IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-03-11

jelknerGood day, dcammue, scooper, svaye, and tboimah!12:45
svayeGood morning Jeff12:45
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:46
scooperGood morning Jeff12:46
dcammueHow are you?12:46
jelknerQuick announcement12:46
jelknerThe clock changes here tomorrow morning.12:46
jelknerSo starting next Saturday, I'll be coing on at 12 noon your time12:46
jelknerWe will be 4 hours apart instead of 5.12:47
mulbahGood morning jeff12:47
tboimahHow are you doing jeff12:47
jelknerGood day, mulbah 12:47
mulbahhow are you doing 12:47
jelkneri'll know how i'm doing after your presentations, mulbah ;-)12:49
jelknersince whenever you're learning, i'm doing very well indeed!12:51
svayeSo beginning next week Saturday we will be meeting 12 noon our time?12:52
jelknerYes, svaye 12:52
jelknerWe have this crazy habit of changing our clocks twice a year here.12:52
jelknerThere is an effort to stop doing that, but it hasn't succeeded yet.12:53
svayeOkay Jeff12:53
LittleWebstertboimah : jelkner : mulbah : dcammue : thehedgeh0g : svaye : scooper13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterweb group summary(svaye) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebstersystem admin  group summary(tboimah) (10 minutes) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterpython  group summary (scooper) (15 minutes) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterReflection and discussion of pace and longer term goals (jelkner) (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerGreat, LittleWebster is working13:00
jelknerit's a minute off13:00
jelknerbut it's working13:00
jelknerscooper: are you here?13:00
svayeHe just step out 13:00
jelknersvaye: can you give your report?13:01
scooperI m here13:01
jelknergreat, svaye is going to start her report13:02
svayeThis week the goal of the web development team was to get Dcammue computer back in action,and we were successful 13:03
svayeThe next goal was to get in touch with Anna,which I did but we didn't come to a conclusion on when to meet 13:05
svayeSince Monday Anna haven't responded to my text, but I am still hoping for the best13:06
jelknerAre you and dcammue studying from the Head First book while you wait?13:07
jelknerThere is always something useful you can do while waiting.13:07
dcammueokay Jeff13:08
svayeThe web development team will continue to read the Head First book and make more progress as we wait for the respond of Anna13:08
jelknergreat, svaye 13:09
jelknerok, next report13:09
jelknertboimah: 13:09
tboimahGood day to everyone today i will be presenting on permission and Attribute13:10
tboimahn this presentation we will be looking at the essential part of system security and introduce the following commands:13:10
tboimah1. id —Display user identity.2. chmod —Change a file’s mode.13:11
tboimah3. umask —Set the default file permissions. 4. su —Run a shell as another user.13:12
tboimah5. sudo —Execute a command as another user. 6. chown —Change a file’s owner.13:12
tboimah7. chgrp —Change a file’s group ownership. 8. passwd —Change a user’s password.13:13
tboimahnext will be the Attribute meanly the file Attribute and  premission Attributes13:13
tboimahand here are some Attribute for file type:13:14
tboimah1.-  mean A regular file.13:14
tboimah 2.d  mean A directory.13:14
tboimah3.l mean A symbolic link. Notice that with symbolic links, the remaining file attributes are always rwxrwxrwx and are dummy values. The real13:15
tboimahfile attributes are those of the file the symbolic link points to.13:15
tboimah4.c mean A character special file. This file type refers to a device that handles data as a stream of bytes, such as a terminal or modem.13:15
jelknerWow, tboimah! Are both you and mulbah starting to feel comfortable with all that?13:16
tboimah5.b mean A block special file. This file type refers to a device that handles data in blocks, such as a hard drive or CD-ROM drive.13:16
jelknertboimah: that's enough details for now, please reply to my question13:16
jelknerAre you and mulbah starting to feel confortable with the large list of commands you just listed?13:17
jelknerCould you create a group, for example, and use it to have more than one person collaborate?13:18
tboimahif you want your wish is my command13:18
jelknerok, times up for the 2nd report13:18
jelknerso, tboimah, several of you asked me how i was doing, well, after that report, i can say i'm doing very well!13:19
jelknerok scooper, you're up13:19
scooperOk Thanks Jeff13:19
tboimahbut Jeff my study is going slow because i only have to study to the lab because of computer13:20
