IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Thursday, 2024-07-25

*** dcammue has quit (None)11:34
scooperGood morning dcammue and scooper 11:47
dcammueGood morning scooper 11:52
jelknerGood morning dcammue, tboimah, and scooper 11:53
jelknerWhy is it only the 3 of you that are showing up at these meetings?11:53
dcammueI don't know why jelkner but they are informed as well11:55
jelknerI just updated the work log11:56
jelknerthat is how everyone will be paid now11:57
scoopergood morning jelkner 11:57
jelknerso anyone interested in earning pay needs to do something that gets recorded in the work log11:57
jelknerby agreement11:57
jelknergood morning scooper 11:57
scooperkindly be informed that the transaction you did was successful11:57
jelkneryou should now have $2500 in your account11:57
jelknerthat should cover the workshop, yes?11:58
scooperin Jetro Web Account at United Bank for Africa11:58
jelknerlet's see what expenses we actually have11:58
jelknerdefinitely we need the generator, fuel, and internet11:58
jelkneri don't think we need to rent a car11:58
jelknerisaac's friend may pick me up without charge11:59
scooperHow do I pick you up from the airport11:59
jelknerisaac should arrange my transit11:59
jelknerplease communicate with him11:59
jelkneryou and i need to make sure we can communicate when i arrive11:59
scooperWe did yesterday11:59
jelkneryes, i saw your email12:00
scoopervia whatapp12:00
jelkneryou and i can use Telegram12:00
scooperLastly when you meet with Isaac on Saturday12:00
scooperplease help me collect one computer from him he promise me a computer to deliver it to someone12:01
scooperjelkner, 12:01
scooperlet get something clear here12:01
jelkneri can't scooper 12:01
jelkneri am already at maximum weight with the stuff i'm brining12:02
jelkneri'll be charged extra for any more i bring12:02
scoopergot you12:02
scooperlet get something clear here12:02
jelkneri've been planning that carefully12:02
scooperif we are not using car how do are get you from the airport???12:02
jelkneroh, and i purchased a small projector12:02
jelknerhere is what i am suggesting, my friend12:03
scooperHow do get in contact with the person that day upon your arrival??12:03
jelknerthat we make this Isaac's problem, not yours12:03
jelkneryou have enough on your plate12:03
jelknerso if it is his problem, you don't have to worry about it!12:03
jelkneryou just wait until i show up at your house12:03
jelkneri need someone who can get me through customs without problems12:04
scooperLeo Saa12:04
jelknerlet's let our friend the Supe (former) take care of that12:04
scooperis the guy Mr. Zawolo recommend12:04
jelkneri will depend on him12:04
jelknerso you don't have to worry about it12:05
scooperBut the guy will not bring you in Monrovia12:05
jelknernow, i don't know what to tell you about food12:05
jelkneri understand the problem12:05
scooperbecause he will be on duty, you need me to be at the airport to pick you up12:05
jelkneryour wife wants to take good care of me12:05
scooperafter he play his part12:05
jelknerso she wants to know what to make12:05
jelknerbut i don't know what to tell her12:05
jelkneri don't know what my choices are12:05
jelknerwould that work?12:06
jelkneri want to make it easy on her12:06
jelknerand safe for me12:06
jelknerthose are the goals12:06
jelkneri could eat paste every day ;-)12:06
jelkneri love it12:06
jelknerok dcammue, did you look into UoPeople?12:07
jelknercan you report back to us?12:07
dcammueThe University of the People have so much course to offer in Business degree12:08
dcammuefirstly if you study with them you will learn12:09
dcammue1. Analyze business problems and opportunities 12:09
dcammue2. Understand core business functions 12:10
dcammue3. Implement business decisions and theories 12:10
dcammue4. Develop leadership and management skills12:10
dcammueand the courses they offer are as follow12:11
dcammueUNIV 1001 Online Education Strategies12:11
dcammueMATH 1201 | college Algebra(proctored course)12:11
dcammueMATH 128o Introduction to statistics(proctored course)12:11
dcammueENGL 1102 English Composition 2(proctored course)12:11
dcammueBUS 1101 principles or Business Management12:12
dcammueBUS 1102 Basic Accounting12:12
dcammueBUS 33o3 entrepreneurship 1(proctored course)12:12
dcammueBUS  33o5 Business Law and Ethics(proctored course)12:12
dcammueBUS  33o6 Business and society (proctored course)12:12
dcammueBUS 44o2  Organizational Behavior (proctored course)12:13
dcammueBUS 44o3 Business policy and strategy (proctored course)12:13
dcammueBUS 44o5 Leadership (proctored course)12:13
jelknerhold on, my friend12:13
jelkneryou are missing an important idea12:13
jelkneronce you start listing courses with 3 and 4 numbers12:14
jelkneryou are not in the Associates Degree program any more12:14
jelknerthis is important for you to understand12:14
jelknerso we can make a plan12:14
jelknerUoPeople offers three Associates Degrees (2-year degrees)12:15
jelknerBusiness Administration12:15
