorry Im a bit late20:03
klariosgood afternoon jelkner 20:03
jelknerGood afternoon klarios!20:03
klariosdo we know if johan will be able to make it?20:03
jelknerSo great to see you.20:03
anthony_pall good20:03
klariosthank you! happy chinese new year! haha its pretty lively in my campus right now20:03
jelknerklarios, blu just showed up20:04
anthony_pnot sure, i sent him an email earlier in the week after i figured out and updated the test decidim server to the latest version despite the errors, but never heard back from him20:04
jelknerstudents didn't have school today20:04
klarioshello blu!20:04
anthony_phello blu20:04
klariosahh i see20:04
jelkneri don't know how that will impact attendance here this evening20:05
klariosI dont have any of his other contact information. We should get that next time20:05
jelkneri'm sure you're getting tired of my flood of emails20:05
jelknerbut i can't recommend seminars with Trebor Schultz at the New School highly enough20:05
jelknerin 2021, I participated in Platform Cooperatives Now!20:06
anthony_pso, i was able to figure out what was going on with the accountability module20:06
anthony_pdid some renaming and category creation to do some initial stuff with that to get it started20:06
jelkneroh that is great news anthony_p 20:07
anthony_pi created a decidim category and a website category and put a placeholder in for the SECOSOL website under that category at 100% complete20:07
anthony_pAlso renamed Accountability to Projects because that seems to do a better job of describing what's going on there20:08
klariosthat's great news! 20:08
klariosare we able to use it in our decidim instnace?20:08
anthony_pwe can probably put the items listed on the Projects page in the NOVA assembly into items in the Projects accountability module for streamlining and consolidation20:08
anthony_pit's actually in the live instance right now20:09
anthony_pthat's where i did it all20:09
klariosanthony_p: renaming it is fine, we just have to emphasize that we will be using the module to instill accountability20:09
anthony_pit didn't require any code changes, it was simply not being used properly, and it's proper use is not accurately described in the Decidim documentation20:10
klariosgreat! I cant wait to test it! with this we can start working on getting jetro set up with the accountability module as well20:10
klariosgot it20:10
klariosif there arent any differences on how it should be used, then we can try its directed to be used?20:10
anthony_pi want to start working on updating the live instance because it's still on 0.28.220:11
anthony_pbut i need to be careful with it and make a backup beforehand20:11
klariosdo you think there will be any issues with ruby gems and their version if the live instance is updated?20:11
anthony_pI will start doing it slowly, going up version by version and looking at the changes noted in each version as I do so, to identify any propblems20:12
klarios+1 agree, we dont want to break it. Unfortunately due to my ssh issue I wont be able to log into the decidim server to help with backups, but I can manage our workforce using decidim of coures20:12
anthony_pi don't suspect there will be any issues with any of the updates, but that's why I want to do it one by 120:12
klariosgot it. How long do you think itll take?20:13
anthony_pi have to make some specific changes to gemspecs and Gemfile.locks to account for the concurrent-ruby issue and force it to stay at 1.3.4 throughout the process20:13
klarioshi ledmer 20:14
anthony_pnot sure how long it will take exactly because I don't know if the update actions will change those configurations to try and update concurrent-ruby20:14
anthony_phello ledmer20:14
anthony_pbut it shouldn't take more than an evening20:14
klariosyeah that makes sense, i would expect it to be time consuming though. If its possible, keep a close track of time so that we know how long it normally takes to do something like this20:15
klariosin the future we want you to get paid for it of course20:15
anthony_pi'll probably start tonight late in the evening, after 11PM so I don't interfere with anyone doing anything or reading it. will probably require a few restarts of the server20:15
klarioshi ledmer20:15
anthony_pthis will not be a normal occurrence20:16
jelknerGood afternoon ledmer (I mean "Mr. Chair" ;-)20:16
klariosmakes sense. Thank you for the update and the good news anthony_p 20:16
anthony_pi'm going to be keeping a closer eye on versioning from now on and perform version updates when they occur20:16
klariosjelkner: about your point it would be amazing if a member of the coop can be part of the program!20:16
klariosi hope theyre not too costly20:16
