IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-07-05

*** scooper has quit (None)10:49
dcammueGood morning Jeff11:07
dcammueHow was your night?11:08
svayeGood morning Jeff11:10
svayeGood morning dcammue11:10
jelknerGood morning!11:11
jelknerLet's dive right in, have to leave by 8 am.11:11
jelkner49 minutes11:11
jelknerWhere are you, and what help (if any), do you need from me?11:11
dcammueGood morning svaye11:12
svayeJeff concerning the clean cooking stove project11:13
jelknerACTION waits for svaye to complete her thought11:16
svayeWe are getting the page setup, but we don't know what to say about the page11:16
jelkneryour first task is to post the User Stories, svaye 11:18
jelknerin markdown, *just as Tanaka wrote them*11:18
svayewe know what Tanaka wants, but are we going to write something from our point of view or will he tell us what to write11:18
jelknerwe need those User Stories to be publicly viewable during our meeting on Monday11:18
jelknerHe will tell us what to write11:19
jelknerhe is the customer11:19
jelknerwe are the web developers11:19
jelknerdoing a job for him11:19
svayeokay Jeff11:20
dcammueJeff, how will I open the example of the HTML 5 in Microsoft Edge? I don't have it installed.11:20
jelknerhave what installed?11:20
jelknerwhy do you need Microsoft Edge?11:20
dcammuefrom the lab,11:20
svayeMicrosoft is for windows dcammue11:21
dcammuethe instruction says that down the example of html511:22
jelknerwe are talking about the lab now, yes?11:22
dcammueand open it in firefox and microsoft 11:22
jelknerLab 1-1 from Lesson 1 of the CIW curriculum?11:22
jelkneri can't properly answer your question, dcammue, if i don't understand the context of what you are asking11:23
jelknersvaye, can you help here?11:25
jelknerwhat are we talking about?11:25
svayeI don't understand too 11:25
dcammuefrom the lab, the question #3 says, that make a search on the html 5 example and open it in firefox and microsoft edge 11:26
svayedcammue can you tell me what you are talking about11:26
jelknerah, ok11:26
jelknerdcammue, why do you think you are being asked to do that?11:26
jelknerit will be really helpful if you can understand why11:27
jelknerbefore we talk about how11:27
jelknerQuestion: What kind of files stort html, css, and javascript?11:28
jelknerAnswer: Text files11:28
jelknerwe only have a short time in the morning, so let's focus11:28
dcammueto see how  difference browser render web page 11:28
jelknernice answer11:29
jelknerwhat do you mean by "render"? Explain that please11:29
jelknerthat will do11:29
jelknerbut there is a bit more to it11:29
jelknerwe could display the source file11:29
jelknerand it would not look good11:30
jelknerA heading might have something like <h1>Rural Clean Cooking Stove</h1>11:30
jelknerthe <h1></h1> are plain text tags11:30
jelknerwhen the page is *rendered*, we don't see the tags, do we?11:31
jelknerInstead, we see a top-level heading11:31
jelknerbig and bold, by default11:31
jelknerwith css, we can tell the browser how we want any tags to be rendered11:32
jelkneris all this clear, dcammue?11:32
dcammuebut I can't tell how the Microsoft Edge render web page because it is not installed on my laptop11:32
jelkneryeah, yeah, don't worry about that11:32
svayeThan use the firefox dcammue11:33
jelknerthe point was to make sure you understand that different browsers can sometimes render pages a bit differently11:33
jelknerwe have probably a dozen different browsers we can install on our lab systems11:33
dcammuethat what I wanted to do11:34
jelknerincluding, Microsoft Edge, btw, since that is now available for Linux11:34
jelknerbut Microsoft Edge is now built on the Chrome rendering engine11:34
jelknerso it is basically the same as Chrome11:34
dcammueI understand11:35
jelknersome of the other browsers that are available are old11:35
jelknerit would be a good idea sometime to install some of them11:35
jelknerand see how they render modern web pages11:35
jelknerthere are even console based web browsers11:35
jelkneranyway, if you get the idea, just move on11:38
