IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2023-06-19

*** tboimah- has quit (None)08:58
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:07
jelkner!agenda Discuss Summer schedule (10 minutes)12:08
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.12:08
jelkner!add Discuss Summer schedule (10 min).12:08
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss Summer schedule (10 min)." has been added to the agenda.12:08
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:08
LittleWebsterDiscuss Summer schedule (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:08
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:22
svayeGood morning Jeff12:22
tboimahGood morning Jeff12:22
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:28
LittleWebsterDiscuss Summer schedule (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:28
dcammueGood morning Jeff12:32
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:49
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:51
*** svaye has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:51
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:51
mulbahGood morning shmohamud12:51
shmohamudgood day mulbah12:55
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:56
mulbahHow are you doing my favorite programmer12:56
shmohamudlol I'm good, a little groggy but I'm having coffee and waking up12:57
shmohamudhow're you?12:57
mulbahI'm good too12:57
shmohamudgood good12:58
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:58
scoopergood morning Shmohamud13:00
tboimahGood morning shmohamud13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss Summer schedule (10 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
shmohamudGood day tboimah13:00
tboimahI'm good and you?13:01
dcammueGood morning shmohamud13:01
jelknerGood afternoon everyone!13:01
dcammueGood morning Jeff13:01
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:01
jelknerI'm confused about our Summer schedule.13:01
jelknersvaye and dcammue, I thought we were going to meet at 12 noon your time.13:02
jelknerbut it is now 1 pm your time, yes?13:02
dcammue But we having problem with the internet13:02
scooperGood morning Jeff13:03
dcammuethat's why Jeff13:03
jelkneri made a mistake13:03
scooperwhat is it???13:03
jelkneri always get confused with time changes and time zones13:03
jelknersvaye and dcammue, i will need to meet at 11 am your time13:03
jelkneris that possible?13:03
dcammueYes Jeff13:04
jelknerso i can meet today13:04
jelkneri might be able to meet tomorrow13:04
jelknerat 11 am your time, briefly13:04
jelkneri am visiting friends13:04
jelknerand i don't want to be away from them for too long13:05
svayeWe had a little internet problem today Jeff13:05
dcammueokay 13:05
jelkneri'll be travelling wednesday through friday13:05
jelknerand monday is my first day teaching the college class13:05
jelknerso, i won't be able to meet that morning13:05
scooperwow safe travel......13:05
jelknersince in need to go in early to setup13:06
fkoikoisafe trip jeff13:06
jelknerbut, starting tuesday, june 27th, i should be able to meet each weekday morning at 11 am your time13:06
dcammueNice one to you in your trip13:06
jelkneri'm in a very beautiful place right now13:06
scooperJeff I m not active in the general chat for now.. I m a Shmohamud is working in private13:07
jelkneri am supposed to work with svaye and dcammue anyway scooper 13:07
svayeWill we have class tomorrow Jeff?13:07
dcammueI want to make my eyes like yours to see that beautiful place too13:07
jelknersvaye can we have class now?13:08
jelkneri am available now13:08
svayeOf course13:08
jelknerlet's do it13:08
jelknersvaye i saw that you completed the pre-test13:09
jelknerdcammue: you need to do that too13:09
jelknernext we need to talk about how to use the course13:09
jelknertboimah sent a good email with an excellent question13:09
scooperdid you understand my text....13:09
jelkneryes, scooper 13:09
jelkneri did13:09
jelknerkeep in mind, scooper, that there is no log in a private chat13:10
jelkneri will want to discuss things here13:10
jelknersince i know that private messages disappear13:10
jelknerand then there is no way to refer back to them13:10
jelknerbut shmohamud can do whatever he likes best ;-)13:11
svayeJeff daniel is enrolled right?13:11
scooperI know... we are using github Jeff13:11
jelkneroh, perfect!13:11
jelknerthat's even better13:11
jelkneryes, svaye, dcammue is enrolled13:11
jelknerthat's our first order of business13:11
jelknerget dcammue to login13:11
scooperOk I got to go to shmohamud13:11
svayePlease send his password13:11
jelknerhold on13:12
jelkneri just sent a reset password link to dcammue 13:13
svayeThanks Jeff we saw it 13:13
jelknersvaye: help dcammue login and take the pretest13:17
