IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-12-10

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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:31
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)12:31
LittleWebsterTalk about expectations for three weeks holiday (added by jelkner)12:31
LittleWebsterMention aciinema ( (added by jelkner)12:31
jelknerGood morning janet!12:33
jelknerGood morning jkollie!12:38
jkollieHow are You Jeff?12:38
jelkneri'm well, jkollie 12:38
jelknerwhat happened yesterday at 2:30 pm?12:39
jelknertmickelson came to meet, but no one was here12:39
jkollieI was not in Class yesterday12:40
jelkneryes, i know12:40
jelknerwill you be there on monday?12:41
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tboimahGood morning Jeff12:42
jelknergood morning tboimah 12:42
jelknerjkollie, my mistake12:43
jelkneri had you confused with Jallah for a minute12:43
jelknerit's jkoleah and fkoikoi on monday12:43
jelknertboimah, how was your week?12:43
tboimahmy week was good and yours?12:44
jelkneri had a great week12:44
tboimahthat is good to hear12:44
fkoikoiHello Jeff12:44
jelknergood morning fkoikoi 12:45
fkoikoiHow are you?12:45
jelknerfkoikoi, will you be available on monday at 2:30 pm your time?12:45
jkollieAlright,I understand12:46
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fkoikoiYes Jeff12:46
jelknertmickelson is available between 2:30 and 3 pm.12:46
jelknerhe came on friday, but no one was there to work with him12:47
jelknerwe are making progress on the server12:47
jelknerfkoikoi, i have another question for you12:47
jelknerhave you had the chance to set up accounts for your self on the machines in the lab?12:47
fkoikoiNo, not yet12:48
jelknerplease do that this week12:48
jelknerit will be the best way for you to practice ssh setup, and to try things out locally that we will use on the server in germany12:49
svayeGood morning Jeff12:49
jelknergood morning svaye 12:49
dcammueGood morning Jeff, how are you and the family?12:55
jelkneri'm fine, dcammue 12:55
dcammuethat's good to hear Jeff.12:57
jelkneralmost time to start12:59
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tboimah yeah 1 more min to go12:59
jelknerif LittleWebster doesn't print the agenda automatically, i will12:59
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:59
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterTalk about expectations for three weeks holiday (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterMention aciinema ( (added by jelkner)12:59
jelknerGood morning everyone!13:00
jelknerThis is our last meeting of 2022, so let's get started.13:00
jelknerThe next time we meet will be on Saturday, January 7th.13:00
jelkner2023 ;-)13:00
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jelknernot sure what happened13:08
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:08
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)13:08
LittleWebsterTalk about expectations for three weeks holiday (added by jelkner)13:08
LittleWebsterMention aciinema ( (added by jelkner)13:08
jelkneranyway, who is here?  i see dcammue janet svaye and tboimah 13:08
jelknerare you at the mcss office?13:09
tboimahJeff can you explain the first agenda better.13:09
jelknersure, tboimah, but can you answer my question?13:10
jelknerare you at the mcss office?13:10
jelkneri'm trying to figure out who is here with us today13:10
dcammueoh sorry, we are at the office13:11
jelknerwho is there?13:11
jelknerthere are 8 of you altogether, but i only see 5 logged in13:12
dcammuethey on their way13:12
jelknermake that 6 ;-)13:12
jelknerlet me start when everyone is here13:12
jkoleahgood morning jeff13:13
jelkneris scooper there?13:13
jelknernow we're down to 6 again :-(13:13
jelknercan someone tell me if Spencer is there?13:14
dcammuenot for now Jeff, he went out there.13:14
jelknerdo you want me to start?13:14
jelknerok, let me start13:15
jelknerlast week i sent the monthly payment of $650.0013:15
jelkneri've been doing that every month13:15
jelknerthis is our end of year meeting13:16
jelknerso we should talk about our plans going forward and what we want to accomplish13:16
jelknerno, mulbah !agenda13:16
jelknerput the ! in the beginning ;-)13:16
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:17
LittleWebsterDiscuss budget for next few months. (added by jelkner)13:17
LittleWebsterTalk about expectations for three weeks holiday (added by jelkner)13:17
LittleWebsterMention aciinema ( (added by jelkner)13:17
jelknerwe can treat these three items altogether13:17
jelknersince they are related13:17
jelknerlet me continue13:17
jelkneri have said several times that the monthy i send is to support your education13:18
jelknerbut that goal must be to develop skills so that our project becomes self-financing eventually13:18
jelknerthat means we can generate the revenue we need to operate13:18
jelknerhow will we do that?13:19
jelknermy hope is that we will develop the web development skills so that a cooperative business formed in Monrovia will be able to take client projects in the US13:19
jelknerand deliver custom websites at a competitive price13:20
jelknerthat's the plan i've been operating under13:20
jelkneri understand it will take time for you all to become part of the planning process, but we need that to happen13:20
