IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2025-02-18

*** gabriel_jetro has quit (Quit: Leaving)00:57
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*** ledmer has quit (Quit: Leaving)03:26
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jelknerGood afternoon mulbahkolleh_ 12:48
mulbahGood afternoon jelkner12:50
jelknermorning for me mulbah ;-)12:50
jelkneri'm home sick12:50
mulbahoh sorry Good morning12:50
jelknermulbah, while i have you, can i ask you for something?12:53
*** Marin has quit (None)12:59
MarinHello Jeff!!13:02
jelknerGood morning Marin 13:03
MarinGood morning!13:03
jelknersorry for the delay in responding, i got into a conversation on the jetro web channel13:04
jelkneri'm home sick13:04
jelknerbut we can't waste time13:04
jelknerso i wanted to work with you to:13:04
MarinI hope you feel better!13:04
jelkner1. take attendence13:04
jelkner2. plan our work for the day13:04
jelknerthanks, Marin, i suspect i will (feel better i mean ;-)13:05
jelkneri'm not feeling horribly, but i've been coughing and sneezing13:05
jelknerand didn't want to spread my virus around13:06
jelknerso i though home was a better place for me for you all13:06
mulbahsure Jeff you can13:06
jelknermulbah, i'll rejoin you on #jetro in a bit13:06
jelkneri need to work with Marin to get class started13:06
MarinYes I am sure none of us would like to be sick but we are sorry you arent feeling well13:06
jelknerso, how do we want to communicate?13:07
jelkneri have a Jitsi going, if someone there wants to connect13:07
jelknerso i can talk with the whole class13:07
jelkneror we can just chat here13:07
jelknerlong story short13:07
jelkneryou need to go ahead with the presentations13:08
jelknerand send me links13:08
jelkneri will prepare a quiz based on the code you send me13:08
jelknerwe want to start class on thursday with the quiz13:08
jelknerso i need those links now13:08
jelkneri need to take attendance13:09
MarinSo you want us to present even though you arent here13:09
jelknerwho is absent?13:09
jelkneryes Marin 13:09
jelknerthe presentations are for you all more than for me13:09
jelkneri know this stuff already13:09
MarinA lottt of people are absent13:09
jelknercan you list them13:09
jelknerso i can take attendance?13:09
jelkneror will it be easier to list those present?13:09
jelkneris ved there13:10
MarinAdonis, Anfal, Luis, Ved, and Parker  actually now that im listing them its not as much as I was thinking but still a decent amount of people13:10
Marinved is not here he has a doctors appointment13:11
jelknergot you13:11
jelknerso, if you look at our plan for the day:13:12
jelkneryou will see a link from each group13:12
jelknerthat doesn't work13:12
jelknerwe need to make it work13:12
Marindo you want the links to everyones presentation13:14
jelknercan you join me on jitsi?13:14
Marinhere is the doubly linked list presentation:13:31
Marinshoot not the presentation the code13:31
Marinhere is his test file:13:36
Marinhere is the Circular linked list:
Marinhere is the test for the circular linked list:
Marinhere is the code for Ordered linked list:
MarinHere is the code for linked list:
*** Marin has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:42
ledmerjelkner, I already fixed your OP status13:48
jelknerthanks ledmer!13:49
jelknerledmer, i just updated the links13:49
jelknerso that y'all have access to them13:49
jelkneri only linked the main .h files13:50
jelknerwhich is all you'll need13:50
jelkneri can find the test files from there13:50
jelknerbut you all only need the .h files for the quiz13:50
ledmerThe projects links?13:50
ledmerI'll let everyone else know 13:50
freenajelkner: 13:57
jelknerledmer, i'm signing off14:10
jelkneri didn't get much sleep14:10
jelknersince i was coughing all night14:10
jelknerwith Fidel taking attendence14:10
jelknermy work here is done for now14:11
jelknertell folks to email me if they need anything14:11
jelkneri'll check email when i wake up14:11
jelknerACTION signs off14:11
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:11
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:36
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*** freena has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)16:22
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*** ledmer has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:44
*** ledmer has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:08
*** mulbahkolleh_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:15
*** ledmer_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:20
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:29
*** ledmer has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:33

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