IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Wednesday, 2024-07-10

svayeGood morning jelkner 11:53
jelknerGood morning svaye and fkoikoi!11:55
fkoikoigood morning jelkner, svaye11:55
svayeGood morning jelkner and fkoikoi 11:55
jelknerAre others coming, or are we it?11:56
jelknerI read the irc logs, so i know you two have been chosen as the business managers11:56
fkoikoihow are you jeff?11:56
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jelknerbut do you know if others plan to attend our meeting today?11:56
jelknerwe can start at 12 noon sharp in any case11:57
svayeI don't know if the others will be here today11:57
jelknerif they won't, that puts an added responsibility on you two11:57
jelknersince you will need to help teach the others what your role will be11:58
jelknergood morning scooper 11:58
scooperGood morning jelkner, fkoikoi and svaye 11:58
jelknergreat to see you11:58
jelknerGood morning klarios 11:58
klariosgood morning everyone11:58
jelknerso glad you could make it11:58
scoopergood morning klarios 11:58
fkoikoidcammue is trying to connect11:58
klariosglad to be here!11:58
svayeGood morning klarios scooper tboimah 11:59
tboimahGood day folks..11:59
jelknerGood day tboimah 11:59
tboimahGood morning svaye 11:59
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jelknerok, it's 12 noon, can we start?12:00
jelkneri called this meeting, so i'll chair today12:00
jelknerhere is my agenda:12:01
scoopersvaye, when you are done will the meeting briefing please let me know12:01
jelkner1. the role and first tasks of the business managers12:01
scooperwhen have another thing to be added on your agenda12:01
scooperwe have anther....12:01
jelkner2. the roles and tasks of the other two teams (sys admin and web dev)12:01
dcammueGood morning jelkner scooper svaye fkoikoi1 and tboimah 12:02
jelknerok, we needed to select the business management team first, since they are tasked with managing the business accounting of Jetro Web development12:02
svayeGood morning dcammue 12:02
fkoikoi1Good morning dcammue 12:02
jelknerwithout them doing their work, there will be no money for the coop to operate with12:02
jelknerwe are moving into a new phase12:03
jelknerit is not longer just personal remittances being sent12:03
jelknerit will now be invoiced bills for work completed12:03
jelknerwe can talk a lot about that while i'm there12:04
jelknerbut our FIRST task is to figure out how to get money from here to there12:04
tboimahjelkner, 12:04
jelknerwhen i got scooper's email yesterday, i want immediately over to the Arlington Credit Union to see if i could make a transfter12:04
jelknerthey wanted to charge us $50 to do a wire transfer!12:05
jelknerthat will kill us12:05
jelknerwe can't afford that expense12:05
jelknerso we need to find a better way12:05
jelknersvaye, fkoikoi1, that is your first task12:05
jelknerPlease investigate the most economical B2B (business to business) international payment arrangements12:06
jelknerYou will need to talk to people who know about this, since we don't12:06
scooperjelkner, 12:06
jelknerSJC is ready to make a payment12:06
jelkneryou need to figure out how12:06
jelknerACTION done with 1st item12:06
jelknerbtw, everyone12:07
jelknerwe need to be efficient in time12:07
fkoikoi1okay jelkner12:07
jelknerso let me begin to teach you a bit of irc workflow12:07
jelkneryou don't need to wait for someone to finish before typing12:07
jelknerremember, this isn't like talking12:07
jelknerwe are reading12:07
jelknerso several people can be typing at once 12:07
jelknerand everyone can read the threads12:08
jelknerit makes things *so much* more efficient!12:08
scooperas it relate to the B2B international payment arrangements Mr. Saydee will be the best person to ask12:08
jelknerawesome, scooper 12:08
scooperbecause he was the one that open the bank account for Jetro web12:08
jelknerplease work with svaye and fkoikoi1 to get that done12:08
jelknerand let me know as soon as you have something for me12:08
jelkneri'm ready to transfer funds, as soon as you can tell me how12:09
scooperI will introduce them to Mr. Saydee or Thomas either Dcammue can do so12:09
scooperbecause they have already had an interaction with him12:09
jelknergot that svaye and fkoikoi1?12:09
jelknerperfect, i will await your message to me that you are ready to move forward12:09
scooperIf you are done can we talk about the logistic planning???12:10
jelknerlastly, we need to get both svaye and fkoikoi1 enrolled in UoPeople's business degree program12:10
jelknerwe can talk about that while i'm there12:10
jelknerbut you should be thinking about it now12:10
jelknerare we ready for item 2?12:11
jelknerwe need two sys admins12:11
jelknerearly tboimah and mulbah took on this role12:12
jelknerbut their study with Kevin Cole has lapsed12:12
