IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Saturday, 2024-10-19

*** gabriel has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:28
svayeHello tboimah and gabriel 12:47
tboimahHello svaye 12:47
gabrielGood afternoon svaye12:48
BigBrothertboimah : gabriel : svaye : dcammue13:00
BigBrotherTick Tock!13:00
BigBrotherIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
BigBrotherUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
BigBrotherUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
BigBrotherHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
svayetboimah,  I think you need to change this to jetroweb development now13:01
tboimahchange what svaye ?13:01
svayethe nova web development13:01
gabrielit was mulbah who jeff told to look it out....13:04
*** svaye has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:06
jelknerGood afternoon gabriel, svaye, and tboimah!13:10
jelknerLooks like dcammue is away13:10
tboimahGood morning jelkner 13:10
tboimahdcammue, is here13:10
gabrielGood morning jeff13:10
jelknerhe is grayed on the list of people13:10
dcammueI'm here Jelkner 13:10
dcammueGood morning 13:11
jelknerwhich usually means you have marked yourself "away"13:11
jelknerthere you go13:12
gabrielWe're all set for the meeting, once again we apologize for this gone meeting13:12
jelknernp, gabriel 13:12
jelknerAs I mentioned, I'm under a lot of stress trying to make this effort a success, so sometimes I get "testy" :-(13:13
jelknerWe need to really step up our game if we want to succeed.13:13
jelknerThe opportunities are tremendous.13:13
jelknerThe more I talk to folks around here, the more clear that is to me.13:14
gabrielsure, we'll have a growth mindset, jeff13:14
jelknerThe NOVA / Jetro Web collaboration will be able to generate all the business you can handle.13:14
jelknerI am totally confident of that.13:14
jelknerSo our task is to "skill up" as soon as we reasonably can.13:14
jelknerQuick logistics question - are you all at Spencer's place?13:15
*** svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:15
jelknerRemember, in about 45 minutes you'll be joining the SJC Board meeting on BigBlueButton.13:16
jelknerI think the only way that works reliably is if you're at Spencer's place, using the wifi router we got while I was there.13:17
jelknerWhat happened to svaye?13:17
tboimahsvaye is trying to reconnect13:18
jelknerI know our meeting wasn't scheduled to start for 12 more minutes, but if it ok with you, I'd like to start now.13:18
jelknerLet me ask several questions that will help me better understand our situation, and then if what I think is the situation is the situation, I'll have a proposal.13:19
jelknerSound good?13:19
jelknerIs that ok?13:19
jelknerAm I correct that gabriel and tboimah have scholarships from UoPeople, but svaye and dcammue do not?13:20
*** dcammue has left #jetrowebdev (None)13:20
tboimahBut will keep trying to help them apply for the scholarships too13:21
gabrielI was offered 1,800 for fifteen credit13:21
*** svaye has quit (None)13:22
jelknerok, svaye and dcammue_ I am going to request that the two of you request a leave of absence for the upcoming term.13:22
svayeGood morning jelkner 13:22
jelknerSJC will pay your administrative fees for the next term, once you send us your grades for term 1.13:23
jelknerYou say when you request your leave for term 2 that the reason you are requesting it is that you don't have the funds available for the admin fees.13:24
jelknerThat may help you get a scholarship.13:24
jelknerBut even if it doesn't, I promise SJC support for term 3, assuming you made the grades we agreed on.13:24
jelknersvaye, dcammue_, do you think you will have B's or better in your classes?13:25
dcammue_+1 jelkner 13:25
jelknerYou rock!13:26
jelknerOK, I have another specific task for you two during your leave of absence...13:26
jelknerAs you probably know, we have an amazing student, Ved Chudawale, who has been helping keep the books and prepare taxes for the 3 businesses we have:13:27
jelkner1. NOVA Web Development13:27
jelkner2. SECOSOL13:27
jelkner3. Social Justice Computing13:28
jelknerVed is a senior, and next year he will be going off to college13:28
jelknerResponsible person that he is, he realizes he may not be able to continue supporting us once he leaves.13:28
jelknerSo, he recruited a new 11th grade student, Devesh, to take over from him next year.13:29
jelknerVed, Devesh and I had a wonderful meeting on Thursday, October 10th, when I met Devesh and talked to him about what I wanted him to do.13:30
jelknerHere is what I told him:13:30
jelkner"I want you to spend the next year working with Shallon and Daniel so that they can take over from you when you graduate in June 2026."13:31
jelknerSo I am proposing we use the next 6 weeks (during Term 2) to start that process.13:32
jelknerWhat do you think?13:32
dcammue_before i answer, i want to know first13:32
dcammue_are we not attending next term?13:33