jelknerklarios, you and anthony_p are already in school20:17
klariosanthony_p: if everything else is working correctly, thats the best thing we can do. ALthough there are still some things we cant use, we can figure it out as the versions roll out20:17
jelknerbut as soon as you finish, i will recommend these New School courses!20:17
klarioswe can take them as summer courses right?20:17
jelkneri don't know20:18
jelknerthis one is offered this semester20:18
jelknerit is so cool they way Treber does20:18
klariosit seems its only presential but itd be a great thing to join 20:18
jelknerthere are undergraduate and graduate students from the New School taking it for credit20:18
klariosnever mind there is online courses as well20:18
anthony_pyeah, my semester is going to be pretty stuffed as is, with my capstone and two lab courses on top of the internship course20:18
jelknerbut there are also participants from around the world20:19
jelknerIndia, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Columbia20:19
klariosI have 2 free spaces this semester because I took care of my online classes very early. If theres a chance to join and its not too costly, id love to do it20:19
anthony_palthough, one of my capstone projects can work double duty, because I can do a cybersecurity analysis on one or more of our sites, and submit any issues I find to Jeff, and use that as some of my work for the internship as well20:20
jelknerTwo comrades from the state of Kerala in India20:20
jelknerThey have *a lot* of experience with cooperatives20:20
jelknerfor many years20:20
jelknerand also with popularly elected progressive government20:21
anthony_pit sounds like a great opportunity that we should get some folks into20:21
jelknerall in good time, my dear friend20:21
klariosheres a great source20:21
jelkneri'll focus on this now20:21
jelknersince we have to become a viable business to even be here a year from now20:22
jelknerit sounds like you're doing exactly what you need to do20:22
anthony_plooks like i'd have to get some decent proficiency in spanish20:22
jelkneri had a good conversation with Thomas and Spencer this morning20:22
jelknerSpanish helps anthony_p 20:22
jelknerbut this course is all in English20:22
jelknerall the Latin American participants speak English20:23
jelknerand all discussion and reading is in English20:23
jelknerBut when we end up going to Barcelona... ;-)20:23
klarioswell I can blend with them but my specialty is not spain spanish lol 20:23
jelknerYou need to learn Catalan, klarios 20:24
anthony_pi'm working on my spanish, i actually can understand the gist of what that site is saying, but i couldn't possibly repeat it back in spanish... not enough exposure or practice for me20:24
klariosjajaj ill try my best jelkner, ive always been passionate about learning languages20:25
anthony_pi think i might start watching my anime and news in spanish20:25
klariosit helps to consume media like that anthony_p 20:26
klariosjelkner: any idea as to when freena and janet will be able to join us? im worried that it may be too late in liberia for them to join us20:27
klariosdo we push the meeting time earlier?20:27
jelknerklarios, no20:27
jelknerdon't change the meeting time20:28
jelknerthey need to adjust to our schedule20:28
jelknerthat's the plan20:28
jelknerklarios, did you see the irc log from this morning?20:28
klariosNo I havent. I can take a look after the meeting20:28
jelknermy task is to struggle with the Jetro members to step up20:28
jelkneri will be relentless, i can promise you that20:29
klariosI noticed your email where you said thomas would offer his place as an office20:29
klarioswill they be able to work with that?20:30
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anthony_pa newish thing i noticed while i was working decidim issues20:31
anthony_pthere is actually a module for integrating jitsi with decidim20:32
klariosof really?120:32
klarioswow thatd be super helpful20:32
klarioswould it use the conference module?20:32
anthony_pyou have to have an already existing jitsi server and configure the jitsi module in decidim to use it20:33
anthony_pit allows you to ad Jitsi Meetings as a component20:34
anthony_pits something i want to test with20:34
klarioswow, does that mean we can add it to an existing assembly like nova web20:34
anthony_pyou can add it inot processes and assemblies according to the github page20:35
klarioswould you have to create a new component?20:35
klariosalright. If we can test it that'd be amazing, we already have a server20:36
anthony_pit's something i'd like to test with, because if we can have jitsi meetings readily available to be clicked on from the decidim, it would make organizing video meetings with external comrades a bit more smooth and easy20:36
