IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2022-12-15

fkoikoiHi jeff14:45
jkoleahGood afternoon Jeff14:51
scooperHello Jeff15:00
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jelknerGood morning15:11
jelknerWe had a 2 hour delay because of weather15:11
jelknerso our schedule today is shifted by two hours15:11
jelknerinstead of 2:30 to 3 pm your time15:12
jelknertmickelson and thehedgeh0g will be here from 4:05 to 5:35 pm your time.15:12
jelknerIf that is too late for you to be here, we can wait until the New Year.15:13
jelknerlet me know15:13
jelknerjkoleah, did you talk to the Supe?15:13
jelkneri have prepared another laptop for you15:14
jelkneri am going to ask him to bring it back with him15:14
jelknerbut we still need a solution between now and then15:14
jkoleahI didn't see him yesterday Jeff15:14
jkoleahI'm at the office now but he's not here15:15
jelknerjkoleah, and he didn't respond to my email15:18
jelknerjkoleah, i've now done all i can do on my end15:18
jelknery'all have to follow up on your end15:19
jelknerscooper, you saw the email15:19
jelkneryou need to talk with him15:19
jelknerwe need jkoleah to have a loaner laptop until the Supe gets here, and i can give him one to bring back15:19
jelkneri set it up yesterday15:20
jelknerso its ready to go15:20
jelknerjust need to ship it15:20
scooperI did see email but I 'm lost here15:20
scooperI'm lost here Jeff what are we talking about now15:20
jelknerscooper, hold on...15:22
jelknerjkoleah, you saw the email, yes?15:22
jkoleahwhich mail jeff ?15:23
jelknerLook in your personal email, jkoleah 15:25
jelknerit is titled "Requesting approval to issue Jallah a laptop."15:25
jelknerIt was addressed to the Superintendent.15:25
jelknerjkoleah, and scooper were cc'd15:25
jkoleahokay, I saw it Jeff15:25
jelknerjkoleah, show scooper 15:26
jkoleahthe mail ?15:26
jelknerscooper, the only time i have today would be 8 pm your time15:26
jelknerthat's late, i know15:26
jelknerwe need dhernandez in on that conversation too15:27
scooperI'm presently in my novawebdev email account apart from the mail you send to Aaron and I, there is not other mail from your relating to Jallah and I jeff15:27
jelkneri used your personal email, scooper 15:27
jelknersince it is not NOVA Web related15:28
scooperSo can meet by that time and discuss JEff15:28
jelkneri try to use business email for business15:28
jelknerand personal email for personal things15:28
scooperSo can we meet by that time and discuss Jeff??15:28
jelknerif you are available at 8 pm your time15:28
jelknerwe can15:28
jelknerlet's meet here15:28
scooperYes I have to because it's crucial and important to me15:29
jelkneri'm going to ask dhernandez if she can port the website out of LibreOrganize15:29
jelknerwe'll need to pay her something for her time15:29
scooperI done understand 15:29
jelkneri'll talk to her about that15:29
jelknerwhat don't you understand?15:29
scooperthe last text you send consider asking dhernandez15:30
jelknerthat's the plan15:30
jelknerwhat don't you understand?15:30
scooperAbout you asking dhernandez15:30
jelknernow i don't understand :-(15:31
scooperWhat are you really talking about???15:31
jelknerlet me try to explain and see if this helps15:31
jelkneras it is now, the MCSS website is running in a web application written in Django called LibreOrganize15:32
scooperOK I think you said this before15:32
jelknerweb pages are generated dynamically, and the process is complicated15:32
scooperWe are moving to a static website right???15:32
jelknerfor the next few years, you, jkoleah, fkoikoi_ won't have the skills to manage that15:33
jelknerso i want to convert it to a technology you will be able to manage on your own15:33
jelkneryou, scooper, already know HTML and CSS15:33
jelknerand we are teaching jkoleah and fkoikoi_ 15:33
jelknerand the others, but they will take much longer to be ready to contribute15:33
jelknerso, let's use the tech we know15:34
scooperI got you that is the main reason I want us talk by 8pm my time Jeff15:36
jelknerscooper, AntonioA is here now15:36
jelknerwe all need to try to get to know each other15:36
scooperIs AntonioA Aaron??15:36
jelknerNO! ;-)15:36
scooperI almost ask why he keep changing his name15:37
jelknerso, scooper, let me explain15:37
jelknerAaron is thehedgeh0g 15:37
scooperI know15:38
jelknerAntonioA, is Antonio15:38
jelknerAntonioA and Luke are learning Django15:38
jelknerthehedgeh0g, is a system admin15:38
jelknerlike tmickelson15:38
