IRC log of #jetrowebdev for Monday, 2024-11-25

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svayeGood afternoon mulbah 12:44
dcammueGood afternoon guys12:55
svayeGood afternoon dcammue 12:56
dcammueHow is your studies svaye12:57
mulbah_Good afternoon 12:57
GabrielGood afternoon everyone12:58
svayeIt's good dcammue 12:58
GabrielIt's 1pm, can you please jot-down the agenda for today's meeting, dcammue13:00
fkoikoiOkay can we start the meeting now ?13:03
fkoikoiThe others will join us later13:04
mulbah_Jeff na joining the meeting 13:04
Gabrielyea we can, because it is after..13:04
fkoikoiBase on their excuses they give me13:04
fkoikoiOkay,  good afternoon to all and thanks for showing up here13:05
Gabrielmulbah, no he won't cus this should be done amount us, he only want update on how we go about and what's solution meant...13:05
fkoikoiI call for this meeting to discuss the Jetroweb office issue and the Jetroweb Artticle of Incorporation 13:06
mulbah_Alright 13:06
Gabrielwhere is dcammue and tboimah13:06
dcammueSorry I was using freena nick name13:07
dcammueSo, now Gabriel , have you guys fine a suitable office space for jetroweb 13:08
dcammueSince your choice to do that?13:08
Gabrielwhen we i saw the message about scooper aunt place i pause on the place....13:10
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freenaGood afternoon dcammue, svaye, 13:12
svayeGood afternoon freena 13:13
Gabrielso when will the meeting start?13:13
dcammueMeeting is on going Gabriel.13:14
svayeGuys can we please speed up the discussion I am getting late13:14
jkollieSo I we going to take scooper month place for 250 last price 200 per or 13:16
jkollieWe will find other place like Jkollie said saw for 12013:16
Gabrielsure i go with jkollie..13:17
jkollieIn Bandersville . If I may misspell the area name13:17
svayeI think we should check both places out before we make a decision13:17
jkollieShe said that the man said that the place in fans13:18
dcammueOkay now please let us know if we are going to see the places on Saturday 13:19
dcammuesvaye, mulbah_,   and freena 13:20
Gabrielthen that will be before the next meeting13:20
dcammueWhat your saying 13:20
svayeThat's great but I think we should check it out on Saturday jkollie. dcammue, Gabriel, and freena what do you guys say13:20
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svayewe could go by 10 am and come back before three for our meeting 13:21
dcammueI want us to check out the two places scooper mother place and the man in bandersville13:21
freenaGood 13:21
dcammueOkay,  let talk on the Article of Incorporation 13:22
dcammuefreena: 13:22
freenaDo you have the man contact dcammue 13:23
dcammueJkollie did13:23
freenaAlright 13:23
dcammueI will ask her fir it after the meeting 13:23
freenaI can go there too since I live Barnerville 13:24
dcammueTell the people about our mission to Liberia business registry 13:24
freenaTake the lead dcammue 13:24
freenaI will come in later 13:25
dcammueWe when to Liberia Business Registry on last  Tuesday 13:25
dcammueAnd we meet a lady. She told us that before we go about doing a business in liberia we must register our business with 13:26
dcammueThe maximum membership of five13:27
dcammueAnd we should provide the following legal documents like13:27
dcammueArticle of Incorporation,  and National Identification ID Card13:28
dcammueAnd we did an addition to the Article of Incorporation 13:28
dcammueBy adding Freena and mulbah_ to the membership 13:29
dcammueOf the business 13:29
dcammueAnd she told us that we will need to pay the amount of 150 USD for all process that will be conducted 13:30
dcammueAnd the process will last for the maximum of one week 13:31
dcammueIf all we have all legal documents and are correct 13:31
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dcammueI know that this shouldn't have been decided among freena and myself by adding Freena and mulbah to the membership form13:32
freenaTwo weeks dcammue 13:32
dcammueIt should have  been discussed among us before 13:33
dcammueForgiveness on that aspect 13:33
dcammueBut if there is still down hearted to anyone said, we can still dicuss and rearrange the Article of Incorporation 13:34
dcammueSo any comments?13:35
freenaChanges can still be made because we have not yet notorized the Article 13:36
freenaWe can do reprint before motorizing it13:37
dcammueI think everyone is in support of the idea right?
dcammueThis is the Article of Incorporation,  you can download it and read it13:39
GabrielWhy everyone name is not on it?13:40
dcammueGabriel, are you following the discussion?13:41
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freenaThanks dcammue 13:42
dcammueI said that the lady at Liberia Business Registry said that the maximum membership to cooperate Business in Liberia is five people 13:42
dcammueIf you have dots we can discuss it before signing the Acticle of Incorporation 13:43
dcammueSo any dot Gabriel?13:44
dcammueOkay,  that's all I have for today meeting. Thanks to everyone for showing up. Have a nice day 13:44
svayeThanks for the update dcammue 13:45
dcammueYou welcome 13:45
dcammueSo Saturday we are going to see the two places right 13:46
dcammueLet's finalise things here before leaving 13:46
dcammueIf we are going,  then what time?13:47
Gabrielno i suggest before saturday13:47
freenaLet's do it before Saturday 13:48
dcammueFor me I will say no, because others can have busy schedules 13:48
GabrielHnn ok13:48
dcammuesvaye: and mulbahkolleh_ 13:48
dcammueYour not responding 13:49
svayeI suggest saturday13:49
freenaSaturday is our meeting day 13:50
jkollieSaturday is okay13:50
Gabrieli don't think so13:50
dcammueSaturday is okay13:51
dcammueFoe me13:51
svayeLike I said we could meet by 10am and be back before 3pm13:51
freenaBut if you guys insist than it's fine 13:51
svayeI have to go now guys 13:53
svayehave a nice day everyone13:53
dcammueOkay update you soon svaye 13:53
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dcammueOkay,  so almost everyone is saying Saturday,  so we will go for Saturday 13:55
dcammueGabriel: if you will be busy on Saturday we understood you already 13:55
dcammueNo need to think that we will say you don't want to go.13:56
dcammueThanks guys, have nice day13:56
dcammueWe will be meet to barnerville Junction by 9:30  am, and late arrivals will be by 10:00 am, then after we can star our journey 13:58
dcammueACTION quitting now13:59
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mulbahwassup freena14:28
freenaHi Mulbah 14:29
mulbahhow are you doing14:30
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