IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-07-06

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jelknerGood morning dcammue, svaye, and scooper!10:58
svayeGood morning Jeff10:59
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jelknerscooper: is fkoikoi around?11:00
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:00
scoopernot yet11:00
jelknerscooper: we have no items yet on the agenda11:00
jelknerwe should try to get in the practice of adding them during the week11:01
scoopershe ask me for excuse today, her daddy is not well....11:01
jelknerthe better we plan, the more effectively we can guide our work11:01
jelkneroh, sorry to hear that11:01
jelknerdcammue_, svaye, what's on our agenda for today?11:01
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svayeI sent you a mail yesterday Jeff11:03
svayedid you see the mail11:03
jelkneri did11:04
jelkneri looked at the repo11:04
jelknerbut did not see the markdown file with the user stories11:04
svayeThat is the link for the Markdown User story11:06
jelknerso now i see what our agenda needs to be for today11:06
jelknerand we need to be quick11:06
jelkneri have to get ready to teach my other class11:07
jelknerso i have to leave by 8 am11:07
jelkneri see the webcoopteam -
jelknerit has three repos in it11:08
jelkneri also see this team
jelknerwhich has only me11:08
jelknerand one repo11:08
jelknerwe should figure out how to:11:08
jelkner1. move the one repo,
jelknerfrom webcoop to webcoopteam11:09
jelkner2. remove webcoop, since it will be confusing11:09
jelknerhow can i be added to webcoopteam as an owner?11:10
jelknersvaye and dcammue, this is a great task for the sysadmins to help with11:11
jelknerwe need to learn gitea11:12
jelkneri don't know it11:12
jelknerso you can teach me11:12
jelknerhere is a great project based learning exercise to help us learn11:12
svayeI added you as a collaborator 11:12
dcammuewe need to learn it, and then teach you it11:13
jelknersvaye: can you make me an owner?11:13
jelkneryes, dcammue11:13
jelknerthis is wonderful, btw.11:13
svayeI give you admin status 11:13
jelknerwe are really making progress11:13
jelknerACTION goes to look11:13
svayeBut I still don't really understand how it works11:14
jelknerme either, svaye, so we'll be learning together11:17
jelkneri just tried to migrate the PlanningDocs repo11:17
jelknerbut it didn't work11:17
jelknerit moved to jelkner/PlanningDocs11:18
jelkneri want webcoopteam/PlanningDocs11:18
jelknerbut i don't seem to have permission to create repos there11:18
svayeI will ask the system admin team 11:18
jelknergitea has good documentation11:21
jelknerand if they can learn to manage our server effectively, i will want to "hire them" to create another one for me in virginia11:22
jelknerthehedgeh0g graduated11:22
jelknerso we won't have them available next year11:22
jelknerbut if mulbah and tboimah can do it11:23
jelknerwe will know we have come very far toward our goal11:23
jelknerok, enough of that for now11:23
jelknerwhat about CIW?11:23
jelknerdo you need any help?11:23
dcammuewe are almost done with the lab11:24
jelkneryou don't need to rush11:24
svayeI am still studying the codes they used to get familiar with it11:24
jelknerwe want deep understanding11:24
jelknerit will take a lot of time11:24
jelknerin fact, you have 1 year to finish11:24
jelknerall 10 lessons and then take the certification11:25
jelkneri'm hoping we can do it in less than that11:25
jelknermaybe around January 202411:25
jelknerbut let's see11:25
svayeOkay Jeff we will do our best11:25
jelkneri am looking forward to my meeting with the Supe this saturday11:25
jelkneri want to tell him how much progress we have been making11:26
jelknerit is wonderful11:26
dcammueI have a little better understanding on markdown creation now, Jeff11:26
jelknerdcammue, it will take time11:26
jelknerbut as your knowledge grows11:27
jelkneryou will connect more and more things together11:27
jelknerand it will become easier to learn new things faster11:27
jelknerfor example11:27
jelkneronce you understand that there is a program that takes markdown as input and generates html as output11:27
jelkneryou'll be able to "feel" how it works11:28
jelknergitea has that program built-in11:28
jelknersvaye: i'm still confused about this11:29
svayeconfused about what Jeff11:30
jelknerwhen i look here
jelkneri can see User-Story.md11:30
jelknerand it renders to nice html, like i was just describing to dcammue 11:30
jelknerbut when i look at:
jelkneri can't find it11:31
jelkneri think it has something to do with my permissions on the repo11:31
svayeThe repo has two branches 11:31
jelknerwow, time to learn git branching!11:32
jelknerhow can i see the branches?11:32
svayeYou have to switch it to master to see it11:32
jelknerok, now i see11:33
jelknerwe shouldn't have both main and master branches11:34
jelknersince they are usually used for the same thing11:34
jelkneran interesting note on that11:34
jelknerthere is a cultural struggle going on in the US around names like this11:34
jelknerthe use of the word "master" for some people suggests a term of oppression, as in master / slave11:35
jelknerso people are arguing that "main" is better than "master"11:35
jelknerfor the main branch of a repo11:36
jelknerolder configurations still use master11:36
jelknernewer ones use main11:36
