IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2025-02-20

*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)01:08
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!15:22
Websterss joined #novawebdev16:34
None has set topic to: Joining late? Find the missed conversation at
WebsterssNo active meeting. Use !startmeeting <ID> to set a meeting as active.16:34
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting16:34
WebsterssScheduled meetings:16:34
Websterss- testing: ET 2025-11-15 14:0016:34
WebsterssScheduled meetings:16:37
Websterss- testing: ET 2025-11-15 14:0016:37
Websterss joined #novawebdev16:37
None has set topic to: Joining late? Find the missed conversation at
WebsterssNo meetings scheduled.16:37
ledmer_!createmeeting 16:37
WebsterssInvalid arguments.16:37
ledmer_!createmeeting thursdaymeting 4:30 16:38
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeting' created successfully for ET 2025-02-20 04:30.16:38
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting16:38
WebsterssNo active meeting. Use !startmeeting <ID> to set a meeting as active.16:38
WebsterssInvalid arguments.16:38
ledmer_!startmeeting thursdaymeeting16:38
WebsterssNo meeting found with ID 'thursdaymeeting'.16:38
WebsterssScheduled meetings:16:39
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting16:39
Websterss joined #novawebdev16:46
None has set topic to: Joining late? Find the missed conversation at
WebsterssScheduled meetings:16:47
ledmer_!endmeeting thrusdaymeting16:48
WebsterssNo meeting found with ID 'thrusdaymeting'.16:48
ledmer_!endmeeting thursdaymeting:16:48
WebsterssNo meeting found with ID 'thursdaymeting:'.16:48
ledmer_!endmeeting thursdaymeting16:48
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeting' has been stopped and deleted.16:48
WebsterssNo meetings scheduled.16:48
ledmer_!createmeeting thursdaymeeting16:48
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' created successfully for ET 2025-02-20 00:00.16:48
ledmer_!startmeeting thursdaymeeting16:48
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' is now active.16:48
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting' is empty.16:48
ledmer_!add Help Novawebdevelopment understand Websterss16:50
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Help Novawebdevelopment understand Websterss16:50
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting16:50
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':16:50
ledmer_!add Dr.Hubbard Web Development Design and Outline for UCCA Website16:52
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Dr.Hubbard Web Development Design and Outline for UCCA Website16:52
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':16:52
ledmer_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:10
anthony_p has quit (Quit: Page closed)18:10
jelkneranthony_p, great to see you!18:48
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':18:49
jelkner!add Next professional development task - begin to learn agile18:50
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Next professional development task - begin to learn agile18:50
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':18:50
anthony_phe jelkner18:50
anthony_pcurrently doing updates to 29.2 on the decidim servers18:51
anthony_pmy understanding of the system keeps getting better, but i still have a lot to figure out18:51
jelknerthings are "coming up roses" for us18:51
jelknerit's a heavy lift18:51
anthony_pspeaking of roses, i had the video call with swamp rose earlier18:52
jelknerhow did it go?18:52
anthony_pi think it went fine, they asked about hours/cost, which... i don't know what we would charge billing wise18:52
jelknerwe got our first CPA contract, btw18:53
jelknerwell, you're the owner, you get to decide that ;-)18:53
anthony_pbut i imagine it wouldn't take more than a couple hours to sort it all out, though there were other questions that came up that require Piumi to make some business decisions18:53
jelkneri'm so happy we have reached the point where we are having these very real business discussions18:53
anthony_pPiumi is my contact at swamp rose. they currently use a gmail for their contact, but they said there was some sort of email service connected to their squarespace service, and i suggested that if they had some sort of email service being provided, they could run that through their domain and create a stronger branded account to do all of that through18:55
anthony_pso piumi is looking into that18:56
jelknerregarding how much to charge, all i have to say is this:18:56
jelknerWe want to make a living, not a killing.18:56
jelknerSo the cost should be somewhere between living, and killing ;-)18:57
anthony_pYes, but part of that is determining how much based on what I would want for the work, and what Nova needs to grow and support18:57
jelknerprobably much closer to living at this point, since we're just starting out18:57
anthony_pit's just a one off job, but understanding and charging for that difference is important18:57
jelknerTalk to Ved and Devesh18:58
anthony_pbecaus a portion of what's charged should go into a pool for the support members that aren't doing dev work for pay18:58
jelknerit is important to have them in that conversation18:58
