IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2024-03-02

*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)11:44
jelknerGood day fkoikoi janet mulbah and sysadmin 11:55
jelkneris sysadmin scooper?11:55
mulbahGood morning Jeff11:55
jelknerlong time no see mulbah 11:55
jelknergreat to see you11:55
janetGood morning Jeff11:55
jelkneryou too janet 11:55
jelknerit's been a loooooong time!11:55
jelknermulbah, it tboimah coming?11:56
janetyes jeff11:56
sysadminGood morning folks11:56
mulbahhe is already here11:56
jelknerhello svaye11:57
fkoikoiGood morning jeff11:57
svayeGood morning janet, jelkner , mulbah , fkoikoi and tboimah 11:57
scoopergood morning jelkner11:57
svayeGood morning scooper 11:58
fkoikoihi svaye11:58
janetHi svaye11:58
scooperGood morning svaye11:58
jelknerone minute until we start11:59
dcammueGood morning jelkner 11:59
jelknerhello dcammue 11:59
dcammueand scooper and everyone11:59
scoopergood morning DC Nike11:59
svayeGood morning dcammue 11:59
jelknerok, it's time to start12:00
jelknerlet's dive right in12:00
jelkneri want to thank you all for showing up to this important meeting12:00
fkoikoibefore that Jeff12:00
jelknergo ahead fkoikoi 12:00
scooperthanks too for always being supportive....12:00
fkoikoiGabriel will not be here today, he went for his grandfather feast12:01
jelknerthank you for letting me know12:01
jelknerand scooper, no need to thank me. it is a great joy to work with the Jetro Web team!12:02
jelknerare we ready?12:02
jelknerok, we are at a very important moment12:02
jelknerit is time for you all to decide who will be the founding worker / owners of Jetro Web Development12:03
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jelknerscooper introduced me to a lawyer yesterday12:03
jelkneri was very happy how responsive he was12:03
jelknereven better! ;-)12:03
jelknershe wrote back to me twice12:04
jelknerand since scooper reached out to her, i assume he has confidence in her12:04
jelknerthat is exacatly what we need now12:04
jelknersince it is time to establish the business12:05
jelkneras you probably know from my email12:05
scoopershe it the alternative since we haven't heard from the supe12:05
jelknerscooper, let me be clear on something12:05
scoopershe is the alternative since we haven't heard from the supe12:05
jelknerso that we can begin to better frame this in our mind12:05
jelknerwhile it is fine for the supe to recommend someone12:05
jelknerJetro Web is a *separate* thing from MCSS12:06
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jelknerand Jetro Web should get it's own laywer12:06
jelknersomeone you all trust12:06
jelknernot the supe12:06
jelkneri believe the supe will be fine with that12:06
jelknerthis is a partnership between MCSS and Jetro Web12:07
jelknerbut the problem is, Jetro Web doesn't exist yet12:07
jelknerwe need to change that ASAP!12:07
jelknerso, here is what i want to know...12:07
jelknerwho will be the founding members (worker / owners) of Jetro Web?12:08
jelknerhave you all discussed that?12:08
scooperFor my opinion it will be those who are focusing on getting all necessary skill12:08
dcammueCan I?12:08
scooperthat will make this exist for a long time, like handling customer project12:09
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jelknerlet me ask another question first12:09
scoopergo ahead12:10
jelknerwho among you *want* to be a founding member of Jetro Web?12:10
jelkneri assume, dcammue, you are saying you do, yes?12:10
scooperEveryone who started this process12:10
dcammueI want to be12:10
scooperwhen you met with us in liberia12:10
svayeI want to be 12:10
fkoikoieveryone want to be a founding member 12:11
jelknerscooper, please let them speak for themselves12:11
jelkneri want to hear from each of you12:11
mulbahsure freena12:11
scooperOn behalf of Gabriel... he want to be too12:11
janetI want to be12:11
fkoikoii want to be too12:11
jelknerok, so let me ask you another question...12:11
jelknerwhat do you think we need to do to make that happen?12:12
fkoikoi1. getting the business registered12:12
jelknerwhat else?12:12
mulbahIs by getting all of the necessary skill we need 12:13
svayework together to to accomplish our goals12:13
fkoikoi2. getting all the skills needed12:13
jelknersysadmin, are you tboimah?12:13
jelknerfkoikoi, excellent, and what are some of those skills?12:13
scooperManagement skill, programming skill12:14
jelknerexactly, scooper 12:14
dcammueby get the skill and ambition and we must be certificated from either python or any field12:14
fkoikoipython, html and css, system admin, javascript12:14