jelkneri'm fine with the name change11:36
jelknerbut i don't get real militant about it11:37
jelknerfor me, the word "master" has another, less oppressive use11:37
jelkneras in "master / apprentice"11:37
jelkneror master craftsman11:37
jelkneranyway you can pick the name you like11:38
jelknerbut we shouldn't use both in the same repo11:38
jelknerwe should have one or the other as the main branch11:38
jelknerother branches will have descriptive names11:38
jelknerlike shallonrefactor11:38
jelkneror things like that11:39
jelknersvaye, dcammue, will you be at the meeting on Monday?11:40
jelknernow we have Tanaka's User Stories in a public URL11:41
jelknerso we can paste that link here, and everyone can see them while we talk about them11:41
jelknerscooper: can we talk a minute about our meeting with the Supe?11:41
scooperit saturday Jeff11:42
jelkneryes, i know11:42
scooperit's Saturday Jeff11:42
jelknerat 8 am my time11:42
jelknerwhat i wanted to talk about was the how11:42
scooperok I will remind him again11:42
jelknershould i call you on Signal at that time?11:42
scooperI m listening11:42
jelknerif you are with him11:43
jelknerthe two of you can talk on your phone11:43
jelknerthat will be easiest for him11:43
scooperI done understand11:43
jelkneryou don't understand what?11:43
scooperdo you mean when I m with the supe this morning11:43
jelknerno, on saturday11:43
jelknerat 12 noon your time11:44
jelkneri'm picturing you in his office11:44
scooperI understood it like right now11:44
jelkneri call your phone using signal11:44
jelknerand the 3 of us can talk11:44
jelknermake sense?11:44
scooperyes Sir11:45
scooperyou mean on Saturday right???11:45
jelknerYES! ;-)11:45
jelkner12 noon your time11:45
jelknerokie dokie, that's all i have for now11:46
jelknerscooper: see you SATURDAY at 12 NOON YOUR TIME on SIGNAL11:46
scooperok thanks did you see the work svaye and fkoikoi push11:46
jelknerthey are doing amazing work11:46
scooperOK Jeff11:46
jelkneri am confident that within the next year, they will be able to do professional work11:47
scooperSecondly did you see my mail I send to Adrain??11:47
jelknerlet me look at that11:47
scooperI cc you few days ago11:47
jelknermaybe i did see it11:48
jelknerremind me, what did it say?11:48
scooperI was telling him about the project we are working on11:49
jelknerRural Clean Cooking Stove?11:49
scooperI thought of using Django when the web team finished their part11:49
jelkneryes, scooper, i did see that11:49
scooperand will need him to just view my django code and he agreed11:49
jelknerwe already talked about this, scooper 11:50
jelknerthis is great practice for you11:50
jelknerbut i need to help you manage your expectations11:50
jelkneryou won't be able yet to write the platform that Tanaka needs11:50
jelknerStefan already told me that we will use LibreOrganize for that11:51
jelknerso you should use this as an opportunity to practice Django11:51
scooperOk dokie11:51
jelknerbut do not expect to be able to write an application yet that has content management, user management, etc.11:51
jelknerafter you work with Adrian11:52
jelkneri have a project for you11:52
scooperwhat ever you say I will take it as an advise..11:52
jelknerremember, we talked about that11:52
jelknerwriting a blog was the "hot thing" in most Django tutorials awhile back11:53
jelknerWe have a custom Blog that Adrian and Stefan wrote for me11:53
jelknerit took me awhile to find it11:56
jelknerwhen you're ready, scooper 11:57
jelknerthat should be the first customer project you work on11:57
jelknerok, gotta go11:57
scooperOK Jeff11:57
jelknerthank you, my friend!11:57
jelknersee you saturday11:57
jelknerACTION signs off until saturday11:57
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LittleWebsterAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove20:07
scooper!add Update on the Rural Cooking Stove Project (5 Minutes Web Team)20:09
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Update on the Rural Cooking Stove Project (5 Minutes Web Team)" has been added to the agenda.20:09
scooper!add Talking With The Sup About Building The School20:13
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Talking With The Sup About Building The School" has been added to the agenda.20:13
scooper!add Weekly Update From Each School20:13
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Weekly Update From Each School" has been added to the agenda.20:13
scooper!remove Weekly Update From Each School20:14
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Weekly Update From Each School" has been removed from the agenda.20:14
scooper!add Weekly Update From Each Group20:14
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Weekly Update From Each Group" has been added to the agenda.20:14
scooper!add Financial Report for July20:15
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Financial Report for July" has been added to the agenda.20:15
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:20:15
LittleWebsterUpdate on the Rural Cooking Stove Project (5 Minutes Web Team) (added by scooper)20:15
LittleWebsterTalking With The Sup About Building The School (added by scooper)20:15
LittleWebsterWeekly Update From Each Group (added by scooper)20:15
LittleWebsterFinancial Report for July (added by scooper)20:15
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