IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-01-10

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jelknerGood afternoon fkoikoi and jkoleah_~14:33
jelknerhow are things going with your UoPeople course registration?14:34
jkoleah_good morning Jeff14:34
fkoikoiHow are you Jeff?14:34
jkoleah_How are you doing ?14:34
jelknerwell, that depends on how you are doing with your course registration ;-)14:34
jelknerif you are ready to go, I'm doing great!14:34
jelknerWe want to get the two of you started with your formal CS education.14:35
jelknerDo you have everything you need?14:35
jkoleah_yes of course, I'm ready to go Jeff14:35
jelknerawesome, jkoleah_, i am *so* glad to hear that!14:35
jelknerand fkoikoi?14:36
jelkneri'm meeting with the Supe again on Thursday14:36
jelkneri want to be able to give him a good report14:36
jelknerso as i'm sure you know, i am *very* busy.14:37
jkoleah_Everything like what Jeff?14:37
fkoikoiAfter completing the orientation, I was asked by my program advisor to sent a screenshot and I did that yesterday. I receive a mail from my Program advisor and he said the he will get back to me in seven business days. 14:37
jelkneri'm always trying to do more than i have time to do14:37
jelknerso i'll show up here each day at 3:30 pm your time14:37
jelknerbut i want to keep planning unless you need me for something14:37
jelknerso once you start classes14:37
jelknerwe can use this time to arrange to get you help when you need it14:38
jelkneryou won't need help until classes start on january 2614:38
jelknerbtw. i am taking a class too, so we will all be together14:38
jelknerok, i gotta go.  i'll check-in again tomorrow14:39
jkoleah_sounds great 14:39
jelknerACTION signs off for today14:39
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*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:26

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