scooperFirstly the python group navigating through the markdown and have few work done13:20
scooperAbove are the link to the github repository that was documented in mark down as start initially by you13:21
scooperIn the documentation of that work you will see that we dive in a little bit on function13:23
scooperWhere in we try to figure out the difference between local variable and global variable13:23
scooperAccording to python when a variable is defined out side of a  function it is consider to a global variable that can be acces any within the program13:24
scooperWhy local is defined in a function block that can't be access by another program 13:25
jelknerscooper: you don't need examples13:25
jelknerthat's what we call "getting into the weeds"13:25
jelknerthe purpose of your report is to update everyone on what your team has been doing13:26
jelknernot to try to teach us what you learned13:26
jelknerthat would take too long13:26
jelknerhave you been meeting with jallah and janet?13:26
jelkneri don't see them here today.13:27
scooperJanet is here13:27
jelknershe isn't signed into our chat13:27
scooperShe is sign in13:28
scooperpretty soon13:28
jelknernice work getting the git repo going, scooper 13:29
jelknerusing markdown files for documentation will really help13:29
jelknerkeep doing that13:29
scooperNext we talk about 13:29
scooperData type since it is key to programming in Python13:29
scooperBelow are list of data type13:30
scooperstr for string, int for integer, 13:30
scooperfloor and decimal13:32
jelknerdo you mean float13:32
scoopersorry float13:32
scooperfloating point numbers13:32
scooperand operators in python13:33
scooperlike + for addition - for subtraction, * multiplication ** exponentaition, / division, // float division13:35
jelknerthank you scooper 13:35
jelknerok, let's move on13:35
scooperwe also notice about these operation + and * can be use on string13:35
jelkneri'm next on the agenda13:36
jelknerand i'll be quick so you can have time to work13:36
jelknereach week we should reflect on our progress13:36
jelknerand make small changes to improve our work13:36
jelknerso that we iterate towards our goal13:37
jelkneri'd like to mention a goal, and ask for another change for next week13:37
jelknergoal: industry certification13:37
jelkneras a way to help focus our study and provide a clear target13:38
jelkneri would like to propose the following certifications for each study team:13:38
jelkner1. Web group:
jelkner2. Sys admins:
jelkner3. Python group:
jelknerEach group should take a few mintues after the meeting to look at the one for there group.13:40
jelknerWe aren't ready for this yet13:40
jelknerbut we should be moving toward getting ready13:40
jelknerok, now my proposal13:40
jelkneri've been chairing our meetings each week13:40
jelkneri think we are ready to begin rotating the chair13:40
jelknersince the goal of a democratic cooperative13:41
jelkneris to have leadership be shared13:41
jelknerwould the web group, svaye and dcammue, be willing to chair next week?13:41
jelknerif you say yes, i'll plan with you during the week to get ready13:42
dcammue+1 will13:42
jelknercan the two of you stay after the meeting ends so we can start planning?13:42
svayesure 13:43
jelknerok, sys admins13:43
jelkneryou will be working with thehedgeh0g and tmickelson13:43
jelknerif you want to talk with tmickelson today13:44
jelknerhe is available13:44
jelkneri told him i would call him if you wanted to chat with him13:44
jelknerthehedgeh0g has a plan for us to setup a gitea server13:44
jelknergitea is what codeberg runs13:45
jelknerwe can run our own13:45
jelknerand everyone can use it13:45
jelknerthat will be a great way for you to really practice your sys admin skills with real live customers (all of us! ;-)13:45
jelknerok, that's all i have13:45
jelkneranything else before we leave?13:46
jelknerwell then, meeting adjourned13:47
jelknersee you all next Saturday an hour earlier13:47
jelknertboimah: do you want to try to chat with tmickelson now, or do it by email?13:48
tboimahi will like to do that with him now13:48
jelknertboimah: are you here?13:48
jelknerlet me call him13:48
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:49
jelknertmickelson didn't answer his phone13:50
tboimahHello tmickelson 13:50
jelknerbut here he is ;--13:50
svayeJeff are we going to discuss now13:51
jelknertmickelson, we have here the web and sys admin teams13:51
jelkneri'd like us to work together on a project over the next month or so13:51
jelknerto setup a server with gitea as well as a web server13:51
jelknerso we can host all our projects in one place13:52
jelkneri'm hoping we can use the mcssstudents server for that13:52
jelknerbut we will need to disucss with thehedgeh0g on Monday13:52