jelknerso, when we need help setting up servers, learning to use screen, and stuff like that15:39
jelknerwe go to thehedgeh0g and tmickelson15:42
jelknerfor this new task, porting a LibreOrganize website out of LibreOrganize, we primarly need a web designer15:42
jelknerthat would be Dafni Hernandez15:43
jelknerbut she will need help from AntonioA and Luke15:43
scooperJeff I will like to make few recommendation from my end15:43
jelknersince she needs to learn how to make static html web pages from Django templates15:43
jelknerplease, sd15:43
jelknerscooper, 15:43
jelknerscooper, what about the laptop for Jallah?15:44
jelknerToday is the last day before the break, yes?15:44
jelkner*PLEASE* let him take one.15:45
jelknerSince the Supe didn't respond15:45
jelknerI will take responsibility15:45
scooperJeff, I not against Jallah in any way, more beside I talked with you before to allow Jallah to join us right15:45
jelknerYes, I know15:46
jelknerbut he needs a laptop today15:46
jelkneror he won't have one during the break15:46
jelknerso let's make sure that happens15:46
jelknerwe don't have time to waste15:46
scooperSo giving him a computer is not a problem but Mr. Zawolo have to approve of it right, or do you want me lost this little job??15:46
jelknerscooper, i am telling you to do it.15:46
jelknerif the Supe has a problem, i will tell him to fire me, not you15:47
scooperIf Mr. Zawolo  get to know I give a computer out without his permission I will be in serious problem, that is what I m avoiding Jeff15:47
jelkneri sent the laptops, and i will send more15:47
jelknerbut if you are not going to use them effectively, i won't send them any more15:47
jelknerwhat effectively means right now is loaning one to Jallah15:47
jelknerso i am telling you to *PLEASE* do that15:48
jelkneron my instructions15:48
scooperOk Jeff15:48
jelknerif he the Supe doesn't like it, he can tell me15:48
jelknerHe is busy scooper 15:48
jelkneri emailed him, and tried calling him on every number i have for him15:49
scooperIf I'm fire you should get ready to call me to live with you in America hahaahah15:49
jelknerso i did my part15:49
jelknerit's a deal, scooper! ;-)15:49
jelknerwe need to solve the problem15:49
jelkneri always respect his leadership15:49
scooperGot  you15:49
jelknerbut we need to not let that kill our efforts15:49
jelknerwe did the right thing15:50
jelknernow we need to take action so we can all move forward15:50
jelknerdon't worry15:50
scooperCan I make few recommendation Jeff15:50
jelknerPlease, scooper 15:50
jelkneri'm waiting15:50
jelknerbut in 10 minutes i have to leave15:50
jelknerso do it now15:50
scooperIf we most learn from Aaron and tmickelson15:51
jelkneri don't know what you mean by that15:51
jelknerwe are a team15:51
jelknerand they are the sys admins15:51
jelknerwe learn sys admin things from them15:52
scooperThey need to step a particular day aside to help us, the time in which they come online is not really enough for us alot all15:52
jelknerbut they are not developers15:52
jelknerAntonioA and Luke are15:52
jelknerscooper, i'm afraid that since they are volunteers15:52
jelknerwe may not be able to do that15:52
scooper5 , 10 are not just enough Jeff, more beside Freena Jallah live far distance15:52
jelknerthey are students15:52
jelknerwith a lot of responsibilities15:53
jelkneri have managed to get them in my class for 30 minutes each school day15:53
scoopercoming to MCSS throguht out the week is really difficult for them and the time alotted is not sufffient 15:53
jelknerthat's what we got15:53
jelknerwe need to make use of that15:53
jelknerand learn on our own15:53
jelknerso we can take over from them15:53
jelknerkeep in mind, i can afford to hire Monrovia folks to do this15:54
jelknerthat's part of our business plan15:54
jelknerThe minimum wage here is $15 per hour15:54
scooperI have been doing my own studies trying to understand django template and that include urls routing view and others15:54
jelkneron my teacher's salary, i can't afford to hire them15:54
jelknerthat is great, scooper 15:54
jelknerso you should be part of the process of porting the site15:55
scooperAdrian have been good to me15:55
scooperover the past time15:55
jelkneryes, i know15:55
jelknerbtw. my wife and i are going to visit Adrian in the UK next April15:55
jelknerand I will see him here January 5th15:56
scooperI'm gradually understanding the django template to know how it work like the modules, understanding inheritance alot we will talk better by 8pm my time15:56
