IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Sunday, 2023-09-17

BigBrother-TestingAvailable commands: %agenda, %add, %help14:58
BigBrother-TestingAgendas: test14:58
tmickelson%agenda test14:58
BigBrother-Testingtest: 14:58
BigBrother-Testingm (added by t)14:58
BigBrother-Testinge (added by t)14:58
BigBrother-Testingm (added by t)14:58
BigBrother-Testingh (added by t)14:58
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:00
tmickelson%agenda test15:00
BigBrother-Testingtest: 15:00
BigBrother-Testingm (added by t)15:00
BigBrother-Testinge (added by t)15:00
BigBrother-Testingm (added by t)15:00
BigBrother-Testingh (added by t)15:00
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:01
tmickelson%agenda test15:01
BigBrother-Testingtest: 15:01
BigBrother-Testingm (added by t)15:01
BigBrother-Testinge (added by t)15:01
BigBrother-Testingm (added by t)15:01
BigBrother-Testingh (added by t)15:01
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:02
tmickelson%agenda test15:03
BigBrother-Testingtest: 15:03
BigBrother-Testingtest agenda (added by tmickelson)15:03
BigBrother-Testingthis is a second item (added by tmickelson)15:03
tmickelson%add test fix errors15:03
tmickelson%add test fix errors15:04
tmickelson%add test fix15:04
BigBrother-TestingItem added successfully in agenda test15:04
tmickelson%remove test fix15:05
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:05
tmickelson%add test this is a test item15:29
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:29
tmickelson%add test this is a test item15:31
BigBrother-TestingItem added successfully in agenda test15:31
BigBrother-TestingAgendas: test15:31
tmickelson%agenda test15:31
BigBrother-Testingtest: 15:31
BigBrother-Testingtest agenda (added by tmickelson)15:31
BigBrother-Testingthis is a second item (added by tmickelson)15:31
BigBrother-Testingfix (added by tmickelson)15:31
tmickelson%agenda test15:31
BigBrother-Testingtest: 15:31
BigBrother-Testingtest agenda (added by tmickelson)15:31
BigBrother-Testingthis is a second item (added by tmickelson)15:31
BigBrother-Testingfix (added by tmickelson)15:31
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:43
BigBrother-TestingAgendas: test, agenda_test16:15
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:15
tmickelson%agenda agenda_test16:16
BigBrother-Testingagenda_test: 16:16
BigBrother-Testingitem 1 (added by user1)16:16
BigBrother-Testingitem 2 (added by user1)16:16
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:16
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:03
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:33
BigBrotherAvailable commands: !add, !agenda, !help, !remove19:14
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:12
BigBrother-TestingAvailable commands: %ADD, %AGENDA, %DELETE, %HELP, %REMOVE, 20:15
BigBrother-TestingAgendas: test, agenda_test20:16
tmickelson%agenda test20:16
BigBrother-Testingtest agenda (added by tmickelson)20:16
BigBrother-Testingthis is a second item (added by tmickelson)20:16
BigBrother-Testingfix (added by tmickelson)20:16
BigBrother-Testingtest (added by tmickelson)20:16
tmickelson%help agenda20:16
*** BigBrother-Testing has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:17
*** tmickelson has quit (Remote host closed the connection)22:06

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