klariosI dont personally have access to it though 20:36
anthony_pledmer does, he added me as an admin, but i'm not certain about how to integrate it or details on that20:36
klariostrue, plus it could be a place to drop in if possible20:36
klarioswe could ask adrian or stefan about it20:37
klariostheyre the ones who set it up i thinl20:37
ledmerI mean we could just use links no?20:37
jelknerklarios, i will be insisting that freena and janet start joining you here from 3 to 7 pm EST20:37
klariosThank you jelkner I will keep in contact with them today through telegram 20:38
jelknerTheir stipend from SJC will be contingent on their participation here20:38
ledmersince you can personalize the link the jitsi meetings have 20:38
jelknerSo i'll bring that up with them on saturday20:38
anthony_pledmer, sure, but the idea is to get to a point of understanding in decidim that we can include these things and offer them to customers in the future20:38
jelknerand hold them to it next thursday20:38
anthony_phaving the capability of integrating a fast video conferencing capability into decidim would be a good selling point20:39
ledmerohh gotchu 20:39
klariosanthony_p: lets bring it up in our meeting. if we do this, then we have to get the members to use it20:39
klariosas well20:39
ledmerI just jumped in the convo since you mentioned me  20:39
anthony_pall good20:39
ledmerI didn't had the whole context20:39
klariosthat's alright ledmer, we want give our costumers the full experience and one price20:40
anthony_pi think it's potentially overkill for us to use on the regular, but having it available to offer larger organizations with more members is something we should be doing20:40
klariosI think it would be okay for us to test it, see if it hold up to updates, version change, etc. 20:40
anthony_pand so i hope we can work together to test it out and get it going, even if we dont need it ourselves in the long run20:40
klariosI think we could definitely use it as we grow20:41
anthony_pbut i'll probably need your help a bit with the jitsi side of things since you seem to have the best understanding of how to administer it20:41
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klariosif ledmer and you need more guidance, we could get adrian and stefan involved20:42
anthony_psure, if we need to lets do that, but i want to see where we can take it without their assistance for now20:43
klariosis this the page?20:43
jelkneranthony_p, i use jisti all the time20:43
jelknerit should be dead simple20:43
klarioslooks like it works great!20:43
jelknerif you have a may first login20:43
anthony_prepeating for ledmer: but i'll probably need your help a bit with the jitsi side of things since you seem to have the best understanding of how to administer it20:44
anthony_pi think i have a mayfirst login now?20:44
anthony_pi'm pretty sure that's what ledmer gave me last week20:44
jelknerwant to try to start a meeting?20:44
ledmeryou have access to everything you may need20:44
jelkneri can talk you through it if you have a login20:44
jelknerthat's the show stopper20:44
klariosyeah anthony_p I think you have it. If not, bitwarden has the nova web admin for mayfirst20:44
jelknersince you need to be able to authenticate to start a meeting20:45
jelknereveryone else can just join20:45
jelknerwith no credentials at all20:45
jelknerbut an authenticated user has to start the meeting20:45
jelkneranthony_p, can i voice an opinion here?20:47
jelkneri would vote against doing anything with Jitsi20:47
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jelkneri get it20:48
jelknergeeks like to geek out20:48
anthony_pit's not about using it for us20:48
jelknerwe ran a custom jitsi server for nova web in the past20:48
jelknerstefan and adrian set it up20:48
jelknerthey were amazing geeks20:48
anthony_pit's about figuring it out so we can have the availability of the option for future customers and partners that would be interested20:48
jelknerthey could make anything work20:48
jelknerwhat they couldn't do, is make a successful business :-(20:49
jelkneri will always advocate for an agile approach20:49
jelknerdo the simplest thing that works20:49
jelknerwe're a coop20:49
jelknerand perhaps you all need to make your own mistakes20:50
klariosjelkner: I understand your concern, but we could be like the coop who developed this tool in the first place20:50
jelknerbut the more things we do that require us to maintain them20:50
jelknerthe more likely we will fail20:50
jelkneryes, klarios, i know20:50
jelknerjitsi is free software20:50
jelknerit can "easily" be integrated into decidim20:50
jelknerbut that is not our user story now20:51
jelknerand won't help us deal with our central contradiction20:51
