IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-07-04

scooperGood morning Jeff11:25
jelknerGood morning scooper 11:36
jelknersorry for the delayed response11:36
jelkneri was expecting to meet at 7 am11:36
jelknerbut no one was here11:36
jelknerdo you know if dcammue or svaye are coming today?11:37
jelknerthey said yesterday they would11:38
jelknerbut if not, i'm going to sign off11:38
jelkneryes what?11:41
scooperThat is the main reason I m online to inform you11:42
jelknerwhat is the plan?11:42
scooperMCSS Executive staff is using the Resource lab this morning11:42
jelknerah, ok11:42
jelknerlet's meet tomorrow11:42
jelknersame time?11:42
scooperunfortunately they didn't inform yesterday11:42
jelkner7 am11:42
jelknerthanks for letting me know11:43
jelkneri'll be here again tomorrow a 7 am (11 am your time)11:43
jelknersee you then11:43
scooperThe interns are outside waiting for their meeting to finish before coming in11:43
scoopersecondly remitely did send me any message yet Jeff11:43
jelknerit will come11:44
scooperok just informing you11:44
jelknerso, will we meet today?11:44
scooperI m sure we will meet two hours from now11:44
jelknerdo you know how they did with the labs?11:45
jelknerscooper: i'm going to go make a cup of coffee11:46
jelkneri'll check back at 9 am my time (1 pm your time)11:46
jelknerdoes that sound good?11:46
jelknerACTION signs off until 9 am EST11:47
scooperyes I will be there11:47
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scooperACTION signing out to be back in two hours11:51
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jelknerHello scooper 12:49
jelknerAm I glad you are here!12:50
jelknerWe have so much to talk about!12:50
jelknerscooper, is fkoikoi coming in today?12:50
jelknerthe three of us should meet soon12:50
scooperI m here to give you update if you ask me12:50
jelkneri need to ask you and fkoikoi to gradually take over the coordination role from me as we move forward12:51
scooperShe is here with me but outside right now12:51
jelknerit will take time, but we should be intentional about it, grabbing opportunities to move forward whenever we can12:52
jelknerwe have one now12:52
jelknerthe Rural Clean Cooking Stove project12:52
scooperI will Jeff, yesterday I and fkoikoi work with Web Team to start the project rolling....12:52
jelknerbut i'm getting emails from Kevin and Thomas12:53
scooperFor me I glad to work on that project12:53
jelknerso i wanted to talk to you two first, and then to point Kevin and Thomas to you12:53
scooperok I m listening12:53
jelknerlet's wait for fkoikoi12:53
jelknerwe need to get her training too12:54
jelkneryou will need an assistant12:54
scooperfkoikoi and the other will be in after the mcss staff meeting....12:54
jelknerdo you know when that will be?12:54
scooperI m here in the meeting but the supe is still speaking12:55
jelknergot you12:55
scooperthe Auditor just got through with their presentation12:55
jelkneri never heard back from the Supe btw about my request for a 7/1512:59
jelknercan you please confirm with him?12:59
jelkneralso, scooper, i will be able to make this saturday after all12:59
scooperHe is here with me13:00
scooperBut he leave I will give him a reminder13:00
jelknerwe need to meet, scooper, to determine his views on the plan to build a school13:00
jelknerwe can't do it without his approval13:00
jelknerso we need to know we have that before we proceed13:01
scooperNo... Let get his view first....13:01
jelknerthat's what i'm saying13:01
scooperif he is not interesting then we can find another alternative13:01
jelknerany alternative without MCSS would be *much* harder13:02
jelkneri'm not sure we could do that at this point13:02
jelknerwe don't have the capacity13:02
scooperI m just saying something.. but I m optimistic that the supe will be interesting13:03
jelknerto navigate the political, legal, and financial maze we have to go through13:03
jelknerthe Supe said before that he is interested13:03
jelknerbut now we need to begin to take steps13:03
jelknerso we need to check-in with him again13:03
jelknerto get his approval for our plan13:03
scooperThis website13:04
scooperwill be my first Django project....13:04
scooperI m glad to work with the web team to improve my Django skill13:05
jelkneryes, scooper, but you are not ready yet13:05
jelkneryou need to know Python well13:05
scooperI can13:05
jelknerDjango is a big Python library13:05
scooperI been doing it13:05
jelknerlet's see how it goes13:05
scooperIt's time to test that skill13:06
jelknerthe proof, as the old British saying goes, will be in the pudding13:06
scooperplease let me do it.......13:06
jelknerscooper, i am going to ask Adrian to supervise13:06
jelknerand Stefan13:06
scooperNot now13:06
scooperlet me do it first13:06
jelknerscooper, you can *always* do whatever you want on your own13:07
scooperthen they can intervene for recommmendation 13:07
scooperon my Django skill13:07
jelknerthat is the best way to learn13:07
jelknerbut you have to trust me13:07
jelknerthere is *a lot* involved in this13:07
jelkneri called Stefan to ask him about it13:07
jelknerhe says we should build it on LibreOrganize13:07
scooperDid you read the User Story???13:08
jelknerthat means you need to first understand LibreOrganize13:08
jelkneryes i did!13:08
jelknerthat's why i'm saying this13:08
scooperIt require a backend support for that project Jeff.....13:08