jelknerComputer Science12:15
jelknerHealth Science12:15
jelknersince 2 of those are exactly what we need12:15
jelknerthis is a good fit for us12:16
dcammueI saw that one 12:16
jelknerthey offer Bachalor's Degrees (4-year) degrees in these same fields12:16
jelknerand Masters Degrees (6-year) in these three:12:16
jelknerMBA (Masters in Business Administration)12:17
jelknerInformation Technology12:17
jelknertboimah: you expressed interest in computer science, yes?12:17
jelknerwhat i want to do is arrange for a paid study program sponsored by SJC for two of you12:18
jelknerone in cs and one in business12:18
scooperjelkner, 12:18
jelknerbut you need to think carefully12:18
scooperwhen done please allow me in12:18
jelknerthe payment *will only be given* when you earn an A or B in each course12:18
jelknerif you don't earn at least a B12:18
jelkneryou don't get paid12:18
jelknerso you need to choose your champions again12:19
jelknerlike we did with PCEP12:19
jelknerpick people you know can earn at least a B grade12:19
dcammueokay we will do that12:19
jelknerif you don't earn a B, you don't get paid12:19
jelknerso you need to work hard!12:19
jelknerand achieve success12:19
jelknerACTION done12:19
scoopercan I come in???12:20
jelkneryou don't need to wait on irc scooper 12:20
jelknerjust type12:20
jelknerit takes too long when everyone waits12:20
jelknersince people don't type fast anyway12:20
jelknerjust type at the same time12:20
scooperYou told me last year to pause when I get a PCEP certificate than I can resume12:20
jelknerso we can move12:20
jelknerresume UoPeople?12:21
scoopermy question is, is there any forward studies for me on I m done for now??12:21
jelknerscooper, you all at Jetro should decide12:21
jelknerwith the same rules applying12:21
jelkneronly grades of at least B will be paid12:21
jelkneryou have some experience now12:21
jelknerif you feel confident you can earn at least a B12:22
scooperBut the is a issue here12:22
scooperwe have two slug12:22
jelknerwhat is a slug?12:22
scooperone for Business Deg and the other for IT Degree right12:22
scooperslug is a space12:22
jelknerlike a spot12:22
jelknerok, got it12:22
jelknerwe call it a spot12:23
jelknergot you12:23
jelknerscooper, you all need to really start planning well12:23
jelkneras your skills grow, that will be easier12:23
jelknerwe want all of you to complete your degrees12:23
jelknerMr. Zawolo is asking me where we can find teachers for our school if we get the school12:24
jelkneri told him i think we will need to "grow our own"12:24
jelknerthis is a long term project12:24
jelknerwe need to plan for the next 10 years12:24
jelknerbut right now, we have very limited resources12:24
jelknerthat's why i am suggesting 2 slugs to start12:25
jelknersince we need to prove success12:25
jelknerwhen we raise more funds, we can afford more slugs12:25
jelknermakes sense, right?12:25
jelknerhow to we raise funds?12:25
jelknerby both paid work that Jetro does12:25
jelknerand by donations the support our cause12:26
jelknertboimah: i am counting on you to connect with kei12:26
jelknerwe need to get everyone into our Decidim12:26
tboimahI will do that12:26
jelkneri was hoping you would do that yesterday12:27
jelknershe is having trouble with her email12:27
jelknerwhich is a huge problem12:27
jelknerNOVA Web folks are trying to figure it out12:27
jelknerbut is may take awhile12:27
jelknershe has a gmail account that maybe you can use in the mean time12:28
tboimahI will ask her for it when we meet12:29
jelkneremail her at that address, and cc me on my novaweb one12:29
tboimahokay thanks12:29
jelkneri think that is all for today12:29
scooperBefore you leave12:30
jelkneroh, btw, i messaged UoPeople to request to take another class this next term12:30
jelkneri figured i could take one with you, so we could be doing that together12:30
scooperlet finalized our discuss12:30
jelknerjust type scooper 12:30
jelknerdon't wait!12:30
scooperi m typing my friend12:30
scooperWe are removing car fental for the list12:31
jelknerthat's your decision12:31
scooperthat is no need for scooper to go at robert international airport12:31
jelknerscooper, tboimah, dcammue, you have a $2500 budget for the workshop12:31
jelkneruse it wisely12:31
jelkneri will not try to micro-manage it12:31
jelkneryou decide how to spend it, not me12:32
jelknerjust be smart12:32
scoopergot you12:32
jelknerdon't waste resources12:32
scooperbut we need a car12:32
jelknerand account for everything12:32
jelknerso get one12:32
scooperNo more projector12:32
jelknerwhatever you think12:32
scooperjelkner, is bring one12:32
jelkneri have the projector12:32
jelkneri'm going to test it out today12:32
jelknerok, when do we meet next?12:33
scooperdcammue and thomas12:33
jelkneri am available sunday12:33
jelknernot saturday12:33
scooperwe need to figure how e can get the money out12:33
jelknernot monday12:33
jelkneri am also available tuesday12:33
scooperlike I say the bank need three of us to be present12:33