dcammue_if yes, then i will go for it13:33
jelknerThat is what I am saying, Daniel.13:33
jelknerYou will request a leave of absence for Term 2.13:33
jelknerSaying you do not have the administrative fees required to register.13:34
svayeI think working with Devesh would be great since we won't be attending term 213:34
dcammue_that great13:34
jelknerThat is the academic calendar for UoPeople13:35
jelknerI'm proposing that gabriel and tboimah register for Term 2, since they have scholarships.13:35
jelknerI'm taking a class Term 2 myself, btw.13:36
jelknerSo svaye and dcammue_ should request a leave of absence for Term 2.13:36
jelknerStating "inability to pay" as the reason.13:36
svayeAlright jelkner 13:37
dcammue_okay we will jelkner 13:37
jelknerI'm hoping this will help you get scholarships for Term 3, but even if you don't, as long as your grades meet our agreement, I promise SJC will pay for you in Term 3.13:37
jelknerWhile you are on leave of absence, you will continue to get your monthly stipend of course.13:38
jelknerJust like all the other Jetro Web members.13:38
scooperWhen done I have a concern13:38
jelknerWhat I will be asking you to do with your time, is to start working with Devesh.13:38
jelknerACTION done13:38
dcammue_so that means, if we go for leave of absent for term 2 we will not register for term 2 again?13:39
jelknerdcammue_, I don't understand what you are saying?13:40
scooperOne a been a week now we haven't heard from Fatima and Blu concerning the project we all are task to work on13:40
svayeHow will we get in contact with Devesh jelkner ?13:40
jelknerA leave of absence means you are taking the term off.13:40
jelknersvaye, EMAIL!!!!!13:40
jelknerThat's why checking your email, and responding, is so important13:40
scooperTwo is there any project pending for Jetro Web to work on once their website is complete??13:41
jelknerit is the most reliable asynchronous way for us to communicate.13:41
dcammue_so that means term 2 will pass and we have to continue with term 3 right?13:41
jelknerscooper, let's please finish the business team discussion13:41
gabrielHe's trying to say if they ask for a leave of absence of term 2, why will they be doing in term three since they don't have vast knowledge of term 2?13:41
jelknerand then i'll talk about the web team13:41
jelknerthat's not how it works, gabriel 13:42
jelknerall classes are offered all terms13:42
jelkneryou can start and stop at any time13:42
jelkneri've been doing it for years13:42
jelknerlet me explain13:42
scooperACTION waiting13:42
jelknerThis pages describes the required courses.13:44
jelknerYou can take them *any* term.13:44
jelknerFor example, I decided to enroll again for Term 2.13:45
jelknerI signed up for this course: BUS 5611 Managing Projects and Programs13:47
jelknerSince I thought that course will best help us with our project.13:47
jelknerI could take that course *any* term.13:47
jelknerDoes that answer your question, dcammue_?13:47
jelknerWhen you sign up for course in Term 3, your advisor will help you decide which courses you need to take.13:48
jelknerok, great.  Now on to Spencer's question if the business team is clear.13:48
jelknerAre we ready to move on?13:49
jelknerGreat. scooper I had breakfast with Sahnun this morning.13:49
jelknerHe agreed to come to our get together this Thursday again to work with Blu and Fatima13:50
jelknerscooper, Freena, and Janet should be working directly with Blu and Fatima13:50
jelknerThe 5 of you are the web development team, with Sahnun as a volunteer mentor for the team.13:51
jelknerSahnun needs help with git workflow.13:51
jelknerHe is coming in Thursday so that Matt Gallagher, who is a git expert, can help them with that.13:52
jelknerbtw, this is another thing our comrade Mulbah should be learning to do.13:52
jelknerSo we still have the 3 websites as your main task:13:53
jelkner1. Jetro Web13:53
jelkner2. SJC13:53
jelkner3. SECOSOL13:53
scooperIn short Jetro Web team shouldn't make any modification to the website right? still Blu, Fatima and Sahun say so13:53
jelknergreat question13:53
scooperJeff, the paste and response from Blu and Fatima is a bit slow13:54
jelkneri think this provides a chance for us to learn about git branching13:54
scooperworking like this will definitely delay us.... we want to explore, and move on to other project13:54
jelkneryou should make a branch13:54
jelknermake changes in the branch13:54
scooperThat has been done so many time13:55
jelknerand then merge them into main once the mentor has looked them over13:55
scooperon the Jetro Website13:55
jelknerso let's move this meeting to BigBlueButton13:55
scooperAre you following our project???13:55
jelknerscooper, that's not my job13:55
scooperI mean the Jetro Website13:55
jelknerdon't wait for me13:56
scooperI m just asking13:56
*** dcammue_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:56
jelknerI look at it13:56
jelknerI'm looking at it now13:56