jelknerwhich is that we can't seem to effectively complete billable tasks20:51
jelkneri think we should focus on hacking decidim to be our "task manager"20:52
jelknerand use it to hold each other accountable while we learn the platform20:52
klariosjelkner: true I agree. I also do believe we need to build a good product, a product that works and it does so effectively20:52
anthony_pdecidim isn't going to have billable tasks until we can sell our support to other organizations though, and udnerstanding how to maintain it and integrate modules into it is an important task to accomplish that20:52
jelkneryes anthony_p, i agree20:52
jelknerbut bandwidth and tech heavy modules going to cost us more than we gain20:53
jelknerjohan seems to have a good instinct as to how to approach this problem20:53
jelknerhe does the research in the decidim docs20:54
jelknerwe need to connect to the community more too20:54
jelknerso we aren't just pissing in the dark20:54
klariosthis is going to take a considerable amount of time and we dont have the capabilities to work on modules and learn decidim at the same time. We need specialization, someone who connects people to decidim, someone who maintains it, and someoen who builds it as aproduct20:54
anthony_pi'm a member of the metadecidim community, and will be attending their design meeting in february20:54
jelknerwe should be asking other experience folks for guidance20:54
jelknerthat is the power of the solidarity economy20:54
anthony_pbut their community engagement assembly is mostly defunct20:55
anthony_pthey haven't had a meeting in over a year20:55
klarios+1 jelkner I agree as well. We can reach out to their development community or join forums20:55
jelkneryes, klarios, that's what i'm saying!20:55
anthony_pthe developers for decidim are what is driving decidim at present, by all appearances20:56
jelknerwe need to find the community20:56
jelknereven if it keeps morphing and moving20:56
jelknerwell, my dear friend, then we need to get to know developers!20:56
anthony_plike i said, i'm attedning the design meeting20:56
jelkneryou rock, anthony_p 20:57
jelknerthat is great to hear20:57
anthony_pthey're monthly20:57
anthony_pbut also, for all i know, it will be in spanish20:57
anthony_pi haven't attended before, and their meeting descriptions are not very descriptive20:57
jelknerklarios, we have enough infrastructure now to do what we most need to do20:58
jelknerthis was the discussion i had with johan20:58
jelknerwe need to learn to use the core functionality of the platform first20:58
jelknerto do that, we need to USE IT.20:58
jelknerit is a human engineering problem, not a technical one20:58
jelkneri want to see a list of things that need to be done on our main instance20:59
jelknerwith people associated with doing those things20:59
jelknerand "due dates"20:59
jelknermain decidim already supports that kind of work flow out of the box according to johan20:59
jelknerso now it is just getting our members to login and use it21:00
jelknerthat will be freena and janet's task21:00
jelknerand yours and mine klarios 21:00
klariositll nova webs task as well. 21:00
jelkneryes, all of us21:00
jelknerbut we need to start with a core group21:00
jelknerwho can then pull the others along21:00
klariosI can facilitate for nova web. Things such as making todo lists/ agendas can be assigned in rotations. I can give them a template of what to do andhow to do it21:01
klariosjetro web can follow as well21:02
jelknerthat would be wonderful!21:02
klariosas for you jelkner, it would be to tell people to use it, whenever work is being done, decidim must be open 21:02
klariossince were not there in person 21:03
klarioswe need someone to keep them motivated21:03
jelkneryes, klarios, being the perpetual nag is my main role here! ;-)21:03
jelkneri understand that21:04
jelknerand will do it21:04
klariosalright. We can introduce it during the meetings. The person who chairs the meeting gets to assign who chairs next, adds agenda items based on the meeting they chaired or assign others to add agenda items/ notes of meetings21:05
klarioswe can bring it up in the meeting coming up  21:05
klariositd be amazing if we could add some sort of rotation calendar to decidim 21:06
klariosor just a calendar option21:06
anthony_pThere is a calendar, with meetings, i put new meetings in every couple weeks for the upcoming meetings21:06
anthony_pthere's a meeting entry in there for this meeting and the one after for NOVA general21:07
klariosyeah anthony_p we got the meeting calendar. I guess we can add things there 21:07
anthony_pbut there's noting in those meeting entries like an agenda or who is chairing it21:07
