scooper | Good morning jelkner | 11:48 |
jelkner | Good morning scooper | 11:48 |
scooper | I saw your response from thomas and daniel this morning by 4:00am | 11:49 |
*** tboimah has quit (None) | 11:56 | |
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds) | 12:00 | |
jelkner | scooper, no one else wants to get paid? | 12:02 |
jelkner | there we go | 12:02 |
scooper | LOL | 12:02 |
jelkner | dcammue wants to get paid! | 12:02 |
jelkner | and he will | 12:02 |
jelkner | dcammue, thank you again for all your initiative | 12:03 |
jelkner | i'm going to create a spreadsheet later this morning | 12:03 |
jelkner | keeping earnings for each of the Jetro members | 12:03 |
jelkner | you just earned $5 for attending this meeting | 12:03 |
jelkner | there we go, tboimah also just earned $5 ;-) | 12:04 |
tboimah | Good morning folks.. | 12:04 |
jelkner | though he should strive to be on time | 12:04 |
jelkner | not 4 minutes late ;-) | 12:04 |
dcammue | Good morning jelkner | 12:04 |
jelkner | i am trying to do two things at once | 12:05 |
jelkner | and i always tell my students i can't walk and chew gum at the same time | 12:05 |
jelkner | so i need to try to focus quickly on what we have to do here | 12:05 |
jelkner | and then switch to my other task | 12:05 |
jelkner | dcammue, scooper, i'm about to send you a link with the wire transfer foem | 12:05 |
jelkner | form | 12:06 |
jelkner | i don't want to put it here | 12:06 |
jelkner | since it has all our account numbers on it | 12:06 |
jelkner | give me a minute | 12:06 |
dcammue | okay | 12:06 |
jelkner | email sent to dcammue and scooper | 12:08 |
jelkner | ok dcammue and scooper | 12:08 |
jelkner | to help folks understand what i have been trying to get at, let's just start doing it | 12:09 |
jelkner | right now, scooper, dcammue, and tboimah have $5 billable time for attending a planning meeting | 12:09 |
jelkner | dcammue and scooper, you two can track your hours working on the banking setup | 12:10 |
jelkner | those can be billable two | 12:10 |
dcammue | I will check it after | 12:10 |
jelkner | i'm thinking we should start at a rate of $5 per hour | 12:10 |
dcammue | okay | 12:10 |
jelkner | so if you do an hour of work for the coop | 12:10 |
jelkner | you earn $5 on your account | 12:10 |
jelkner | but you have to TRACK it | 12:10 |
jelkner | so we can report on what we spent and what it was used for | 12:10 |
jelkner | NOVA Web developed it's own Django app to help with this process | 12:11 |
jelkner | | 12:11 |
jelkner | tboimah, i had hoped that by now you and mulbah would have the skills to set up Business Tracker for Jetro's use | 12:12 |
jelkner | i don't think you're there yet | 12:12 |
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 12:12 | |
jelkner | but the idea is that you develop enough skills to be able to do that | 12:12 |
jelkner | then you get paid for it | 12:12 |
fkoikoi | Good morning jelkner | 12:12 |
jelkner | THAT IS HOW YOU WILL GET PAID | 12:12 |
jelkner | by doing agreed upon work and delivering the results | 12:13 |
jelkner | Is this helping? | 12:13 |
jelkner | I've been trying to say this for 6 months | 12:13 |
jelkner | but it still doesn't seem to be sinking in | 12:13 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 12:13 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, you just earned $5 | 12:14 |
dcammue | +1 | 12:14 |
jelkner | but please try to be at our meetings when they start | 12:14 |
jelkner | scooper, you have been clear on this, yes? | 12:14 |
fkoikoi | Good morning scooper,dcammue | 12:15 |
fkoikoi | okay jelkner | 12:15 |
fkoikoi | sorry guys for coming late | 12:15 |
jelkner | dcammue, work with fkoikoi to plan our workshop | 12:15 |
dcammue | good morning fkoikoi | 12:15 |
jelkner | both of you can bill at $5 per hour for your time | 12:15 |
dcammue | okay | 12:15 |
jelkner | but you MUST DOCUMENT IT! | 12:15 |
jelkner | if you don't record what you did, and when, you won't get paid | 12:16 |
fkoikoi | okay jelkner | 12:16 |
jelkner | great | 12:16 |
scooper | I have a question here jelkner ?? | 12:16 |
