IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2025-02-10

*** shmohamud has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)03:11
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jelknermulbahkolleh__, are you here?>15:29
mulbahkolleh__I'm good and you Jeff15:30
jelknergreat to see you15:34
jelkneri am totally *flustered* today15:34
jelknersince so many things are going wrong at once15:35
jelknermulbah, we (and by "we" i mean NOVA Web and Jetro Web) will need skilled system admins if we are to succeed.15:35
jelknerWe unfortunately are still a bit weak in that department.15:35
jelknermulbah, when i checked my email this morning, there were dozens of emails automatically generated by the linode system15:36
jelknersaying that we had a server using more than 90% cpu utilization for a sustained period of time.15:36
jelknerboth our sysadmins, tony and luis, are full time students15:37
jelknerso they often are not available to fix emergency problems15:37
jelknerwe need that in place15:38
jelkneror we won't make it as an IT business15:38
mulbahso you want me to work on that15:38
jelknerdo you think you are ready?15:39
jelkneri think you should continue working on your linux+15:39
jelkneri don't want to "throw you in the deep end and ask you to swim" ;-)15:40
jelknerbetter to take swimming lessons first! ;-)15:40
jelknerbut we need swimmers, and SOON!15:40
jelkneri'm still waiting to see a green circle by your user in irc15:41
jelkneryou should focus on that!15:41
jelkneri am trying to give you appropriate tasks15:41
jelknerwhen you show me you can complete them, i'll know you're ready for more15:41
mulbahokay 15:45
mulbahledmer and I will be working by 10:00PM my time to complete the bot15:45
mulbahthen I will start on that task 15:46
mulbahthere server stuff15:46
tboimahGood day jelkner and mulbah 15:53
tboimahI was just checking in, I am glad to you guys here15:53
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jelknerHi tboimah 16:01
jelkneri was just telling mulbah how it important it is that we continue to develop our skills, and SOON!16:02
jelknerwe aren't really where we need to be yet16:02
jelknerand i'm talking NOVA Web here, not just Jetro Web16:02
jelknerwe have a huge opportunity with our first CPA contract16:03
jelkner*IF* we are able to deliver (and that still remains to be seen), it could potentially be the break we've always needed16:03
jelknerbut we have to deliver16:03
jelknersuch a delicate balance this all is16:03
jelknerwe can't develop skills without the resources to give us the time we need to develop our skills16:04
jelknerand we can't get the resources we need without revenue from customers16:04
jelknerand we can't get revenue from customers without SKILL! :-(16:04
jelknerso it's a bit of a catch-22 ( )16:05
jelknerbut we are trying to work through it.16:05
jelkneri just hope the Gods smile favorably upon us and we get the breaks we need16:06
jelkneri'm convinced success is 80 to 90 % hard work and dedication16:06
tboimahThat is what we all are working to was.16:06
jelknerbut it is 10 to 20 percent pure fortune16:06
jelknerthe trick is being ready when fortune smiles16:07
jelkneryet tboimah 16:07
jelknerthat is what we are working on16:07
jelknertboimah, are you aware of the CPA contract?16:07
tboimahNot really I am just hearing it from you16:07
jelkneryou may want to spend a little time learning about it16:08
jelknerbecause it could be the opportunity we have always been waiting for16:08
tboimahsure, I will be glad to do that16:08
jelkneri can answer your questions too16:08
jelknerhave you seen their website?16:08
tboimahplease send the url to the website please16:09
jelknerafter you check out their website, i'd be glad to let you know why i am so hopeful about our relationship with them16:10
jelkneranyway, i need to get ready for my next class16:10
jelkneri'll be in the #jetrowebdev channel tomorrow at 12 noon your time16:11
jelknersee you both soon!16:11
tboimahsure! have a nice day teaching16:11
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*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:20
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*** ledmer_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:47
*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:03
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