jelkneryou will have many opportunities in the future to see different browsers and how they render pages11:38
jelknerright now, you just need to be aware that it is an issue11:38
jelknerweb pages are *rendered* by web browsers11:39
jelknerand sometimes they might render things a bit differently11:39
jelknerthat's all you need to know for now11:39
jelknersvaye, dcammue do you understand the task with Tanaka's user stories?11:40
jelknerwe really need it done11:40
dcammuewe are working on it 11:40
svayeYes Jeff scooper already created the markdown 11:41
jelknerI was hoping he would teach you11:41
jelknernot do it himself11:41
jelknerwe need to grow our skills11:41
jelkneri asked you two to do this, since as our web design team, you will be in the best position to understand how markdown works11:42
jelknerMarkdown gets converted automatically into HTML11:43
jelknerwhich is then rendered in the browser11:43
jelknerWhen I write "# My Title" in a line of Markdown11:44
jelknerit gets converted into "<h1>My Title</h1>"11:44
jelknerWe can think of using Markdown as a "lazy way to use HTML"11:44
jelknerfor taking notes, it is awesome11:45
dcammueso is this how markdown goes?11:45
jelkneri only have 15 minutes11:45
jelknerso let me show you some markdown11:45
jelkneri use it *all* the time11:45
dcammueit don't be done with the html?11:45
jelknerwhenever i take notes11:45
jelknerno, dcammue 11:46
jelknerwe don't need the user stories in html11:46
jelknerthey are notes11:46
jelknernot part of the publicly facing webpage11:46
jelknerTake a look here:11:47
jelknerI am basically making an entire git repo in Markdown for notes11:47
jelkneryou can even link pages11:48
jelknerin html the homepage is named index.html11:48
jelknerin Markdown, it is named README.md11:48
jelknerso the "homepage" for this repo is README.md11:48
jelknerif you click on that link11:49
jelknerit looks pretty nice11:49
jelknerif you follow this URL:11:49
jelkneryou will see the Markdown source11:49
jelknerWhy don't you take some time today to look around this repo11:50
jelkneruntil you feel you understand how we will use Markdown in our projects11:50
*** dcammue has quit (Remote host closed the connection)11:50
jelknerHere is another smaller example:11:51
jelknerLook at scooper's nice budget page:11:52
jelknerall in Markdown!11:52
jelkneri want you two to become power users of both git and markdown11:53
jelknerthat will help us a lot11:53
jelknergit hosting web applications and markdown are a powerful combination11:53
jelknerMarkdown was developed to provide an easy way to add documentation to source code repositories11:54
jelknerThat's where the convention comes from11:54
jelknerIt's time for me to go11:55
jelknerI'll be back tomorrow at the same time11:55
jelknerlet's see how far you can progress by then11:55
svayeOkay Jeff have a nice day11:55
dcammue_Thanks alot11:55
jelknersee you tomorrow11:55
jelknerACTION signs off for now...11:55
dcammue_we are going to do it11:56
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:56
*** dcammue_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)11:57
jelknersvaye, are you still here?11:57
jelkneri just received your email11:57
jelkneri can quickly respond11:57
jelknerfirst, top level headings <h1> use one #, not two **11:57
jelkner# Tanaka Chirar Clean Cooking Stove Website Development11:58
jelknerthe second level headings <h2>11:58
jelkneruse two ##11:58
jelkner## First Story11:58
jelknerYou don't use tags11:58
jelknerso we don't want <p>11:58
jelkneraround the paragraphs11:58
jelknera blank line between blocks of text in Markdown renders as a paragraph11:59
svayeOkay Jeff11:59
jelknerso leave a blank line after ## Third User Story11:59
jelknerand remove the <p> and </p>11:59
jelknerok, gotta go11:59
jelknercya tomorrow...11:59
*** jelkner has quit (None)12:00
svayetake care12:00
*** dcammue_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)12:04
svayeACTION signs off for the day12:06
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:07
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