jelknerafter he finishes, let's talk about next steps13:17
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:24
jelknertboimah: i just emailed you13:25
jelknerplease include kevin in *all* email correspondance13:26
jelknerif you email me but not him, then he won't know what is going on13:26
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:26
jelknerwe need to figure out how to most effectively communicate13:26
*** svaye has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:26
jelkneror else we waste *al lot* of time13:26
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:27
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:27
svaye_We are done Jeff13:28
shmohamudACTION goes to bathroom13:28
jelknerok where is daniel?13:29
jelkneri don't see him here, svaye_ 13:29
svaye_He's taking the pre assessment test13:31
jelknerlet me know when he is finished, and the three of us can meet13:33
jelknerto talk about what's next13:33
svaye_Okay Jeff13:34
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:43
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:47
scooperis there no preliminary test for Python team?????13:55
ubuntouristSorry all, I had a horrible night and when I finally slept, I overslept.13:58
tboimahGood morning ubuntourist13:58
ubuntouristI am only now half-awake.13:58
ubuntouristHi tboimah 13:59
ubuntouristtboimah, do you know how to start tmate and invite me?13:59
tboimahI am Good and you13:59
ubuntouristOK. Also, is mulbah around?14:00
tboimahhe say but he just got disconnected 14:00
tboimahhe was14:01
tboimahssh jjE7BJGJDYphBYHY6VgSnT3Px@lon1.tmate.io14:01
tboimahthat message is for you ubuntourist14:01
ubuntouristtboimah, Were you able to experiment with mumble and murmur?14:02
tboimahyeah 14:02
ubuntouristAny luck? If so, I'll connec to my server again and we can try voice.14:03
tboimahokay let try that14:03
tboimahbut you have connect to tmate now14:04
ubuntouristtboimah, my server is (just accept the default port)14:05
tboimahI just join can you see me now14:09
jelknerdcammue: are you finished?14:11
jelknerscooper: is svaye still there?14:20
jelkneri'm waiting for her and dcammue 14:20
jelknerbut dcammue didn't respond to my question14:20
jelknerfkoikoi: can you help with that?14:20
jelknerACTION goes to grab a cup of coffee14:20
svayeI am still here Jeff14:21
svayeI am waiting for dcammue to finish14:21
shmohamudACTION goes to grab coffee too14:22
jelknerokie dokie14:24
jelknerwe don't want to rush him14:24
scoopershe is still here14:24
svayeHe's almost done14:25
svayetwo more questions to go14:25
scooperIs there any preliminary test for Python team??14:28
scooperI mean the since thing that the Web team is doing right now?????14:28
dcammueI done Jeff14:29
jelknerscooper: that's a great question14:31
jelknershmohamud: we should talk about that14:31
shmohamudgood question indeed. We should. What's the purpose of the preliminary test? 14:32
jelknershmohamud: the question is whether you want your charges to complete the PCEP certification?14:33
jelknerwe should talk about that14:33
jelkneron the one hand14:33
jelknerthey already have an "accountability mechanism"14:33
jelknerthe grade they get in the UoPeople course14:33
jelkneron the other hand14:33
scooperHe is not active in here right now....14:34
scooperWith Freena and me in private chat......14:34
scooperTo test our understanding in Python14:34
jelknerearning PCEP might help them be more successful in that course14:34
jelknerwe need to talk about that, scooper 14:34
jelknersince i'm typing here14:34
jelknershmohamud can look at the irc log ;-)14:34
jelknerand think about it14:34
scooperok dokie14:35
jelknerscooper: ask fkoikoi to put it on the agenda for saturday14:35
jelknerdcammue, svaye are you ready now?14:35
fkoikoisure jeff14:35
fkoikoiI will do it before Friday14:36
jelknerno time like the present, fkoikoi 14:36
jelknerthat way you don't forget!14:36
jelknerok, i can track your progress, svaye and dcammue 14:37
scooperI will take charge of the agenda Jeff but we need to discuss what are those things we need on our Agenda before I can include here14:37
jelkneri can see the scores from your pretest14:37
dcammueJeff tboimah is using svaye computer because his computer is not connecting to the internet 14:37
jelknerscooper i want you to help fkoikoi learn to do that too14:37
dcammuesvaye will use my computer to talk to you14:38
jelknerour goal is to create a democratic worker coop14:38
dcammueIs that okay14:38
scooperOK but she is already good at doing it Jeff14:38
jelknerwe will eventually need *everyone* to learn how to plan meetings14:38
jelkneri agree14:38
jelknershe seems like a natural14:38
jelknerscooper, in addition to having one person chairing the meeting each week14:39
