IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-01-09

scooperHello Aaron13:16
scooperHappy new year13:16
thehedgeh0ghello scooper, happy new year to you as wek13:23
thehedgeh0gI'm very sorry about missing our meeting last thursday, I had an unexpected appointment come up13:23
thehedgeh0gI will try to communicate better if that happens in the future.13:23
scooperI understand bro13:23
scooperSo went will we deploy the the mcss website 13:24
scooperThe are few things you need to understand.13:24
scooperDuring the vacation I was able to load the site into a django template. that mean we are using Django now for the mcss site. so can we deploy it13:25
scooperIf yes when can we done it?? if you are busy right now kindly tell me what time of the day we can better meet online and conclude Aaron??13:27
thehedgeh0gI am busy right now, but I will be able to deploy it with you at this time on Wednesday. Does that work for you?13:39
scooperOk I appreciate, I will send you the final template today..13:47
thehedgeh0galright, that sounds good. Thank you!13:52
jelknerHello, scooper!14:22
scooperHello Jeff14:22
scooperhow are you doing today???14:22
jelknerClass ends in 3 minutes14:23
jelknerI'll chat then...14:23
scooperOk I m here14:23
jelknerscooper, i'm here14:26
jelknerclass is gone14:26
jelkneri've got about 20 minutes14:26
jelknerwhat do you need from us?14:26
jelknerand i have one thing to share with you.14:27
jelkneri received and email from one of the students from last Summer asking me if they could join our study group14:28
jelkneri emailed them back saying that "We are a democracy.  New members can only be added by majority vote of the current members"14:28
jelkneri also said i would bring it up next Saturday14:29
jelknerACTION done14:29
scooperWho are they if I may ask14:29
jelknerI will privately message you their name14:29
jelknersince i don't want that in the logs14:30
jelknerto respect their privacy14:30
jelknerACTION done14:30
scooperOk Jeff14:30
scooperI got you14:30
scooperI you still there14:31
scooperI spoke with Aaron today14:31
jelknerHello, fkoikoi!14:31
fkoikoiHi Jeff14:31
scooperHe give me the assure that we can complete the work hopefully Wed14:31
jelknerwhich work, scooper?14:31
jelknerfkoikoi, have you registered for class yet?14:32
scooperHe give me the assurance that we can complete the work hopefully Wed14:32
scooperthe deployment JEff14:32
jelknerah, the deployment14:32
scooperThe migration and the Deployment of the site14:32
fkoikoinot yet Jeff14:32
jelknerscooper, let me just clarify one thing for you.14:33
scooperOk Jeff14:33
jelknerwhich will help thehedgeh0g help you get setup14:33
jelknerdon't just say "Django"14:33
jelknerthat is not enough information for thehedgeh0g 14:34
jelknerthe MCSS website was built with a particular Django application14:34
jelknerone written by Stephan and Adrian14:34
jelknercalled "Libre Organize"14:35
scooperYou told me early about Libre Organize Jeff14:35
scooperI saw but for now I can't handle what Aaron and Stephan did. The were lot of configuration that was done, by them14:36
scooperI even saw guideline that Cole wrote about any person or Developer who is trying to contribute to the project.14:37
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jelknerSo I'm not clear what you are proposing.14:38
scooperSo what I did like I said early,  I did it in a way that will suit me since I m a new baby  to Django files structures14:39
jelknerI understand, scooper, that you are a long way from being able to hack on LibreOrganize14:39
scooperMy main focus point was to get the site urls working properly in django.14:40
jelknerI think that is the confusion, scooper 14:41
jelknerDjango is a "web application framework"14:41
jelknerit is not an application14:41
jelknerwhat that means is that it is a collection of tools (python libraries) for building web applications14:42
scooperJeff I loading all of the html and css tags in Django framework14:42
jelkneryes, i know14:42
jelkneryou can create a simple default application using the scripts that Django comes with14:42
jelknerbut that is *not* what you want to do for the MCSS website!14:43