jelknerwe need to get it going again12:12
jelknerit is going to be essential to have members of the coop who can set up servers, install and configure software, etc.12:13
jelknerwe don't have a web business without that12:13
jelknerso let's confirm who the two members who will take on that task will be12:13
jelknerthey should work toward Linux+ certification12:13
jelkneri will be bringing a study guide for that with me when i come12:14
jelknerwell, is it still tboimah and mulbah?12:14
jelknermulbah seems to be off doing his own thing12:14
jelknerhe emailed me with JavaScript projects he is working on12:14
jelknerthat's great12:15
jelknerbut i need to know if that means he is moving off the sys admin team12:15
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dcammueIs still tboimah and mulbah12:15
jelknertboimah, can you please confirm that?12:15
jelknerok, one more thing12:16
jelkneri have begun packing already12:16
jelkneri have compiled a spread sheet with the laptops i'll be bringing12:16
jelknera very important task with scare resources is using them wisely12:17
jelkneri will leave it up to you to figure out how to best deploy these12:17
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jelknerbut i do have one suggestion12:17
jelknerthe most powerful machine should go to the main sys admin person12:18
jelknerthat is the one that klarios kindly donated12:18
jelknerand it is the one i'll be using while i'm there, and then leaving with you when i leave12:18
jelknerthe one named secosol12:18
jelknerthat i'm using right now in fact ;-)12:18
jelknerthen finally, we need to talk about the main task of the web dev team12:19
jelknerwhich is *very* important!!!12:19
jelknerand that is getting a really nice Jetro Web Development website up12:19
jelknerwe will be using that website for marketing and fund raising12:20
jelknerwe need a website that "tells our story" to the world12:20
jelknerso that we can reach out in solidarity with others and ask for support12:20
jelknerthat's all i have12:20
jelknerACTION done12:20
jelknerklarios, the Jetro Web folks owe you a thanks for donating that laptop12:21
jelknerit will be a real help to their sys admin team12:22
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klariosit is my pleasure. I am glad you can it use it for the development of jetro web12:22
jelknerscooper, you've got the floor12:22
dcammueThanks to klarios for the donation12:22
jelknerlet's move this to a close12:22
svayeThank you so much klarios 12:22
klariosdcammue: , svaye: no worries, glad to help12:23
tboimah_Concern the logistic plan that is not on the agenda i have some editing to do on it but i will let to ask a first. who is going to be paying for the logistic?12:23
svayejelkner, I would like for you to check this out
sysadmin__scooper is here jelkner 12:24
dcammueyes we appreciate you so much klarios 12:24
jelkneryou were waiting until i finished12:24
jelkneri did12:25
jelknerso let's move on12:25
sysadmin__tboimah_, 12:25
jelknertboimah_, not sure what you mean by "paying for the logistics"?12:25
sysadmin__is on the flow let him finish12:25
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jelknerwe can flow together sysadmin__ 12:25
tboimah_jelkner, did you see the attachment file that was send by sysadmin__ 12:25
jelknerthat's what i'm trying to say12:25
jelkneryou have to learn a knew skill12:25
jelknerdon't wait12:25
jelknernew skill ;-)12:26
sysadmin__According to jelkner we should do a logistic planning12:26
sysadmin__which I did and share with the team for their input12:26
sysadmin__few member have a concern12:27
tboimah_Do you understand my question now jelkner ?12:27
sysadmin__as it relates to the cost of the materials12:27
jelknerno tboimah_, which file?12:27
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sysadmin__did you see the logistic listing???12:27
tboimah_please check your novawebdevelopment mail please..12:27
jelknerwill do12:28
jelknersorry, i don't see anything12:28
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jelknerlet email is from scooper12:29
jelknerabout the bank account12:29
jelknernothing about logistics planning12:29
jelknercan you summarize your question here, tboimah_?12:30
tboimah_you did not see any attachment file by scooper?12:30
jelknerso we can all discuss it.12:30
jelkneri did not12:30
svayeit's attached to the mail scooper sent on Monday at 9:08 am jelkner 12:30
scooperplease check your mail12:31
tboimah_scooper is sending you the plan please chech you mail jelkner 12:31
scooperI just did again12:31
scoopereveryone please check again12:31
jelkneri don't see an attachment, scooper 12:31
jelkneri just looked12:32
jelknerlet's try another approach12:32
jelkneryou know the best workflow for us would be to have a git repo12:32