jelknergreat, so scooper identified the two big categories12:14
jelknerand then dcammue and fkoikoi listed more specifics in the 2nd category12:15
jelknerwe need business skills and technical skills12:15
jelknerwe are actually stronger on technical skills12:15
jelknersince that has been our focus for the last year and a half12:15
jelknerbut we need both12:15
jelknerand the business skills have a lot of complexity12:16
jelknerwe need to be able to work together and make decisions (and carry them out) in a democratic organization12:16
jelknerand we need to be able to handle customer relations, finances (book keeping, taxes, etc.)12:17
jelknerso there is *a lot* to do!12:17
jelknerwe have a great group12:17
jelknersince we have so much to do, i have been trying to get you all to form small sub groups to take on particular parts of our overall goals12:18
jelknersince i'm not there, it is hard to do12:18
jelknerso scooper and fkoikoi 12:18
jelknerif you two are still going to be the main business managers12:18
jelkneri need to rely on you to help guide our process12:18
jelknerfkoikoi, that means you *have to* show up for meetings when you tell me we are having them!!!!12:19
jelknerand if for any reason you can't12:19
jelkneryou need to let me know ahead of time, and either cancel the meeting or find someone to substitute for you12:20
jelknerdo you agree with that?12:20
jelknerok you know i don't like really long meetings12:20
scooperconcern Jeff12:20
jelknerscooper did a great job breaking down our main tasks12:20
jelknergo ahead scooper 12:20
scooperconcerning Atty Tarplah email...12:20
scooperwhen will you be available to have a online meeting with her this coming week??12:21
jelknerscooper, i emailed you my times12:21
scooperShe mentioned Tuesday or Wednesday12:21
scooperI know12:22
jelkneri am only available 11:30 am to 12:30 pm your time12:22
scooperI want to know the main time you will choose so I can tell her12:22
jelknersince i teach12:22
scooperto prepare either tuesday or wednesday12:22
jelknerscooper, this is a me and you discussion12:22
jelknerwe don't need to keep the whole team for it12:22
jelknerwe don't want to waste people's time12:22
jelknerhere we need to decide quickly who is working on what12:23
jelknerand then let everyone get to work!12:23
jelknerbut, scooper 12:23
jelknerplease bring fkoikoi into the discussion with our attorney12:23
jelknerlet me explain something to everyone12:23
jelknerto form a business12:24
jelkneryou are making a legal contract12:24
jelkneryou all will need to agree on that contract12:24
jelknersince eveyone one who wants to be a worker / owner will need to sign it12:24
jelknerso part of your immediate work12:24
jelkneris deciding what goes in it12:25
jelkneri have our NOVA Web Development operating agreement12:25
jelknerthat you should look at12:25
jelknerit will give you ideas and a place to start12:25
jelkneri am hoping that Jetro and NOVA Web will be working closely together for years to come12:26
jelknerKei and I will be the two owners of NOVA Web for the next year12:26
jelknerand we will be working to recruit new member here12:26
jelknerwe can share our experience12:26
jelknerstudy together12:26
jelknerand support each other12:26
jelknerok fkoikoi, can you please work with scooper on reading the operating agreement, sharing it with the rest of the team12:27
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tboimahjelkner, Did you see my private message"?12:28
jelknerand getting their feedback about what they like and don't like in NOVA's agreement, and then suggesting things you want in yours?12:28
jelknerthe laywer will need that12:28
jelknerso we need to move on it12:28
jelknertboimah, i did12:28
jelknereveryone, it is great that ubuntourist 12:28
jelkneris here12:29
jelknerhe has been such a strong supporter and guide for us all12:29
ubuntouristACTION yawns, blinks, attempts consciousness...12:29
jelkneri was hoping that tboimah would agree to be the main point of contact for the tech development effort in the next few months12:30
jelknersince we need to get another PCEPer in March12:30
jelknerand we are in March now12:30
jelknerscooper, you have a lot on your plate12:30
jelknerbut i am setting up a new server called dj4e.gctaa.net12:31
ubuntouristACTION is now skimming
jelkneri'm going to give tboimah access to it12:31
scooperMulbah will be next Jeff12:31
jelkneri think the rule will be, only PCEPers get access12:31
jelknergreat, mulbah 12:31
scooperafter that freena might follow 12:31
jelknerthat will be super12:31
jelknerscooper, i like the way you think!!!12:31