jelknerNOVA needs to bill for the dev and for the administrative overhead18:58
jelknerwe'll learn from experience how to do that18:58
anthony_pi'll catch up with one of them at the meeting later to let them know I need a convo for that18:58
jelknerso my best suggestion is to try something that sounds reasonable and iterate on it as we learn from experience18:59
anthony_pbut it's something we may want to document in our assembly18:59
anthony_pbut my initial thought is to charge somewhere around 30/hr and earmark between 5-10 for overhead, because it's not overly complicated, but clearly they want outside expertise19:00
jelknerThat sounds most reasonable!19:02
jelknerbrb, need to take cough medicine...19:03
jelkneri'm back19:06
anthony_pso, i definitely need to talk to ved and davesh, so that I can have them help with invoicing and documentation19:07
jelknerthat's what thursdays are all about19:26
anthony_pokay, all decidims up to 0.29.219:31
anthony_pi just dropped windows on my home pc19:31
anthony_pworking out of ubuntu now19:31
anthony_pthis pc is massive overkill for that19:31
anthony_p128 gigs of ram to do remote web development in linux is so much overkill19:33
anthony_p has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)19:41
anthony_p has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)19:52
jelkner_ has quit (None)19:53
jelknerhello freena 19:53
jelknerso great to see you!19:53
freenaGood evening jelkner 19:54
freenaGood evening anthony_p 19:54
jelknerfreena, how are things going with Decidim?19:54
bluberry has quit (Quit: Page closed)19:55
freenaThings are going smoothly 19:58
freenajelkner: 19:58
freenaCould you please asked Johan to reply to my email 19:58
klarioshello all!19:58
anthony_phello klarios19:59
jelknerhello klarios 19:59
klarioshello jelkner anthony_p 19:59
anthony_phello johanf19:59
jelknerfreena, he'll be in irc in a minute, you can ask him yourself ;-)19:59
klarioshello johanf ! 19:59
johanfhello klarios, anthony_p19:59
klarioshi freena !20:00
klarios!add Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.20:00
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.20:00
freenaOkay jelkner 20:00
WebsterssInvalid arguments.20:00
klarios!add Double Display Issue20:00
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Double Display Issue20:00
freenaHi klarios 20:00
klarios!add Cannot attach files to meetings or any other action20:00
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Cannot attach files to meetings or any other action20:00
klarios!add Is there any way of giving people roles?20:00
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Is there any way of giving people roles?20:00
klarios!add updates on items for next week.20:00
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': updates on items for next week.20:00
klariosGreat! since were all here lets start swiftly20:01
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':20:01
Websterss4. Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.20:01
Websterss5. Double Display Issue20:01
Websterss6. Cannot attach files to meetings or any other action20:01
Websterss7. Is there any way of giving people roles?20:01
Websterss8. updates on items for next week.20:01
klariosim assuming the first items are for another meeting?20:02
klariosjelkner: ?20:02
anthony_pi think they're for the nova meeting rather than the decidim meeting20:02
johanffreena I don't think I received the email20:02
freenaI send you an email on Wednesday johanf 20:03
klariosgot it, we will leave them there and remove items for this meeting after its done20:03
freenaBut since you are here, I can just say what I wrote in the mail right???20:04
jelkner_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:04
johanfI sent you my email through query though20:04
johanfjust for the future20:04
freenaOkay 20:06
freenaBut that's the same email I used 20:06
johanfThat's weird you sent it using your mayfirst email right?20:06
klarioshopefully theres no email issue again, I think ledmer was experiencing something similar last week20:07
freena+1 johanf 20:08
klariosfreena: johanf if query works for you, I suggest you message there for now 20:08
johanfyeah we can do that20:09
klariosfreena: if the issue is something we need to look at collectively I suggest we take a look at it here20:09
klariosalrigth to go on with the meeting20:09
klariosthe first item is updates on the accountability module, setting results, and statuses. The task on nova web's side will be completed today since I will be getting the status information for the nova web team20:10
klarioson jetro web's side, a proposal was posted. anthony_p Im wondering if proposals can be attached to the results in the accountability module? theyre not the same as projects but they can be useful to project goals20:12
anthony_pthat's definitely something we need to determine and put into the system20:12
anthony_pi'm not certain, it's something to look into20:13
johanfThey can be attached20:13
anthony_pmakes sense20:13
johanfOn one of the tabs it should say included proposals20:14
klarios+1 I forgot to include the over ride and deface gem on the agenda but it seems you have a timeline johanf 20:15
klariosis the test server up? is there any way for us to see it?20:15
