IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-06-20

fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff11:00
jelknerGood day, fkoikoi11:01
fkoikoiHow are you Jeff?11:02
jelknerI'm feeling great, Freena, and actually, it's still morning there, yes?11:02
jelknerfor another hour11:02
jelknerI'm sitting here looking out a window near a lake in the woods11:03
jelknerit's beautiful11:03
jelknerdo you know if svaye and daniel will arrive soon?11:04
jelkneri thought i was supposed to meet with them now11:04
fkoikoidaniel is already here11:04
fkoikoisvaye will soon be here too11:05
jelknerGood morning dcammue!11:06
dcammueGood morning Jef11:06
dcammuehow are you11:06
jelkneryou know, you can tab complete names in irc11:06
dcammuewe having internet issues here11:06
dcammueso what are we going to start with this morning?11:09
jelknerI wanted to talk to you about Lesson 1, and see how you are doing with the lesson11:12
jelknerI also wanted to answer your question from yesterday about where to host your websites11:12
jelknerWe will use github11:13
jelknerso you need to both setup accounts there11:13
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dcammueokay 11:15
jelknerdcammue is this time convenient for you?11:18
tboimahGood morning Jeff11:19
jelknerGood morning Thomas11:19
dcammue_yes Jeff11:20
dcammue_so where can I host my website11:21
jelknermake an account for yourself here:
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jelknerdcammue_: if internet is not reliable11:26
jelknerwe should use email11:26
jelknerso we can communicate asynchronously11:26
jelkneri can send a brief email with tasks11:26
jelkneror we can try to do it here11:27
jelknerbut only if you have a connection11:27
jelknerlet me know which you prefer11:27
jelkneri have a lot to do today11:27
jelknerso i can't just wait around for the internet there to work11:27
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dcammueI done Jeff11:39
dcammuecan we start now?11:40
jelknerdcammue: you made an account?11:43
dcammue_Jeff I'm waiting11:44
jelknerdcammue_: waiting for what?11:44
jelknerthis is a bit frustrating, dcammue_ 11:44
jelknersince it seems the connection drops and you don't see my message11:44
dcammue_I done with the git account11:44
jelknerok, good11:45
jelknernext step is to create a repo named "website"11:45
jelknerwhere is svaye?11:45
jelkneri don't want to do this twice, dcammue_ 11:45
dcammue_I done with that already11:45
jelknerso you two should be doing it together11:46
mulbahGood morning Jeff11:46
dcammue_she's not here yet11:46
jelknerGood morning, Mulbah!11:46
dcammue_I will help her what ever11:46
jelknerdcammue_: you can see my starter website here:
dcammue_I saw it, nice11:48
jelknerthere isn't much there yet11:48
jelknerbut i have it ready to use to show you a model of what to do11:48
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jelknerthe next step is for you and svaye to move through Lesson 1: HTML5 Essentials11:51
jelknerdcammue_: i won't be here again until Saturday11:51
jelknerand after that we will meet Tuesday at this time11:51
jelkneri mean 11 am your time11:51
jelknerso you and svaye should read, re-read, and read again all of the lesson until you get to Lab 1-111:52
jelknerWe will need to talk about the lab, and your project of "rebranding it"11:52
jelkneri will show you and example11:52
jelknerprobably next Tuesday is a good goal for that11:53
jelknerbut if you are ready by Saturday, we could discuss it briefly then too11:53
jelknerdcammue_: i need to get going11:53
jelknerif you didn't see what i just wrote11:53
dcammue__we will go through the lesson and present the work before saturday11:53
jelknerplease look in the irc logs11:53
jelknerNice, dcammue__!11:54
jelknerok, see you saturday11:54
jelkneralso, you can email me questions11:54
jelkneri'll be traveling11:54
jelknerbut i will have a few minutes to check email between now and saturday11:55
jelkneri am hoping for questions like:11:55
jelknerNow that we are working on Lab 1-1, how do we "rebrand it"?11:55
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jelknerWhat do we need to keep, and what do we need to replace?11:56
jelknerCan you show us an example?11:56
jelknerokie dokie11:56
jelknersee you on saturday, my friend11:56
dcammue__nice trip11:56
jelknergood morning scooper 11:57
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scooperGood morning Jeff11:57
jelkneri'm about to sign off11:57
jelknersee you saturday11:57
scooperI m checking in for Shnun11:57
mulbahOkay Jeff11:57
scooperBEfore you leave11:57
scooperis there any thing you want Freena add to the agenda11:58
jelkneri would be thrilled if the two of you take the lead on that11:58
scooperOK 11:58
scoopergot you....11:59
jelknerthe more you drive, the faster we go! ;-)11:59
jelknersee you saturday11:59
jelknerACTION logs off until saturday12:00
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shmohamudgood day mulbah13:02
mulbahGood day shmohamud13:02
mulbahHow are you doing13:03
shmohamudI have to go into the city soon so we can't have too long of a session13:03
shmohamudI'm good. How're you?13:03
shmohamudgood day fkoikoi13:03
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:03
fkoikoiHow are you today?13:05
shmohamudI'm good. How're you?13:05
fkoikoiI'm better13:05
shmohamudgood good13:05
shmohamudHave you finished the assignment from before?13:06
fkoikoiI trying making you a collaborator but it says that the user name is incorrect13:06
shmohamudok, can you try "Sahnun" - scooper found me13:06
shmohamudmulbah, can you write me a dict with three key value pairs and code that loops through and prints the keys and values?13:09
fkoikoiuser name does not exit13:09
shmohamudare you typing :"shmohamud"?13:10
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shmohamudalright guys I've got to go for the day. Any questions before we call it a day?13:18
fkoikoijust give me a minute Jeff13:20
fkoikoiI am trying to  reset my password13:22
shmohamudjeff or shmohamud?13:22
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fkoikoiAlright 13:35
fkoikoiI just reset my password13:35
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scooperGood morning Shmohamud13:38
shmohamudgood day scooper13:38
scooperis the any exercise for today???13:40
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shmohamudI have to go to the city now. The only exercise is
shmohamudclick "Try it Now" and play with regular expressions. Regular expressions are used to match strings of texts, or patterns of characters13:43
scooperNew York???13:43
fkoikoiI just added you as collaborator13:43
shmohamudWashington DC scooper13:43
shmohamudAwesome fkoikoi. We'll continue tomorrow.13:44
scooperooh Washington DC ahh13:44
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