IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Tuesday, 2024-07-23

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scooperGood morning jelkner 11:29
tboimahGood morning folks11:29
dcammueGood morning jelkner scooper 11:29
scoopergood moring tboimah, jelkner and dcammue 11:29
jelknerGood morning dcammue, scooper, and tboimah!11:48
scooperjelkner, 11:50
tboimahjelkner, I did a research on "Decidim" yesterday..11:50
tboimah    • Name: Decidim(Catalan for “We decide”)11:51
tboimah    • Origin: Developed in Barcelona11:51
tboimah    • Purpose: Digital platform for participatory democracy11:51
tboimahKey features:11:51
tboimah    • Participatory Tools: Assemblies, Consultation, Initiatives, and Processes11:51
tboimah    • Functionality: Supports strategic planning, Participatory budgeting, Public consultations, and Collaborative decision-making11:51
tboimah    • Technology: Built on Ruby on Rails, Open-Source Software11:51
scooperjelkner, and everyone kindly check your mail11:51
jelknerACTION goes to check his email11:52
tboimah    • Usage: Widely adopted in Spain and internationally (e.g. Mexico, Italy, France)11:52
tboimah    • Adaptability: Suitable for various democratic contexts and needs11:52
tboimahTransparency and Collaboration:11:52
tboimah    • Open-Source: Code is publicly available for inspection and modification11:52
tboimah    • Community-Driven: Emphasis on Transparency, Community contributors, and Democratic collaboration11:52
tboimahConclusion: Decidim provide a robust, adaptable platform for fostering participatory democracy, making it a valuable tool for any organization seeking to enhance democratic engagement and decision-making.11:52
tboimahHere is a link to there website:
tboimahHere is a link to there documentation:
tboimahACTION going to check my mail11:52
dcammueACTION going to check mail11:52
scooperLastly the meeting with the pastor was not successful this goes sunday because the pastor is not in town11:53
scooperBut promise to have a meeting with us on the 27 of July when he return from out off town.11:54
jelknergreat, i've read the emai, and i'm ready to start the meeting at 12 noon sharp11:54
jelkneronly folks who are here on time get paid for this meeting11:55
jelkneri'm updating the spreadsheet every time we do this11:55
jelkneroh, and scooper, it is not a donation11:56
jelknerit is a payment11:56
jelknerremember, our relationship is changing11:56
jelknerJetro will do billable work11:56
jelknerand then get paid for it11:56
jelknerit isn't "dontations"11:56
jelknerit is "payments"11:56
scooperwhat is it???11:57
tboimahpayments for "WHAT"?11:57
jelknerwell, since we have to account for all our funds11:57
jelknerwe better know the answer to that, tboimah 11:57
jelkneror we will be in legal trouble with our tax people11:58
jelkner(the IRS in the US, i don't know the name of your authority)11:58
tboimahWhat is the work done for the 1000.00?11:58
jelknertboimah: we have to accout for it11:58
jelknerso we need to decide11:58
jelknerone way or the other, tboimah, every dollar must be accounted for11:59
jelknerwe haven't spent it yet11:59
jelkneror you haven't spent it yet11:59
jelknerso its use has not been determined11:59
jelknerright now, it is a credit in your account11:59
jelknerbut to spend it, you must account for it112:00
scooperThat what the message say12:00
jelknerok it's time to start, shall we?12:00
scooperTxn Credit12:00
scooperAmt 1000.0012:00
scooperAc 5XX.00XX12:00
jelknerlet's start12:01
jelknerwho is chairing today?12:01
scooperDesc: IWT B/O Social Justice Computing12:01
scooperLET ME GO12:01
jelknerGo, my friend, we need to move fast!12:01
scooperBasically I will only be updating members on what had happened over the past week12:02
jelknerplease do12:02
scooperOur meeting that was schedule for Sunday with the pastor was not successful due to the pastor schedule for out off town trip12:03
scooperBut he promise to have a meeting with us on July 27 at the Church edifice 12:03
jelknerThat meeting is really important!12:03
scooperIn this light I m informing all members to please be present12:03
jelknerWe need to talk about it before you have it.12:04
scooperbeing it managers or members you are mandatory to attend12:04
scooperbecause it's last change of having a face to face conversation with the pastor and the congregation12:05
scooperBecause I climax 12:05
scooperI will like to encourage dcammue 12:05
jelknerLOL, scooper 12:05
jelknerin the US, climax has a sexual connotation ;-)12:05
scooperto learn to return calls when ever some try calling you12:05
jelknerit means the same as orgasm12:06
jelknerso i laugh whenever you write that12:06