jelknerand use markdown files12:32
jelknerthen we can just send links in irc12:32
jelknerand we can all see the same documents together12:32
scooperI sent it to jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org12:33
jelknerthat is light weight and efficient12:33
jelkneranyway, scooper 12:33
jelkneremail attachments are not the best here12:33
jelkneryou waste so much storage12:33
jelknerpassing the same document around again and again12:33
jelknerwhile a url to a markdown file doesn't change12:34
jelknereven when the document is updated12:34
jelkneron that note12:34
jelkneri am going to use this Summer Sprint to12:34
jelknertry to get NOVA Web and Jetro Web using the same workflows12:34
jelknerso that we can easily collaborate12:34
jelknertomorrow i'll be proposing weekly NOVA Web irc meetings12:35
jelknerand offering a paid bounty to fix our irc bot12:35
jelknerand make it work correctly for us12:35
dcammuejelkner, we have a concern on this logistic that scooper  snet 12:35
jelkneryou all should be paying attention12:35
dcammueis it jetro web that going to work toward it or you12:36
jelknerdcammue, can you take responsiblity for getting scooper's document into markdown12:36
jelknerand sending a link to it?12:36
jelknerdo you want to meet again tomorrow?12:36
jelkneryou tell me12:36
jelknerwe have so much to do12:36
jelknerwe dont' want to waste time in meetings we don't need12:36
scooperjelkner, 12:37
jelknerbut we need them for training and communication and decision making12:37
jelknerso we need to learn an effective use of them12:37
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jelknerscooper, don't wait for me12:37
jelknerthis is already 37 minutes12:37
scooperwithout properly report for Mr. Saydee concerning the B2B12:37
jelknerit takes too long unless we learn to do it well12:37
scooperthat mean no transfer can be make right??12:37
jelkneri am ready to send money scooper 12:38
jelknerbut i don't know how12:38
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jelkneri told you i want to the bank12:38
jelkner$50 for wire transfer12:38
jelknerdo you want to pay that?12:38
scooperit's too high12:38
jelknerthat's what i thought12:38
jelknerso tell me how12:38
jelknercan we talk about that tomorrow?12:39
jelkneri need to go12:39
jelknerdo we want to meet tomorrow at the same time?12:39
jelknerklarios, will you be coming here tomorrow?12:39
klariosyes I will be there jelkner 12:39
jelknerscooper, are we going to meet? yes or no12:40
jelknerplease tell me12:40
scooperI will be there12:40
scooperjelkner, 12:40
jelknersvaye, will you?12:40
svayeyes 12:40
scooperone question before you leave12:40
jelknerok, that's good enough then12:40
jelknerwe'll meet12:40
scooperwill your flight land in the day in liberia or night12:40
jelknerscooper, let everyone else go12:41
jelknerand i'll talk to you about that12:41
jelknerin fact, i'll email you the flight info12:41
jelknerbtw, we will need your help getting me through customes12:41
jelknerif they try to charge me for the laptops i'm brining, i won't pay12:41
jelknerso you need to work that out12:42
jelknermr. zawolo got me through last time12:42
jelkneryou'll need to make sure someone can this time12:42
scooperwill 12:42
scoopertry my friend12:42
jelknertalk to mr. zawolo about it12:42
scooperjelkner, 12:43
scooperplease tell Mr. Zawolo12:43
jelknerremember, if they don't let them through, you don't get the laptops12:43
jelkneri don't see him now12:43
scooperthe person who is helping register the business12:43
jelknerwe are on Summer break12:43
jelkneryou can tell him as easily as i can12:43
scooperhave not yet given us the receipt12:43
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jelknerscooper, you need to start working with your business mangers, svaye and fkoikoi12:44
scoopergot you12:44
scooperFreena and svaye 12:44
svayeyes scooper 12:44
jelknerit is there job to handle things like this12:44
scooperit's your turn now to take full responsible of getting the business receipt12:44
jelknerthat's why we needed to select them first12:45
scooperI will introduce you and watch the process12:45
scooperless work for me now12:46
jelknerperfect scooper!12:46
svayeAlright scooper 12:46
jelknerthis is great12:46
svayewhen will you do the introduction scooper 12:46
jelkneri am really loving how Jetro Web is progressing12:46
jelkneryou all rock!12:46
scoopervia telephone12:46
svayeBy what time 12:47
scooperafter the meeting12:47
jelknerok folks, i have to go12:48
jelknermy first intern just arrived12:48
scooperok jelkner 12:48
scoopersee you tomorrow12:48
jelknersee you tomorrow12:48
jelknerthanks, scooper!12:48
svayehave a nice day jelkner 12:48
jelknerACTION signs off until tomorrow12:48
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