johanfyeah I created it a bit ago as a demonstration of how to use accountability module20:15
anthony_pthe test server should be up20:16
johanfThe test server is up and I have been looking through these resources to try and do it:
tboimah has quit (None)20:17
johanfIt's still a entire process but that timeline is essentially what I'm trying to work towards20:18
klariossounds good johanf, I will be taking your post as direction as well. I still need content for some of the projects but once I do I will add them20:20
klariosIll add a new category for jetro web as well freena We can go through it together when we meet20:21
freenaOkay klarios 20:21
klariosjohanf: anthony_p when do you believe we could start making changes to our decidim instance>20:21
freenaJust tell me when klarios 20:22
klarioswith the deface gem20:22
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:23
klariosif possible we can get some of the inhouse themes we use for the nova web website20:23
johanfI still haven't fully figured it out but once i do I think we definitely should20:23
klariosor come up woth new ones20:23
anthony_pi am not familiar with the gem yet, but i think we should wait until we have successfully done so on the test server before doing so on the live20:24
klariosit seems like their testing heroku isnt working or up at all20:24
klarios+1 I agree. johanf if you are able to figure out how to use it on the decidim test server, we should add a project to have both nova web and jetro costumize their landing pages20:25
klariosor at least come up with the content to costumize it20:25
johanfyeah i was trying that hoping it would help me but it didnt work20:25
klariosthere has to be other ways to see how it works. I'll help with the research next week and add it to the agenda20:27
anthony_pso, for a little bit more example on how accountability can work, i just put stuff in there for the swamp rose work20:27
anthony_pwhen they get back to me, i'll update the result and change that sub result to 100%20:28
Marin has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:28
anthony_pwe need to get started on putting things in there for the CPA contract20:29
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:29
klariosI saw anthony_p thank you for the update. I noticed that you put it in the development category, should I put all the projects into that as well?20:29
anthony_pI would like to do a jitsi meeting to actually walk through that and have someone from the business side set up the CPA thing if they need help20:30
anthony_pi think that if a project requires any sort of technical expertise it should fall under the Development accountability module20:30
anthony_pdevelopment technical expertise20:30
klariosyeah that's alright, we can have the whole business team there20:30
anthony_pso what item are we on for this meeting?20:31
anthony_pkind of got lost20:31
anthony_pstill on the deface item?20:31
klariosthe ones ive put down are only in the accountability module and the categories for it are "in house software" and other20:31
klariosno worries ill pull up the agenda, weve moved past deface gem and updates on the accoutability module20:32
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':20:32
Websterss4. Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.20:32
Websterss5. Double Display Issue20:32
Websterss6. Cannot attach files to meetings or any other action20:32
Websterss7. Is there any way of giving people roles?20:32
Websterss8. updates on items for next week.20:32
klariosthe double display issue and the attach files issue20:32
anthony_pwe can clean it up, but i think everything that's in the decidim for project accountability should fall under the accountability moduel named "Development", since we're a software/web development coop20:33
klariosim not sure if its my computer that doesnt work but I cannot attach files to meetings or anything at all20:33
klarioseven smaller files20:33
klarios+1 true anthony_p I can change them to development as well20:33
anthony_pthe double display issue is something that probably has to be resoved code-side, likely a view or css setting or issue20:34
anthony_pnot 100%, but that's the most likely source of the problem20:34
anthony_pit's something i have to dig into probably20:34
johanfare you trying to attach files on the DNOVA decidim or NOVAWEB20:35
klariosgot it20:35
anthony_pmight be something in a configuration file that controls it20:35
klariosim trying to attach files to the novaweb20:35
klariosI tried attaching different types of files to see if it would work but still wouldnt20:35
anthony_pwhat are you trying to attach them to?20:35
klariosI tried attaching a test file to a meeting20:35
jelknertboimah, great to see you20:36
jelknerwho else from jetro will be joining us?20:36
fatima has quit (None)20:36
jelknertboimah, i have a bit of a beef with your partner20:36
johanfI know that It works on the DNOVA Decidim. I had assumed that it would also for NOVAWEB as they are on the same version of decidim20:36
klariosand then I tried the attachments section and did not work as well20:36
jelknerand i wanted to talk about that now20:36
jelknerscooper asked bluberry to meet him two days last week20:37
jelknershe showed, he didin't20:37
jelknerthat's not acceptable20:37