klariosyeah, that's helpful for those doing notes/ to-do lists21:08
anthony_pthat's something that should be updated after the meetings, probably by the chair of the current meeting, possibly putting a link to the appropriate irc log and then editing the next meeting with who the next chair would be21:08
klariosyeah we can do that, itd be more organized as well21:09
klariosalright. Ive got to go back to my dorm for laundry. ill Return to the 4:30 meeting shortly21:09
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ledmerJeff 21:09
ledmerI have been playing around with jetrowebs irc chanel21:10
ledmerand apparently you are the master of that chanel21:10
bluJeff is on the phone right now, hell be back soon21:10
ledmerjelkner I would need you to run /msg ChanServ ACCESS #novawebdev ADD ledmer MASTER21:11
ledmerdo /msg ChanServ ACCESS #jetrowebdev ADD ledmer MASTER21:11
scooperGood evening jelkner, ledmer, anthony_p and blu21:15
anthony_pgood evening scooper21:16
scooperledmer, is Sahnun coming in today?21:17
ledmerI don't know21:17
scoopercan you please ask jeff for me??21:17
blujeff is on the phone right now, but i am pretty sure Sahnun will be here tonight21:18
scooperok thanks blu 21:18
scooperany update from your end concerning the sjc website??21:19
jelknerscooper, so good to see you!21:27
jelknersahnun said he would be here21:27
jelkner5:30 pm is his usual show time21:27
jelknersince he has to come after work21:27
ledmerjelkner, could you do /msg ChanServ ACCESS #jetrowebdev ADD ledmer MASTER21:28
jelknerscooper, we need the jetro folks "in the house"21:28
ledmerapparently you are the owner of the jetro channel21:28
jelkneri'm going to email freena and janet21:28
jelknerto let them know that the next SJC stipend will be contingent on their participation here21:29
jelkner3 to 7 pm each thursday21:29
jelkner8 to 12 midnight your time21:29
jelknera proper geek schedule21:29
scooperjelkner, 21:31
scooperare you there21:31
jelknermeeting started scooper 21:31
jelknerledmer, your chair, yet?21:32
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!21:32
jelknertake it away my friend!21:32
ledmersure 21:32
ledmerSo there are no items in the agenda 21:32
ledmerdoes someone want to propose something to discuss21:32
scooperis it right to ask you question here jelkner??21:32
scooperIf I done understand what you are trying to say??21:33
jelkneri'm not the chair scooper, ledmer is21:33
scooperOh I'm sorry 21:33
scooperI will just watch the conversation21:33
klariosYes ledmer. We wanted to add rotation of a person who takes notes and does the agenda items21:33
ledmerok lets start with that then 21:33
klariosi proposed that the person who chairs can either add agenda items for next week or they can assign someone to do it21:34
jelknergreat suggestion klarios 21:34
jelknermay i make an amendment?21:34
klariosyeah jelkner 21:34
jelknerso anyone *can* add items21:35
jelknerover time we hope more people actually will21:35
jelknerbut the chair should be responsible for thinking about the next meeting21:35
klariosyes anyone can add items. we want to distribute responsability as well21:35
jelknerand adding at least a few items21:35
jelknerdoes that make sense?21:35
jelknerjamesoconnr, so good to see you my friend!21:35
jelknerlive from Colorado21:35
jamesoconnrGood to see you too!21:35
jelknersince jamesoconnr is here21:35
klarios+1 jelkner  Sounds good21:35
jelkneri can add one quick item21:36
jelkner!add CPA Update21:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "CPA Update" has been added to the agenda.21:36
jelknerthere ledmer, now you have an agenda ;-)21:36
klarios!add swamprose coop21:36
LittleWebsterSuccess: "swamprose coop" has been added to the agenda.21:36
jelknerledmer, let's move the meeting please21:37
jelknerwe are busy people21:37
ledmerso you could start talkig about the CPA Update21:37
klarios!add nwd-3 has exceeded threshold21:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "nwd-3 has exceeded threshold" has been added to the agenda.21:37
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:37
LittleWebsterCPA Update (added by jelkner)21:37
LittleWebsterswamprose coop (added by klarios)21:37
LittleWebsternwd-3 has exceeded threshold (added by klarios)21:37
anthony_pi have an item to mention, more of an update/info than anything else21:37
ledmeradd it to the agenda21:37
jelknerok, for the benefit of jamesoconnr, since he will be the tech lead if we get the CPA gig21:38
jelkneri've been chomping at the bit to email them21:38
anthony_p!add Decidim Update to 0.29.121:38
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Decidim Update to 0.29.1" has been added to the agenda.21:38
jelknerbut since they said they would reach back to us in january21:38
