IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-03-10

tmickelsonhello scooper 14:25
scooperHello tmickelson14:25
scooperhow are you doing today14:25
scooperDo you think Aaron will come in today???14:26
jelknerscooper, hi14:28
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:28
LittleWebsterweb group summary(svaye) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)14:28
LittleWebstersystem admin  group summary(tboimah) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)14:28
LittleWebsterpython  group summary (scooper) (15 minutes) (added by scooper)14:28
LittleWebsterReflection and discussion of pace and longer term goals (jelkner) (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)14:28
scooperHello Jeff14:28
jelknerdo you have a few minutes to chat?14:28
scoopercan we start now14:29
jelkneri just want to give you a heads up on what i'll be saying in my part14:29
scooperIt relate to the server I bought on Hetzner14:29
jelknernot at all14:30
scooperOk go ahead before I come in14:30
jelkneri will want both the web and programming groups to set long term goals14:30
jelknerincluding industry certifications14:30
jelknerthat will help us stay focused, work hard, and have built-in accountability14:31
jelknerfor the web group, the certification i want them to earn is:
jelknerfor the programming group, we want:
jelknerfor sys admin:
jelknerwe have a year to achieve the goal14:34
jelknerbut i want people to take this seriously14:34
jelknerthat's what i'll be talking about14:34
jelknerACTION done14:34
scooperOk meaning next year same time like this you want this to be accomplished right???14:35
jelkneri basically mean14:35
jelknerbefore i come to liberia14:35
jelknerSummer 202414:36
jelkneri would like all of our team to earn these certifications14:36
jelknerit would put us in a really good position to launch the business14:36
jelknerso we need to budget for them14:36
jelknerbecause we need to pay for them out of the monthly allotment14:37
jelknerlinux+ will be $201 according to thehedgeh0g 14:37
scooperpair person???14:37
jelknerCIW HTML5 & CSS3 is $15014:37
jelknerwhich includes the online curriculum14:37
jelknerPCEP is $6514:38
jelkneryes, per person14:38
jelknerso you and i need to develop a plan and a timeline14:39
jelknerfor each team14:39
scoopersure Jeff14:39
jelknerwe may need to work with the Supe to figure out who can proctor the exams14:39
jelknerok, i'll say this again tomorrow14:40
jelknerbut i wanted you to know in advance14:40
jelknerACTION done14:40
scooperThanks Jeff for informing me14:40
scooperCan I come in now14:40
scooperconcerning my issue I have with Hetzner14:40
jelkneronce i put /me done, you don't need my permission! ;-)14:41
jelknerjust do it, my friend14:41
scooperI Purchase the server that mcss website and email is on from Hetzner  14:41
scooperand pay for the whole year Jeff14:42
jelkneryou should get the Supe to reimburse you for that14:42
jelknerthat is an MCSS expense14:42
scooperNo he give me the money14:42
jelkneroh, never mind14:42
scooperHere is the issue Jeff14:42
scooperEvery month they deduct 13.40 from my account14:43
scooperI confuse here after pay for whole year why are they still taking money from my account???14:43
scooperI will send you the monthly invoice they send me every month after deducting money from my account14:44
jelknersend it to thehedgeh0g 14:44
jelknernot me14:44
scooperI will 14:44
jelknerthey know much more about hetner than i do14:44
scooperBut do you experience anything like that from your end14:44
jelkneri have montly billing14:45
jelknerbut a smaller amount14:45
scooperwhen paying for the mcssstudents server14:45
scooperI never thought I could encounter issue like this because I pay for the whole year Jeff14:46
scooperThat is what I wanted to discuss with you. /done14:46
jelkneri pay $3.51 per month14:49
jelknerscooper, thehedgeh0g is looking14:50
jelknerthey will handle this14:50
scooperI just send Aaron a mail and also cc you Jeff with the invoices14:50
thehedgeh0gok scooper, I've just reviewed your latest invoice14:52
thehedgeh0ghere is the cost breakdown for that $13.3614:53
thehedgeh0gthe server is $7.05 per month14:53
thehedgeh0gthen, there is a 100GB volume that we are using to store email data, which costs an additional $4.40 per month14:53
thehedgeh0gthen, backups for the server are enabled, so that we can restore from one if needed, which is $1.41 per month.14:54
thehedgeh0gFinally, the IPv4 address for the server costs $0.50 per month14:54
thehedgeh0gdoes that all make sense to you?14:55
scooperGradually making sense but my question here is that why are they still deducting money from me14:56
scooperafter I pay the first amount of 121. USD14:56
scooperThought that amount was meant for the whole year service change14:57
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:59
scooperAaron I you still there????15:00
scooperAaron are you still there??15:01
jelknerno scooper 15:01
jelknerbell rang15:01
jelknerthehedgeh0g will help you when they can15:01
scooperOK Jeff15:02
scooper but I think you are getting my point right???15:02
jelknerthehedgeh0g figured out why15:02
jelknerwe will talk more tomorrow15:02
jelknergotta go15:02
jelknerACTION signs off15:02
scooperThanks Jeff15:02
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:03
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:03

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