jelknerher time is valuable20:37
jelknerso, i suggested that from now on, she schedule meetings with tboimah and scooper together20:38
jelkneri told her tboimah wouldn't do what scooper did to her20:38
jelkneris that ok with you tboimah?20:38
jelknertboimah, freena since you two are here20:39
jelknerand no one else is20:39
anthony_pklarios, i'm seeing that issue right now20:39
jelknerlet met talk to the two of you20:39
jelkneri've been saying for 6 months now20:39
anthony_pnot certain why that's happening20:39
tboimahscooper and gabriel will join soon20:40
jelknerthat we have to switch from a monthly stipend model, to billable hours20:40
klariosgot it, is there anything we can do about it? since the dnova one works 20:40
jelknerthere he is20:40
jelknerscoooper, i was just calling you out for not showing at the meetings you had scheduled this past week20:40
jelknerwe are on the cusp of success, i can feel it!20:41
anthony_pthere's got to be something that can be done, but i need to find some sort of breadcrum for why it's not accepting it20:41
johanfklarios, anthony_p I just tested in the test server it was able to work
scoooperyes I had problem with my hexchat but mulbah help me fix it...20:41
jelknernovaweb got the cpa contract20:42
anthony_plooks like it's being stopped by something not functioning on the client side20:42
klariosinteresting, I will register and try to add something to the test server to see if my files dont work 20:43
gabriel_jetroGreetings, everyone20:43
jelkner_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:43
freenaThat's good 20:43
jelkneranthony_p mentioned another gig with swamp rose coop20:44
jelknerso we are starting to get real customers20:44
jelknerthat means we need to continue to develop our skills with all deliberate speed20:44
jelknerscoooper, what happened with the meetings?20:45
jelknerhello gabriel_jetro 20:45
klariosI dont have admin on the test server, I made an account it should be the same name and email 20:45
jelknerklarios, we will need you to sign the contract with cpa20:46
scoooperI m sorry jeff which meeting??20:46
gabriel_jetrojelkner, how're you doing today, hope you're getting speedy recovery.20:46
klariosgot it jelkner when are you planning on signing?20:46
scoooperare you talking about20:46
jelknerbluberry told me you asked to meet with her two days20:46
jelknerand didn't show to either of them20:46
jelknerklarios, i'm trying to stay out of that20:46
jelknerit's a ved question20:47
klariossounds good, ill check with the team20:47
jelknerhe'll be here soon20:47
bluberry has quit (Quit: Page closed)20:47
scoooperyes... Like I said earlier I have an issue with my hex chat20:47
klariosanthony_p: can i be made admin for the test server rq20:47
jelknerwell, my friend, what prevented you from sending an email?20:47
scoooperwhich couldn't permit me to connect to the internet.20:47
klariosI want to see if it an isolated issue20:47
scoooperI did20:47
scoooperAsk blu20:48
anthony_pklarios, I just sent an invite to kei.larios@novawebdevelopment.org20:48
scoooperI send her an email explaining the current situation.20:48
bluberr__ has quit (None)20:49
klariosit might take a while to send. If the problem persists, i will let you know through messages and we can try to take a look at it20:49
jelknerok scoooper and bluberry, i'll let you two figure this out20:49
anthony_pit should get there immediately20:49
klariosI havent gotten anything yet20:50 20:50
klarioslooks correct20:50
bluberry has quit (None)20:51
jelkner_ has quit (None)20:51
klariosthat's weird johanf , anthony_p can you send me an individual email on my nova web email to see if it works20:52
jelknerhello scoooper 20:52
jelknerhello svaye 20:52
svayeHi jelkner 20:52
scoooperHello jelkner 20:52
klariosor maybe you can resend it anthony_p 20:52
svayeHi everyone20:52
scoooperhow are doing now??20:52
jelknerhow are your bookkeeping studies coming?20:53
anthony_pthere's something wrong with the email server20:53
scoooperHow are you doing now??20:53
svayeThings are going pretty well jelkner 20:53
jelknersvaye, we will want to start actually applying your skills as soon as you are able20:54
jelknerby keeping books! ;-)20:54
jelknerwe have several organizations that need books kept20:54
jelkner1. Jetro Web20:54
jelkner2. SECOSOL20:54
johanfklarios I sent you a test email20:54
klariosalright Ive got it. it took a while 20:54
svayeI would love to do that jelkner 20:54
klariosthank you johanf 20:54
jelkner3. Social Justice Computing20:54
jelkner4. NOVA Web20:55
jelknerved will be ready to work with you as soon as you are able20:55
jelknerhave you had time to look at the book i sent you?20:55
svayeyes I have been reading it along with my course book20:56
anthony_pklarios, were you able to log in as admin?20:56
anthony_pdo we have a new mail server yet?20:57
klariosyes im trying to upload a file right now20:57
anthony_pwhat email did you use to log in?20:57
klariosyep it works on the test server20:58
klariosits not an isolated issue20:58
klariosit seems like the file never loads20:58
klarioswhen tried in our instance20:58
anthony_pyou have 2 admin accounts on the test server, which email did you use to log in?20:58
johanfi think she used her personal20:58
klariosI could remove it20:59
klariosits alright now21:00