jelknertmickelson: what do you think?13:52
tmickelsonthat sounds good13:53
jelknerso here is what i am requesting:13:54
jelknertmickelson, tmickelson, thehedgeh0g, and mulbah work together13:54
jelknerto setup both a web server (already running) and gitea on mcsstudents13:54
jelknerand that over the next several weeks we begin training all of us to use it13:55
jelknerfor hosing all our wok13:55
mulbahThat great13:55
jelkneryes, mulbah13:55
jelknerit will be a great way for you to see sys admin in action13:55
jelknerand it will help build our collaboration at the same time13:55
jelknerso that's all i have for your team13:55
tboimahjeff did i part  13:56
tboimahof it13:56
jelknerif y'all want to chat together, we can try another experiment13:56
jelknertboimah, tell your team, not me ;-)13:56
*** tboimah_ has quit (None)13:56
jelknerok svaye and dcammue 13:56
jelknerlet's work on a calendar together13:57
jelknerwhich we can use for longer term planning13:57
jelknerlet me show you what dafni made for me13:57
jelknerwe made it together, actually13:58
jelknerbut danfi made it look nice13:58
jelknershe styled it13:58
jelkneri like it because it uses only html and css13:58
jelknerno javascript13:59
jelknerso it is perfect for our stage of learning13:59
jelknerand it looks great13:59
jelknersvaye and dcammue, here is another link for you:
jelknerannie set it up14:00
jelknersvaye and dcammue, when do your classes end?14:00
jelknerwhen do you graduate?14:01
jelkneryou both graduate this summer, yes?14:01
svayeyes 14:01
jelkneri will be available many more hours in during the summer14:02
jelknersummer for me will be July and the 1st 2 weeks of august14:02
jelkneri'll be working full time with a group of interns in july14:02
jelkneron coop work14:02
jelknerthat will be a great time to get a lot done14:02
jelknerif you are available14:02
svayeYes we will be available at that time 14:03
janetHi Jeff14:03
jelknerhi janet 14:03
jelknerwhen do you finish?14:03
jelknerwhat date?14:03
jelknerwhile i wait for that info, i'll tell you that i see annie on tuesday and thursday this week14:04
dcammueWe have not being giving a specific date yet14:05
jelknerok, dcammue 14:05
jelknerbut around when?14:05
jelknerin june?14:05
jelkneror later?14:05
jelknerwill you still be in school in july?14:05
jelknerthat's what i'm really asking14:05
svayeNo we won't be in school july14:06
jelknerlet's make that a "Summer Sprint"14:06
dcammuenot really14:06
jelknernot really?14:06
jelkneri am asking, dcammue 14:07
dcammuewe will be done by june to july14:07
jelknerso that i can plan14:07
jelkneri'm hoping we can meet every day, monday to friday, and work together for full days in july14:07
jelknerdcammue and svaye should start their CIW study14:08
jelknerand work toward certification14:08
jelknerwhich you could actually earn by august if you work really hard14:08
jelknerit will cost $150 to sign you up14:08
jelknerand i already talked to scooper about using the funding i send each month for tat14:09
jelknerwhat do you think?14:09
dcammueWe all pray for that Jeff14:09
dcammuethat will be ok14:09
jelknerthat's great, dcammue, but you need to make it happen too ;-)14:09
jelknerthat means showing up and doing the work14:10
dcammueand it will also speedhead our progress as well14:10
svayeThat is good and we pray to do our best to make you and ourselves proud14:10
jelknerwhen you earn a recognized industry certification14:11
jelkneryou will know you have real knowledge14:11
jelknerok last thing for the two of you14:11
jelknertry typing "!help"14:12
jelkneryou need the "!" in front14:12
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove14:12
jelknersvaye: LittleWebster is a bot14:12
jelknerno quotes, dcammue 14:12
LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove14:12
jelknerA bot is a computer program14:13
jelknerit is written in Python14:13
jelknerso some day, scooper and janet will be able to make changes to it14:13
jelknerright now, tmickelson is doing that14:13
jelknertmickelson: LittleWebster fired at 8:0114:13
jelknerso the clock seems off by a minute14:14
jelknerbut remember, next week the time changes14:14
jelknerso we need it to change too14:14
jelkneryes, scooper?14:14
scooperis the no way the time be adjusted???14:14
jelknerthere is14:14
jelknertmickelson will look into that this week14:15
jelknerok, svaye and dcammue 14:15
jelknertry "!agenda"14:15
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:15
scooperYou need to because the interns have a saturday classes as 12 grader befor coming here14:15
jelkneroh, i see14:15
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:15