jelknerdid you get the user stories in Markdown yet?13:08
jelknerwe need them there13:08
scooperI want Svage do it herself so she and Dcammune can udnerstand Markdown13:09
jelknerok, but set a deadline for them13:09
jelknerand get them to do it13:09
scooperI will only supervisor if she get stock13:09
jelknersince we need it13:09
jelknerthat's great13:09
jelknerlet's ask them to have it ready by our meeting on Saturday13:10
jelknerand put it in the agenda to talk about that, please13:10
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scoopergot you13:14
scooperthe meeting just ended13:14
scooperI m about to call them in.... while they are online with you, then I an meet with the supe to remind him....13:15
jelknerscooper, i just an email to dr. hubbard13:23
jelknerand cc'd you and most of the other relevant folks13:24
jelkneri bcc'd kevin cole and the supe13:24
jelkneri am finding i am in the middle of too many things13:24
jelknerit makes me the "single point of failure"13:24
scooperShallon and Mulbah is here with me13:24
scooperand will soon be connected shortly13:24
jelknerwhich puts our project at rist13:24
jelknerthe more we can distribute leadership, the stronger we will be13:25
jelknerfor this project, as soon as you are ready, we should get dr. hubbard to email you and fkoikoi, not me13:26
jelknerbut we probably can't do that yet13:26
scooperOk sound great13:26
jelknersince the PRIME interns may be involved in this13:26
jelknerwe have to figure that out13:26
jelknerour meeting on july 10th will be really important13:26
jelknerwe should decide then who will take the lead on this13:27
jelkneri know you say you want to do it13:27
jelknerbut my concern is that you may not be ready13:27
jelknerhave you ever installed LibreOrganize yet?13:27
jelknerand LibreOrganize needs work13:28
jelknerit needs to be updated to the latest Django verion13:28
scooperNO Just been practice Django by myself13:28
jelknerand that's what you should be doing13:28
jelkneryou are doing the right thing13:28
jelknerbut you need to understand, you should do that with projects that are not customer critical13:29
jelknerin fact, we have several smaller projects you can look at when you are ready13:29
jelknerthe blog i use was written by Stefan and Adrian13:29
jelkneri have some feature requests13:30
jelknerthis is a *much* smaller project13:30
jelknerand will be a stepping stone as your skills develop13:30
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jelknerTanaka's User Stories for Rural Clean Cooking Stove involve user accounts and shared data13:31
jelknermuch more complicated stuff13:31
jelkneryou don't want to start with that13:31
sysadminJeff do are need to use LibreOrganize be using Django???13:31
jelknerif you do, both you and your customer will be frustrated13:31
jelknerand get angry13:31
jelknerLibreOrganize is written in Django13:32
jelknerDjango is a web application framework13:32
jelknerwhich is a set of software tools for building complex web applications13:32
jelknerLibreOrganize is one such application13:32
jelknerbuilt by NOVA Web Development using Django13:33
sysadmin_I am about to write Adrian informing him  about this project. And will need him to please view my Django code when done is that ok???13:34
jelkneri will be meeting with Adrian on Thursday nights while he is here for the Summer13:36
jelknerwe will be meeting with the PRIME interns together13:36
jelknerscooper, i need to go13:37
jelkneri have *so* much to do13:37
jelknerand i've been here for 2 1/2 hours already13:37
jelkneri'll be back tomorrow at 7 am my time13:38
jelknerplease talk to the Supe before then13:38
scooperI did13:38
scooperalready 13:38
jelknerwhat did he say?13:38
scooperBut I make a mistake13:38
scooperI though on the 7 is Saturday13:38
scoopernot knowing it's friday 13:39
jelknerok, let's be clear13:39
scooperBut he agreed to meet with us on a Saturday13:39
jelknerwhenever we get dates and times wrong, it makes a mess13:39
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scooperSo the 15 will be ok for him13:39
jelkneri can also do the 8th13:40
jelknerif that works13:40
jelknerfor him13:40
jelknerbefore i thought i couldn't13:40
jelknerbut my plans to visit my son changed13:40
jelknerso i will be here this saturday13:40
jelkneryou can tell me either tomorrow or thursday morning13:41
scooperthem this coming Saturday will be fine but you told me previously that you will not be available this coming Saturday right13:41
scooperThan Saturday will be fine for us all13:41
jelknerand we can add it to the calendar13:41
scooperyes well can add it to our agenda13:41
jelkneryes, that's what i just said ;-)13:41
scooperyes we can add it to our agenda13:41
jelknerso he is available this saturday?13:41
jelknerwe should use Signal13:42
jelknerso bring your phone13:42
jelknerand the two of you on your end, and me on mine13:42
jelknercan meet13:42
jelkneron Signal13:42
jelknermake sense?13:42
jelkneryes or no, scooper 13:43
scooperMy phone is always will me13:44
jelknerok, see you tomorrow at 7 am my time13:44
jelknerACTION signs off for the day13:44
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:44
scooperIf you need to talk to me on signal please let me know so I can put my internet on13:45
scooperACTION see you tomorrow at the since time13:45
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