scooperAlot need to be discuss but not in a hurry so we will better talk by 8pm please15:57
jelknerlet's talk at 8 pm15:58
jelknersee you then15:58
scooperok Jeff15:58
scooperThanks for being there15:58
jelknerACTION signs off for now15:58
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LittleWebsterTick Tock!19:00
LittleWebsterIt's 19:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.19:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...19:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!19:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!19:00
jkoleahI don't understand what you mean19:02
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jkoleah_Hi Jeff20:01
sysadminHello Jeff20:02
scooperHello Jeff 20:03
scooperI will be back in ten minutes. I'm going to the bathroom to take my bath.....20:06
jelknerthehedgeh0g is here waiting for you when you get back scooper 20:12
jkoleah_I'm here Jeff20:13
jelknerjkoleah_, did you get a laptop?20:13
jelknertmickelson found us a wonderful tool20:14
jkoleah_yes Jeff, thanks so much, I hardly appreciate20:14
jelknerso now let's make good use of it, jkoleah_!20:15
scooperI'm here now Jeff20:15
jelknerToby (tmickelson) found an application we can use, jkoleah_ 20:16
thehedgeh0ghi spencer, I've logged into your hetzner account, but I do not see a server created20:16
scooperdid you use the information I give you20:16
jkoleah_sure jeff20:16
thehedgeh0gI did, scooper, but I see a "default" project created, but no server created under the project.20:16
scooperI received a message from Hetzner that the server was available for use20:17
jkoleah_where is Toby now Jeff ?20:17
jelknerjkoleah_, he isn't here yet20:18
thehedgeh0gscooper, could you forward that email to me, please?20:18
jelknerby the time he comes, it may be too late for you20:18
jelknerwe stay here until 7 pm, which is midnight your time20:18
jelkneri don't know when he will get here20:18
jelknerit is after school20:18
scooperlet me search and see20:19
jkoleah_when will he be available Jeff ?20:19
jkoleah_I can be here up to that time Jeff20:20
scooperAaron I coming please be patience20:23
scoopermeanwhile can you please tell me what time day during the week you are a bit free???20:24
scooperI need to learn alot from you 20:24
thehedgeh0gscooper, I'm free the most on thursdays during this time20:26
thehedgeh0gI am also available during 1st period classes on B days here, which change depending on the week20:27
scooperOK so can we schedule every Thursday to meet20:27
thehedgeh0gfeel free to send me an IRC message any time, and even if I don't see it when you send it, I will be able to see it later.20:28
thehedgeh0gscooper: that works for me20:28
scooperOk but I need us to have a plan to meet every Thursday on HExchat20:29
scooperCan we make it happen???20:30
thehedgeh0gscooper: I can start doing that when I get back from winter break, which will be January 5th. Does that work for you?20:32
jelknerjkoleah_, we will look into tmate as soon as tmickelson arrives20:32
jelknerjkoleah_, you don't need to stay if it is getting late for you.20:32
jelknerwe can email you after we figure out how it works to set up a time to test it20:33
jkoleah_I can stay Jeff20:33
jkoleah_Yeah Jeff20:33
jkoleah_I just from making research on that, and I saw that it's cool for us to use Jeff20:34
scooperplease check your email and Hexchat private message20:35
scooperIf I didn't do the right thing can we do it together????20:40
thehedgeh0gyes we can scooper, check your private messages20:43
scooperthehedgeh0g, I just did21:02
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jelknerscooper, 21:52
jelknertmickelson, it looks like jkoleah had to leave21:53
jelknerso you'll have to start testing tmate on your own21:53
jelknerscooper, what can i do for you?21:53
scooperWe need  to talk like I said earlier today21:54
jelknerwell, here i am21:55
scooperAre you in the best position to have a lengthy conversion with me21:55
jelkneri can't have a lengthy conversation now21:55
jelkneri'm in my classroom hosting a meet up21:55
scooperI want us go private hope it's ok for you21:55
scooperShould I wait21:55
jelkneryou should wait21:56
scooperHow many hours from now Jeff??21:56
jelknerno, tomorrow21:56
jelknerit will be too late tonight21:56
jelkneryou know, an email might be best21:56
scooperJust tell me it's important so I will wait21:56
jelknergives you a chance to compose your thoughts21:57
jelknerand me a chance to think carefully about my response21:57
scooperWe need to exchange conversion 21:57