scooperI you all in here that Sunday we are meeting with the pastor since Freena and Shallon didn't turn up12:06
scooperbut you did response to my calls on Sunday morning12:06
scooperlike take for example if the meeting was going to be successful you was definitely going to miss it again12:07
jelknerscooper: let me know when i can jump in12:07
scooperlet do it together12:07
scooperyou can come in since we done have time12:07
jelknerno, we have time12:07
jelknerwe need to take the time we need12:08
jelknerthis is *very* important12:08
scooperAs it relate to the custom duty12:08
scooperI spoke to my uncle about this. If it's possible to allow our laptops 12:09
scooperwith out charges placed on it12:09
jelknerMr. Zawolo told me he can take care of that.12:09
scooperand him response was how many computer is it?? what it intend12:09
scooperthat is great12:09
jelknerHe is coming to our meeting with Commy on 7/2712:09
jelkneri got in touch with him12:10
jelknerwe'll let him handle that12:10
scooperthe same time we are meeting with the Emmanuel Temple Church12:10
jelknerhe said he would talk with you, scooper 12:10
jelknerok, scooper, are you finished?12:11
scooperIs't possible we arrange a call while in the meeting with the Emmanuel Temple Church at the same when you meeting is ongoing???12:11
scooperACTION done12:11
jelknerNo, let's not try to do that scooper 12:11
jelknerTech problems cause frustration12:11
jelkneri'm coming there to do that12:11
jelknerok, may i have the floor?12:12
scooperACTION done12:12
jelkneri need to update you all on several things12:12
jelknerand then we need to talk about what tboimah did yesterday12:12
jelknersince that is how we will move forward together12:12
jelknerso, here is my agenda:12:13
jelkner1. Discussion of 7/27 meeting with church12:13
jelkner2. Update on plans for my visit12:13
jelkner3. Decidim discussion12:13
jelkneri'll start with 1.12:13
jelknerWhen you go into a meeting like the one you are planning for this Saturday, you need to think ahead of time what you want to get out of it.12:14
jelknerWhat would you leave a successful meeting with?12:14
jelknerhere are my thoughts on that12:14
jelknerwe are trying to decide whether we can work with the church to create a school12:15
jelknerthat is a big project12:15
jelknerwe need to communicate what we want from the project clearly to them12:15
jelknerand we need to get a clear understanding from them of what they want from the project12:16
jelkneronly if we can find synergies between our respective goals do we have a project12:16
jelknerif our goals don't align12:16
jelknerwe need to walk away from this12:16
jelknerdoes that make sense?12:16
jelknerso, from my point of view, here are our goals:12:17
jelkner1. To have a place for Jetro Web Development to operate it's cooperative business12:17
jelkner2. To provide hands on learning opportunities for other students who want to pursue work in ICT12:18
jelkner3. On a "big picture" scale, to promote the growth of the solidarity economy in Liberia12:19
jelknerthose are my goals for the project12:19
jelkneri want a place first and for most where you all can run your business12:19
tboimahNice goal12:20
jelknerbut what we give back to the community are the other 2 goals12:20
jelknerwe want to help the country12:20
jelknerand we do that by teaching and running a "model business"12:20
jelknerso we need to communicate this clearly to the church community12:21
jelknerand figure out whether they like those goals or not12:21
jelknerand what goals they have12:21
jelknerthen we see if our goals align12:21
jelknerand if we can find win-win cooperation between us12:21
jelknerif we can, we move forward12:22
jelknerif not, we walk away12:22
jelknerand think about another plan12:22
jelknerACTION done on that item12:22
tboimahACTION no thought i agreed with what you are saying12:23
jelknerbtw. I will be communicating this clearly to Commy on Saturday12:23
jelkneri will tell him that while we want to move forward with the school project, we don't know yet if we can12:23
jelkneri will tell him that i will update him when i return from Liberia12:23
jelknerok, greta12:24
jelknerlet's move on to the second agenda item12:24
jelkneri had to shorten my visit12:24
scooperACTION following but writing down our agenda for the meeting base on the three goals12:24
jelknerMr. Zawolo told me to expect delays in flights to Liberia12:25
jelknerso i made a mistake when i booked my flight back for 8/1712:25
jelkneri can't be late to my first day back at school12:25
jelknerso i had to change the flight to a week earlier12:25
jelknerit was the only flight they had12:25
