IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2022-12-09

*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)09:46
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)10:17
jelknerGood morning jkoleah!11:59
jkoleahgood morning jeff12:00
jkoleahhow are you12:00
jelknerI just registered for my next UoPeople class.12:00
jelknerHave you done applied yet?12:01
jkoleahI'm trying to do that jeff12:03
jelknerscooper should be able to help you.12:03
jelknerSince he did is while I was there last Summer.12:03
jkoleahyes, I told him12:03
jelknerThe next term starts January 26th.12:04
jelknerIt may be too late for you to start that term, but you could definitely start on the next one, in early April.12:04
jelknerOK, I need to get ready for class.12:05
jelknerToday is Toby's (tmickelson) birthday.12:06
jelknerBe sure to wish him a happy birthday when you see him at 2:30 pm your time.12:06
jelknerTalk to you then...12:06
jelknerACTION logs off for now12:06
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:06
jkoleahokay, when I'm done the applying I'll have you inform12:07
*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:07
tmickelsonhow can you automatically make jelkner an opperator14:45
abuchholzGive me a sec14:45
abuchholzI'm looking through documentation14:45
tmickelsonand how can i make changes to little webster14:45
abuchholzop will remain until you log out. Give me a sec to configure it automatically. 14:46
abuchholzas for little webster14:46
abuchholzI need to give you access 14:46
abuchholzso one sec14:46
jelkneractually, abuchholz, can we teach tmickelson how to do that?14:46
jelknerthe more you can teach tmickelson, the less we need to bother you ;-)14:46
jelknertmickelson should be channel op too14:47
abuchholztmickelson, can I have your gitlab username please?14:48
abuchholz here is the repo with the little webster code 14:49
abuchholzyou should have access14:49
abuchholzmain logic is in little_webster.py14:49
abuchholzits similar to writing a discord bot if you have ever done that before14:49
abuchholzDon't recall the channel op stuff so give me a few minutes14:51
*** tmickelson has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:53
abuchholzjelkner, did you login to IRC?14:54
jelknerdo you mean am i here?14:56
abuchholzI mean do you have an account with OFTC?14:56
jelkneri'm green too, which makes me happy14:56
abuchholzyeah well its only until you leave14:56
abuchholzwhich is a problem14:56
abuchholzcan you leave and join back please jelkner 14:57
abuchholztmickelson, btw do you have an account with OFTC?14:58
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:59
jelknerabuchholz, students are arriving15:00
jelkneri need to go15:00
jelknerThis nickname is registered and protected.  If it is your nickname, you may15:00
jelknerauthenticate yourself to services with the IDENTIFY command.  You are15:01
jelknergetting this message because you are not on the access list for the15:01
jelkner-NickServ- jelkner nickname.15:01
jelknerso i need to figure that out15:01
jelknerwhich login method to you select?15:01
abuchholzyeah if you authenticate it should work15:01
abuchholzI use hexchat 15:01
jelkneri got go15:01
jelknerme too15:01
jelknerwhat i mean is, SASL, SASL EXTERNAL, etc15:02
jelknergotta go!15:02
*** jelkner has quit (None)15:02
*** tmickelson has left #novawebdev (None)15:02
*** sitarabuta has left #novawebdev (None)15:11
*** abuchholz has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:14
*** sitarabuta has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:19
*** tmickelson has quit (None)15:54
*** tmickelson has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:12

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