jelknerok, tboimah i'll need your ssh public key12:32
jelknerto grant you access12:32
jelkneryou can paste it in the private chat12:32
scooperThen Gabriel will go after freena since he now demonnstrating responsible behaviour12:32
jelkneralso a great idea12:32
scooperAfter all scooper can follow12:32
jelknerscooper, you and i will be guiding our "sprint" when i get there in august12:33
jelknertwo or three weeks of intensive study12:33
jelknerthis was great, everyone12:34
jelkneran we didn't make ubuntourist late for his music12:34
jelknerubuntourist, did you see my last message about 3/30?12:34
jelknercan we meet a virginia square?12:35
jelkneri can bring you the haiku laptop12:35
ubuntouristACTION finishes skimming...12:35
ubuntouristjelkner, I haven't checked e-mail this morning. I barely made it to the computer and immeditately went to IRC.12:36
scooperHoping to receive you will open arms12:36
jelkneri can't wait to get there scooper 12:36
jelkneri'll book my ticket soon12:36
jelkneras soon as mulbah passes PCEP12:36
jelknerthat was the deal12:36
scooperWish you all the best....12:37
scooperyes that was the deal12:37
ubuntouristJust a quick note after skimming: As jelkner pointed out the focus has been more on tech skills than management skills.12:37
scooperand it still continue12:37
jelknerubuntourist, we are counting on you to continue in that vain12:37
jelknerhaving tboimah and mulbah go first with PCEP makes the most sense12:37
jelknerparticularly since they work most closely with ubuntourist 12:38
ubuntouristThat's often because we techies meet and recruit other techies... You all may want to keep an eye open for someone12:38
jelknerthey should resume there sys admin study12:38
ubuntouristwho is NOT a techie, but loves business and organizing and management.12:38
jelknergreat point, ubuntourist 12:39
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ubuntourist(and social justice, and core values of the cooperative, of course).12:39
jelknerand that is why i am working intentionally to get fkoikoi and klarios collaborating12:39
jelkneractually, klarios is a business oriented techie who believes in social justice12:39
ubuntouristWith NWD, having someone who was more of an artist than a tech -- though she did have tech skills -- was a good addition.12:40
jelknerwho is back working with us12:40
ubuntouristSo, more diverse skill sets that have some area of overlap.12:40
jelknerand who will be available as a designer for both coops12:40
ubuntouristACTION is done12:40
jelknertboimah, i need your public key12:41
jelknerubuntourist, i have a machine setup12:41
fkoikoithanks Mr. Cole12:41
jelknerthat does not permit password login12:41
jelkneronly ssh key12:41
jelknersince they don't have the any more12:42
jelknerat least i don't think they do12:42
jelknerso we can officially end this meeting12:42
jelknerand folks can stay to work on stuff12:42
jelknerand anyone who needs to can leave12:42
fkoikoione more thing jeff12:43
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi, i want to get tboimah a copy of the nova web operating agreement in pdf12:43
jelkneri'm trying to get him setup with logging in to dj4e12:43
jelknerso i can put it there12:43
jelkner(actually, i already did)12:43
jelknerthen he can download it and share it with you12:43
jelknerfkoikoi, just type12:44
jelknerscooper, we need to decide *how* we meet with Atty. Tarplah12:44
fkoikoican you please ask kei to response to my mail or may we can be in contact either on signal or telegram12:45
jelkneryou bet, fkoikoi 12:45
jelkneri will call her today12:45
ubuntouristBTW who are the IRC channel ops and can I become one?12:46
jelkneryes, ubuntourist, you know you can have whatever access you want12:48
jelknertmickelson is the main tech12:48
jelknerwho set up the channels12:48
jelkneri'm supposed to be one12:48
jelknerbut it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't12:48
jelknerand you know me, ubuntourist, i just get a student to do it ;-)12:49
jelknerour goal should be for tboimah and mulbah to be channel ops too12:49
jelknerbut right now, i need tboimah to send me his ssh public key12:50
jelknerso i can grant him access to dj4e12:50
jelknerfkoikoi, 12:50
jelknerstay here12:50
jelknerklarios will be joining us soon12:50
jelkneri just called her12:50
jelknerfunny ubuntourist 12:51
jelkneri am channel op in #novawebdev12:51
jelknerbut not here12:51
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jelknertboimah, i'm waiting for either a question or a public key12:52
sysadmin_Jeff can I place a call to Atty before making any decision here12:52
