IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-04-19

scooperHello Jeff and tmickelson13:31
jelknerGood day, scooper 13:31
scooperHow are you doing Jeff???13:32
scooperJeff can you please reply to my email I send you yesterday13:32
jelkneri'm really happy to read your email, my friend13:32
jelkneri can reply to you hear and now13:33
jelknerhere and now ;-)13:33
scooperOK No problem13:33
jelknerThis is great, scooper 13:34
scooperWhat is your update on the Website13:34
jelknerjust the kind of seriousness i am looking for13:34
scooperThanks Jeff for honoring my decision13:35
jelknerbtw, since Jallah is learning Python, and is in a serious college level course, i can help tutor him if he needs it13:35
jelknerwe continue to make progress, scooper, with your leadership helping to guide us13:35
jelkneri haven't heard anything from either Jallah or Freena, but I would be glad to help them whenever they need it13:36
jelknerAll of these skills are things people can learn on their own.13:37
jelknerThe main benefits from taking courses are structure and accountability13:37
jelknerThey help organize our study, and by having time bound assignments, they keep us accountable13:38
jelknerPlease let me know, scooper, if anyone wants any Python tutoring.13:38
scooperJeff what is your input on the RuralCookie Stove website I send you.... I will let to do the finishing part put need you input13:38
jelknerAnd by tutoring I mean they come to me with questions, and I help them understand answers to those questions13:39
scooperOK I need an assistant from you on file handling in python13:39
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:39
jelknerCool, scooper 13:39
scooperBut not now I will post the question later13:39
jelknerlet's use this as an opportunity to practice with our git server13:40
jelknergive me 5 minutes13:40
scooperlastly I did mentioned it in update I send you today... I was able to give Thomas Computer from my own initiative since he is determined..13:43
scooperLastly I didn't mentioned it in the update I send you. I was able to give Thomas Computer from my own initiative since he is determine 13:44
jelknerGreat, scooper, thanks13:44
jelknerthehedgeh0g and i are discussing the license for the git repo i'm about to create13:45
jelknerI just created a new Project13:50
jelknerand added you to the python-team group13:51
scooperI m clicking on the link13:51
jelknerWe will use gitea for most of our collaboration13:51
jelknerso we need to learn to use it well13:51
jelknerthat will be an interdisciplinary activity13:51
jelkneri asked Thomas to take the lead on learning the tool13:52
jelknerbut everyone will need to learn to use it13:52
jelknerwe can put both code and documentation here13:52
scooperThanks once again Jeff, with this it will also help us collaborate the Rural Stove Website since I have been deny access anytime I tried pushing from my branch...13:53
jelknerdocumentation, including questions and discussion, are written in Markdown files13:53
jelknercode, of course, in .py files13:53
jelkneryes, scooper 13:53
jelknerthese skills will be useful for *all* our projects13:53
scooperI you still there????13:56
scooperare your still there??13:57
jelkneri am, scooper 14:01
jelkneri'm working on something for you14:01
jelkneri need to focus14:01
scooperok got you14:02
jelknerok, i gotta go, but take a look now at the repo14:08
jelknerwhat do you see?14:08
scooperI see Example file IO14:11
jelknerand more14:11
jelknerLook inside the Examples/FileIO subdirectory14:12
scooperThe example files is a subdirectory14:12
jelknerlook inside14:13
scooperwhich contain README, People.dat and sort_people.py14:13
jelkneryes indeed14:13
jelknerThe README is a markdown file14:13
jelknerso it renders nicely when you look at:14:14
jelknerWe can use markdown for our documentation14:14
jelknerthe file is a Python program14:15
jelknerpeople.dat contains the names of folks in our group14:15
jelknerthe program loads the file, reads in the names, sorts them, and prints them out in order14:15
jelkneryou can try it14:16
scooperThe challenge is that how can I push to this repos without receiving access deny access msg.14:16
scooperBefore you leave please response to my question14:16
jelknerscooper, we need to teach people how to learn14:16
jelknerthat's the most important skill we need14:16
jelknerall of us14:16
jelknerThomas agreed to become the "git expert" over there with you14:17
jelkneri've asked thehedgeh0g and tmickelson to guide Thomas in his study of git14:17
jelkneryou should then to to *him* for help, not me14:17
scooperOk I will contact Thomas..... 14:18
jelknerwe aren't in a rush on this14:18
jelknerthe process is really important14:18
jelknerwe need to grow our skills throughout our community14:18
jelkneronly then will we succeed14:18
jelknerok, gotta go14:19
scooperThanks Jeff, ne more thing Jeff before you leave14:19
jelknerThomas said he will be here tomorrow14:19
scooperOK thanks we talk better next time14:19
jelknersee you tomorrow14:19
jelknersame time14:19
jelknerACTION logs off14:19
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:19
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:30
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:33

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