jelknerwho is responsible for the overall agenda14:39
jelknerother members can post items they think we need to discuss14:40
jelknerand it seems to work best if you do that right when you think about it14:40
scooperon behalf of thomas Jeff14:40
jelknerso you don't forget14:40
jelkneri already did14:40
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:14:40
LittleWebsterDiscuss Summer schedule (10 min). (added by jelkner)14:40
jelknersince i realized we needed to clarify when we are meeting14:41
jelkneractually, we talked about that already14:41
jelknerso i could remove it14:41
scooperHe want me ask you if sysadmin team will write the preliminary test too14:41
jelknerthat is an ubuntourist question14:41
jelknermany of the cirricula don't have a pretest14:42
jelknerPCEP does not14:42
jelknerwe did talk about a possible certification for the sysadmin team: Linux+14:42
jelknernot sure if ubuntourist wants to do that14:42
jelknerhe is RedHat certified himself14:42
jelknerbut that is not an option14:42
jelknertoo expensive14:43
jelknerso not now, in any case14:43
jelkneroops Linux+ is too expensive too14:45
jelknerwe should look at
jelkneranyway, i need to work with my group now, scooper 14:45
jelknerlet's talk more on saturday14:46
jelknersvaye, dcammue, ready?14:46
jelknerso, let me share how i do this with my students in Virginia14:46
jelknerat the beginning of the year, i teach them basic Unix CLI, vim, and git14:47
jelknerthose are the three skills they need *before* we can start HTML, CSS, and JavaScript14:47
jelkneri'm working on my calendar for the Fall now, so you can see my first draft of a calendar here:14:48
jelkneri plan to spend the first 4 weeks on "Preliminaries"14:49
jelknersince most of the students will have never seen a CLI before14:49
jelknerbut you two already have experience with the cli, vim, and git14:49
jelknerdo you feel you need more practice before we move into the coursework?14:50
jelknersvaye and dcammue, please answer14:51
dcammueLet move to the work14:51
jelknerok, that sounds good14:51
dcammuefor svaye and I14:51
jelknerbut dcammue, as we do the labs, be sure to practice your cli, vim, and git skills14:51
jelknerso your next task is to work on Lesson 1: HTML Essentials14:53
jelknerYou should read *everything*, over and over!14:53
dcammuehow doo we access that14:53
jelkneryou should do *all* the practice exercises14:53
dcammuefrom the book?14:54
jelknerit's not a book14:54
jelknerbut it's like a book14:54
jelknerit's online14:54
jelknerin the same place you took the pretest14:54
jelknersvaye and dcammue, see if you can find it14:54
dcammueokay we will do so 14:54
jelknerthat is the login page14:55
jelknerwhen you login14:55
jelkneryou should see it14:55
jelknerthere are 10 lessons14:55
jelknerlet me know if you can see them14:55
jelknerif not, i may need to configure it14:55
dcammuesvaye already saw it 14:56
dcammueshe started reading it14:56
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:57
dcammueshould we start now Jeff?14:57
dcammueright away14:57
jelknerhow about this, can we meet again tomorrow14:58
jelknerat 11 am your time?14:58
jelknerbefore we go, i want to talk a bit about how this will work14:59
jelknerthe curriculum has all you need to get ready for the certification exam14:59
jelknermy job is *not* to repeat what is in the curriculum14:59
jelknermy job is to help clarify, reinforce, and guide you14:59
jelknerso *you* need to take responsibility for your learning15:00
jelknerand come prepared to our meetings with thoughtful questions and comments15:00
jelknerplease give me a +1 if you understand and agree15:00
jelknerfkoikoi: can you tap svaye and dcammue on the shoulders and ask them to respond please?15:01
jelkneronce they give me a +115:01
jelkneri'll leave them alone and let them concentrate! ;-)15:01
shmohamudACTION logs off the day15:01
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:02
jelknerand svaye?15:02
dcammueJeff tboimah is using my laptop 15:02
jelknerahh, ok15:02
jelknernot sure why15:03
jelkneryou have a whole lab filled with laptops he can use15:03
dcammueso I am using daniel computer15:03
jelknerok, i'll see you here tomorrow at 11 am your time15:03
jelknerbye for now...15:03
jelknerACTION logs off for the day15:04
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:04
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*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:08
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:26
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:41
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:59
*** ubuntourist has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:29
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