jelkner | go for it scooper | 12:16 |
scooper | you are asking dcammue and freena to plan a the workshop and they will get pay for it right | 12:17 |
jelkner | you too | 12:17 |
jelkner | same rules | 12:17 |
jelkner | scooper, i really need your help here | 12:17 |
jelkner | if you don't get this, i don't know what to do | 12:17 |
scooper | in short I you trying to said those who will turn out for their workshop beginning Aug 3 till the 17 will be pay base on the hour they stay for?? | 12:17 |
jelkner | let's back up a minute, scooper | 12:18 |
scooper | Not able me in particular but everyone | 12:18 |
jelkner | and start with the understanding of our economic relationship here | 12:18 |
scooper | if we go that rountine | 12:18 |
scooper | things might get messy | 12:18 |
jelkner | sorry | 12:18 |
jelkner | messy they will be | 12:18 |
jelkner | no way around it | 12:18 |
jelkner | let me start with this: | 12:19 |
jelkner | As we move forward, I will be taking on a new role | 12:19 |
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 12:19 | |
jelkner | I am no longer Santa Clause | 12:19 |
jelkner | I am now Jetro Web Development's first customer | 12:19 |
scooper | Because I m getting ready to hold you by your word now | 12:19 |
scooper | LOL | 12:20 |
jelkner | Please hold me by my word | 12:20 |
*** tboimah has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 12:20 | |
jelkner | What did I say that you want to hold me too? | 12:20 |
jelkner | to? | 12:20 |
*** dcammue has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 12:20 | |
scooper | You are saying Freena and Dcammue will get pay for planning the workshop right?? which include everyone | 12:21 |
scooper | so my concern where is what time the workshop will begin and end | 12:21 |
jelkner | well, those are good questions | 12:21 |
scooper | should be taking into consideration | 12:22 |
jelkner | but in keeping with tboimah's very legitimate concern | 12:22 |
scooper | like say for example scooper and freena come for the workshop by 9;am wish might be the starting time | 12:22 |
scooper | and leave by 4:00pm | 12:23 |
jelkner | you need to make a budget | 12:23 |
scooper | that is 40.00USD earn each day... which is huge jelkner | 12:23 |
jelkner | that's too much | 12:23 |
jelkner | we can't afford that | 12:23 |
fkoikoi | jelkner??? | 12:23 |
scooper | per person | 12:23 |
scooper | sure | 12:23 |
*** dcammue__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 12:24 | |
jelkner | look, scooper, i don't know how to work out all the details | 12:24 |
jelkner | we will have to figure this out together | 12:24 |
jelkner | it is required that we do proper accounting though | 12:24 |
scooper | I advice here is this workshop about us we should get pay for it but rather get compensated | 12:24 |
*** tboimah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | 12:24 | |
fkoikoi | I think we should firstly know how much is proposing for the workshop them we can have a budget plan jelkner | 12:24 |
scooper | When you come later in church freena | 12:25 |
scooper | don't raise a song that had already been sing | 12:25 |
fkoikoi | sorry for that | 12:25 |
scooper | *late in church | 12:25 |
scooper | hahahaha | 12:26 |
jelkner | fkoikoi, scooper, my concern is that we don't get "lost in the weeds" | 12:26 |
scooper | please follow the repository freena | 12:26 |
jelkner | i'm am desperately trying to get you to see "the big picture" | 12:26 |
fkoikoi | i just started reading the past conversation | 12:26 |
jelkner | so we can work together | 12:26 |
jelkner | and move forward | 12:26 |
jelkner | i am probably going to be one of the best customers Jetro Web will ever have | 12:27 |
jelkner | since what I want is to pay for Jetro Web to become a real business | 12:27 |
jelkner | but I want results now, as customer | 12:27 |
jelkner | so I only want to pay when I see results | 12:27 |
jelkner | we will need to be flexible | 12:27 |
jelkner | and learn as we go | 12:27 |
jelkner | sometimes we can pay by the hour | 12:28 |
