IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-04-18

*** jkoleah has quit (None)10:44
*** sysadmin has quit (None)13:07
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tboimahHow are you doing Jeff13:26
jelknerGreat to see you tboimah!13:26
jelknerRight on schedule13:27
tboimahYeah, You too13:27
jelkneri have a task for you13:27
jelknercan you learn how to use gittea, and teach the other members?13:27
tboimahwhat it is about13:27
tboimahsure i will do that13:28
jelknerthehedgeh0g and tmickelson set up a server for us13:28
jelknerit is running gitea13:28
jelknerthe longer term goal would be for you to learn how to set it up13:29
jelknerbut for now, i just want you to learn how to use it13:29
jelknerwe all need to use git13:29
jelknerand to collaborate on projects using it13:29
jelknerlet's use our own server to do that13:30
tboimahokay i will do that Jeff13:30
jelknerso we are achieving two goals at once13:30
jelkner1. learning to use git to collaborate13:30
jelkner2. learning to run our own infrastructure13:30
jelknerso, tboimah, i will leave you in the able hands of thehedgeh0g and tmickelson 13:31
jelknertboimah, *you* need to take the initiative13:31
jelknerthey are here to help you13:31
jelknerso you need to:13:31
jelkner1. let them know when you will be here13:31
jelkner2. ask for guidance as you need it13:31
jelknerfirst step, i imagine, is for you to be an admin on the system13:32
jelknerthehedgeh0g can correct me if i'm wrong on that13:32
tboimahbut account have been created for everyone on the new sever is that what you are talking about13:33
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:41
tmickelsontboimah, you have been added to the sysadmin team on git.mcssliberia.org13:44
tboimahyes i know that13:44
tmickelsoncan you create a test repository in that team13:45
tboimahyeah 13:46
tboimahit same like the sever work almost the same as github that i was using before when i was stay with the web team13:47
tboimahso that will not be a problem for but i will try to teach the others how to us it13:48
tboimahso Jeff was talking about run an infrastructure what really was him talking about13:49
tmickelsonfirst question: yes13:50
tboimahwhat did you mean by yes13:50
tmickelsonsecond question: there is a group working on an infrastructure map13:51
tboimahcan you share a link with so i can see it13:51
tmickelsontboimah, infrastructuremap.ushahidi.io13:54
tmickelsonhello mulbah 13:54
tmickelsontboimah, did you create the repo13:55
tmickelsonwhere was it created13:56
tboimahon the sever but i did not push anything to it yet13:57
mulbahHow are you doing tmickelson13:59
jelknerBell rang14:00
jelknerGotta go.14:00
jelknerBe back tomorrow at the same time14:00
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:00
tmickelsonmulbah, im good14:01
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:01
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:01
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:54
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:51
*** sysadmin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:20

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