jelknerso we will have to be very efficient in the use of our time12:26
jelknerI updated my flight info12:27
jelknerNext week we can talk in detail about our plans12:27
jelknerI will depend on Mr. Zawolo to work with scooper on logistics12:28
jelknerACTION done with item 212:28
jelknerany comments?12:28
scooperthat me you will arrive in liberia Aug 3 and leave Aug 10 right12:29
jelknerso 1 week12:29
jelknerand, Mr. Zawolo says i might even get stuck in Casablanca for a day or 212:29
jelknerhe says to expect delays12:29
jelknerthey happen regularly on these flights12:30
scooperHmmm so sad.....12:30
jelkneryes, but it is what it is12:30
jelknerso let's work with it12:30
jelknerif we plan well12:31
jelknera week is enough time to do what we need to do12:31
jelknerok, anything else before we move to tboimah?12:31
scooperOur first engagement start on Sunday Aug 4th with the Emmanuel Temple Church and the community12:32
scooperAnd visit the site12:32
scooperto see the land in question12:32
jelknerbut, scooper, be careful12:33
jelknerif Mr. Zawolo is right, i could get delayed12:33
jelknerit is the flight to Monrovia that is most unreliable12:33
jelknerit happened to me last time12:33
jelkneri spent two days waiting by the airport to leave12:33
jelknerso we need an A plan and a B plan12:33
jelknerthe A plan is i arrive as scheduled12:34
jelknerthe B plan is you warn everyone that if i am delayed, we need to meet during the week12:34
jelknerbtw. i am updating the payment spreadsheet12:34
scooperLast question12:35
jelknerso you can track how much we own you12:35
jelknergo for it scooper 12:35
scooperthat mean if such unforseen circumstance occurred12:35
scooperI might sleep to the air port right??12:35
scooperwaiting for you???12:35
jelknerlet's not do that12:35
jelkneri should be able to message you from Casablanca12:36
scooperI m asking basic on what you just mentioned12:36
jelknertelling you i am going that day or not12:36
scooperooh got you12:36
jelknerso i will arrive in Casablanca12:36
jelkneri might be told that my connecting flight is cancelled12:36
jelknerand i need to stay there an extra day or two12:37
jelknerthat's what Mr. Zawolo told me12:37
jelknerbut i will know that hours before i board the flight to Monrovia12:37
jelknergiving you plenty of time to get to the airport12:37
jelknerMr. Zawolo knows how this all works, scooper 12:37
jelknerlet' rely on him to guide us12:37
jelknerACTION done12:38
jelknerare we ready to move on?12:38
jelknertboimah: you have the floor12:38
tboimahI was ask yesterday to do some inquire on decidim and here are the few info i was able to inquire Introduction:12:39
tboimah    • Name: Decidim(Catalan for “We decide”)12:39
tboimah    • Origin: Developed in Barcelona12:39
tboimah    • Purpose: Digital platform for participatory democracy12:39
tboimahKey features:12:39
tboimah    • Participatory Tools: Assemblies, Consultation, Initiatives, and Processes12:39
tboimah    • Functionality: Supports strategic planning, Participatory budgeting, Public consultations, and Collaborative decision-making12:39
tboimah    • Technology: Built on Ruby on Rails, Open-Source Software12:39
tboimah    • Usage: Widely adopted in Spain and internationally (e.g. Mexico, Italy, France)12:39
tboimah    • Adaptability: Suitable for various democratic contexts and needs12:39
tboimahTransparency and Collaboration:12:39
tboimah    • Open-Source: Code is publicly available for inspection and modification12:39
tboimah    • Community-Driven: Emphasis on Transparency, Community contributors, and Democratic collaboration12:39
tboimahConclusion: Decidim provide a robust, adaptable platform for fostering participatory democracy, making it a valuable tool for any organization seeking to enhance democratic engagement and decision-making.12:39
tboimahHere is a link to there website:
tboimahHere is a link to there documentation:
tboimahI am will to do more research about this and willing to do any other task12:39
jelknertboimah: that is a brilliant summary!12:40
jelkneri am super impressed12:40
jelknerok, now let me tell you why i asked you to do that12:40
jelknerNOVA Web Development will be making Decidim support a key part of its business plan12:40
jelknerWe have been devoting our Summer sprint to that end12:41
jelknerWe are planning on using our own Decidim instance to plan our cooperative12:41
jelknerand we will be inviting Jetro to join us12:41
jelknerKei will be coordinating that12:42
tboimahThat's great12:42
jelknerIn geek speak that is called "Dogfooding"12:42
jelkneri don't know where geeks come up with some of this stuff12:42
jelknerbut the term comes from the expression, "eating your own dog food"12:43