jelkneryou mean they can't be here at 12 noon?14:16
scooperI m sensing something like that but any way ask them your self14:16
jelkneryou are with then now14:16
scooperWe are all here together14:17
jelknerok, dcammue scooper tboimah mulbah 14:17
scooperbut I want them to say it theirselves14:17
jelknerdo you have class in the morning?14:17
jelknergood point, scooper 14:17
tboimahyes we did but we will be here at that time14:18
jelknertboimah what time does your morning class end?14:18
jelknerlet's try to communicate clearly and efficiently14:18
jelknerwe have a decision to make14:18
jelknerdo we meet next week at 12 noon your time, or keep it at 1 pm?14:18
jelknerwhich is better for you?14:19
mulbahyes but I will be abel to come14:19
jelkneryes what, mulbah 14:19
jelkner12 noon or 1 pm14:19
jelknerwhich is better?14:19
svaye1 pm will be preferable14:19
jelknerthanks, svaye 14:20
jelknerok, tmickelson we need to change LittleWebster to fire at 9 am14:20
jelkneri will be here at 9 am14:20
jelknerwhich is 1 pm your time14:20
mulbahany time the group choice i will be abel14:20
jelknersvaye has a proposal14:20
jelknerplease vote14:20
jelkner+1 means yes14:20
jelkner-1 means no14:21
jelkner0 means you don't care14:21
scooperJeff yes what no what14:21
jelknersvaye proposed we keep meeting at 1 your time14:21
scooperOh got you14:21
jelknerok, i get to sleep later ;-_14:22
jelkner1 pm it is14:22
scooperall the above14:22
jelknertmickelson: can you please change LittleWebster to fire at 9 am our time next week?14:22
jelknerlet's finish up14:22
jelknersvaye and dcammue 14:23
svayeYes Jeff14:23
dcammueYes Jeff,14:23
tmickelsonalso, its firing at the wrong time bc/ it 52 seconds behind14:23
jelknerTry: "!add Sample agenda item (svaye) (10 min)"14:23
jelkneryes, tmickelson 14:24
jelknerfix that too if you can14:24
jelknersvaye: try it14:24
svaye!add report by web group (svaye) (10min)14:24
LittleWebsterSuccess: "report by web group (svaye) (10min)" has been added to the agenda.14:24
jelknernow, svaye try !agenda again14:25
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:25
LittleWebsterreport by web group (svaye) (10min) (added by svaye)14:25
jelkneryou have now added an agenda item to our meeting bot14:25
jelknerso here is the plan14:26
jelkneryou two will be the co-chairs next week14:26
jelknerone of you will keep time14:26
jelknerfor the first one, dcammue, you have to make sure svaye doesn't go over her 10 minutes14:26
jelknerwe need to be fast14:26
jelknerif we want to succeed in this very competitive business14:26
jelknerwe need to operate at "Internet speed"14:27
jelknerthen when she finished, dcammue 14:27
jelkneryou can tell the next presenter to go14:27
jelknersvaye: add the other two reports14:27
jelkneri guess we can keep the same people, tboimah and scooper, presenting14:28
jelknerbut in the future we want to mix it up14:28
jelknerso that one week janet gives the programming report14:28
jelknerand dcammue gives the web report14:28
jelknerand mulbah gives the sys admin report14:28
jelknerfor example14:28
jelknerif we want to form a democratic business14:29
svaye!add report by sysadmin group (tboimah) (10min)14:29
LittleWebsterSuccess: "report by sysadmin group (tboimah) (10min)" has been added to the agenda.14:29
jelknerwe need shared ownership and shared responsibility14:29
svaye!add report by python group (scooper) (10min)14:30
LittleWebsterSuccess: "report by python group (scooper) (10min)" has been added to the agenda.14:30
thehedgeh0ggood morning jeff and toby, and good afternoon to all in Liberia!14:30
jelknerwe are all set for next week14:30
jelknerthehedgeh0g: great to see14:30
jelknerperfect timing too14:31
thehedgeh0ggreat to see you as well, Jeff!14:31
jelknerthe web group just finished14:31
jelkneri'm going to sign off14:31
jelknerbut any change the sys admin team to could plan for our gitea / web server?14:31
scooperJeff before you leave14:31
jelkneryes, scooper?14:31
svayeAre we still meeting during the week14:32
jelknersvaye: great question14:32
jelknersince you're still in class14:32
jelknerit makes sense to use asynchronous communication during the week14:32
jelknersince we can do it any time14:32
jelknerso please check your email regularly14:32
jelknerscooper: what is your question?14:33
svayeokay i will definitely do that14:33
jelknerlet's turn over this space to thehedgeh0g tboimah tmickelson and mulbah 14:33
scooper Thomas computer and my server payment process14:33
jelknerso they can get something done for us14:33
jelknernot my issue scooper 14:34
jelkneryou have thehedgeh0g here14:34
scooperone the computer I took for Jallah is running putty 14:34
scooperthat since operation system u use on the other I should in the lab14:34