klariosill keep my personal as admin21:00
klariossince the mail server takes long for decidim updates/notifs to get through 21:01
klariosanthony_p: johanf is there anything we can do to solve the attachment issue?21:01
anthony_pi'm working on it21:02
klariosalright, I can add it to updates next week and check back in 21:03
klariosalso one last item I wanted to bring up is if there is any ways to assign roles to participants? if they could be added to results in accoutanbility module it would be better so that everyone has an idea of who is doing who21:04
klariosI kinda looked into it but im not an expert21:05
klariosjohanf: anthony_p what do you think?21:05
anthony_pthere are some things to do that, but i'm not familiar21:05
anthony_pi have added folks as collaborators in the DNOVA summit process, but i'm the only one one that's put stuff in fron the meetings so I am not certain if that worked21:06
johanfsomething similar to roles are the different version of admins:
klarioswe can always add names in descriptions and all but it can be disorganized  or add collaborators 21:07
johanfThere's also groups that anyone can create and be part of21:07
klariosalright, we can add the group option to be more organized in projects21:09
anthony_pyeah, i've done some group things21:09
AmarHey whats up guys, My name is Amar and I am a new business intern working with Ved.  Thank you for having me on board.21:09
klariosthank you johanf! ill work on it this week and bring an update next meeting21:09
anthony_pwelcome Amar21:10
klariosHi Amar! nice to meet you. 21:10
deveshwelcome amar21:10
klariosWe normally use IRC chat to communicate in meetings, give updates, and talk about any underlying issues, etc. we will be having our 4:30 meeting in this channel as well, thank you for coming21:12
johanfhello amar21:12
klariosthat being said, is there a way to remove agenda items completely or do i have to do it one by one? 21:12
devesh has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:13
Amarthanks you, Klarios for informing me 21:14
gabriel_jetro has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:14
svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:15
ledmerklarios, yeah21:15
klariosNo worries! Amar 21:15
anthony_pso, we have quite a few people with multiple accounts in the nova decidim21:15
anthony_pit'd be great if people could delete them if possible21:15
ledmerklarios, I updated the bot 21:16
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':21:16
Websterss4. Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.21:16
Websterss5. Double Display Issue21:16
Websterss6. Cannot attach files to meetings or any other action21:16
Websterss7. Is there any way of giving people roles?21:16
Websterss8. updates on items for next week.21:16
johanfanthony_p I'll delete the extra ones I have21:16
svaye_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:16
klariosthank you johanf, I think I had an extra one, i can check21:16
anthony_pklarios has one for gmail and nwd emails21:17
klariosledmer: is there a command you use>21:17
ledmeryeah 21:17
ledmertry not to run it 21:17
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting21:17
ledmer""" !remove all """21:17
klarios!remove all21:18
WebsterssError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'21:18
johanf has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:18
klariosanthony_p: Ill remove the NWD one21:18
ledmermaybe mulbah changed it 21:18
ledmerwhich ones do you want to get rid of21:18
gabriel_jetI think he's using the wrong command, ledmer21:19
klariosshould I block myself anthony_p ? the delete option isnt avaliable?21:19
klariosall of them ledmer 21:20
klariosunless jelkner needs the first 321:20
ledmerthose were added today21:20
klariosthe decidim meeting were from 4-821:21
ledmerthe other thing you could do is end the meeting and make a new one21:21
ledmer!remove  Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.21:21
WebsterssError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'21:21
anthony_pyou have to delete from your profile21:21
ledmer!remove Discussing progress on Nova web and Jetro web on projects using the accountability module.21:21
WebsterssError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower'21:21
klariosgot it, i will try to log in and do it anthony_p 21:21
anthony_pklarios go to your profile and there should be a delete option within21:21
WebsterssInvalid arguments.21:21
ledmer!endmeeting thursdaymeeting21:21
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' has been stopped and deleted.21:21
WebsterssNo active meeting. Use !startmeeting <ID> to set a meeting as active.21:22
ledmer!createmeeting thursdaymeeting21:22
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' created successfully for ET 2025-02-20 00:00.21:22
klariosalright ill add the first 3 times21:22
klarios!add Help Novawebdevelopment understand Websters21:22
WebsterssNo active meeting. Use !startmeeting <ID> to set a meeting as active.21:22
ledmer!startmeeting thursdaymeeting21:22
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' is now active.21:22
klarios!add Dr.Hubbard Web Development Design and Outline for UCCA Website21:22
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Dr.Hubbard Web Development Design and Outline for UCCA Website21:22