jelkneri held back21:38
jelknerbut saturday is 2/121:38
jelknerso jamesoconnr expect to be cc'd on an email from me to CPA on saturday21:38
jelknerACTION done21:38
jamesoconnrAlright, ill be on the lookout21:39
klariosthank you jelkner, please update us on their response, we are eager to see progress21:39
jelknerof course21:39
ledmerok so next item21:39
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:39
LittleWebsterCPA Update (added by jelkner)21:39
LittleWebsterswamprose coop (added by klarios)21:39
LittleWebsternwd-3 has exceeded threshold (added by klarios)21:39
LittleWebsterDecidim Update to 0.29.1 (added by anthony_p)21:39
ledmerwhat about Swamprose coop klarios?21:40
klariosso swap rose sent an email yesterday requesting to be moved to squarespace21:40
klariosthey previously worked with louis21:40
klariosledmer: jamesoconnr I can forward you the email21:40
klarioshere is their current site21:40
ledmerI think i already have it21:41
klariostheyre using wordpress21:41
klariosare you able to move a site from wordpress to squarespace21:41
jelknershort answer, to quote Douglas Cerna, "it's software, so of course you can"21:42
jelknerthat means in principle21:42
ledmerI dont have experience on it21:42
jamesoconnryou could probably replicate a website on squarespace, but it’s unlikely theres a button you can click to do so21:42
jelknerquestion is how much time will it take and how much are they willing to spend doing it21:42
klarioswe got to look into itm since therye a paying costumer21:42
klarioswe can respond back, but the developers would need to do research on how to do it before we ask for a price21:43
ledmer"We don't have experience transfering domains and need to figure out how to do it without interruption. Is this domain transfer something you all could help with?" Swamp Rose coop21:43
ledmerthe apparently want help with the domain21:43
klarioswe could go on a meeting with them 21:43
jelknerwe used to do that before ledmer 21:43
jelknerstefan and adrian could do it in their sleep21:44
jelknerbut we need to learn21:44
anthony_pif you need someone to meet with them in person, silver spring is not that far from me21:44
jelknerit's not that hard21:44
ledmeryeah its not 21:44
jelknerthey just need to give us access to their domain host21:44
ledmerwe might already have it 21:44
jelknerok, 15 minutes left and two more items21:44
jelknerlet's go21:44
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:44
LittleWebsterCPA Update (added by jelkner)21:44
LittleWebsterswamprose coop (added by klarios)21:44
LittleWebsternwd-3 has exceeded threshold (added by klarios)21:44
LittleWebsterDecidim Update to 0.29.1 (added by anthony_p)21:44
jelknerremember, meetings are for "big ideas"21:44
jelknerwork out the details after21:45
jelknerdon't get "in the weeds" here21:45
jelknerACTION done21:45
ledmerso nwd-3 has exceeded threshold 21:45
klariosWhat do we have on nwd 3 again?21:45
anthony_pwhat all is hosted on nwd-3?21:45
anthony_pand can any of it be offloaded to another server that isn't as active?21:45
ledmerlet me check 21:45
ledmerso the tags are AEAPACVA BVCLTGARDEN and Maryland Latino Caucus21:46
jelknerledmer, you're chairing21:46
jelknerMaryland Latino Caucus21:47
klariosthank you ledmer 21:47
jelkneris an important customer21:47
jelknerI don't know anything about BVCLTGARDEN21:47
jelkneri think that was my son21:47
jelkneryou can ask him21:47
jelknerAEAPAC can be taken down21:47
anthony_pin that case, we should probably at least temporarily expand the resources available for the server and then do an analysis on how the resources are being used21:48
klariosyou asked him to take it down jelkner, he mightve forgotten about it. We can remind him again 21:48
jelknerbut please do it in a timely manor21:48
jelknerthe bill keeps getting bigger21:48
anthony_pif it's growing quickly for some reason, we may have to let them know that we need to up their server size and thus cost21:48
jelknerand we aren't taking in any revenue21:48
klariosI thought we had taken down most of them, why are some still here?21:49
jelknerwhy not kill AEAPAC immediately21:49
jelknerand see if that fixes it for now21:49
ledmerthat was what i was thinking21:49
ledmerWell I will check it out 21:49
ledmerso next item 21:49
anthony_pthat's me21:49
jelknerscooper, blu wants to chat with you on #jetrowebdev21:49
anthony_pcurrently decidim is on 0.28.2 on our live instance21:50
scooperI m going there21:50
anthony_pi was able to figure out how to update the test server to 0.29.1 despite some issues with some of the dependencies21:50
anthony_pi plan on working on updating the live instance this week to the latest version21:50
jelknernice anthony_p 21:51