jelkneri'm not understanding, scooper 14:34
scooperThe computer that has it os on memory card14:34
scoopercan you recall now14:35
jelknersorry, too many computers, i don't remember14:35
jelknerwhat's the issue14:35
scooperOk Jallah old computer has a password on it14:35
jelknerthehedgeh0g: btw take the lead here14:35
scooperit's giving me hard time to run the os 14:35
jelkneryou can have multiple conversations on irc at the same time14:36
jelknerlet's not have you all waiting for scooper and i to finish14:36
jelknervery inefficient14:36
jelknerstart chatting14:36
jelknertmickelson: you too14:36
jelknershow us how this is done14:36
jelknerscooper: sounds like a task for the sys admin team14:37
jelknerthey need to learn to install linux14:37
thehedgeh0gok scooper, I figured out the reason that you are still getting charged for the computer even after paying the $120 invoice14:37
jelknerover time, they will decide which versions work best14:37
jelknerand learn how to manage them14:37
jelknerand install them14:37
scooperOK I listening14:37
thehedgeh0gthe problem is that you added a DNS product to your account, and when you paid for 12 months of service, you got charged for 12 months of that, but not for 12 months of the server hosting14:37
jelknertboimah and mulbah: can you please follow up with scooper on that?14:38
thehedgeh0gyou cannot buy the server product up-front14:38
jelknerif he has any issues with lab machines14:38
jelknerit will be your job to fix them14:38
thehedgeh0gso what I have done is that I have removed that DNS product from your account, scooper.14:38
thehedgeh0gAnd then you or I need to reach out to hetzner support and ask for a refund on that14:38
thehedgeh0gso that we can get your money back14:39
thehedgeh0gdoes that make sense as to why you were charged so much?14:39
scooperA really lead me into an expensive I never thought of14:39
scooperI understand14:39
scooperSO this mean I will not encounter this issue again???14:39
thehedgeh0gscooper, you will need to contact Hetzner support if you want the money that you paid back14:40
thehedgeh0gbut you won't be charged for it in the future, yes14:40
jelknerOK everyone, I need to do my UoPeople homework14:40
jelknerTwo more weeks and I'm done14:40
thehedgeh0galright Jeff, have a good rest of your day!14:40
jelkneryou too, thehedgeh0g 14:40
scooperI send series of messages throught the hetz support but all was ignored Aaron14:40
jelknerACTION signs off14:40
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:41
thehedgeh0gscooper, can you show me the messages that you sent to hetzner support?14:41
thehedgeh0geither forward me the email or send a link to them?14:41
scooperI ok coming send it to your email14:41
thehedgeh0galright scooper, I am watching my email14:42
scooperI m not seeing the mail 14:45
scooperright now Aaron14:45
thehedgeh0gdo you have the messages that you sent to Hetzner support?14:45
scooperThat the message I m talking about???14:47
thehedgeh0gdo you have the text of the message? or did you not save that somewhere?14:47
thehedgeh0gif you don't have that, you should reach out again14:48
scooperI m coming 14:48
scooperto send you the message I received on a monthly basis14:49
thehedgeh0gscooper, I do not need the invoices that you are being sent, I have access to those already14:50
thehedgeh0gwhat I need you to do is contact hetzner support14:50
scooperNot the invoice Aaron14:50
thehedgeh0gand say that there was a mistake with having this product added to your account, and that you would like a refund14:50
scooperok got you14:51
scooperI will do and let you know later14:51
thehedgeh0galright, thank you scooper14:52
scooperthanks also Aaron14:52
thehedgeh0gwhen they respond, please forward me the email if you need help responding to it.14:52
thehedgeh0gI will try to look at my email tomorrow at this same time14:53
thehedgeh0gthank you scooper14:53
thehedgeh0gok scooper, I am going to go for the day15:00
thehedgeh0ghave a wonderful rest of your day!15:00
scooperyou same from my end15:00
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:00
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:06
*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev15:15
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:15
LittleWebsterreport by web group (svaye) (10min) (added by svaye)15:15
LittleWebsterreport by sysadmin group (tboimah) (10min) (added by svaye)15:15
LittleWebsterreport by python group (scooper) (10min) (added by svaye)15:15
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:15
*** svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:18

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