jelknerwe *definitely* need to meet tuesday12:33
scooperaccording to Mr. Saydee12:33
jelknerwhat about sunday?12:33
scooperYou want us meet sunday??12:34
jelkneri'm asking12:34
jelkneryes or no12:34
jelkneryou tell me12:34
scooperNo problem from my end12:34
jelkneri know you have churce12:34
tboimahwe will meet sunday12:34
jelkneri am available all day12:34
jelknerso what time is best for you?12:34
scooperBut not hour like this on Sunday12:34
jelknerwhat hour?12:35
scooper5:00 my time12:35
jelknerthat is 1 pm my time, yes?12:35
jelknertboimah, dcammue does that work for you?12:36
jelknerwe need to know who else is with us12:36
jelkner3 is not enough for Jetro12:36
jelknerwhat is happening with the others?12:36
scooperI think12:36
scooperthey are having financial challenges12:36
jelknerbut by not showing, they are not earning12:37
jelknerit doesn't make sense!12:37
scooperjelkner, 12:37
tboimah+1 that work for me12:37
dcammuethat work for me12:37
jelknerthese are the kinds of challenges we need to meet12:37
scooperit make sense because they can not afford internet and electricity right now12:37
jelknercan we loan them enough so they can resume participation?12:37
jelkneri am no longer Santa Clause12:37
jelknerthey need to show up in the spreadsheet if they want to get paid12:38
jelknerbut we want to help them do that12:38
scooperThe three manager will work around this scooper , dcammue and thomas12:38
jelknerTHANK YOU!12:38
jelknerplease help your comrades succeed12:38
jelknerwe need to support each other12:38
jelknerok, see you Sunday at 5 pm UTC12:39
scooperdcammue and thomas12:39
scoopercan we plan here 12:39
scooperso other can wee when they arrive here12:39
jelkneri'll leave you to it and check the log later12:39
jelknerACTION signs off12:39
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:39
scooperGuys we have the amount of 2500 in our account12:40
scooperwe can't empty the account all else UBA will block our account12:40
tboimahso what to do12:41
scooperwe will withdraw 2400 if it's possible12:41
scooperpurchase those necessary things that I needed12:41
dcammuewe need12:41
scooperand compensate ourself and the other equally to empower them attend regular meeting12:42
scooperif they still done show up it will be on their head??12:42
dcammuethat a good idea12:42
tboimahso when we will go do the process12:43
dcammuetuesday will be better?12:44
scooperis that ok12:44
scooperhow soon you will be leaving for your mom wedding???12:44
dcammuethis coming saturday?12:45
tboimahI will be leaving as soon as the meeting finish12:45
scooperwhich meeting12:45
scooperour meeting our the wedding meeting??12:46
scooper*all the wedding12:46
tboimahI already prepared so after i will go12:46
tboimahthis meeting12:46
scooperBut we need to meet at my house guys12:47
scooperto  do some setting up12:47
scooperAnd I need everyone collective effort12:48
tboimahso saturday  I will be back12:48
scooperWhat time will you be back???12:48
tboimahmaybe in the evening hour like that12:49
scooperOk then saturday we will get the money12:49
dcammueso sunday we can meet at yout house12:49
scooperpurchase all the necessary things we need12:49
scooperbring it at my place12:50
scooperand you guys will help me do general cleaning up as we prepare for our guest12:50
scooperMake sense12:50
tboimahso scooper 12:52
tboimahwhat time we will go withdrew the money12:52
tboimahso I will know how to plan12:53
scooperIt's late now to go Red Light to Mr. Saydee12:53
scooperso we will do it on Saturday12:53
scooperwe all can start our journey by 9:0012:54
tboimahyes what time on saturday12:54
scooperI said 9:00am12:54
tboimahokay I will think ok it12:55
scooperWe need to do this in the morning hour because we have a meeting with the Emmanuel Temple Church12:55
tboimahbecause i will be coming back on saturday12:55
tboimahokay 12:55
scooperwould you be in the meeting with the ETC12:55
tboimahokay I have to go scooper 12:56
scooperNext after our purchase we will meet with the Emmanuel Temple Church pastor by 4:00pm 12:56
scooperOne more thing before you leave12:56
scooperAccording to je12:57
scooperthis is our meeting agenda with the Emmanuel Temple CHurch12:57
scooper1 To have a place for Jetro Web Development to operates as a cooperative business 2 TO provide hands on learning opportunities for other students who want to pursue work in ICT12:58
scooper3 Lastly our big picture scale to promote the growth of the Solidarity economy in Liberia12:58
scooperI have to leave now13:00
scooperGeneral Secretary dcammue 13:00
tboimahme too13:00
dcammueyes 13:00
scooperplease inform the other again13:00
dcammueI will do13:00
scooperplease tell them that attendance will be high on our agenda13:00
dcammuesee you guys13:00
scooperACTION leaving how13:00
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:01
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:01
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:01

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