IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Friday, 2023-09-15

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tboimahGood morning Jeff10:49
jelknerGood morning Thomas!11:00
jelknerhow are you feeling?11:00
dcammueGood morning Jeff11:02
dcammuejelkner, how are you?11:04
jelknerGood morning dcammue11:04
jelknernice work on your website, dcammue 11:05
jelknerthanks for keeping up with the class11:05
jelkneri'm giving students a quiz next Tuesday11:05
jelkneri don't know how to do that with you and svaye11:06
jelknermaybe scooper could help?11:06
jelkneri could send him a PDF of the quiz11:06
jelknerand he could present the questions to you.11:06
jelknerwhat do you think?11:06
dcammueis okay11:07
dcammueThat will be perfect11:07
jelknerwill you be at our meeting tomorrow?11:07
jelkneri don't see fkoikoi here today11:07
jelkneri am planning to have breakfast with Sahnun tomorrow morning before the meeting11:08
dcammuescooper said that she will not be here today11:08
jelknerso there is a chance i may be a few minutes late11:08
dcammueThat's what I saw in the logs11:08
jelknersince i need to drive back home11:08
jelknerbut our meeting is really important tomorrow11:09
jelknerthings are moving11:09
jelknerand we need to check-in11:09
jelknerso i am hoping everyone will be there11:09
jelknerbtw, dcammue 11:09
jelknerdid you see my email to the Supe?11:09
dcammueI have a problem with the nova email11:10
jelknerwe need to get that resolved dcammue 11:10
jelknermaybe tomorrow11:10
jelkneri have to go now11:10
jelknersee you tomorrow at 1 pmish your time11:10
jelknerACTION logs off...11:10
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:10
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:11
jelkner!add Thoughts on jelkner's email to the Supe14:44
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:28
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)18:27
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:06

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