jelknerwell then, we will have to think when21:57
jelknertomorrow might work21:57
scooperIt will look like face to face meeting21:57
jelknerwhat about Saturday morning?21:57
scooperI can up two or three hours21:57
jelknerwe don't have class21:58
jelknerand i can be up at the regular time21:58
jelknerso we could meet at 12 noon your time21:58
jelknerwe can meet in irc21:58
jelknerand i can try to see if we can get Signal working on your phone21:58
jelknerthen we could talk21:58
scooperOn Saturday???21:58
jelkneryes, would that work?21:59
scooperAny Aaron and I just completed the first task21:59
jelknerSaturday at 12 noon Liberia time21:59
jelknerscooper, dafni is here to talk about the 2nd task21:59
jelknershe is going to work with you to move the MCSS website to a static site21:59
jelkneri was thinking github pages, but thehedgeh0g is saying they could make it run on the same server22:00
jelkneras the email system22:00
jelknerthat would be better22:00
jelknerwe have a bit of time to decide that22:00
jelknersince we need to get it ported first22:00
scooperAaron said the same to me but we need to talk as you have saturday will be ok22:00
jelkneri will meet you here on irc Saturday at 8 am my time22:01
jelknerthat is 12 noon your time22:01
scooperOk 22:01
jelknergreat, now let's talk about the website22:01
scooperI give Jallah the computer under your instructions hope it's ok for you SIr22:02
jelkneryes, my dear friend, i am very happy22:02
jelknerhe needs to have that22:02
jelkneri will give the Supe a computer for him when i see him here in Virginia at the beginning of January22:02
jelkneri will ask him to bring that laptop back for Jallah22:03
jelknerand then Jallah can return the burrowed machine to the lab22:03
jelknerin the mean time, he has what he needs to get started at UoPeople22:03
scooperDid you received the template I send you22:03
jelknerso thank you!22:03
jelknerno, when did you send it?22:03
scooperThe Bootstrap web pages I share with you and Adrain that was placed in a django template22:04
jelknerwhen? which email address?22:05
jelkneri don't recall seeing that22:05
jelkneri don't know that we need it22:05
jelknerwe are moving to a static website for now22:05
scooperI will resend it when I'm done but this time around it will just be a static files not in a django template because I'm still figuring out hope to make the urls and views work properly22:06
scooperI know22:06
jelknerscooper, you are learning a lot22:07
jelknerbut since we don't need a dynamic site at this point22:07
jelknerlet's keep things simple22:07
jelknerwe want you to be able to mange it22:08
jelknerMCSS website i mean22:08
scooperSo I want us to use the template am working on Jeff, the Sup saw it and approve of it because this what he ask me to do22:08
jelknerand to begin training jkoleah and fkoikoi to help you22:08
scooperIt's a static website for now22:08
jelkneri'll meet with the Supe and talk about this22:08
jelknerbottom line, there is no budget to get you the help you would need at this stage22:09
scooperI'm inline with your idea which will be ok for me22:09
jelknerit is the best plan for now i think22:09
jelknerwe always want a plan that best matches our needs with our resources22:09
scooperI can manage this project I'm working on Jeff22:09
scooperit's Jeff static files no backend coding it need right now22:10
jelknerwhen you are ready, scooper, you can set up a Django server in the lab22:10
jelkneron one of the machines there22:10
jelknerthat means no additional cost22:10
jelknerand you can use it to learn22:10
jelkneri want to get jkoleah and fkoikoi helping you maintain the lab22:11
jelkneryou and i need to build the team22:11
jelknerwe are the project managers22:12
jelknerour job is to have a vision for what we are trying to do22:12
scooperThat why I said we will have a lengthy conversion. Alot need to be discuss Jeff by Saturday22:12
jelknerlet's talk saturday22:12
jelkneri need to go now22:12
jelknerand let you go too22:12
scooperThanks Jeff22:12
jelknerdafni, you'll work on the static pages22:13
scooperMy daughter extend her regards to you22:13
jelknersay hi to her, and your wife!22:13
scooperTomorrow making her five months Jeff22:13
jelkneryes, i remember seeing her there in the hospital22:13
jelknerok, scooper let's talk saturday22:13
jelknerbye for now...22:14
jelknerACTION logs off for the evening22:14
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scooperdafni, how are you22:14
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