klarios!add Next professional development task - begin to learn agile21:22
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Next professional development task - begin to learn agile21:22
johanfsorry it disconnected me while i was trying to delete my other accounts21:23
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':21:23
ledmer!add  Help Novawebdevelopment understand Websterss21:24
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Help Novawebdevelopment understand Websterss21:24
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':21:24
klariosthank you ledmer 21:24
klarios!add Business team meeting with Decidim team intro21:25
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': Business team meeting with Decidim team intro21:25
Ved!add CPA21:26
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': CPA21:26
ledmerDo you guys would be okay if we just started?21:26
Ved!add linode21:26
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': linode21:26
ledmerI'll be hosting 21:26
klariosgreat ledmer21:26
klarios!add swamp rose update21:26
WebsterssAgenda item added to meeting 'thursdaymeeting': swamp rose update21:26
klariosseems like were only missing james21:27
jamesoconnr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:27
klarioshi jamesoconnr. we can start now ledmer 21:29
ledmerok lets go over the first item21:29
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':21:29
Websterss4. Business team meeting with Decidim team intro21:29
jelknerjamesoconnr, the man of the hour!21:29
Websterss5. CPA21:29
Websterss6. linode21:29
Websterss7. swamp rose update21:29
ledmer Dr.Hubbard Web Development Design and Outline for UCCA Website21:29
ledmerI already emailed bluberry 21:29
ledmerwhat Dr. Hubbard sent me 21:29
jelknerledmer, i still owe dr. hubbard and intro to agile21:30
jelkneri'm planning on a blog post21:30
jelknerwhich i can share with everone21:30
jelknerACTION done21:30
ledmerDo you think it would be better to have him contact you directly bluberry?21:30
ledmerOk jelkner do you know when you will do that21:31
jelknerwe're going to ask tanaka to participate in customer meetings ledmer 21:31
jelknerleave that to me21:31
ledmerok I'm going to send you his contact info21:32
ledmertry to talk to him frequently21:32
ledmerand update him on your progress21:32
bluberryokay, thank you21:32
ledmeras they don't really know what is going on21:32
ledmeralright next item21:32
ledmerWell jelkner already talked about this21:33
jelkneri'll put in on next week's agenda21:33
ledmerso we are going to skip it unless someone else wants to say something21:33
jelknerafter i finish the blog post21:33
ledmer3rd item21:33
ledmerWebsterss is the new irc bot for this channel 21:33
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting21:34
ledmerIt basically allows us to have multiple meetings with independent agendas for each meeting21:34
jelknerthis is awesome!21:34
WebsterssScheduled meetings:21:34
ledmer!createmeeting hello21:34
WebsterssMeeting 'hello' created successfully for ET 2025-02-20 00:00.21:34
WebsterssScheduled meetings:21:34
klariosgreat ledmer! just what we needed. are instructions on gitlab?21:35
ledmerit automatically sets it up for the same day at 00:0021:35
ledmerbut you can change it 21:35
jelknerledmer, can i add a user story here?21:35
johanfso would stop meeting wipe the agenda?21:35
ledmersure 21:35
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting21:35
jelkner!help createmeeting21:35
WebsterssCreate a new meeting.21:35
jelknernever mind21:36
ledmerim a step ahead 21:36
jelknermy user story has already been implemented21:36
johanf!help stopmeeting21:36
WebsterssStop the active meeting.21:36
ledmerwell mulbah is I got him to write the error messages21:36
jelknernice work21:36
ledmerok so you can ask me anything you want 21:37
jamesoconnr has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:37
ledmerand as you can see it also has comprehensive error messages21:37
anthony_p!createmeeting Decidim 15:00 27 02 EST 202521:37
WebsterssMeeting 'Decidim' created successfully for EST 2025-02-27 15:00.21:37
ledmerthe next thing we are adding is a host variable 21:37
ledmerto not forget who is hosting the meeting 21:37
WebsterssScheduled meetings:21:38
ledmer!endmeeting hello21:38
WebsterssMeeting 'hello' has been stopped and deleted.21:38
WebsterssScheduled meetings:21:38
anthony_pso, if i want to add an agend item to a specific meeting, do i put it as the first variable or second?21:38
mulbahI was think for us to add ai stuff to it to be able to summarize the meeting and make the bot more powerful21:38
anthony_p!hel add21:38
anthony_p!help add21:39
WebsterssAdd an agenda item to the active meeting.21:39
ledmeryou have to activate the meeting first 21:39
ledmerwith 21:39
ledmer!startmeeting 21:39
WebsterssInvalid arguments.21:39
anthony_pi see21:39
ledmer!help startmeeting21:39
WebsterssStart a meeting and make it active.21:39
johanf!help endmeeting21:39
WebsterssEnd a meeting and delete all its data.21:39
fatima_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:39
ledmerI will request you to stop21:39
anthony_pdoes stop meeting automatically wipe an agenda?21:39
ledmerplaying with it for a sec21:40