jelkneror this won't work13:20
jelknerok, so let me talk about evaluation and expectations going forward13:21
jelknerevaluation: good news and bad news13:21
jelknerthe good news, and it is crucially good news13:21
jelkneris that you have all been showing up week after week on saturday13:21
jelkneri feel i can count on that13:22
mulbahof course13:22
jelknerthe other good news is that we have been making steady progress in learning13:22
jelknerthat is the good news13:22
jelknerthe bad news is the rate of progress is still too slow13:23
jelkneri look at your git repos every saturday morning13:23
jelknerlet me tell you what i see right now13:23
jelknerfkoikoi: last commit 14 days ago13:23
jelknerjkoleah: broken link to your repo, so i can't see what you've been doing13:24
jelknermulbah: last commit 14 days ago13:24
jelknerif you want to see what i'm looking at13:24
jelknersvaye: last commit 15 days ago13:25
jelknertboimah: last commit 7 days ago13:25
jelknerthat makes you the top achiever so far, tboimah 13:25
jelknerdcammue: last commit 14 days ago13:26
jkoleahJeff, as for me I don't have a github account for me to do that and secondly I don't have a PC with me now  13:26
jelknerjanet: last commit 14 days ago13:26
jelknerjkoleah: i thought we made arrangements for you to use the machines in the lab13:27
jelknerso, here is the part about my expections13:27
jelkneri gave everyone a copy of Head First HTML and CSS13:27
jelkneri expect you to use it13:27
jelknerit is a great book13:27
jelkneryou should read each chapter together, discuss what you learn, and then *apply* what you learn13:28
jkoleahYes we did, but I can only use it when am at the office jeff13:28
jelknerwhen we meet here on saturdays, i want you to come with questions13:28
jelkneryes, jkoleah, but that is 5 days a week, yes?13:28
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jelkneranyway, we don't meet again until january 713:29
jelknerwhat would make me *very* happy is to see regular commits during the time from now until then13:30
jkoleahyes jeff, I decided to start with the lessons over so I at lesson 8 now13:30
jelknerand even an occasional email with questions13:30
jelkneri'm not trying to be mean, but if on the morning of january 7, i see last commit 30+ days ago, i will not send the payment for january13:31
fkoikoisorry for not been regular in our commits but we promise you make you happy13:31
jelknerfkoikoi: that sounds great, since when i'm happy it means you're learning! ;-)13:31
jkoleahJeff, when I'm done with the the lessons I will create an github account to put in my works13:32
jelknerjkoleah and fkoikoi are you planning on applying to UoPeople?13:32
jkoleahyes jeff13:32
jelknerjkoleah: NO, don't wait!13:32
jelkneryou should create the github account now13:32
jelknerand make commits regularly13:33
svayeWe promise to commit what we learn from the book during the break13:33
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jelknerthere are lots of fun examples in the book13:33
jelknerlet me show you what i'm talking about13:33
jelknerin my web design class now, we are using the book that comes after the one i just gave you13:33
jelknerit's called Head First HTML5 Programming13:33
jelknertake a look at that page13:34
jelknerthis is the one i do along with my students13:34
jelknerlook at my commit history13:35
jelkneryou can see what i've been doing13:35
jelknerjkoleah: if you make regular commits, i can see what you are doing13:36
jelknerthat's what i want13:36
jelknerfkoikoi: i just re-enrolled in UoPeople myself13:36
jelknerand i signed up for a class that starts on January 2613:36
jelknerso i'll be in the same school you are int13:36
jelkneri can email them to ask how to setup the payment13:36
jelknerif you apply to the school, i will cover the fees13:37
jelknerand i the cost for each course13:37
jelkneras long as you earn a passing grade13:37
jelknerwe need you two graduates to take the lead13:37
jelknerthe A.S. CS program at UoPeople is excellent!13:38
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jelknerit will help you get the skills you need for our business13:38
jelkneri want to come back to Monrovia in Summer 202413:39
jelknerbut you have to be ready for me13:39
jelknerso that is all i wanted to say today13:39
jelknerhow can i help you now?13:39
fkoikoialright just but 13:39
fkoikoiapart from the diploma, transcript and letter of recommendation from our school what are some of the documents that we need13:40
mulbahthat great jeff13:41
jelknerSpence did the whole process13:41
jelknerwhile i was there13:41
jelknerhe should be able to help with that13:41
fkoikoiokay 13:41
jelknerso fkoikoi, please make sure you ask scooper to help you apply13:41
fkoikoiYes i will13:41
jelknerand let me know when it comes time for payment13:42
jkoleahJeff, I try applying for the Uopeople for the are requesting for a credit card13:42
jelkneri'll cover that13:42
jelkneryes, jkoleah, we need to contact them to see how i can use my credit card13:42
jelknerjkoleah and fkoikoi, you should use your personal email when you apply to the school13:43
mulbahwe will be ready for you and we going to have all the skill you need from us13:43
fkoikoican we used the link you just send to apply to the UoPeople University?13:43
