IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-06-10

jelknerGood morning scooper 10:46
scooperGood morning jelkner 10:46
scooperyou hardly response to signal calls these days10:46
jelknerI see you just sent an email.10:46
jelknerSpencer, you need to email me if you are serious about reaching me.10:47
scoopergot you10:47
jelknerWow, this is *great* news!10:47
jelknerSo you have a bank account?10:47
scooperthat mean no more signal conversation right???10:47
scooperTo open the bank account it will cost 150.00 USD10:48
jelknerWe can use Signal to talk, scooper, but only if you arrange it in advance.10:48
jelknerMy phone doesn't ring10:48
jelknerand i want it that way10:48
scooperOnce the client give us the receipt from the Business Registry10:48
jelkneri have too much to do10:48
scooperI understand jelkner 10:49
jelknerpeople who are tied to their phones, responding like automata whenever it rings10:49
jelknerthey don't get much done10:49
jelknerso, if you want to talk, email me and set up a time10:49
scooperOK I will practice doing so10:49
scooperWhen you arrive in Liberia10:49
jelknerso how long until you have a bank account?10:49
scooperI will take you to the site10:50
jelkneryes, but let's not wait until then10:50
jelkneri'll go see mr. zawolo after this meeting10:50
jelkneri want to come back from Liberia with an agreement ready10:50
jelknerso i can go to Kamal and tell him "we have land"10:50
scooperLike I said early10:50
jelknerand community involvement10:51
scooperwe need 150 to open the bank account once the Business Registry give us the receipt10:51
jelknerwe have a catch 2210:51
scooperMr. Zawolo will tell you10:51
scooperthe community is involve10:51
jelknersince i can't send any more money until you have the bank account10:51
jelkneri'll ask mr. zawolo about how to get around that10:51
jelknerwe need to set up SJC to Jetro Web bank to bank transfers10:52
scooperjelkner, 10:52
jelknerregular transfers10:52
scooperdid you see the picture I send10:52
scooperon signal??10:52
jelknerlet me look10:52
scooperCheck your signal account10:52
scooperSorry 10:53
jelkneryes, i was looking through signal10:55
jelknerand didn't see anything10:55
jelknerhold on...10:55
scooperSorry I meant Telegram10:55
jelknerNow i see them!10:56
jelknerThis is WONDERFUL, my friend!10:56
scooperThat is the place I been talking about ever since jelkner 10:56
jelkneryes, i know10:56
scooperIt right on the road10:57
scooperCars can drive in easily10:57
jelknerif you have community involvement, and a community institution (the church), it is fantastic10:57
jelknerthat is exactly what the Kamal Foundation is looking for10:58
jelknerok, we need to start talking about the governance of the school10:58
scooperWhen you arrive in Liberia you, myself and Jetro team will meeting with the community leadership 10:58
jelkneryes, of course, but let's not wait until then10:58
scooperFrom you message the governance of the school will involve three parties10:59
scooperChurch, Community leadership and Jetro Web10:59
jelknerwhat do you think of my idea of forming a non-profit, Social Justice Computing, LR, with church, community, and jetro members?11:00
jelknerremember, this is just a proposal11:00
scooperThat is what I mean11:00
jelknerthe reason we need to start talking now, is that other people may have slightly different ideas11:00
jelknerso we need to plan together11:00
jelkneryou made my day!11:01
jelknerthis is such good news11:01
scooperYou got me doing this my friend11:01
scoopercan we schedule a meeting with the community chairman on telegram today??11:02
jelkneri told mr. zawolo that ever since you took me for my haircut, i knew you were the man with the community ties that we neeed ;-)11:02
scooperthe guy is hoping to give you a cut again11:02
jelknerit is not me who should represent us here, but mr. zawolo11:02
scooperdid you see the barbering shop in that photo???11:03
jelknerhe understands so much better how things work in Liberia11:03
scooperyes he is11:03
scooperHe stated it yesterday during the conversation11:03
jelknerlike i said, i will be looking to him to guide me11:03
scooperSo let us follow his lead11:03
jelkneryes, but remember, social justice means we all have a voice11:04
jelknerwe are all fully human beings who can understand our world11:04
scooperThanks my friend for making my voice to be heard11:04
jelknerthink about it critically11:04
jelknerand act together to make it better11:04
scooperjelkner, 11:05
scooperis Social Justice Computing only in to technology11:05
scooperAre they not trying to involve in rendering charity services11:05
scooperto the less fortunate people11:06
jelknerso scooper, that's a whole other discussion for us to have11:06
jelknerlet me share my personal views on that11:06
scooperGot you11:06
jelknerWhen you give a person a fish, you feed them for a day, but when you teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime.11:07
jelknerAnd if you give them the fish, they need to come back to you tomorrow and ask for another.11:07
jelknerI want to teach people to fish.11:07
jelknerTo empower them11:07
jelknerThat is what "solidarity" is.11:07
jelknerI seek solidarity, not charity.11:08
jelknerThat's just my view, but that is what i will be trying to do with my life's energy11:08
jelknerto build the new world we desperately need11:08
scooperyour saying is like the Chinese proverb11:09
jelkneri think it is in the bible11:09
jelknerno, maybe you're right11:09
jelkneri'm looking it up now11:10
jelknerit is one of those old quotes that no one knows for sure where it came from11:10
jelknermight be Chinese, like you say ;-)11:10
jelkneranyway, it's a good one!11:11
jelknerok, scooper, i should go see mr. zawolo11:11
scooperyes my friend it's from China11:11
scooperok see you 11:12
jelknersame time?11:12
jelknercan i ask where the others are?11:12
jelknerwe need to talk about our education11:12
jelknersince there is still so much to do at the same time that we talk about the school11:12
scooperNo one is in the lab with me today11:13
scooperI done why11:13
scooperbut I m sure they will be here by 1:00 my time11:13
jelknercan you message folks and see if they can come tomorrow?11:13
scooperthey will be here tomorrow11:13
jelknerespecially Thomas and Daniel11:13
scooperjelkner, 11:13
jelknersince the three of you will be the official business owners to start11:13
scooperit's time now for me to take my test11:13
jelknerso we can start having business meetings11:13
scooperok WIll11:14
jelkner+1 on PCEP11:14
jelknersee you tomorrow my friend, and THANKS!!!11:14
scooperI will tell Daniel and Thomas to be here early11:14
jelknerACTION signs off until tomorrow11:14
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:14
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:14

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