jelknerplease sysadmin_ 12:52
scoopergive me a minute12:52
jelknerbut scooper one more thing12:52
jelkneri think you should show her a copy of the NOVA Web Development operating agreement12:52
scooperif she agree can I add her to the telegram group??12:53
jelknerthat would be great12:53
jelknerscooper, did you see what i wrote?12:53
scooperI think it will be ok for group discussion and video or voice calls12:53
scooperConcerning your reply???12:53
scooperto her12:53
jelknerwe have an operating agreement that if you show her, will really help her understand what we are trying to do12:54
jelknerno, just now12:54
jelkneri am saying that i want you to print a copy of our NOVA Web operating agreement and show it to her12:54
scooperlet me check my mail...12:54
klarios_Hello, Can you see my message?12:55
ubuntouristklarios_, Yup12:55
jelknerfkoikoi, 12:56
jelknerklarios_ is here12:56
jelknernow is your chance to chat with her12:56
klarios_Im not familiar with the usernames, if I could know your names when chatting me that would be great12:56
jelknerklarios_, fkoikoi is Freena Koikoi12:56
scooperJeff did you sent the operating agreement to my novaweb mail or gmail....12:56
jelknerjanet is Janet ;-)12:56
jelknerno scooper 12:57
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scoopera been a while now since you send me those document12:57
jelknerklarios_, where is the latest version of our operating agreement?12:57
jelkneri have one from last june12:57
jelknerbut i know you have been working on the new one you and i will sign in april12:57
klarios_we are currently still working on it, making some changes12:57
jelkneryes, but where is it?12:58
klarios_I have it 12:58
jelknerit should be in nextcloud, klarios_ 12:58
jelknerso we all have it ;-)12:58
jelknercan you put it there now?12:58
jelknerthen i can share it with scooper 12:58
klarios_The one we reviewed last should be on nextcloud12:58
jelknersince i want him to show it to Jetro's attorney12:58
fkoikoihi klarios_12:58
klarios_sounds good. I can upload the newest one12:59
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jelknerklarios_, can you post a link here12:59
klarios_fkoikoi: Hello12:59
jelknerubuntourist, i don't know if tboimah needs help with public key12:59
jelknerbut that could be what you two work on monday12:59
BigBrotherjelkner : janet_ : tboimah : fkoikoi : klarios_ : ubuntourist : svaye : dcammue : scooper13:00
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
fkoikoilong time oo klarios_13:00
jelknerbig brother is broke :-(13:00
fkoikoiand you also haven't respond to my mail yet, klarios_13:00
jelknerfkoikoi, scooper let's give klarios_ a few minutes to share the operating agreement13:01
jelknerand post the link here13:01
ubuntouristjelkner, tboimah sure. Monday, 9:00 my time... I'm still under-caffeinated this morning. I think that's 2:00 Liberia time at the moment?13:01
klarios_Yes, I apologize for that. I reached out to toby to figure out the issue with the email13:01
jelkneryes, ubuntourist 13:01
klarios_he was not there last time so I will contact Adrian about it 13:01
fkoikoiokay jeff13:01
jelknerklarios_, too many things at once13:02
jelknersince we need to meet with the attorney ASAP13:02
jelknerthe operating agreement is top priority at this moment13:02
jelknerscooper and fkoikoi need it13:02
jelknercan you please post the link here13:02
jelknertboimah, are you still here?13:03
ubuntouristI hope everyone understood the pressures that Kamal is facing in trying to schedule the school / Jetro workspace build.13:03
jelkneryour email was crystal clear, ubuntourist 13:03
ubuntouristAs BigBrother just said: "Tick Tock!" πŸ˜‰13:04
jelknerubuntourist, are you caffinated enough to send me your public key13:04
jelknerso i can give you a login on dj4e?13:04
jelknerthen you can help tboimah with that on monday13:04
ubuntouristjelkner, already on my agenda. I figured I'd wait til I dropped out of IRC.13:05
klarios_Here is the link13:05
jelkneryou could just paste it in the private chat13:05
ubuntouristjelkner, tboimah BTW this is where tmate comes in REAL handy... You could do it in a few seconds over tmate, methinks.13:06
jelknerklarios_, which directory is it in?13:06
jelknerthe link you pasted takes me to the login page13:07
jelknerwhen i login, i see all my documents13:07
klarios_it is in the NWD sahred drive -> documents -> important legal documents13:07
jelknerfkoikoi, scooper can you see this?13:09
scooperit downloading Jeff13:09
scooperwhen done I will let you know13:09
jelknergreat, so you have a copy now13:11
