IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2022-12-14

*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:51
*** jkoleah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:04
*** jelkner has quit (None)13:37
jelknerjkoleah_, are you here?14:22
jkoleah_Yeah, I'm here14:22
jelknerAre you at the MCSS office?14:22
jelknerIs Spencer there?14:23
jkoleah_but he's doing something now jeff14:23
jkoleah_great, tmickelson you are here.14:26
jelknerjkoleah_, I will email Spencer.14:27
fkoikoihi Jeff14:31
jelknerjkoleah_, i'm trying to call you on Signal14:39
jkoleah_Ah, I'm sorry that I left my phone home due to current issues Jeff14:40
jelknerSo, jkoleah_, how can I talk to Spencer?14:50
jelknerI could email, but talking might be faster and better.14:50
jkoleah_I don't know if you try calling him could be better too14:52
jelknerI have two numbers for him in my Signal14:54
jelknerwhich should i use?14:54
jkoleah_Use the active one jeff14:55
jelknerfkoikoi, do you have an Android phone?14:55
jelknerI'm hoping we can get Signal setup so we can talk14:56
jelknerI could call you on Signal.14:56
jkoleah_when will you have time for me to call you today Jeff ?14:57
fkoikoiI alright download the signal app and I open it also14:58
jelknerfkoikoi, are you there with jkoleah_?14:59
jelknerhe can help you set up Signal.14:59
fkoikoiYes 14:59
jelknerIf you have your phone with you now, let's try.14:59
tmickelsoni have to go now14:59
*** tmickelson has left #novawebdev (Leaving)15:00
jkoleah_we're trying to do that Jeff15:01
jkoleah_here's her signal number:+23177632409915:02
jelknerJust sent you a message, fkoikoi 15:04
jelkner"Hi Freena!"15:04
jelknerdid you get it?15:04
jkoleah_we received it jeff15:04
fkoikoiYes I received it15:04
jelknerfkoikoi, I just tried to call again.15:25
jelknerYou didn't pick up.15:25
fkoikoiMy phone went off Jeff 15:27
fkoikoiJallah is trying to download signal on his new phone15:28
jelknerfkoikoi, i tried to call your phone15:29
jkoleah_I'm trying to download the app on my other phone Jeff15:30
jkoleah_Can you please hold on a little bit please15:30
jelknerjkoleah_, I have to go.15:39
jelknerI'm at work.15:39
jelknerI just sent an email to my advisor at UoPeople.15:39
jelknerI cc'd you and fkoikoi 15:39
jelknerI can't figure out how to pay fkoikoi's application fee15:39
jelkneri included screen shots15:39
jkoleah_Jeff, you can call now 15:39
jelknerfkoikoi, you need to email your advisor15:39
jkoleah_I just open the signal app15:40
fkoikoibut what should I tell her Jeff15:41
jelknerfkoikoi, i have to go now15:48
jelknerbut i just emailed my advisor15:48
jelkneri cc'd you15:48
jelkneryou can see what i wrote15:48
jelknerwhenever you email your advisor, you should:15:48
jelkner1. tell her who you are and what you need15:48
jelkner2. ask her how to do what you are trying to do15:49
jelkner"Hi, my name is Freena and I want to enroll in the A.S. in CS program at University of the People"...15:49
jelknerok, let's talk tomorrow15:49
jelknerbye for now...15:50
jelknerACTION logs off for the day.15:50
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:50
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:04
*** jkoleah_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:09

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