IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Thursday, 2024-10-17

*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)03:24
*** Gabriel has quit (None)10:50
*** Gabriel has quit (Remote host closed the connection)10:53
scooperGood morning Jeff10:53
jelknerGood morning scooper 10:54
jelknerWhat happened to Gabriel?10:54
jelknerHe was here a minute ago.10:54
scooperI done know Jeff10:54
jelknerI asked all the UoPeople students to show up today.10:55
jelknerThey aren't here.10:55
scooperexcept I place a call10:55
jelknerThat will save me money, since it means they don't want their stipend next time.10:55
scooperoh this meeting is only intended for them???10:55
scooperOk 10:55
scooperI m about to leave10:55
jelknerDid you see my email from yesterday?10:55
jelknerPlease don't leave10:55
scooperyou ask everyone to turn up10:56
jelknerWe practice transparency.10:56
jelknerSo we should make our meetings open to all whenever we can.10:56
jelknerI was just insisting on the UoPeople students coming.10:56
jelknerDaniel emailed me basically asking for money.10:57
jelknerI wanted to meet with everyone before I sent any.10:57
jelknerIf they don't show now, I won't send it.10:57
scooperI have a question here??10:57
jelknerThere we go, one UoPeople student who wants their stipend! ;-)10:58
jelknerGood morning gabriel.10:58
jelknerYes, scooper?10:58
scooperyou are trying to saying if the uop member don't turn up for meeting everyone get affect???10:58
gabrielGood morning, Scooper and jelkner10:58
jelknerNo, only the 4 UoPeople students10:58
jelknerGabriel (who is here now), Thomas, Shallon, and Daniel10:59
scooperBecause I felt some how frustrated just now10:59
jelknerExplain, scooper.10:59
scooperIt's ok10:59
scooperNow I understand10:59
jelknerHere is what happened:10:59
jelkner1. Daniel emailed me asking for money.11:00
scooperLastly you once told me if it's possible to find a place on 24th street for sale or lease right???11:00
jelkner2. I realized that we have problem to resolve related to our agreement.11:00
jelkner3. I called a meeting to resolve it, and said that the UoPeople students should show if they want their next remitance.11:00
jelknerI also said if they don't show, I will assume that they don't want their next remitance.11:01
jelknerI need to honor that.11:01
jelknerSo only Gabriel should receive his December stipend.11:01
jelknerIf Thomas, Shallon, and Daniel want their January stipend, they need to show up next time we call a meeting.11:02
jelknerscooper, I am under a lot of pressure to make this effort work11:02
scoopercan I appeal on behalf of them11:02
scooperPlease consider their absence or late arrival for today...11:03
scooperI m sure they didn't check their mail..11:03
jelknerso let's try again11:03
gabrielsure, tboimah doesn't have a smart phone to connect, his phone got stolen jelkner11:03
jelknernext time, my friend, when one of you sees and email11:03
jelknerthe rest of you need to contact each other11:03
jelknerwe need communications to flow11:04
jelknerif they don't11:04
jelknerthere is no way Jetro will be ready for paying customers11:04
jelknerI need to go now11:04
scooperFor me the reason I m here is because I usually check my email every morning by 4:00am11:04
jelknerI'll send a brief email saying we will try again Saturday 30 minutes before the SJC board meeting11:04
scooperSo I thought everyone is doing the same....11:05
jelknerIf they don't show Saturday, that's it for December.11:05
scooperOk, I will inform them myself11:05
jelknersee you Saturday my friend.11:05
scooperOk my friend11:05
gabrielthanks, jelkner they'll show up i promise11:05
jelknerme signs off until saturday..11:05
scoopermy regards to your wife11:05
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:05
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:05
*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:05
*** freena has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)14:49
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)16:45
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:56

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