scooperI m done downloading Jeff13:11
jelknerplease read it13:11
jelkneryou too fkoikoi 13:11
jelknerklarios_ has been working on it13:11
jelknerwe want to talk about it13:11
jelknerand you can use it to get ideas for your own agreement13:11
scooperOk Will read it too and then sent her a soft copy, since we done have time, than to wait for Monday before meeting her or giving her a hard copy13:15
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scooperHope that is ok, what is your intake???13:16
jelknerok, scooper 13:16
jelkneri was trying to help tboimah get setup13:17
jelknerbut he left13:17
jelknerthanks, klarios_ 13:17
scooperhe is here13:17
jelkneryou have been super helpful13:17
scooperbut the internet is bad13:17
jelknerscooper, i don't see him here13:17
dcammue /me signed out till Monday13:17
scooperI mean in the lab with us13:17
klarios_jelkner: no worries13:17
jelknerscooper, we have so many things we need to do13:17
ubuntouristGotta split. jelkner no VA Square today. See private chat for pubkey info. Have fun all. πŸ˜‰13:17
jelknerbye ubuntourist 13:18
klarios_dcammue: I noticed you asked for a reset password13:18
klarios_what password or account are you reffering to13:18
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dcammueto the novaaweb account13:18
klarios_the email account?13:19
ubuntouristACTION rides off into the sunrise. πŸ˜‰13:19
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dcammueI can't login13:19
jelknerscooper, still here?13:19
klarios_Got it. I will see if i can get access to it. Can I message you through zulip?13:19
jelknerzulip doesn't work well for them, klarios_ 13:20
scooperI m looking up to you before leaving13:20
jelknerscooper, don't leave yet13:20
jelknerwe have one more important thing to discuss13:20
scooperis there any other things need to be discuss before leaving13:20
jelknerwhat its the status of the site for the school?13:20
dcammueyes, let me see if I still have account for zulip13:20
jelkneri am worried about that13:20
klarios_dcammue: if not we can set a time to meet here tomorrow for any updates im able to give you13:21
jelknerwe can form the business on our own13:21
jelknerbut we need mcss for the building site13:21
jelknerscooper, we have to ask the supe if he wants the school or not13:21
scooperThe supe is one responsible for the site... though I talk with someone from my area and they are willing but the supe promise to find a site for us...13:21
jelkneri have been cc'ing him on all my emails13:22
jelknerkamal is concerned13:22
jelknerfor the reasons kevin stated13:22
scooperThe supe is the hold on right now....13:22
jelknerhe does not want us to embarrass him13:22
jelkneryes, i know13:22
jelknerbut i am not there13:22
jelknerso i can't talk with the supe until august13:22
jelknerbut you can13:22
scooperif he can't we can use my person as alternative13:22
jelknerscooper, what do you mean?13:23
dcammuethen you do that13:23
dcammueI will be available anytime13:23
jelkneryou know some who has land available for the school?13:24
scooperSince you continue to tell me if we wait on the supe time we will not move faster... so I m saying if the supe or mcss can't find the site13:24
jelknerthat's what i though you were saying13:24
scooperthem we can use the church site I mentioned to you earlier13:24
jelknerwow, i didn't understand13:24
jelkneryou have know a church site that would be willing to use their land for the school?13:25
scooperYou don't understand what I m saying 13:25
scooperI told before13:25
scooperI told you before13:25
jelkneryou didn't really, scooper 13:25
scooperI did Jeff13:25
jelkneryou told me you knew someone in near the barber shop that might have a site13:25
scooperI told you that place is located where I took you to cut your hair13:25
scooperwhen you visited liberia13:26
jelknerbut i thought that was part of a proposal to mcss13:26
scooperand you said wow13:26
jelkneri still thought that was part of the proposal to mcss13:26
scooperNo it was my on initiative finding a place  for us as soon as possible13:26
jelknercan i call you on telegram?13:26
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klarios@dcammue: I was able to figure out how to access the email server13:41
klarioslet’s meet here tomorrow so that I can give you your new password13:41
dcammueI will13:42
dcammuewhat time will it be?13:42
klariosI would still needles 8:00 AM in my time sound good?13:42
klarios8:00 am my time13:42
klariosthank you for your patience. see you then!13:43
dcammue12:00pm my time13:43
dcammueThanks too13:43
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