scooperif you are doing some you will definitely notice that we are moving13:56
jelknerbtw, I got a certificate error the other day13:56
jelknerdid you fix that?13:56
jelkneryou rock!13:56
scooperit was fixed by thomas13:56
jelknerthanks tboimah!13:56
jelknerthat's what I'm talking about, Jetro Web Dev rocks!13:57
scooperFrom the look of thing13:57
scooperyou are not looking at the Jetro website13:57
jelknerLet's go to BBB13:57
jelknerI need to start that meeting13:57
gabrielokay, can you please share the link to the BBB meeting, jeff13:58
*** tbiomah has quit (None)13:58
scooperplease send the like again13:59
jelknersave bandwidth13:59
jelkneronly use one computer14:00
jelknerDON'T DO THIS!14:00
jelkneronly one of hyou14:00
jelknerONLY ONE!!!!14:01
*** gabriel has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:18
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*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:31
jelknerscooper, mulbah, tbiomah, a very fine meeting!14:31
jelknerThank you all.14:31
scooperyou are welcome14:31
scoopercan we talk small14:31
scooperbefore you leave???14:31
jelknerin fact, i want to do something14:31
*** tbiomah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:32
jelkneri want to see if you can start the BBB meeting14:32
scooperthat mean we not talking again right14:32
jelknertell tboihman not to leave14:32
jelknerwhat do you mean?14:32
scooperEveryone is here14:32
jelknerlet me send you an email14:32
jelknerwith the account info14:32
jelknerthen see if you can start the meeting14:32
jelknertell me if you can14:32
jelknerand then i'll join14:33
jelknerhold on...14:33
scooperI m trying to connect14:33
jelknerDo you have time to learn something new and try it out?14:37
scooperIS THAT MEAN14:37
jelknerI think Jitsi may be better than BigBlueButton for our needs.14:37
jelknerJitsi is what they use at MayFirst14:37
jelknerIt seems to use less bandwidth14:38
jelknerI can ask MayFirst what they do.14:39
jelknerok, i've got a lot to do today.14:42
jelknerAnything else you need from me now?14:42
tboimahHmmm not really. Thanks for today14:42
jelknerThank you tboimah!14:43
jelknerIt was great to see you! :-)14:43
tboimahyeah me too14:43
jelknerLet's email updates now.14:43
scooperAre you leaving14:43
jelknerLet me know how your leave of absence request goes shallon and dcammue 14:44
jelknerYes, scooper 14:44
scooperI wanted us to talk for few minutes14:44
jelknerWhy not send an email?14:44
scooperBut please visit 14:44
jelknerIt is better14:44
jelknervisit what?14:44
scooperour site and tell us what need to be done next14:44
scooperour website14:44
jelknerThat's not me, scooper!14:44
svayeI email my advisor already jelkner 14:45
jelknerI can't be responsible for that14:45
jelknerI'm not a designer14:45
jelknerand I'm doing too much already14:45
jelknerlet the designers do that14:45
jelknerBlu, Fatima, and Sahnun14:45
scooperWho is the designers14:45
jelknerThey already did14:45
jelknerwe talked about it two Thursdays ago.14:45
jelknerThe gave you a list of small changes14:46
jelknerDid you do those?14:46
scoopernot yet14:46
scooperbut they promise to contribute14:46
jelknerWell then, my dear friend!14:46
scooperso that why we didn't do any further work on it14:47
jelkner*That's* what you need to do first ;-)14:47
jelknerDon't wait, do what they asked14:47
jelknerThat's how you'll learn14:47
scooperbut please be inform that the is no 14:47
jelknerscooper, I'll talk to Mr. Zawolo on Monday14:47
scooperbroken link on our site14:47
scooperConcerning our business registration right14:48
jelknerYes, and I'll ask him why he missed this meeting.14:48
scooperthanks Jeff14:48
jelknerscooper, we need to learn to do these things ourselves14:48
scooperfor bring us this far14:48
jelknerMorris is apparently unreliable14:48
jelknerso we need to learn to do what he is doing14:48
scooperMorris was recommended by Mr. Zawolo14:49
jelknerYes, I know14:49
scooperbut he is not the one doing the actual work according to him14:49
jelknerbut the proof is in the practice, right?14:49
jelknerLike I said, we need to "skill up"14:49
jelknerso we can do these things14:49
jelknerAlright my friend, time for me to get back to teacher work...14:50
jelknerI have lessons to plan, quizzes to write...14:50
jelknerWish me luck.14:50
jelknerand have a great rest of your weekend14:50
jelknerACTION signs off14:51
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:51
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*** gabriel has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:59
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:00
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)16:31
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*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)16:55
*** shallon has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)17:09

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