ledmeras we have to move on21:40
ledmeranthony_p, yes21:40
anthony_pokay, so how do i add agenda items for a future meeting if there's a meeting between, if i have to activate a meeting to add items?21:40
ledmeryou just do it 21:41
ledmer!startmeeting decidim21:41
WebsterssNo meeting found with ID 'decidim'.21:41
ledmer!startmeeting Decidim21:41
WebsterssMeeting 'Decidim' is now active.21:41
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'Decidim' is empty.21:41
ledmer!startmeeting thursdaymeeting21:41
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' is now active.21:41
WebsterssAgenda for meeting 'thursdaymeeting':21:41
Websterss4. Business team meeting with Decidim team intro21:41
Websterss5. CPA21:41
Websterss6. linode21:41
Websterss7. swamp rose update21:41
jelknerthis is fantastic21:42
jelknerbut we need to move on21:42
ledmergreat glad you liked it21:42
jelknerwe should train each other off meeting21:42
ledmerso agenda item 421:42
ledmeryes 21:42
ledmerBusiness team meeting with Decidim team intro did you put this up klarios? 21:42
klariosWe discussed in the decidim meeting that the business team should meet with anthony_p and johanf to walk us through using the accountability and other modules in decidim. We want to use jitsy21:43
anthony_pyes, i think it's important for the business team to be involved in tracking the projects and customers21:43
klariosis this alright with you Ved , devesh , Amar, freena ? if so when can we meet 21:44
anthony_pmore often then not they should be the ones getting jobs and tasks from customers, espeically on larger projects that will require business continuity21:44
jelknerfreena may have bandwidth issues21:44
jelknerso video conferencing my be challenging21:44
jelknerjust saying21:44
Vedsure devesh and freena can take it up21:44
klariosjelkner: I understand, I am planning on meeting with her one on one 21:44
Vedamar can also do it21:45
Amari can also join in laer 21:45
johanffreena and I already agreed to meet in IRC 21:45
Amarwhats IRC?21:45
klariosalright, we can do it during our next decidim meeting if that's alright21:45
ledmerAmar, this is IRC21:45
Amarlike i was wondering what it was stood for21:46
anthony_pwe can set up the jitsi and go through the accountability project management stuff at 3:00 PM next thursday if the business folks are okay with starting a bit earlier?21:46
jamesoconnorAmar IRC is Internet Relay Chat21:47
Amarokay thanks 21:47
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:47
johanffreena and I agreed to meet during 2-3 pm EST on Monday and Wednesday. If others want to join they can but I agree next thursday we can meet at 3:00pm21:47
klarios+1 great johanf, i wlll be there as well21:48
AmarOkay got it, thanks21:48
klarioswe also need you guys to sign up/ register to our decidim 21:49
Amarjohan i dont think we can do 3pm, maybe 4?21:49
deveshI don't think we'd be able to make a 3:00pm meeting, our school ends at 3:10/ 21:49
anthony_pthese meetings should be put in the decidim so they can be tracked and joined other people in NOVA and Jetro as well21:49
klariosif the meeting lasts less than 30 minutes we can squeeze it21:50
klarioslets try that21:50
klarioslets move on21:50
anthony_pWould 3:45 be better? we can do the decidim meeting until then and then just run the Accountability training until the thursday start time?21:50
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:50
Amar3:45 sounds good21:50
ledmerokay great21:50
ledmernow we can move on21:51
ledmerWhat are the news on CPA Ved jamesoconnor 21:51
VedWe got the contract officially21:51
jamesoconnorThe meeting on Tuesday went well21:51
VedWe will be signing the contract within the next few days21:51
jamesoconnorI am currently looking into using an automation service ( which they already pay for21:52
VedJames has begun the work21:52
jelknerjamesoconnor, we are all now counting on you, my friend!21:52
klariosGreat! 21:52
jelkneri know they'll be happy with your work21:52
johanf has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:52
ledmerif you need help contact me jamesoconnor 21:52
jelknerwhich will mean this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship21:52
jelknerthey want us to become a vendor21:53
jelknerthis could mean dozens of jobs for us21:53
ledmeryes 21:53
ledmerlet's hope everything goes well21:53
gabriel_jetro has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:53
ledmerokay what about Swamp Rose anthony_p 21:53
jelknerwith jamesoconnor, we can count on it21:54
jelknerACTION done21:54
svaye_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:54
anthony_pjamesoconnor don't be afraid to ask anyone in nova for an assist, this contract will take us places, we should all be invested in getting it done, we've got your back21:54
jamesoconnorThank you21:54
anthony_pswamp rose talk went well, but it's a much smaller job21:54
anthony_pi'm waiting on my contact there to get back, it'll probably only be a few hours of configuration change work at most21:55
ledmerwhat exactly do they want you to do?21:55
anthony_pthe contact is actually a graphic designer thant's redoing their site on squarespace, but they're not familiar with the backend stuff21:55
mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:56
tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:56
ledmerthat's great still 21:56
anthony_pi'll be reconfiguring their DNS settings to point to the new site and potentially helping them with some mail server stuff if they want to start using their domain rather than a gmail domain for their business emails21:56
ledmerkeep us updated on that 21:56
anthony_pwill do21:57
ledmerI think we are good for today21:57
jelknergreat job ledmer 21:58
ledmeranyone else wants to say anything21:58
jelknerwho is chair next week?21:58
johanfledmer I heard you had email issues?21:58
ledmeryes 21:58
anthony_pi just made a meeting for the accountability training:
anthony_pa link to the jitsi will pop up on the meeting page 10 minutes before the start21:59
johanfI was also having trouble with it. I wasn't receiving freena's email21:59
ledmergreat devesh and Amar should join21:59
deveshSounds good!22:00
klarios to sign up/ register to decidim 22:00
ledmeryeah 22:00
ledmerWe have to work on that with Matt22:00
Amarshould I join rn?22:01
VedDevesh will be unable to join due to another task he has to complete. Amar will still be there 22:01
gabriel_jet has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:01
johanfamar, if you have time you should create an account22:01
ledmerwe should have it sorted it out 22:01
ledmerby monday22:01
VedIf the meeting is now. If the meeting is on another day devesh can still join22:01
johanfledmer, sounds good just wanted people to know22:01
klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:02
vhazari has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:02
johanfved, the decidim meeting is planned to occur next week at 3:4522:02
Vedthat works22:02
Amarokay then both me and Devesh cna join22:03
johanfi think that it then22:03
johanfsee everyone later22:03
jamesoconnor has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:04
ledmerokay we are good for today then22:04
WebsterssAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !createmeeting, !endmeeting, !help, !listmeetings, !remove, !startmeeting, !stopmeeting22:04
Vedsounds good22:04
WebsterssInvalid arguments.22:05
jelkneranthony_p, i'm now in the DNOVA Summit planning meeting22:05
jelknerwe meet with VASAN at 6 pm22:05
jelknerdon't know if you want to join that22:05
Amar!endmeeting thursdaymeeting22:05
WebsterssMeeting 'thursdaymeeting' has been stopped and deleted.22:05
jelknerklarios, you might be interested in that too22:06
jelkneri need to sign off to focus on this in person meeting22:06
jelknerif you're busy, i've got it covered22:06
klarios has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:06
jelkneranthony_p, let me know22:06
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:07
vhazari has left #novawebdev (None)22:08
anthony_pjelkner I joined the meeting22:09
johanf has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:11
devesh has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:15
svaye__jelkner, 22:18
jelkneranthony_p, it's not the same place22:23
jelknerelenor is showing us the link22:23
jelkneranthony_p, 22:27
anthony_pshowing a link where?22:28
jelkneri'm trying to chat with you and talk with elenor, nairuti, kristen, and johanna ;-)22:28
jelknerhold on...22:28
jelknerregistration is open22:30
jelknerwe want to add this to the decidim22:30
jelkneranthony_p, i just realized we have johan here in person22:32
jelkneri've asked him to be our in house decidim consultant tonight22:32
jelkneranthony_p, i tried to call you22:33
jelkneryou didn't pick22:33
jelkneri don't multi-task well22:33
jelknerso i'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment ;-)22:34
Ved has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:35
Amar has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:36
jelkneranthony_p, are you here?22:39
anthony_pyes, working on decidim stuff22:40
anthony_pthe registration thing22:40
scoooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:42
johanfanthony_p, jeff right now is talking to Luis right now22:42
jelkneri'm back22:45
jelknercan i call you?22:45
jelkneranthony_p, 22:45
ledmerlet me take care of it 22:45
gabriel_jet has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)22:45
svaye__ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)22:47
jelknerok all, i have another video meeting at 7 pm22:49
jelkneri'm going to log off now22:49
jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:50
johanf has quit (Quit: Page closed)22:51
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:51
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:54
bluberry has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:55
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:58
svaye_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)23:00
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:08
ledmer has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:32
ledmer has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:43
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:45
bluberry has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:49
fatima has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:50
bluberry has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:59

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