jelkner | other times we can have a stipend | 12:28 |
jelkner | or pay by product | 12:28 |
jelkner | As in: I'll pay $200 to get Business Tracker installed and running for Jetro Web | 12:28 |
jelkner | or something like that | 12:29 |
jelkner | You will need to learn to manage your revenue | 12:29 |
jelkner | and effectively utilize your product, which is your own skills | 12:29 |
jelkner | you need to figure out who can do what, and to continue to develop your skills | 12:30 |
jelkner | you need to plan | 12:30 |
jelkner | and plan | 12:30 |
jelkner | and plan | 12:30 |
jelkner | AND PLAN! | 12:30 |
jelkner | you need to think long term | 12:30 |
jelkner | who will study business? | 12:30 |
jelkner | who will learn system administration? | 12:30 |
jelkner | how can we prevent the "single point of failure" problem? | 12:30 |
jelkner | let's take baby steps | 12:31 |
jelkner | dcammue__ and fkoikoi | 12:31 |
scooper | I have a question on this single point of failure raise by you... | 12:31 |
jelkner | since you are the business managers | 12:31 |
jelkner | type scooper, don't wait | 12:31 |
jelkner | i'll keep typing too | 12:31 |
scooper | you listing lot of board members from SJC | 12:31 |
jelkner | we can both type | 12:31 |
scooper | *listed | 12:32 |
jelkner | 5 | 12:32 |
jelkner | there are currently 5 board members of SJC | 12:32 |
scooper | but look at the record only you Jetro Web Know | 12:32 |
scooper | in term of regular assistant and donation | 12:32 |
scooper | what happen if soome thing happen to jelkner | 12:32 |
jelkner | Excellent question, scooper! | 12:33 |
scooper | how are those other board members going to intervene in Jetro Web affairs | 12:33 |
jelkner | I've been talking about that for a LONG TIME too. | 12:33 |
jelkner | I am the biggest single point of failure we need to address. | 12:33 |
jelkner | I have been telling you how we do that | 12:33 |
jelkner | but it is a lot to take in, I know | 12:34 |
scooper | The donations, the resources for learning new skill are all been provided by a single man called jelkner | 12:34 |
jelkner | so i don't think you have really understood yet | 12:34 |
jelkner | let me tell you how it can be fixed | 12:34 |
scooper | ACTION listening | 12:34 |
jelkner | 1. Jetro Web web develops a beautiful website that tells a compelling story about an exciting project | 12:35 |
jelkner | 2. SJC uses that to run a donation campaign | 12:35 |
jelkner | that's the first way | 12:35 |
jelkner | Now there are lots of donors, not just jelkner | 12:35 |
jelkner | I've been telling you we need to do that for awhile now | 12:36 |
jelkner | but it requires you to have skills enough to make a website that excites donors | 12:36 |
jelkner | That is the short term plan | 12:36 |
jelkner | The longer term plan is much better | 12:36 |
jelkner | it goes like this: | 12:36 |
jelkner | 1. Jetro Web becomes an organized, effective web application development company | 12:37 |
jelkner | 2. With the help of their partnership with NOVA Web Development, Jetro attracts more paying customers than it can handle | 12:37 |
jelkner | and needs to grow the coop to keep up with the thriving business | 12:38 |
jelkner | when this happens, you no longer need jelkner at all | 12:38 |
jelkner | And THAT is my biggest goal! | 12:38 |
jelkner | I will only be successful when I am no longer necessary | 12:38 |
jelkner | I'm getting older | 12:39 |
jelkner | I want this to be my legacy, not something that continues to require my constant attention | 12:39 |
jelkner | but I promise to give it several more years, as long as I am able and you all want it and are willing to do what is needed | 12:40 |
jelkner | ACTION done | 12:40 |
fkoikoi | wow | 12:41 |
jelkner | ok dcammue__ and scooper | 12:42 |
jelkner | did you see my email? | 12:42 |
scooper | ACTION verifying the bank account number | 12:43 |
jelkner | great | 12:43 |
jelkner | email me back with confimation | 12:43 |
jelkner | and PLEASE meet with the church this weekend | 12:43 |
dcammue__ | +1 | 12:43 |
jelkner | my meeting with Commy is the following Saturday | 12:43 |
