IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2024-07-09

svayeGood morning jelkner 11:45
jelknerGood morning svaye 11:45
svayeHow are you 11:46
jelknerI'm busy, as usual ;-), and you?11:46
svayeI am good 11:46
jelknerI started packing for my trip to Liberia.11:46
svayethat's wonderful 11:47
svayecan't wait to have you here11:47
jelknerAre you all going to meet today to talk about who the two business people will be?11:47
jelknerKei is going to join us tomorrow at 12 noon for our meeting.11:47
svayeI informed everyone about the meeting today 11:48
jelknerGreat.  I look forward to our meeting tomorrow.11:49
jelknerOk, back to work for me.11:49
jelknerHave a great rest of your day!11:49
svayehave a wonderful day11:50
gabrielGood morning jelkner 11:59
gabrielGood morning svaye11:59
svayeGood morning gabriel 11:59
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fkoikoiGood morning jelkner and svaye12:02
svayeGood morning fkoikoi 12:02
fkoikoiHow are you?12:02
svayeI am good12:03
svayeHow are you12:03
svayelets wait few more minutes for the others12:05
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dcammueHi guys12:13
dcammuewas Jeff around?12:13
svayeHow are you dcammue 12:13
svayeyeah Jeff was here12:14
fkoikoi1hi dcammue12:14
dcammuewhat did he say?12:14
svayehe wants us the finalize the business manager issue today12:15
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svayebecause he wants to meet with them tomorrow12:16
fkoikoi1it's 15minutes pass 12 12:16
fkoikoi1can we start now??12:20
svayeyes we can12:20
fkoikoi1hi scooper and tboimah12:22
svayeGood afternoon tboimah scooper fkoikoi1 dcammue 12:23
fkoikoi1hi svaye12:23
svayecan we start the meeting now?12:23
svayetboimah, scooper and dcammue 12:24
fkoikoi1continue svaye12:25
svayeThe agenda for today meeting is:12:26
svaye1. discussion on who will be the business manager12:26
svaye2. Jetroweb logistic plan12:27
svaye3. AOB12:27
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svayeCan we go through with the meeting now?12:32
tboimah_Go ahead svaye12:32
svayeJeff wants us to decide among ourselve who will be the bookkeepers for the cooperate12:34
fkoikoi1let's continue svaye 12:34
svayeand he wants it to be 2 people 12:34
fkoikoi1okay 12:35
svayethere were 4 people that emailed Jeff concerning that issue so now we have to decide who to go12:35
svayeand those people are: 12:36
svaye1. fkoikoi1 12:36
svaye2. tboimah 12:36
svaye4. garbiel12:37
dcammueso svaye and fkoikoi1, your was taking on the challenge for these tasks right?12:37
dcammueso why don't you two go for it12:37
svayeit wasn't finalize by the group that's why we are having this meeting12:38
fkoikoiit's should also be the team decision 12:38
fkoikoiyou are right svaye12:38
dcammuebut since then have you guys start studying the tutorial already?12:39
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svayeso to finalize this discussion does the group agree for fkoikoi and svaye to be the business managers for the cooperate?12:39
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dcammueno it should not be the team decision svaye and fkoikoi 12:41
svayewhat should it be dcammue 12:42
dcammueit should be your capability12:42
fkoikoithe team have to agree dcammue 12:42
svayeThe group has to agree for us to do the study dcammue 12:42
fkoikoiwe have also show our interest12:42
dcammueif you have the knowledge who is the team to say no to you12:43
fkoikoithe team have to agree because we all are working together 12:44
dcammueokay 12:44
svayethat's why we need to decide as a team because we don't have the full knowledge12:44
tboimahFor me I am will to back out under one condition: if the two people that is going can give me and the team the asurance that they are going to take the study of the BM serious.12:44
dcammuetboimah,  just makes me understood12:44
svayewe will tboimah 12:45
tboimahSo as long as the two people will be taking  this serious them count me out12:46
tboimahI only email Jeff for this 12:46
fkoikoiokay 12:47
tboimahbecause i was not seeing any interest for any of the team member12:47
tboimahfor the position12:47
fkoikoican we answer svaye question now12:47
tboimahwhat is the question?12:47
svayeso to finalize this discussion does the group agree for fkoikoi and svaye to be the business managers for the cooperate?12:48
tboimahlike i said if the two of you going to take this serious, then +1 12:49
tboimahBut i am not seeing Garbiel12:49
tboimahwhat happen?12:50
svayeI don't know why he's not in the meeting12:50
dcammueI agree, but if and only if you will give us possible outcome as soon as possible12:50
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fkoikoimy computer is going off guys 12:51
svayewe will do our best to give the best result12:51
svayefkoikoi, we have a meeting with Jeff tomorrow at 12 noon12:51
fkoikoiI will be there svaye 12:52
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svayedcammue, and tboimah 12:56
svayedid you guys see the logistic plan that scooper emailed us?12:56
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*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:01
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:04

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