jelknerthis is a perfect example of that12:43
jelknerin order to provide Decidim support12:43
jelknerwe need to learn the platform12:44
jelknerso we will use it internally12:44
jelknerto do our own business12:44
jelkneras soon as we get this going12:44
jelkneri will begin using Decidim to help you plan12:44
tboimahPlease tell kei i am will to work with her team on this..12:45
jelkneryou just told her ;-)12:45
jelknersince she reads these logs12:45
jelknerthat is awesome, tboimah 12:45
jelknerexpect to hear from her tomorrow12:46
jelknerok, this was a great meeting12:46
jelknerlet's meet again on Thursday12:46
jelknersince we need to get some work done between now and then12:46
jelknerscooper: one question i forgot12:46
jelknercan you withdraw funds yet?12:46
scooperI m listening12:47
dcammuejelkner,  I was to post mind but tboimah already do all 12:47
jelkneror is that $1000 stuck in your bank12:47
dcammueso I just sit back and watch12:47
jelknerdcammue: work with tboimah and kei12:47
scooperSince the registration receipt is not yet avaialable12:47
jelknerso it is stuck12:47
scooperJetro three members spencer, thomas and dcammue12:48
scoopercan withdraw12:48
jelknerthat's great12:48
scooperbase on Mr. Saydee recommendation12:48
jelknerdcammue: i have a homework assignment for you now12:48
scooperThat is what I was told yesterday by Mr. Saydee12:48
dcammueI am listing12:49
scooperthe three have to be present12:49
jelknertake a look at the UoPeople business degrees12:49
jelknerand come Thursday prepared with a summary of what they offer12:49
scooperbefore such transaction can occurred since we done have the receipt yet12:49
jelknerwe need to make education a core part of the Jetro plan12:50
jelkneri want to know if you are interested in the business degrees12:50
jelkneri will be proposing in Decidim that we start with at least two members12:50
jelknerwho want to enroll in a University program12:51
jelknerone in business, and one in computer science12:51
jelknerwe need to select students who we are confident can earn an A or B grade in their first courses12:51
jelknerwe will make a contract with SJC12:51
tboimahI am will go for it jelkner 12:51
jelknerthat by earning an A or B in the agreed courses, they get paid for their study12:52
jelknerone more thing before i go12:52
jelknerdcammue: ??12:52
tboimahsorry that was a mistake12:52
scooperOne last thing before you leave12:52
jelknerwhat was a mistake?12:52
jelkneri don't understand12:53
jelknerscooper: go for it12:53
jelknerlet's do this in parallel12:53
jelknerdon't wait12:53
dcammuei will go for it12:53
scooperIf what Mr. Saydee is saying is possible we need to withdraw the money12:53
jelknertry it out scooper 12:53
dcammuei type on tboimah  computer12:53
jelknerone last seed to plant12:54
scooperBut the is an issue here12:54
jelkneri was talking with a friend about our fund raising goals12:54
scooperthe propose amount for the generator is 130012:54
jelknerthat's my fear12:54
jelknerwe didn't plan well12:54
scooperwhich is a key factor here12:54
jelkneri can make another transfer12:54
jelknerbut we messed up12:55
jelknerwe just wasted $5012:55
scooperWe were giving it a try12:55
jelkneri could have transferred $200012:55
jelkneryes, scooper 12:55
jelkneri know12:55
jelknerlet me make another transfer12:55
jelkneri need a quick break12:56
scooperso it was not a waste it was a preventive measure12:56
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:56
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tboimahscooper, have you getting the business registry receipt?12:57
jelknerdid scooper leave?13:00
jelkneri'm back13:00
jelknertboimah, dcammue, are you still here?13:00
jelknerlet me mention one more idea13:01
jelkneri was talking with a friend about our need to do fund raising13:01
jelknerhe suggested we start a YouTube channel to tell our story13:01
jelknerso let's explore that idea13:01
jelknerSJC could hire Jetro Web to run our YouTube channel13:02
tboimahThat is a great idea13:02
jelknerit would mean making weekly 30 minute videos talking about what we are doing13:02
jelknerthis is very exciting, my friends!13:03
jelknerwe are making a lot of progress13:03
jelknerok, next meeting thursday at the same time13:03
dcammueokay have a nice day13:03
jelknertomorrow you should hear from kei about decidim13:03
jelkneryou too dcammue 13:03
tboimahOkay have a great day13:03
jelknersee you thrusday13:03
jelknerACTION signs off13:03
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scooperdcammue, 13:14
scooperdid you see my response???13:14
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:23
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