jelkner | i want to be able to tell him we have a plan | 12:44 |
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | 12:44 | |
jelkner | i'll be away until next Monday | 12:44 |
jelkner | can we meet then at this same time? | 12:44 |
jelkner | thinking about it now | 12:45 |
jelkner | let's not do a stipend for the workshop | 12:45 |
jelkner | people should come to the workshop because they want to learn | 12:45 |
jelkner | instead, let's continue to do these $5 mandatory planning meetings | 12:45 |
jelkner | only those who show up AND start participating in the planning | 12:46 |
scooper | yes | 12:46 |
jelkner | will get paid | 12:46 |
jelkner | we need to think about how we can use this process to build toward our goals | 12:46 |
scooper | there you still having a typo error on the bank account number | 12:46 |
scooper | this it's | 12:46 |
scooper | 53020250021367 | 12:46 |
jelkner | Email me that | 12:46 |
jelkner | that is a killer! | 12:46 |
scooper | It's in the repository | 12:47 |
jelkner | The wrong number means the money won't go where it is supposed to go!!!!! | 12:47 |
jelkner | ok, i have to go | 12:47 |
scooper | if it's an issue | 12:47 |
jelkner | scooper, we still need to work on connectivity issues | 12:47 |
scooper | please bring the money when coming | 12:47 |
jelkner | people are dropping like flies | 12:47 |
jelkner | scooper, i will | 12:48 |
fkoikoi | oh sorry guys | 12:48 |
jelkner | but i'm going with dcammue__'s plan | 12:48 |
jelkner | we need to know we can transfer funds | 12:48 |
scooper | I you in Liberia we can get this tested | 12:48 |
jelkner | otherwise, we won't be able to continue operating once i leave | 12:48 |
scooper | That is my lil advice | 12:48 |
jelkner | NO | 12:48 |
jelkner | i can't go to my credit union when i'm in Liberia | 12:49 |
jelkner | i need to do it here | 12:49 |
scooper | Then please keep your eye on the number carefully | 12:49 |
scooper | it's so precious to us all | 12:49 |
jelkner | Please email me with my error | 12:49 |
jelkner | yes, i get it | 12:49 |
jelkner | so, Monday then? | 12:50 |
jelkner | Please confirm | 12:50 |
scooper | ok | 12:50 |
jelkner | +1 | 12:50 |
scooper | everyone this is the bank detail | 12:50 |
jelkner | dcammue__, fkoikoi, tboimah? | 12:50 |
scooper | should I paste it here?? | 12:50 |
jelkner | NO! | 12:50 |
fkoikoi | +1 | 12:50 |
tboimah | +1 | 12:50 |
jelkner | This channel is logged | 12:50 |
jelkner | dcammue__? | 12:51 |
scooper | ok | 12:51 |
dcammue__ | +1 | 12:51 |
jelkner | i love this irc logging | 12:51 |
scooper | it in the repository please view | 12:51 |
jelkner | it will make doing the accounting easy | 12:51 |
jelkner | i can look at the logs, see who showed at each meeting | 12:51 |
jelkner | and then tally what i owe them | 12:51 |
jelkner | have a great weekend eveyone! | 12:52 |
scooper | ok | 12:52 |
scooper | when I we meeting again | 12:52 |
scooper | ?? | 12:52 |
jelkner | in 2 weeks i'll be leaving to come see you | 12:52 |
scooper | When are we meeting again | 12:52 |
scooper | hahaha | 12:52 |
jelkner | ok, gotta go | 12:52 |
scooper | Safe journey dator | 12:52 |
jelkner | ACTION signs off until Monday | 12:52 |
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 12:53 | |
scooper | everyone | 12:53 |
scooper | please check your privatel irc log | 12:53 |
fkoikoi | i just did | 12:53 |
scooper | this is precious right now | 12:54 |
scooper | ACTION leaving how | 12:54 |
scooper | now | 12:54 |
scooper | Lastly | 12:54 |
scooper | according to the bank | 12:54 |
scooper | The day the money is transfer it will take four working days | 12:55 |
scooper | because it can get mature.. | 12:55 |
scooper | ACTION logging out now | 12:55 |
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 12:55 | |
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 12:55 | |
*** dcammue__ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 12:55 | |
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving) | 12:56 |
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