ledmerok sounds great21:51
jelknerdespite my constant whining, i do realize we are making steady progress ;-)21:51
anthony_pthis may result in some outages and downtime during an evening or two depending on how slow going it is21:51
ledmer!add jetrowebdev IRC channel configuration21:51
LittleWebsterSuccess: "jetrowebdev IRC channel configuration" has been added to the agenda.21:51
klariosthat's alright anthony_p 21:51
anthony_pthat agenda item should be kept so we can talk about how it went next week21:52
ledmersounds good21:52
jelknerthanks anthony_p!21:52
anthony_phopefully it will be a short "it went great"21:52
jelkneryes indeed21:52
klariosanother Item we can add is the peer tech network meeting21:52
jelknernext week ledmer 21:52
anthony_pand that's it for me21:52
jelknerklarios, 21:52
jelkner8 minutes21:52
ledmerwe are running short on time 21:52
jelknerlet's bring this home21:52
ledmerso next item21:52
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:52
LittleWebsterCPA Update (added by jelkner)21:52
LittleWebsterswamprose coop (added by klarios)21:52
LittleWebsternwd-3 has exceeded threshold (added by klarios)21:52
LittleWebsterDecidim Update to 0.29.1 (added by anthony_p)21:52
LittleWebsterjetrowebdev IRC channel configuration (added by ledmer)21:52
ledmerI basically need Master  21:53
jelknerledmer, i see a green circle next to you, which made me *very* happy ;-)21:53
ledmerin jetrowebdev21:53
jelknerledmer, not your task21:53
jelknerdon't do21:53
jelknerhelp guide gabriel and mulbah21:53
jelknerthey need to step up21:53
jelknerthey are supposed to be working full time21:53
ledmeryou are the only master21:53
jelknerand they need to begin delivering the goods21:54
jelknerklarios already asked me to turn up the whine volume with them21:54
jelknerand i will21:54
jelknermr. zawolo wants to do the same21:54
ledmersounds good21:54
jelknerso we're on it21:54
jelknerACTION done21:54
ledmerbut it would be better 21:54
ledmerif we had another master besides you 21:54
ledmerin case something happens or you are just busy21:55
klariosThank you jelkner We expect to see them next week at the decidim meeting. Now that the accountability module works, we need to formulate a plan to use decidmi more21:55
jelknerone which channel?21:55
jelkneri'm not master there ledmer 21:55
anthony_padministrative redundancy is good in cases like this21:55
jelkneri don't want to be21:55
ledmerI know 21:55
ledmerbut you are21:55
jelknerit's their channel21:55
jelkneranthony_p, yes, on our channel here we should add you21:56
ledmer /msg Chanserv Help21:56
jelknerand jamesoconnr if he wants to be, and klarios 21:56
jelknerredunancy is good21:56
jelknerbut on #jetrowebdev21:56
jelknerit needs to be THEIR channel21:56
jelknernot ours21:56
jelknerlet's support them21:56
ledmerI agree 21:56
jelknerbut they need to take ownership21:56
jelknerACTION done21:56
ledmerbut to do so someone else have to be master 21:57
jelknerno one is master now21:57
ledmerotherwise any changes are impossible 21:57
jelknerwe need to help them figure that out21:57
ledmertry doing /msg Chanserv INFO #jetrowebdev 21:57
jelknerthey will need to contact OFTC i think21:57
jelkneranyway, we're getting in the weeds21:57
jelknertime to pick a chair for next week ledmer 21:57
anthony_pyeah, it does show that jelkner is master of that channel21:58
jelkneryour last task21:58
ledmersomeone wants to volunteer21:58
anthony_pi can chair21:58
jelknerthanks ledmer!21:58
klariosthank you ledmer 21:58
jelknergreat seeing everyone21:58
jelknerwe are getting better and better at this21:58
jelknersee y'all next week21:58
klarioshave a good rest of the day all! thank you for coming21:58
*** klarios has quit (Quit: Page closed)21:59
*** jamesoconnr has left #novawebdev (None)21:59
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:21:59
LittleWebsterCPA Update (added by jelkner)21:59
LittleWebsterswamprose coop (added by klarios)21:59
LittleWebsternwd-3 has exceeded threshold (added by klarios)21:59
LittleWebsterDecidim Update to 0.29.1 (added by anthony_p)21:59
LittleWebsterjetrowebdev IRC channel configuration (added by ledmer)21:59
jelkneranthony_p, we need to get the bot updated21:59
jelknerso we can clear the agenda21:59
ledmerJeff I'm trying to call you to further discuss the jetroweb situation21:59
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove21:59
ledmerjelkner are you available to chat?22:00
anthony_pso, i think most of the items in the agenda are things we want to revisit22:00
ledmerlets just leave it there 22:00
anthony_pother than the jetro, which is probably going to be handled now-ish22:00
ledmerand change it if we solve it 22:01
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