jelknerso we are back to the question:14:43
jelknerstatic html or LibreOrganize?14:43
jelknerthose are our two choices14:43
jelknerscooper, you should continue learning Django by making your own applications14:44
jelknerlots of them14:44
jelknerbut not production14:44
jelkneryou are not ready for that14:44
jelkneryou don't need to hack LibreOrganize to be able to use it14:44
jelkneryou just need to be able to edit templates, style them with css, etc.14:45
scooperLibreOrganize have alot of configuration I done think I ready now to handle that stuff. Can I send you the final project today so you can see what was actually done14:45
jelknerso, scooper, thehedgeh0g, antonio, and luke can help you get the MCSS website, which is currently using LibreOrganize, moved to your server14:46
jelkneryou will then need to learn to update content, and work on templates in LibreOrganize for any changes you want to make14:47
jelknerso you start with the current site as is14:47
jelkneryou don't design one from scratch14:47
jelknerthat won't work14:48
jelknerwe have to decide among only the following 2 options:14:48
jelkner1. We create a static website that will allow you to do any design you want using HTML and CSS14:48
jelkner2. We stick with the current LibreOrganize site, and you learn to modify it little by little14:49
jelknerThose are your only two choices14:49
jelkneri missunderstood when you called me14:49
jelkneri think i now understand better14:49
jelknerwhen we talked a few days ago14:50
scooperConcerning my test???14:50
jelknerscooper, can we talk on Signal14:50
scooperYes but when I can home14:51
jelkneri need to go soon, scooper 14:51
scooperI will call you14:51
jelknerit has to be now14:51
jelkneri'm at work14:51
scooperI told you before that I use Bernice phone right14:51
jelkneryou have 5 minutes14:51
jelkneror tomorrow14:51
jelkneroh, i sent you another phone14:51
jelknerwhen the Supe gets back you can use that one14:52
scooperI m not around my wife to use her phone14:52
jelknerit has LineageOS on it14:52
scooperI dowloaded the app on her phone14:52
jelknerdid you try on your phone?14:52
scooperI will check can recall right now14:52
scooperYes I did it14:52
jelknerthat doesn't work?14:52
jelkneranyway, i need to go14:53
jelknerlet's talk again tomorrow14:53
jelkneri have more time then.14:53
scooperMy phone has a password at the terminal14:53
jelknerah yest14:53
scooperBy 5pm my time14:53
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow at 3:30 pm your time14:53
scooperwill be convenient for me, by than I will be home to use Bernice phone14:54
jelknerno, let's just use irc14:54
scooperok will leave the office by 3:0014:54
jelkneri have this time available each day14:54
scooperso we can bettter talk14:54
jelknerscooper, the big thing you have to let us know is are we going with plan 1 or 2?14:55
jelknerwe can't help you until we know that14:55
jelknerthose are the *ONLY* two options14:55
jelkneryou need to pick one14:55
jelknerwe don't have the time available for anything else14:55
scooperLet do the plan one 14:55
jelknerok, that is much easier14:55
jelknera static website14:55
scooperYes Jeff14:56
jelknerok, we don't need to meet tomorrow14:56
jelknerthehedgeh0g can set that up on Wednesday14:56
jelknerwe don't need any more clarification14:56
scooperHe said we both are going to do it together14:57
jelknerscooper, let thehedgeh0g configure the server14:57
jelkneryou need to understand how this works14:57
jelknersysadmins don't "know" how to do this stuff, they "know" how to look up things and read docs online14:58
jelkneryou will slow thehedgeh0g down14:58
scooperI m just watching as a watch man that all14:58
scooperOk I understand14:58
jelknerlet them deliver a working server to us14:59
jelknerand then teach us the workflow for updating the website after14:59
jelknerACTION logs off since students are coming14:59
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*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:08
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:34

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