jelknersend me your personal emails (the ones you are using to apply), and i'll email the school (and cc you) asking how we can set up payment13:43
mulbahjeff I want to ask you a question13:46
jelknerask, mulbah 13:49
mulbahAre we going to take the test this coming january13:50
jelknermulbah: no13:50
jelknerwe are no where near ready13:51
jelknermulbah: i was unrealistic13:51
jelknerwe need to increase your pace of learning13:51
jelknerand then we can talk about when to take certification exams13:51
mulbahso how the test was going to be like13:52
jelknermulbah don't worry about that now13:52
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jelkneri'm thinking the first certification we should do is this one:13:53
mulbahBut I just want to understand how it going to be like13:53
jelkneryes, i understand mulbah, but the best way to do that is to access the online course13:54
jelkneri have to pay for you to have access to that13:54
jelknerand i won't do that until you have made *a lot* more progress13:54
jelknerso you need to make progress first, and then the answers to your questions will come13:54
jelknerbesides, mulbah, the certification would be nice, but it is not that important13:55
jelknerif you want to run a website business, what is important is that you KNOW HOW TO MAKE WEBSITES!13:55
jelknernot that you know how to answer multiple choice questions about making websites13:56
jelknerthe certification will be nice13:56
jelknerand it will help me try to do fund raising for our project since i'll be able to say, look, mulbah earned his Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist Certfication13:56
jelknerbut in the big picture, it is not what is important13:57
jelknerso please don't worry about it for now13:57
jelknerinstead, mulbah, worry about why you haven't made a commit for 14 days! ;-)13:57
fkoikoiJeff, my computer will soon go off13:58
mulbahJeff I promise this short break that I going to get form my school I will make enough progress and make you proud next year13:58
jkoleahJeff, can you please tell me which program request I should use14:00
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mulbahJeff My email is still giving me problem that why I can't email you like before14:02
jelknermulbah: who should you ask about that?14:02
jelknermulbah, i'm waiting for your answer14:04
mulbahscooper try it on his computer it work but don't want to work on my computer14:04
jelknerright, mulbah, scooper14:04
jelknerand soon, you should be able to ask fkoikoi and jkoleah 14:05
jelknermy plan is to train them during the week14:05
jelknersince they don't have classes14:05
jelknerthey can come to the mcss office to study14:05
jkoleahwill we meet this week Jeff ?14:05
jelkneryes, jkoleah 14:05
jelknernot friday14:05
jelknerbut monday to thursday14:06
jelknertmickelson will be there each day at 2:30 pm your time14:06
jkoleahokay Jeff14:06
jelknerplease show up14:06
jkoleahJeff, which program request I should choose14:07
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jelknerjkoleah: i just sent an email to my advisor at UoPeople14:20
jelkneri cc'd you, fkoikoi and the Supe14:21
jelkneryou have until jan 5 to apply14:21
jelknerso there is no time to waste14:21
jelknerjkoleah: please setup your github account14:21
jelknerjkoleah: can you check your email and see if you got the message i just sent?14:22
jkoleahI trying applying but the point am at now is the credit care issue jeff14:22
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jelkneryes, jkoleah, i understand14:22
jelknerplease read the email14:23
jkoleahI didn't see any email Jeff14:26
jkoleahcan you please send me your personal email please jeff ?14:27
jelkneri should have gone to your personal email14:27
jelknerif freena still there?14:27
jkoleahno jeff 14:28
jelknerok, i just spoke with the Supe14:31
jelknerhe told me Spencer is with him14:31
jelknerthey are at a retreat14:31
jelknerthe Supe is coming to Virginia soon14:32
jelknerso i'll get to meet with him here14:32
jelknerand talk about our plans14:32
jelknerok, anyone else need anything14:32
jelknerjkoleah: i'll check with you monday to see if you got the email14:32
jelknerif no one has anything else, let me wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!14:33
tboimahsame to you jeff14:34
mulbahsame to You jeff14:34
svayewish you the same Jeff14:35
dcammuewish you many happy return Jeff.14:35
jkoleahokay jeff, hope to hear from you soon 14:35
jelknerjkoleah you and i are meeting on monday, so that is soon! ;-)14:37
jkoleahwas it a personal email you sent me Jeff ?14:37
jelknerit went to your gmail14:37
jelknerit was an email to my advisor14:37
jelkneryou, freena, and Mr. Zawolo were cc'd14:38
jkoleahokay, I thought it was a personal you sent Jeff14:38
jelknerMy advisor's name is Rakshitha14:39
jelknersee if you can find an email to her14:39
jkoleahcan I have her email address14:40
jelknerWait a minute, jkoleah 14:41
jelkneri have an idea14:41
jelkneri could apply for you now14:41
jelknerand enter my credit card info14:42
jelknerlet's try14:42
jelknerjkoleah: join me in the private chat14:44
jkoleahI'm in14:44
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jelknerbye everyone, and again, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!14:50
jelknerACTION signs off for the day...14:50
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