IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-01-31

*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:23
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:07
tmickelsonhello sysadmin_14:26
*** tmickelson has quit (None)14:30
jelknersysadmin_, i thought someone would be joining us here at this time.14:32
scooperHello Jeff14:40
scooperand tmickelson14:41
scooperHow are you doing today??14:41
jelknerHi scooper 14:46
jelknertmickelson had to go.14:47
scooperHello Jeff14:47
jelkneryou know how school is14:47
jelknerthey called him to the commons for an assembly14:47
jelknerhe'll be here same time tomrrow14:47
jelknerwho will be working with him?14:47
jelknerthe goal this week is to get both the terminal sharing and the mumble working14:47
scooperAaron is planning on working with me14:48
jelknerscooper, i don't think you understand what i'm talking about14:48
jelknerplease read the log from our Saturday meeting14:48
scooperShould I work with tmickelson too??14:48
scooperI m lost here14:48
jelknerhold on...14:49
jelknerPlease read that log14:49
jelknerso you know what happened on Saturday14:49
jelkneri know you work on other things during our meeting14:50
jelknerbut i need to be able to rely on you to help carry out things we decide14:50
jelknerif we are not growing the capacity of our team, we will fail14:50
jelkner*someone* (not you!) was supposed to be chosen as the aspiring system admin14:51
scooperGot you to make this effect I need to join the learning session with them14:51
jelknerand *they* were supposed to show up each day here14:51
jelkneryes, i wish you would14:51
scooperI think it's the only way I will be on top of information Jeff14:51
jelknerbecause if no one shows up this week14:51
jelknerwe will make no progress14:51
jelknerand i will be tempted to cancel next Saturday's meeting until they can get their act together14:52
jelknerwe made a plan14:52
scooperI m sorry. A would happen again Jefff14:52
jelknernow we need to follow through with it14:52
jelknerlook, scooper, you know me, i'm flexible, but i want to succeeed14:52
jelkneranyway, we can fix this14:52
jelkneri'll send an email14:52
jelknerto everyone14:53
jelknerand ask why no one showed up today14:53
scooperincluding me as well14:53
jelknerof course, my dear friend14:53
jelkneryou and i are the project managers14:53
jelkneryou get included in everything14:53
scooperBut I saw tboimah online early today Jeff14:53
jelknerso maybe he is the one14:53
jelknerbut he needs to know when we are available14:53
jelkneronly during the 2:30 to 3 pm time14:54
scooperI think the time is not really convenient for them JEff14:54
jelknerit's 2:54 there now, yes?14:54
scooperby this time they all can be in active classes on their various campuses 14:54
jelknerso that means either Jallah or Freena should be the ones14:55
jelknerYes, that's why we need you in those meetings14:55
scooperJallah and Freena will be the appropriate one for this 14:55
jelknerJallah said he is interested14:55
jelknerCan you reach out to him and see if he can be here tomorrow?14:56
scooperConsider it done Jeff14:56
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:23
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:06
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:35
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:14
*** tmickelson has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)20:39
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:03

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